3 research outputs found

    Quodons in Mica 2013

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    Quodons in Mica 2013 INDEX 1. Introduction. 3. JFR Archilla, SMM Coelho, FD Auret, V Dubinko and V Hizhnyakov. Experimental observation of moving discrete breathers in germanium. 5. L Brzihik. Bisolectrons in harmonic and anharmonic lattices. 6. AP Chetverikov. Solitons and charge transport in triangular and quadratic Morse lattices. 7. LA Cisneros-Ake. Travelling coherent structures in the electron transport in 2D anharmonic crystal lattices. 8. SMM Coelho, FD Auret, JM Nel and JFR Archilla. The origin of defects induced in ultra-pure germanium by Electron Beam Deposition. 10. S Comorosan and M Apostol. Theory vs. Reality - Localized excitations induced by optical manipulation of proteins, as a different approach to link experiments with theory. 12. L Cruzeiro. The amide I band of crystalline acetanilide: old data under new light. 13. SV Dmitriev and AA Kistanov. Moving discrete breathers in crystals with NaCl structure. 15. V Dubinko, JFR Archilla, SMM Coelho and V Hizhnyakov. Modeling of the annealing of radiation-induced defects in germanium by moving discrete breathers. 16. JC Eilbeck. Numerical simulations of nonlinear modes in mica: past, present and future. 17. A Ferrando, C Mili\'an, DE Ceballos-Herrera and Dmitry V. Skryabin. Soliplasmon resonances at metal-dielectric interfaces. 19. YuB Gaididei. Energy localization in nonlinear systems with flexible geometry. 20. D Hennig. Existence and non-existence of breather solutions in damped and driven nonlinear lattices. 21. P Jason and M Johansson. Existence, dynamics and mobility of Quantum Compactons in an extended Bose-Hubbard model. 22. N. Jiménez, JFR Archilla, Y. Kosevich, V. Sánchez-Morcillo and LM García-Raffi. A crowdion in mica. Between K40 recoil and transmission sputtering. 24. M Johansson. Strongly localized moving discrete solitons (breathers): new ways to beat the Peierls-Nabarro barrier. 26. YA Kosevich and AV Savin. Energy transport in molecular chains with combined anharmonic potentials of pair interatomic interaction. 28. B Malomed, C Mejía-Cortés and RA Vicencio. Mobile discrete solitons in the one-dimensional lattice with the cubic-quintic nonlinearity. 29. FM Russell. Recording process in iron-rich muscovite crystals. 30. L Salasnich. Bright solitons of attractive Bose-Einstein condensates confined in quasi-1D optical lattice. 31. V Sánchez-Morcillo, LM, Garcíaa-Raffi, V. Romero-Garcíaa, R. Picó, A. Cebrecos, and Kestutis Staliunas. Wave localization in chirped sonic crystals. 32. P Selyschev, V Sugakov and T Didenko. Peculiarities of the change of temperature and heat transfer under irradiation. 33. K Staliunas. Taming of Modulation Instability: Manipulation, and Complete Suppression of Instability by Spatio-Temporal Periodic Modulation. 34. G Tsironis. Gain-Driven Breathers in PT-Symmetric Metamaterials. 36. JAD Wattis and IA Butt. Moving breather modes in two-dimensional lattices.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación FIS2008-0484

    Rate Theory of Acceleration of Defect Annealing Driven by Discrete Breathers

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    Siendo un capítulo de libro es un poco estraño que los campos correspondan a una revista. Tal vez, en vez de coordinador/director deberían ser editores, y en vez de editor, editorial. En cambio faltarían campos como volumen y serieNovel mechanisms of defect annealing in solids are discussed, which are based on the large amplitude anharmonic lattice vibrations, a.k.a. intrinsic localized modes or discrete breathers (DBs). A model for amplification of defect annealing rate in Ge by low energy plasma-generated DBs is proposed, in which, based on recent atomistic modelling, it is assumed that DBs can excite atoms around defects rather strongly, giving them energy ≫ kBT for ~100 oscillation periods. This is shown to result in the amplification of the annealing rates proportional to the DB flux, i.e. to the flux of ions (or energetic atoms) impinging at the Ge surface from inductively coupled plasma (ICP)

    Supersonic Kinks in Coulomb lattices

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    There exist in nature examples of lattices of elements for which the interaction is repulsive, the elements are kept in place because different reasons, as border conditions, geometry (e.g., circular) and, certainly, the interaction with other elements in the system, which provides an external potential. A primer example are layered silicates as mica muscovite, where the potassium ions form a two dimensional lattice between silicate layers. We propose an extremely simplified model of this layer in order to isolate the properties of a repulsive lattice and study them. We find that they are extremely well suited for the propagation of supersonic kinks and multikinks. Theoretically, they may have as much energy and travel as fast as desired. This striking results suggest that the properties of repulsive lattices may be related with some yet not fully explained direct and indirect observations of lattice excitations in muscovite