22 research outputs found

    Fitness Assessment as an Anti-Aging Marker: A Narrative Review

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    Aging is a natural, physiological, and inevitable process, but it can be also influenced. Although aging is not a disease, it has several characteristics that could indicate so, such as a functional decline at different levels, which may determine clinical manifestations, and it is associated with several disease processes. Consequently, it is essential to create and adopt strategies to delay the aging process. Nowadays, any strategy adopted without including physical exercise seems inconceivable. Recent studies published in relation to this population have shown that the maintenance of acceptable levels of physical fitness is associated with the prevention of many of premature aging consequences, good rates of health, and quality of life of the person. cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular strength (as physical fitness components) are excellent life expectancy and quality of life predictors. Therefore, reaching a good fitness level is the most powerful clinical method to prevent and delay the aging process. Not only their years to live increase, but also their quality, with health and without diseases or mobility dependence

    Hidratació i rendiment: pautes per a una elusió efectiva de la deshidratació per exercici

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    El rendiment de les capacitats físiques i mentals durant la pràctica esportiva o la competició, es troba disminuït sota condicions de deshidratació. La pèrdua de pes es deu a la pèrdua d’aigua (suor i respiració) i quan aquesta és important, afecta de manera decisiva els sistemes nerviós, cardiovascular, termoregulador, endocrí i/o metabòlic, i pot provocar fins i tot la mort. Per eludir aquests efectes negatius de la deshidratació així com la disminució del rendiment, l’atleta haurà de beure prou quantitat de líquid abans, durant, i després de la competició o la pràctica d’exercici. Idealment, la beguda serà una solució composta d’aigua, electròlits i carbohidrats, en quantitat adequada per garantir, d’una banda, un rendiment òptim durant la competició i, d’una altra, reposar eficaçment i completament les pèrdues hídriques, electrolítiques i energètiques. La composició i el volum de la beguda tindrà en compte els factors extrínsecs (temperatura, humitat, altitud, vent, etc.) que envolten la competició, els factors intrínsecs de l’atleta (nivell de deshidratació, problemes gastrointestinals, tipus de competició) i les pròpies característiques de la beguda (gust, temperatura, composició). En termes generals, els atletes no acostumen a beure, durant la pràctica esportiva, el volum necessari per reemplaçar la pèrdua de fluids i electròlits, cosa que fa que calgui establir pautes perquè ho facin. En aquest treball es presenten aquestes pautes i la base fisiològica que les sosté

    Association between Sleep Quality and Body Composition in Sedentary Middle-Aged Adults

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    Background: Ageing is associated with sleep pattern changes and body composition changes, which are related to several diseases. Purpose: This study aimed to analyse the association between sleep quality and an extensive set of body composition parameters (waist-hip ratio, body mass index, bone mineral content, bone mineral density, lean mass, lean mass index, fat mass, fat mass percentage, fat mass index, visceral adipose tissue) and sleep quality in sedentary middle-aged adults. We also aimed to evaluate whether the possible associations accord between subjective and objective measurements of sleep quality. Methods: 74 (39 women) middle-aged sedentary adults (40–65 years old) participated in the present study. The sleep quality was assessed using the Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) scale and accelerometers. A PSQI global score more than 5 indicates poor sleep quality. Weight, height, waist and hip circumferences were measured, and body mass index and waist-hip ratio were also calculated. Body composition was assessed with a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scanner. Results: The PSQI global score was negatively associated with bone mineral content, bone mineral density, lean mass, lean mass index and positively associated with fat mass percentage. No association was found between accelerometer parameters and body composition variables. Conclusion: We showed that a subjective poor sleep quality was negatively associated with bone mineral content (BMC), bone mineral density (BMD), lean mass and lean mass index (LMI) whereas was positively associated with fat mass percentage in middle-aged adults. We also observed that these associations did not accord with objective sleep quality measurements

    Relationship between 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D and Body Composition in Middle-Aged Sedentary Adults: The FIT-AGEING Study

