23 research outputs found

    Evaluation of soil water budget over the Iberian Peninsula using PRUDENCE regional climate simulations

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    Póster presentado en: 7th EMS Annual Meeting and 8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology 2007 (ECAM) celebrado del 1 al 5 de octubre de 2007 en San Lorenzo del Escorial, Madrid

    Using feedback from summer subtropical highs to evaluate climate models

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    This letter aims to broaden the spectrum of methods for model evaluation by providing new physically based metrics that focus on accurate couplings between subsystems of the climate system. A simplified version of the feedback scheme that describes the dynamics of subtropical high-pressure systems is applied to evaluate how well CMIP5 climate models can simulate atmosphere–ocean–land interactions and resulting feedbacks in the Azores high-pressure system during summer, which affects climate throughout the Atlantic near southern Europe and North Africa

    Comparison of ground based global radiation measurements from AEMET radiation network with SIS (Surface Incoming Shortwave Radiation) from Climate Monitoring-SAF

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    Ponencia presentada en: 2010 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference celebrada del 20-24 de septiembre de 2010 en Córdoba.A comparison of monthly mean values for 2006 of daily global radiation from 31 radiometric stations, which form part of the AEMET (Spanish State Meteorological Agency) Radiation Network, with SIS (Surface Incoming Shortwave Radiation) from Climate Monitoring-Satellite Application Facility (CMSAF) has been performed. The shortwave solar radiation is the flux reaching a horizontal unit earth surface in the 0.2 – 4µm wavelength band expressed in W/m2 . SIS product is computed using SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager) and AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) data. The surface irradiance SIS is calculated from the incoming solar flux at the top of the atmosphere E0, and the atmospheric transmittance T which is estimated with a radiative transfer model in relationship to the Top Of the atmosphere Albedo (TOA) for different atmospheric and surface states. The results show very similar data and sometimes near-coincident measurements between both sources of information with discrepancies around ±5%. In this study, a good agreement between monthly SIS data and monthly global radiation from ground based stations is showed for most of the year 2006. The study reveals very encouraging results for the use of SIS data to elaborate a solar radiation Atlas for Iberian Peninsula region

    Los balances hídrico y energético en el suelo de la Península Ibérica en los modelos climáticos regionales del proyecto PRUDENCE: evaluación y proyecciones climáticas

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    Esta nota técnica pretende, en primer lugar, extraer información de las proyecciones climáticas para el período 2071-2100 de modelos climáticos regionales para la Península Ibérica y Baleares, analizando las variaciones proyectadas de los componentes del balance hidrológico y del balance energético en el suelo, y, en segundo lugar, tratar de imputar las incertidumbres de dichas predicciones a las distintas fuentes posibles: escenarios de emisión (IEEE), modelos climáticos globales (MCG) y modelos climáticos regionales (MCR). A este fin se han utilizado los nueve MCR que participan en el proyecto europeo PRUDENCE

    Evaluation and comparison of regional climate models over the Iberian Peninsula

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    Póster presentado en el 4th HyMeX workshop celebrado del 8-10 de junio de 2010 en Bolonia, Italia.Different relations between parameters involved in both water and energy land surface budgets are computed from daily ERA-Interim data for the months of July and November(representative of the dry and wet season) in the period 1989-2008 over an area within the Iberian Península covering most of Tajo and Guadiana basins (from 40.5N to 37.5N, and from 7.0W to 2.0W). The main objective of this work is to use the obtained relations for the evaluation and comparison of regional climate models (RCMs) participating in the ENSEMBLES project. This approach was first proposed by Betts (2004) for comparing and evaluating global climate models. He proposed the assessment of model surface components as a system with widely connected components. In this way, models are compared among themselves and evaluated against observational data. The work is mainly focused on the goodness of the representation of physical surface processes and their feedbacks. The obtained relationships among different parameters are therefore considered as imposed restrictions by physical processes which can be used to evaluate RCMs

    Physically based evaluation of climate models over the Iberian Peninsula

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    A novel approach is proposed for evaluating regional climate models based on the comparison of empirical relationships among model outcome variables. The approach is actually a quantitative adaptation of the method for evaluating global climate models proposed by Betts (Bull Am Meteorol Soc 85:1673–1688, 2004). Three selected relationships among different magnitudes involved in water and energy land surface budgets are firstly established using daily re-analysis data. The selected relationships are obtained for an area encompassing two river basins in the southern Iberian Peninsula corresponding to 2 months, representative of dry and wet seasons. The same corresponding relations are also computed for each of the thirteen regional simulations of the ENSEMBLES project over the same area. The usage of a metric based on the Hellinger coefficient allows a quantitative estimation of how well models are performing in simulating the relations among surface magnitudes. Finally, a series of six rankings of the thirteen regional climate models participating in the ENSEMBLES project is obtained based on their ability to simulate such surface processes.The ENSEMBLES data used in this work was funded by the EU FP6 Integrated Project ENSEMBLES (Contract number 505539) whose support is gratefully acknowledged by the authors of the paper, without these data it would have been imposible to write this article

    Comparación de medidas de radiación global de la red radiométrica de AEMET con los valores del SIS (Surface Incoming Shortwave Radiation) del SAF de clima

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    Comunicación presentada en la II Jornades de Meteorologia i Climatologia de la Mediterrània Occidental celebradas del 11-12 de marzo de 2010 en Valenci

    Comparación de medidas de radiación global de la red radiométrica de AEMET con los valores del SIS (Surface Incoming Shortwave Radiation) del SAF de clima (CM-SAF)

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    Poster presentado en las II Jornades de Meteorologia i Climatologia de la Mediterrània Occidental celebradas del 11-12 de marzo de 2010 en Valenci