23,841 research outputs found

    La minería en España

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    La formación como promotora del desarrollo sociopersonal. Una propuesta de evaluación

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    Se presenta en este estudio un modelo de evaluación multidimensional para un programa formativo con mujeres de nivel socioeconómico bajo. En el programa formativo —que duró dos años— participaron 20 mujeres de entre 24 y 49 años. Las dimensiones estudiadas según un diseño pretest-postest fueron (1) la autoestima, (2) el locus de control, (3) el apoyo social y (4) los conocimientos. Además, se realizó un cuestionario de satisfacción. Los datos parecen apoyar la idea de que el proceso formativo ha creado cambios significativos en las dimensiones evaluadas. Se discute acerca de la conveniencia de evaluaciones multidimensionales para poder maximizar los efectos de los programas de intervenciónIn this study we present a model of evaluation for a formative program with low socio-economic level women. In the formative program —during two years— twenty 24-49 years old women participated. Dimensions studied according to a pretest-postest design were (1) the self-esteem, (2) the locus of control, (3) the social support and (4) the knowledge. Also, a questionnaire of satisfaction was created. Data show that formative process has produced significant changes in the evaluated dimensions. We discuss about the convenience of multidimensional evaluations to be able to maximize the effects of the formative programs

    Downsizing implementation and financial performance

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    In the present study we explore the relationship between downsizing decisions and corporate financial performance after top management has decided to downsize. Our focus is on the financial consequences arising from the amount of downsizing and the use of disengagement incentives. For this purpose, we use a sample of downsizing announcements in the Spanish press from 1995 up to 2001. Although the results show that the amount of downsizing is not significantly related to post-downsizing profitability, the evidence provided supports the finding that the use of disengagement incentives (which motivate workers to leave the organization) is negatively related to firm performance. Our analysis helps to understand the role that strategic downsizing decisions play in explaining observed variance in the performance of downsized firms. Thus, it advances scholarly organizational research by reinforcing the concept that corporate performance is not only contingent on strategies, but also influenced by the means through which these strategies are implemented

    Does downsizing improve organizational performance? An analysis of Spanish manufacturing firms

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    The objective of this study is to examine the effect of downsizing on corporate performance, considering a sample of manufacturing firms drawn from the Spanish Survey of Business Strategies during the 1993- 2005 period. No significant differences in post-downsizing performance arise between companies which downsize and those that do not. Likewise, we find that substantial workforce reductions through collective dismissals do not either lead to improved performance levels. Downsizing, therefore, may not be a way for managers to increase performance, particularly in a context like the Spanish one, where the labour market is characterized by a high protection of employees’ rights and substantial contract termination costs

    Are regional institutional factors determinants of the capital structure of SMEs?

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    This paper analyses the role that institutional factors play in explaining differences in the capital structure of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across regions belonging to a single country. Specifically, it studies the effect of the development of the financial sector and of the economic situation on leverage of firms. Furthermore, the standard firm-factor determinants of debt, such as firm size, asset structure, profitability, growth, business risk and age are also incorporated. For this empirical study, we use a sample of 638 SMEs representing every Spanish region for the period 1999-2007, and apply the panel data methodology. Our results suggest that the capital structure depends on the regional financial sector and the regional economic situation which implies that institutional factors at regional level help to better explain financing decisions of SMEs

    Equimultiple locus of embedded algebroid surfaces and blowing-up in characteristic zero

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    The smooth equimultiple locus of embedded algebroid surfaces appears naturally in many resolution process, both classical and modern.In this paper we explore how it changes by blowing–up.Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Financial forecasts of SMEs in IPOs: fact or fiction?