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    Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide health problem that, in addition to its well-known negative effects on musculoskeletal health, has been related to a wide range of acute and chronic age-related diseases. However, little is known about the association of body composition with the active, hormonal form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D plasma levels (1,25(OH)2D). Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the association of 1,25(OH)2Dwith body composition including lean and fat body mass as well as bone mineral density (BMD) in middle-aged sedentary adults. Atotal of 73 (39 women) middle-aged sedentary adults (53.7 5.1 years old) participated in the current study. We measured weight and height, and we used dual energy X-ray absorptiometry to measure lean body mass, fat body mass and BMD. Body mass index (BMI), lean mass index (LMI), and fat mass index (FMI) were calculated. 1,25(OH)2D was measured using a DiaSorin Liaison®immunochemiluminometric analyzer. The results showed a negative association of 1,25(OH)2D with BMI, LMI and BMD ( = -0.274, R2 = 0.075, p = 0.019; = -0.268, R2 = 0.072, p = 0.022; and = -0.325, R2 = 0.105, p = 0.005, respectively), which persisted after controlling for age and sex. No significant differences in 1,25(OH)2D across body weight status were observed after controlling for the same covariates. In summary, our results suggest that 1,25(OH)2D could be negatively associated with BMI, LMI and BMD whereas no association was found with FMI in middle-aged sedentary adultsA.D.-l.-O. is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU15/03960). L.G.-M. is supported by a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434) and the fellowship code is LCF/BQ/PR19/11700007. F.J.A.-G. is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU14/04172), the University of Granada Plan Propio de Investigación 2016-Excellence actions: Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)-and Plan Propio de Investigación 2018-Programa Contratos-Puente

    Applied research to new construction materials subject

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    [EN] The degree in Building Engineering at the University of Burgos has been included the Bologna System 10 years ago, implemented simultaneously in the 2010-2011 academic year the entire degree - four courses. According with the initial strategies, the acquisition of competences through project research work in the construction materials subjects has been one of the elements developed and consolidated, especially in the elective subjects of higher courses where training of the student already allows this type of resources. However, the work begins the first year with specific classes to introduce the investigation within the subjects of construction materials, with agenda reflected in the educational guide. One of them, for example, is an intensive course of advanced searches in international scientific databases, which must be used in a practical way to test what has been learned, and which can be extrapolated to the rest of the subjects of the degree.[ES] El grado en Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad de Burgos lleva un recorrido de 10 años en el Plan Bolonia, que implantó de manera simultánea en el curso 2010-2011 para los cuatro cursos del grado. Dentro de las estrategias iniciales del Grado, la adquisición de competencias a través del trabajo por proyectos en las asignaturas de materiales de construcción ha sido uno de los factores que se ha desarrollado y afianzado, especialmente en la asignaturas optativas de cursos más altos donde la formación del estudiante ya permite este tipo de recursos. No obstante, se comienza desde primer curso con clases específicas de introducción a la investigación dentro de las asignaturas de materiales de construcción, con temario contemplado en la guía docente. Una de ellas, por ejemplo, es un curso intensivo de búsquedas avanzadas en bases de datos científicas internacionales, que debe ser utilizado de manera práctica para poner a prueba lo aprendido, y que puede ser extrapolado al resto de asignaturas de la titulación.Gadea Sáinz, J.; Calderón Carpintero, V.; Junco Petrement, C.; Gutiérrez-González, S.; Rodríguez Saiz, Á.; Garabito López, J. (2021). Investigación aplicada a la formación en nuevos materiales de construcción. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 37-43. https://doi.org/10.4995/EDIFICATE2021.2021.13531OCS374

    Accuracy and Validity of Resting Energy Expenditure Predictive Equations in Middle-Aged Adults

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    Indirect calorimetry (IC) is considered the reference method to determine the resting energy expenditure (REE), but its use in a clinical context is limited. Alternatively, there is a number of REE predictive equations to estimate the REE. However, it has been shown that the available REE predictive equations could either overestimate or underestimate the REE as measured by IC. Moreover, the role of the weight status in the accuracy and validity of the REE predictive equations requires further attention. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the accuracy and validity of REE predictive equations in normal-weight, overweight, and obese sedentary middle-aged adults. A total of 73 sedentary middle-aged adults (53% women, 40–65 years old) participated in the study. We measured REE by indirect calorimetry, strictly following the standard procedures, and we compared it with the values obtained from 33 predictive equations. The most accurate predictive equations in middle-aged sedentary adults were: (i) the equation of FAO/WHO/UNU in normal-weight individuals (50.0% of prediction accuracy), (ii) the equation of Livingston in overweight individuals (46.9% of prediction accuracy), and (iii) the equation of Owen in individuals with obesity (52.9% of prediction accuracy). Our study shows that the weight status plays an important role in the accuracy and validity of different REE predictive equations in middle-aged adults.The study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU14/04172 and FPU15/03960) and by University of Granada; Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)

    Type 2 Diabetes-Related Variants Influence the Risk of Developing Prostate Cancer: A Population-Based Case-Control Study and Meta-Analysis

