93 research outputs found

    Clustering, dispersion and sociodemographics characteristics in the spatial incorporation of Peruvians migrants in Córdoba, Argentina

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    Analizar los patrones espaciales de la migración peruana en la Ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina y comparar la población nacida en Perú que se encuentra agrupada en clústers con aquella dispersa en la ciudad. Se utilizaron técnicas de estadística espacial y análisis sociodemográfico. En la primera fase se usaron medidas globales de autocorrelación espacial (índice global de Moran) y medidas locales de agrupación espacial para representar clústers de población (Gi* de Getis Ord). En la segunda fase se realiza un análisis sociodemográfico de los clústers de población agrupada y dispersa. Resultados:se sugiere la interacción de dos procesos. En primer lugar, la concentración en zonas específicas de la ciudad de migrantes peruanos en patrones que no son aleatorios. Migrantes más antiguos se encuentran principalmente dispersos en la ciudad mientras migrantes más recientes se encuentran concentrados. En segundo lugar, los migrantes peruanos hombres dispersos tienen una mayor diversificación en cuanto a la estructura ocupacional y una mejor posición socioeconómica que los agrupados. Los patrones observados sugieren que existen diferenciales de género en estos procesos. Las mujeres, tanto las que se encuentran dispersas como las agrupadas, presentan una situación socioeconómica más precaria que los hombres. Esa situación es transversal a la dispersión/concentración en el espacio urbano. Conclusiones:se sugiere que las composiciones de clase, género y la temporalidad de los flujos migratorios articulan las modalidades de incorporación a la sociedad de destino.To analyze the spatial patterns of Peruvian migration in the city of Cordoba, Argentina and to compare the Peruvian migrants in clusters with Peruvian migrants scattered in the city. Spatial statistical techniques and socio-demographic analysis are used for this analysis. In the first phase, global measures of spatial autocorrelation (Global Moran Index) and local measures of spatial clustering represent clusters of population (Getis-Ord Gi*). In the second phase, a sociodemographic analysis of population in clusters and population dispersed is carried out. Results:we suggest there are two entangled processes. First, the concentration in specific areas of the city of Peruvian migrants in patterns that are not random. Older migrants are mainly dispersed in the city while more recent migrants are concentrated. Second, dispersed Peruvian men have greater diversification in terms of occupational structure and better socioeconomic status than Peruvian migrants dispersed. Women both dispersed and in clusters have a more precarious economic situation than men. This situation is transversal to the dispersion / concentration in urban space. It is suggested that the composition of class, gender and temporality of migration flows articulate the modalities of incorporation in the society of destination.Fil: Gómez, Pablo Martín Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez Soria, David. Asociación Ecuatoriana de Estudios de Población; Ecuado

    Aproximación de la relación de los flujos migratorios en el proceso de segregación.

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    El estudio de segregación espacial1 y las migraciones humanas se caracteriza por la gran diversidad de enfoques conceptuales, teóricos y metodológicos. En primer lugar, la migración entendida como un fenómeno de análisis multidisciplinario en las ciencias sociales ha generado el interés de numerosas especialidades con diferentes miradas, concibiendo diversas corrientes complementarias entre sí, en las cuales la variable espacial no es el eje común de discusión y análisis. En segundo lugar, el estudio de la segregación espacial 1 investiga la heterogeneidad de los grupos poblacionales y permite inferir los mecanismos de producción de sus diferencias en el territorio. Precisamente, desde el punto de vista demográfico, se presenta el reto en la vinculación de dos procesos que modelan la ocupación del espacio –la migración y la segregación espacial– en el caso de estudio del conurbano de la ciudad de Quito-Ecuador en la ronda censal 2010 y la relación de la migración interna y externa en la formación de áreas de segregadas. En cuanto a los estudios empíricos sobre la segmentación de la población y procesos migratorios durante las últimas décadas, estos han analizado el fenómeno poblacional desde diferentes aproximaciones teóricas, escalas de análisis y metodología. En pocos casos, se relaciona los campos teóricos de la segregación espacial y población migrante y menos aún en ciudades intermedias de América Latina. 1 entendida como el grado en que los individuos de diferentes grupos ocupan o experimentan diferentes entornos sociales (Reardon & O’Sullivan, 2004:122