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    Este artículo valora el proceso de previsión financiera de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) en sus salidas a bolsa. Específicamente, se analiza la calidad de las previsiones de beneficios realizadas y se exploran los factores que determinan la precisión de tales previsiones. Este estudio considera todas las empresas que han salido a cotizar al Mercado Alternativo Bursátil español (MAB). Los resultados muestran que los directivos de las empresas del MAB han sido mayoritariamente optimistas y altamente imprecisos en la estimación de los beneficios futuros.This article assesses the financial forecasts of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their process of initial public offering (IPO). In particular, the quality of earnings forecasts is analysed and the determinants of accuracy of earning forecasts are explored. To this end, the empirical study considers all the companies listed on the Spanish Alternative Stock Market (MAB). The results show that managers of newly listed Spanish SMEs have mostly been optimistic and highly inaccurate when estimating their future earnings

    Hironaka's characteristic polygon and effective resolution of surfaces

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    Hironaka’s concept of characteristic polyhedron of a singularity has been one of the most powerful and fruitful ideas of the last decades in singularity theory. In fact, since then combinatorics have become a major tool in many important results. However, this seminal concept is still not enough to cope with some effective problems: for instance, giving a bound on the maximum number of blowing–ups to be performed on a surface before its multiplicity decreases. This short note shows why such a bounding is not possible, at least with the original definitions.Universidad de SevillaMinisterio de Ciencia y TecnologíaJunta de Andalucí

    Equimultiple locus of embedded algebroid surfaces and blowing-up in arbitrary characteristic

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    This paper extends previous results of the authors, concerning the behaviour of the equimultiple locus of algebroid surfaces under blowing–up, to arbitrary characteristic.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaJunta de Andalucí

    La Luna, mitología y ciencia

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    Muchas civilizaciones han considerado a la Luna como la dueña del tiempo, del devenir y del destino. Algunas historias y leyendas la muestran como dominadora de las aguas y señora de la vegetación. Hay muchas creencias populares alrededor de la Luna; de su supuesta relación con la agricultura proviene la creencia en la influencia de la Luna para conseguir más frutos, tierras más productivas o conocer la mejor época para la siembra o la siega. Según otras creencias populares, muchas mujeres se ponen de parto en los días que se produce un cambio de fase lunar. También existe una creencia popular según la cual antiguamente los periodos menstruales de las mujeres iban a la par con el ciclo lunar, ovulando el día de luna llena y menstruando el día de luna nueva. En la antigüedad, los eclipses eran motivo de admiración o temor y su periodicidad ya fue estudiada y conocida por culturas muy antiguas y su conocimiento fue una tarea de observación minuciosa. También en la antigüedad, se observaron las mareas y desde entonces se tenía la percepción de alguna relación con la posición de la Luna, aunque no se pudieron explicar hasta que Newton enunció su teoría de la gravedad.Many civilizations have considered the moon as the mistress of time, evolution and destiny. Some stories and legends show her as mistress of the water and lady of the vegetation. There are many popular beliefs about the moon, for his alleged involvement with agriculture stems from the belief in the influence of the moon to get more fruit, more productive land or know the best time to plant or harvest. According to other popular beliefs, many women are put in childbirth in the days that there is a change of moon phase. There is also a popular belief according to which formerly the women’s menstrual periods were on par with the lunar cycle, ovulation on the day of full moon and menstruate new moon day. In ancient times, eclipses were a source of admiration or fear, and their frequency was discussed and known to ancient cultures and their knowledge was a task close observation. Also in ancient times, tides and since then there was the perception of some relation to the position of the moon, but could not be explained until Newton enunciated his theory of gravity.Moltes civilitzacions han considerat a la Lluna com la propietària del temps, de l’esdevenir i del destí. Algunes històries i llegendes la mostren com la dominadora de les aigües i senyora de la vegetació. Hi ha moltes creences populars al voltant de la Lluna; de la seva suposada relació amb l’agricultura prové la creença en la influència de la Lluna per aconseguir més fruits, terres més productives o conèixer la millor època per a la sembra o la sega. Segons altres creences populars, moltes dones es posen de part en els dies que es produeix un canvi de fase lunar. També hi ha una creença popular segons la qual antigament els períodes menstruals de les dones anaven a la par amb el cicle lunar, ovulant el dia de lluna plena i menstruant el dia de lluna nova. En l’antiguitat, els eclipsis eren motiu d’admiració o temor i la seva periodicitat ja va ser estudiada i coneguda per cultures molt antigues i el seu coneixement va ser una tasca d’observació minuciosa. També en l’antiguitat, es van observar les marees i des de llavors es tenia la percepció d’alguna relació amb la posició de la Lluna, encara que no es van poder explicar fins que Newton va enunciar la seva teoria de la gravetat