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    This study was supported by grants from the FIBAO foundation (Granada, Spain) and from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI12/02688, PI17/02256 and PI20/01845; Madrid, Spain).In this study, we have evaluated whether 57 genome-wide association studies (GWAS)-identified common variants for type 2 diabetes (T2D) influence the risk of developing prostate cancer (PCa) in a population of 304 Caucasian PCa patients and 686 controls. The association of selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the risk of PCa was validated through meta-analysis of our data with those from the UKBiobank and FinnGen cohorts, but also previously published genetic studies. We also evaluated whether T2D SNPs associated with PCa risk could influence host immune responses by analysing their correlation with absolute numbers of 91 blood-derived cell populations and circulating levels of 103 immunological proteins and 7 steroid hormones. We also investigated the correlation of the most interesting SNPs with cytokine levels after in vitro stimulation of whole blood, peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs), and monocyte-derived macrophages with LPS, PHA, Pam3Cys, and Staphylococcus Aureus. The meta-analysis of our data with those from six large cohorts confirmed that each copy of the FTOrs9939609A, HNF1B(rs7501939T), HNF1B(rs75721T), HNF1B(rs4430796G), and JAZF1(rs10486567A) alleles significantly decreased risk of developing PCa (p = 3.70 x 10(-5), p = 9.39 x 10(-54), p = 5.04 x 10(-54), p = 1.19 x 10(-71), and p = 1.66 x 10(-18), respectively). Although it was not statistically significant after correction for multiple testing, we also found that the NOTCH2(rs10923931T) and RBMS1(rs7593730) SNPs associated with the risk of developing PCa (p = 8.49 x 10(-4) and 0.004). Interestingly, we found that the protective effect attributed to the HFN1B locus could be mediated by the SULT1A1 protein (p = 0.00030), an arylsulfotransferase that catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of many hormones, neurotransmitters, drugs, and xenobiotic compounds. In addition to these results, eQTL analysis revealed that the HNF1B(rs7501939), HNF1B(rs757210), HNF1B(rs4430796), NOTCH2(rs10923931), and RBMS1(rs7593730) SNPs influence the risk of PCa through the modulation of mRNA levels of their respective genes in whole blood and/or liver. These results confirm that functional TD2-related variants influence the risk of developing PCa, but also highlight the need of additional experiments to validate our functional results in a tumoral tissue context.FIBAO foundation (Granada, Spain)Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI12/02688 PI17/02256 PI20/0184

    1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and cardiometabolic risk in healthy sedentary adults: The FIT-AGEING study

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    The study is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU14/04172 and FPU15/03960). The authors would like to thank all the participants that take part of the study for their time and effort. This study is part of a Ph.D. Thesis conducted in the Biomedicine Doctoral Studies of the University of Granada, Spain.Background: A growing body of scientific works investigating the physio-pathological mechanisms behind cardiovascular disease has suggested that vitamin D deficiency could play a key role on its development. However, it remains unclear whether its active form (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)(2)D] is associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy individuals. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships of 1,25(OH)(2)D plasma levels with cardiometabolic risk factors in a sample of healthy sedentary adults. Methods: A total of 73 adults (similar to 53% women; 54 +/- 5 years old) were included in the current cross-sectional study. A sex-specific cardiometabolic risk score (MetScore) was calculated for each subject based on clinical parameters (i.e., waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, plasma glucose, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides) according to the International Diabetes Federation's clinical criteria. Plasma levels of 1,25(OH)(2)D were measured using a DiaSorin Liaison (R) immunochemiluminometric analyzer. Results: No significant association was detected between 1,25(OH)(2)D and MetScore (beta = 0.037, R-2 = 0.001, p = 0.77), independently of age, sex and fat body mass index. A significant inverse association were observed between 1,25(OH)(2)D and waist circumference (beta = -0,303, R-2 = 0.092, p = 0.01). These results were consistent after controlling by potential confounders. Conclusion: In summary, the present results suggest that 1,25(OH)(2)D plasma levels are not associated with either cardiometabolic risk factors or insulin resistance in healthy sedentary adults. However, an inverse association of 1,25(OH)(2)D plasma levels with central adiposity was observed in our study sample.Spanish Government FPU14/04172 FPU15/0396

    Effectiveness of a preventive intervention strategy based on structured telephone interviews in a working population with a moderate to high cardiovascular risk

