805 research outputs found
A Machine Learning Approach for Studying the Comorbidities of Complex Diagnoses
The study of diagnostic associations entails a large number of methodological problems regarding the application of machine learning algorithms, collinearity and wide variability being some of the most prominent ones. To overcome these, we propose and tested the usage of uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP), a very recent, popular dimensionality reduction technique. We showed its effectiveness by using it on a large Spanish clinical database of patients diagnosed with depression, to whom we applied UMAP before grouping them using a hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis. By extensively studying its behavior and results, validating them with purely unsupervised metrics, we show that they are consistent with well-known relationships, which validates the applicability of UMAP to advance the study of comorbidities
How an Upper Secondary School Teacher Provides Resources for the Transition to University: A Case Study.
This paper analyzes the discursive activity of an upper secondary school teacher on the topic of the derivative.
Specifically, we focus on the discursive activity when introducing the three essential concepts related to this topic:
the average rate of change, the derivative at a point, and the derivative function. The theoretical framework used
is the theory of commognition (Sfard, 2008). Using this framework, we identify different types of visual mediators
(symbols, graphs, gestures) and routines (mainly construction and substantiation ones, with various subtypes).
The analysis of these visual mediators and routines allows us to examine some resources students will have in
their transition to university discourse. We also draw some other conclusions and present implications for eaching in this stage
Improving parameters selection of a seeded region growing method for multiband image segmentation
In the last decade, Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) has been accepted as an effective method for processing high spatial resolution multiband images. This image analysis method is an approach that starts with the segmentation of the image. Image segmentation in general is a procedure to partition an image into homogenous groups (segments). In practice, visual interpretation is often used to assess the quality of segmentation and the analysis relies on the experience of an analyst. In an effort to address the issue, in this study, we evaluate several seed selection strategies for an automatic image segmentation methodology based on a seeded region growing-merging approach. In order to evaluate the segmentation quality, segments were subjected to spatial autocorrelation analysis using Moran's I index and intra-segment variance analysis. We apply the algorithm to image segmentation using an aerial multiband image
Una aproximación a las matemáticas en el bachillerato. ¿qué se pretende que aprendan los alumnos?
En este artículo nos hemos planteado indagar sobre la forma en la que se presentan los metaconceptos definir, probar y modelar en los textos escolares, consideramos estos últimos como u n texto en el que “mirar” unos significados que, de alguna manera, van a intervenir en lo que aprenden los estudiantes. Nos centramos, en primer lugar, en la elaboración de un marco común que fije unas variables que permitan caracterizar dichos metaconceptos. En segundo lugar, presentaremos algunos resultados, como son la potenciación de la adquisición de un vocabulario básico, la relativa importancia de probar, la poca importancia del metaconcepto modelar, que se vincula a la resolución de problemas concretos y aplicados
Colección diplomática del Monasterio de S. Zoilo de Carrión, (siglos XI al XV)
Depto. de Historia de América y Medieval y Ciencias HistoriográficasFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEProQuestpu
Análisis de variables comunicativas en escenarios clínicos simulados con pacientes críticos
Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción y Objetivos: El gran avance en el mundo virtual ha proporcionado nuevas metodologías como la simulación clínica que hacen posible el entrenamiento y evaluación tanto de habilidades técnicas como de actitudes, éstas últimas incluidas en los nuevos modelos educativos para formar unos buenos profesionales. Enfermería pasa gran parte de su tiempo con el paciente y deben ser capaces de proporcionar una comunicación terapéutica eficaz. Hemos elegido analizar las habilidades comunicativas de los alumnos de enfermería en escenarios clínicos simulados con pacientes críticos, donde el nivel de estrés es mayor y la comunicación más difícil, siendo a su vez ésta más demandada por parte de pacientes y familiares.
Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en el que analizamos las variables comunicativas de los alumnos de Grado de Enfermería en escenarios simulados del curso 2014/2015 de la UCAM.
Resultados: Los 52 alumnos de nuestro estudio (28,8% hombres y 71,2% mujeres) con una media de edad de 25,87 años (DT=5,865) demostraron tener una mayor percepción de sus habilidades comunicativas a través de la escala EHC-PS que las demostradas en simulación y evaluadas por un observador externo con la escala CICAA. Los alumnos de enfermería en las estancias clínicas se encuentran expuestos a numerosos estresores, aunque en nuestro estudio el nivel de ansiedad no ha presentado una relación significativa (p>0,05) con las habilidades de comunicación.
Conclusiones: En el cuidado de los pacientes críticos, la parte psicológica y emocional cobra una mayor importancia, y tal como sugieren nuestros resultados y coincidiendo con numerosos autores, creemos necesario la implementación de programas de entrenamiento de habilidades comunicativas desde el ámbito universitario
Benefits of Volunteering in Young People at Risk of Social Exclusion
Studies on the benefits of volunteering in young people have received some attention, although important knowledge gaps still exist concerning this matter. The main aim of this study is to analyse the different profiles of those who choose to take part in voluntary activities and those who do not; another aim being to analyse the benefits of volunteering in young people. A total of 66 young people participating in training programmes in Spain completed a questionnaire and took part in a follow-up survey six months later. The study found that the young volunteers were more likely to volunteer in the future, perceiving a greater social support and attaching more importance to interpersonal values. After completing their volunteer experience, the young volunteers, as opposed to the non-volunteers, had a positive image of volunteering and perceived themselves as more likely to find a job. The results obtained are discussed
Optimizing panchromatic image change detection based on change index multiband image analysis
This work proposes an optimization of a semi-supervised Change Detection methodology based on a combination of Change Indices (CI) derived from an image multitemporal data set. For this purpose, SPOT 5 Panchromatic images with 2.5 m spatial resolution have been used, from which three Change Indices have been calculated. Two of them are usually known indices; however the third one has been derived considering the Kullbak-Leibler divergence. Then, these three indices have been combined forming a multiband image that has been used in as input for a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier where four different discriminant functions have been tested in order to differentiate between change and no_change categories. The performance of the suggested procedure has been assessed applying different quality measures, reaching in each case highly satisfactory values. These results have demonstrated that the simultaneous combination of basic change indices with others more sophisticated like the Kullback-Leibler distance, and the application of non-parametric discriminant functions like those employees in the SVM method, allows solving efficiently a change detection problem
Defining from sociocultural approach
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia PSI2008-02289
Learning to define in Mathematics: a study from a sociocultural perspective
Los procesos de construcción de conocimiento matemático, como definir, son clave
en la actividad de «hacer matemáticas». La caracterización de su aprendizaje es un tema relevante en
el campo de investigación en educación matemática. En este trabajo, adoptando una perspectiva sociocultural,
a través de un análisis inductivo, hemos identificado diferentes situaciones de aprendizaje
matemático. Dichas situaciones se caracterizan a través de las herramientas teóricas procedentes de la
perspectiva sociocultural cuando grupos de estudiantes resuelven tareas en un contexto geométrico.
Los resultados muestran que determinadas rutinas juegan un papel relevante en los procedimientos de
cambio en el discurso matemáticoThe process of building mathematical knowledge, as defined, are key activity of «doing
mathematics». The characterization of their learning is an important topic in the field of research
in mathematics education. In this paper we adopt a sociocultural perspective, through an inductive
analysis identified different situations of learning. Such situations are characterized by the theoretical
tools from the sociocultural perspective when groups of students solve tasks in a geometric context.
The results show that certain routines play an important role in the processes of change in mathematical
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