47 research outputs found

    A study of the effects of clustering and local search on radio network design: evolutionary computation approaches

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    Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems. Barcelona, 10-12 September 2008The goal of this paper is twofold. First, we want to make a study about how evolutionary computation techniques can efficiently solve the radio network design problem. For this goal we test several evolutionary computation techniques within the OPLINK experimental framework and compare them. Second, we propose a clustering approach and a 2-OPT in order to improve the results obtained by the evolutionary algorithms. Experiments carried out provide empirical evidence of how clustering-based techniques help in improving all algorithms tested. Extensive computational tests, including ones without clustering and 2-OPT, are performed with three evolutionary algorithms: genetic algorithms, memetic algorithms and chromosome appearance probability matrix algorithms.Publicad

    Driving Cars by Means of Genetic Algorithms

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    Proceedings of: 10th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, PPSN 2008. Dortmund, Germany, September 13-17, 2008The techniques and the technologies supporting Automatic Vehicle Guidance are an important issue. Automobile manufacturers view automatic driving as a very interesting product with motivating key features which allow improvement of the safety of the car, reducing emission or fuel consumption or optimizing driver comfort during long journeys. Car racing is an active research field where new advances in aerodynamics, consumption and engine power are critical each season. Our proposal is to research how evolutionary computation techniques can help in this field. As a first goal we want to automatically learn to drive, by means of genetic algorithms, optimizing lap times while driving through three different circuits.Publicad

    An experimental comparative study for interactive evolutionary computation problems

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    Proceeding of: EvoWorkshops 2006: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoINTERACTION, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC, Budapest, Hungary, April 10-12, 2006This paper presents an objective experimental comparative study between four algorithms: the Genetic Algorithm, the Fitness Prediction Genetic Algorithm, the Population Based Incremental Learning algorithm and the purposed method based on the Chromosome Appearance Probability Matrix. The comparative is done with a non subjective evaluation function. The main objective is to validate the efficiency of several methods in Interactive Evolutionary Computation environments. The most important constraint of working within those environments is the user interaction, which affects the results adding time restrictions for the experimentation stage and subjectivity to the validation. The experiments done in this paper replace user interaction with several approaches avoiding user limitations. So far, the results show the efficiency of the purposed algorithm in terms of quality of solutions and convergence speed, two known keys to decrease the user fatigue.This article has been financed by the Spanish founded research MCyT project OPLINK, Ref: TIN2006-08818-C04-02

    Genetic algorithms for the generation of models with micropopulations

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    Proceedings of: EvoWorkshops 2003: EvoBIO, EvoCOP, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, EvoROB, and EvoSTIM Essex, UK, April 14–16, 2003The present article puts forward a method for an interactive model generation through the use of Genetic Algorithms applied to small populations. Micropopulations actually worsen the problem of the premature convergence of the algorithm, since genetic diversity is very limited. In addition, some key factors, which modify the changing likelihood of alleles, cause the likelihood of premature convergence to decrease. The present technique has been applied to the design of 3D models, starting from generic and standard pieces, using objective searches and searches with no defined objective

    Soft computing techniques applied to finance

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    Soft computing is progressively gaining presence in the financial world. The number of real and potential applications is very large and, accordingly, so is the presence of applied research papers in the literature. The aim of this paper is both to present relevant application areas, and to serve as an introduction to the subject. This paper provides arguments that justify the growing interest in these techniques among the financial community and introduces domains of application such as stock and currency market prediction, trading, portfolio management, credit scoring or financial distress prediction areas.Publicad

    Applied Computational Intelligence for finance and economics

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    This article introduces some relevant research works on computational intelligence applied to finance and economics. The objective is to offer an appropriate context and a starting point for those who are new to computational intelligence in finance and economics and to give an overview of the most recent works. A classification with five different main areas is presented. Those areas are related with different applications of the most modern computational intelligence techniques showing a new perspective for approaching finance and economics problems. Each research area is described with several works and applications. Finally, a review of the research works selected for this special issue is given.Publicad

    Testing BOI and BOB algorithms for solving the Winner Determination

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    Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2008. HIS '08. Barcelona, 10-12 September 2008Combinatorial auctions are a promising auction format for allocating radio spectrum, as well as other goods. An important handicap of combinatorial auctions is determining the winner bids among many options, that is, solving the winner determination problem (WDP). This paper tackles this computational problem using two approaches in a combinatorial first-price sealed bid auction. The first one, is an A* based on items (BOI). The second one, is an A* based on bids (BOB). These two techniques are tested in several scenarios for allocating radio spectrum licenses. The results obtained reveal that the search algorithm A* with the BOB formulation outperforms the other and always finds the optimal solution very quickly

    Random Forest Prediction of IPO Underpricing

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    The prediction of initial returns on initial public offerings (IPOs) is a complex matter. The independent variables identified in the literature mix strong and weak predictors, their explanatory power is limited, and samples include a sizable number of outliers. In this context, we suggest that random forests are a potentially powerful tool. In this paper, we benchmark this algorithm against a set of eight classic machine learning algorithms. The results of this comparison show that random forests outperform the alternatives in terms of mean and median predictive accuracy. The technique also provided the second smallest error variance among the stochastic algorithms. The experimental work also supports the potential of random forests for two practical applications: IPO pricing and IPO trading.The authors acknowledge financial support granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science under grant ENE2014-56126-C2-2-R

    Analysis of Ausubel auctions by means of evolutionary computation

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    IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Edimburgo, 2-5 September 2005The increasing use of auctions has led to a growing interest in the subject. A recent method used for carrying out examinations on auctions has been the design of computational simulations. The aim of this paper is to develop a genetic algorithm to find bidders' optimal strategies for a specific dynamic multi-unit auction. The algorithm provides the bidding strategy (defined as the action to be taken under different auction conditions) that maximizes the bidder's payoff. The algorithm is tested under several experimental environments, number of bidders and quantity of lots auctioned. The results suggest that the approach leads to strategies that outperform canonical strategies

    Evolving a rule system controller for automatic driving in a car racing competition

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    IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games. Perth, Australia, 15-18 December 2008.The techniques and the technologies supporting Automatic Vehicle Guidance are important issues. Automobile manufacturers view automatic driving as a very interesting product with motivating key features which allow improvement of the car safety, reduction in emission or fuel consumption or optimization of driver comfort during long journeys. Car racing is an active research field where new advances in aerodynamics, consumption and engine power are critical each season. Our proposal is to research how evolutionary computation techniques can help in this field. For this work we have designed an automatic controller that learns rules with a genetic algorithm. This paper is a report of the results obtained by this controller during the car racing competition held in Hong Kong during the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008).Publicad