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    English Abstract; Journal Article;OBJECTIVE This study assesses the effectiveness of a structured telephone survey on cardiovascular prevention, in modifying lifestyle, on cardiovascular risk parameters, percentage of smoking cessation and overall cardiovascular risk (CVR). DESIGN Quasi-experimental study of preventive intervention. SETTING Ibermutuamur (Spanish Accident and Health Insurance Company). Centres established throughout Spain. PARTICIPANTS A total of 4,792 workers with moderate/high cardiovascular risk who had agreed to be contacted by phone. Subjects with a previous diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and those receiving treatment for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia or diabetes were excluded. INTERVENTION A final total of 3,085 workers were contacted and were followed up by telephone surveys on the first, fourth and eighth month after the initial check up (CU) in order to emphasise cardiovascular health advice (Group A); we failed to contact 1,707 workers, who only attended the baseline and one year CUs (Group B). PRINCIPAL OUTCOMES: CUs included medical records and physical examination, with two blood pressure measurements, Body Mass Index (BMI), and biochemical parameters. Cardiovascular risk was stratified following the European cardiovascular SCORE. Individuals with a relative risk higher than 4 were also considered as high-risk. All workers were informed about their cardiovascular risk profile (CVRF) and healthy cardiovascular lifestyle measures. They were also given a letter for their General Practitioner (GP) to inform them on the worker's cardiovascular risk level. RESULTS A total of 71.5% of the workers were over 45 years, 95.0% males, 76.6% manual workers ("Blue Collar") and 69.7% smokers. Both groups showed improvement in lipid parameters, blood pressure, smoking cessation and overall cardiovascular risk in the second CU. There were significant differences in favour of Group A as regards blood pressure, lipids (except HDL cholesterol), BMI, glycaemia, smoking cessation (A: 23.5%/B: 19.44%, P=0.001) and CVR stratum improvement (A: 46.6%/B: 37.7%, P=0.0001). The large majority (85%) of workers read preventive recommendations; 33% knew their risk level and 73% knew their CVRF. 52.9% gave the letter to the GP, which led them to start therapies on diet (47%), hypertension (19.5%), dyslipidaemia (16.7%), diabetes (4.4%) and smoking (2.9%) and no changes were made in 36.5% of cases. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study suggests that cardiovascular prevention strategy based on structured telephone surveys on high/moderate CVR subjects to promote lifestyle changes could be effective at reducing CVR. A clinical trial is required for confirmation. Sending information on CVRF following routine medial CUs and Primary Care involvement, could contribute to the positive changes observed.YesObjetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de una estrategia de intervención preventiva sobre el estilo de vida, basada en entrevistas telefónicas. Diseño: Estudio de intervención cuasiexperimental. Emplazamiento: Servicio de Prevención de Ibermutuamur (Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profesionales de la Seguridad Social). Participantes: 4.792 trabajadores con nivel de riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) moderado/alto en el reconocimiento médico laboral (RML) que otorgaron su consentimiento. Se excluyeron los sujetos con antecedentes de enfermedad cardiovascular o que recibían tratamiento antihipertensivo, hipolipemiante o antidiabético. Intervención: Se pudo contactar telefónicamente con 3.085 trabajadores, a los que se realizó seguimiento en los meses primero, cuarto y octavo tras el RML, enfatizando recomendaciones cardiosaludables. Al resto de trabajadores (n=1.707), solo se les realizó el RML inicial y final. Mediciones principales: El RCV se estimó según el modelo SCORE europeo. Todos los sujetos recibieron un informe, una carta dirigida a su médico de atención primaria con los factores de RCV detectados, su nivel de riesgo y recomendaciones sobre modificación del estilo de vida. Resultados: El 71,5% de los trabajadores eran mayores de 45 años, el 95,0% varones, el 76,6% trabajadores manuales y el 69,7% fumadores. Ambos grupos mostraron mejoría en los parámetros lipídicos, presión arterial, abandono del hábito tabáquico y RCV global en el segundo RML. El grupo A presentó una mayor mejoría en la presión arterial, lípidos (excepto colesterol-HDL), índice de masa corporal, glucemia, abandono del hábito tabáquico (23,5% vs 19,4%, p=0,001) y en el estrato de riesgo (46,6% vs 37,7%, p=0,0001). Un 52,9% de los trabajadores declaró haber llevado la carta informativa a su médico de Atención Primaria, que aconsejó modificar la dieta (47%), o añadir tratamiento antihipertensivo (19,5%), hipolipemiante (16,7%), antidiabético (4,4%) y antitabaco (2,9%). Conclusiones: La estrategia de intervención sobre el estilo de vida, basada en entrevistas telefónicas, en trabajadores de RCV moderado-alto, puede ser efectiva. El envío de información preventiva y la participación de Atención Primaria pueden contribuir, per se, a los cambios positivos observados