    Biomecánica y mecanismo de producción del traumatismo cráneo-encefálico en el peatón atropellado. Evaluación de la normativa actual en la automoción

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    Introducción Los atropellos son una de las principales causas de muerte entre los accidentes de tráfico. Recientemente, ha aumentado el estudio de los atropellos, principalmente debido a la aplicación de la normativa europea y japonesa en protección de peatones. Esta investigación presenta un análisis del traumatismo cráneo-encefálico del peatón atropellado, asociándolo con la estructura del vehículo responsable de la lesión, su mecanismo de daño y comparando el resultado con la normativa existente. Métodos La metodología empleada ha consistido en un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo y transversal, mediante el estudio de datos de peatones atropellados recogidos en la base de datos americana (PCDS) que analiza a un total de 552 peatones atropellados y un total de 4.500 lesiones documentadas. Resultados De acuerdo con este estudio, el capó es el causante del 15,1% de las lesiones de la cabeza del peatón, mientras que el parabrisas es responsable de 41,8% de todas las lesiones. En el caso de los vehículos tipo utilitario la ubicación del impacto de la cabeza se produce por encima de lo que se espera en la regulación actual y, por lo tanto, no se aplican las contramedidas necesarias. De todas las lesiones en la cabeza sufridas por los peatones solo el 20% tiene la aceleración lineal como mecanismo de lesión, el 40% de las lesiones se deben a la aceleración rotacional. Conclusiones En esta investigación se pone de manifiesto la importancia de la aceleración rotacional como mecanismo de daño en la cabeza del peatón atropellado. En la normativa actual solo la aceleración lineal está contemplada en la formulación del principal criterio biomecánico utilizado para predecir el traumatismo cráneo-encefálico.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Injury pattern in lethal motorbikes-pedestrian collisions, in the area of Barcelona, Spain

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    Introduction: There are several studies about M1 type vehicle-pedestrian collision injury pattern, and based on them, there has been several changes in automobiles for pedestrian protection. However, the lack of sufficient studies about injury pattern in motorbikes-pedestrian collisions leads to a lack of optimization design of these vehicles. The objective of this research is to study the injury pattern of pedestrians involved in collisions with motorized two-wheeled vehicles. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of pedestrian’s deaths after collisions with motorcycles in an urban area, like Barcelona was performed. The cases were collected from the Forensic Pathology Service database of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Catalonia. The selected cases were categorized as pedestrian-motorcycle collision, between January 1st 2006 and December 31th 2014. Data were collected from the autopsy, medical, and police report. The collected information was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel statistical functions. Results: Traumatic Brain Injury is the main cause of death in pedestrian hit by motorized two-wheeled vehicles (62.85%). The most frequent injury was the subarachnoid hemorrhage, in 71.4% of cases, followed by cerebral contusions and skull base fractures (65.7%). By contrast, pelvic fractures and tibia fractures only appeared in 28.6%. Conclusions: The study characterizes the injury pattern of pedestrians involved in a collision with motorized two-wheeled vehicles in an urban area, like Barcelona, which has been found to be different from other vehicle-pedestrian collisions, with a higher incidence of brain injuries and minor frequency of lower extremities fractures in pelvis, tibia and fibula.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    New constraints on the closure of the Betic Seaway and the western Mediterranean palaeoclimate during the Messinian Salinity Crisis from the Campo Coy Basin (SE Spain)

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    The Campo Coy Basin (SE Spain) exposes >1 km of sedimentary succession with a variety of rocks including a thick evaporitic succession previously associated with the Messinian time. These evaporites were supposedly deposited in a restricted Mediterranean-Atlantic seaway connecting the Lorca and Guadix-Baza basins, although no chronological or geochemical data existed. Here we use palaeomagnetism together with vertebrate and foraminifera biostratigraphy to constrain the age of the Campo Coy succession between <9 Ma and 4.7 Ma. We use geochemistry (δ34S, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values) of the gypsum deposits to evaluate their marine or continental origin. In addition, we describe the underlying and overlying lithostratigraphic units to reconstruct the palaeogeographic evolution of this region. Our results show that the sediments were deposited in a continental environment, indicating that the Betic Seaway was already closed in this region during the late Tortonian and that the neighbouring marine basins of Guadix-Baza and Lorca were disconnected during that time. The δ34S, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values of the gypsum indicate recycling from the Triassic sulphates. Sedimentary facies of the evaporites point to an environment dominated by a saline lake with continental sabkha episodes developed during the driest periods. Well-defined and laterally continuous evaporitic cyclicity suggests an orbital forcing and high sedimentation rates preceding the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC). Alluvial deposits are contemporaneous with the MSC indicating a dry continental environment in this region during the Mediterranean restriction. Overlaying lacustrine carbonates are rich in small vertebrate fauna including African species that migrated to Europe during the MSC. These carbonates have low δ18O and δ13C values characteristic for freshwater input in an open lake just after the Zanclean flood, suggesting that a wet climate followed the MSC.Funding was provided by the grants CGL-2016-79458 and PID2020-118999GB-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN)/ State Research agency of Spain (AEI)/10.13039/501100011033, and by the Catalonian Government Actions 21-SGR-829 and PGC2018-094122-B-100

    Influence of anthopometric variables on the mechanical properties of human rib cortical bone

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    Objective. The mechanical properties of ribs from a large number of post-mortem human subjects (PMHS) were analyzed to search for variation according to age, sex or BMI in the sample. A large sample of specimens from different donors (N = 64) with a very wide range of ages and anthropometric characteristics was tested. Methods. Uniaxial tensile tests were used for a sample of coupons machined from cortical bone tissue in order to isolate the purely mechanical properties from the geometrically influenced properties of the rib. Each coupon is about 25 mm long and has a thickness of about 0.5 mm. The mechanical properties measured for each specimen/coupon include YM, yield stress, ultimate stress (maximum failure stress), ultimate strain, and resilience (energy to fracture of SED). The study provides new methodological improvements in DIC techniques. Results. This study is notable for using an atypically large sample of number of PMHS. The size of the sample allowed the authors to determine that age has a significant effect on failure stress (p < 0.0001), yield stress (p = 0.0047), ultimate strain (p < 0.0001) and resilience (p < 0.0001) [numbers in parentheses represent the corresponding p - values]. Finally, there is a combined effect, so that for a given age, an increase of BMI leads to a decrease of the maximum strain (i.e. cortical bone is less stiff when both age and BMI are higher).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Viscoelastic characterization of parasagittal bridging veins and implications for traumatic brain injury: a pilot study

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    Many previous studies on the mechanical properties of Parasagittal Bridging Veins (PSBVs) found that strain rate had a significant effect on some mechanical properties, but did not extensively study the viscoelastic effects, which are difficult to detect with uniaxial simple tensile tests. In this study, relaxation tests and tests under cyclic loading were performed, and it was found that PSBVs do indeed exhibit clear viscoelastic effects. In addition, a complete viscoelastic model for the PSBVs is proposed and data from relaxation, cyclic load and load-unload tests for triangular loads are used to find reference values that characterize the viscoelastic behavior of the PSBVs. Although such models have been proposed for other types of blood vessels, this is the first study that clearly demonstrates the existence of viscoelastic effects from an experimental point of view and also proposes a specific model to explain the data obtained. Finally, this study provides reference values for the usual viscoelastic properties, which would allow more accurate numerical simulation of PSBVs by means of computational models.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version