439 research outputs found

    African Intellectuals and Cultural Diversity: Discussions of the Ethnic Question in Equatorial Guinea

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    Given that one of the Pan African Anthropology Association’s principle lines of research is the monitoring of ethnic conflicts in Africa, the contribution African intellectuals have made to the subject of cultural diversity management is a matter of great interest. The case study chosen for this paper is Equatorial Guinea, and the paper aims to provide an analysis of arguments that are raised in intellectual texts that deal with issues of identity and the country’s history. The paper will look at the legacy of colonialism in regards to the empowerment and discrimination of certain ethnic groups in relation to others, it will reflect on the construction of the post-colonial state and it will consider a reading of history that runs counter to the official one, that of the country being founded upon unity, by looking at examples of the ‘hijacking’ of the state and certain populations within a dictatorial context

    Heirs of Atlantic paths: afro dialogues in spanish and the building of the modern world

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    Literature is a means to illustrate the historical destiny of the society it intends to characterize, whether on a more restricted level, like the social group, or on a more global one. On this level we can locate the Spanish speaking Atlantic world built due to the colonization, with 1492 as a symbolic date. Undoubtedly, the current world order reflects the heritage of the building of the modern colonial system

    Tudo o que vem à rede é peixe? A credibilidade da informação na web

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    O objetivo deste estudo é conhecer uma vertente específica do perfil informacional dos alunos que cresceram na era digital, ditos nativos digitais, na utilização que fazem da Internet. Assim, pretende-se aferir os critérios que aplicam na avaliação das fontes de informação disponíveis na web na vertente da credibilidade. A análise dos dados obtidos, resultantes da aplicação de 195 questionários a alunos do 8º ao 12º, é enquadrada e sustentada por revisão da literatura acerca do conceito de credibilidade da informação.The objective of this study is to understand a specific aspect of information behaviour of teenagers who grew up in the digital age, also called digital natives, in their use of the Internet. Thus, we intend to assess the criteria regarding credibility that they apply in information sources available on the web evaluation. Data analysis, retrieved from the application of 195 questionnaires to students from 8th to 12 th grade, is framed and supported by literature review on the concept of information credibility

    Uma análise de comportamento informacional: a utilização dos recursos da biblioteca escolar

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    Neste artigo, apresentamos um estudo de caso centrado na análise do comportamento informacional de uma amostra dos alunos frequentadores da rede municipal de bibliotecas escolares do concelho de Vila de Conde. Procurámos conhecer as competências dos discentes para utilizarem as colecções e os recursos tecnológicos disponíveis no espaço da biblioteca escolar, em particular as formas de pesquisa de informação ou de localização e de uso dos documentos em livre acesso. Neste contexto, enfatiza-se o papel central da Ciência da Informação e dos seus profissionais na biblioteca escolar, em especial na transmissão de competências de literacia da informação.The aim of this article is to present a case study analyzing the informational behavior of a student’s sample users of the Vila do Conde school libraries. We tried to understand the students’ abilities to use the collection and the technological resources available in the library school space, namely the ways to locate and use free access documents as well as the ways of information searching. In this context, we emphasize the central role of Information Science and its professionals in school libraries especially to improve information literacy skills

    Cultural Diversity in Africa: Colonial Legacy and Construction of Alternatives. Introduction

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    This dossier considers how African cultural diversity was handled during different historical periods and case studies1. The aim is to analyze whether colonization triggered or exacerbated friction in social and cultural coexistence in the contexts under study, whether these tensions remain today and whether these factors are an obstacle to political solutions which are sensitive to the recognition of cultural diversity

    First step to lifelong learning: school libraries and information literacy: a portuguese case study

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    This presentation covers a case study centered on the analysis of information behavior of a sample of students that visit the school libraries within the Vila do Conde municipality. We analyze the students’ abilities to use collections and technological resources available in school libraries, namely their capacities in information searching and retrieval especially with the documents in free access. We emphasize the role of information literacy as a facilitating element in learning seeing as information literate people are those who learned how to learn and are able to locate, organize and use information effectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A hora da estrela e o mal estar das elites

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    Análise de A hora da estrela, de Clarice Lispector, com enfoque na relação entre o narrador, Rodrigo S. M., e sua protagonista Macabéa. Partindo dos preconceitos revelados por Rodrigo na criação de sua personagem nordestina, o artigo propõe que o romance de Clarice Lispector pode ser lido como um exame do discurso contraditório das elites intelectuais brasileiras na sua tentativa de representar os pobres. A artigo faz ainda uma breve comparação entre a personagem Macabéa e a célebre família de retirantes do romance Vidas secas, de Graciliano Ramos

    O tempo primordial

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    O local e o universo em Calunga, de Jorge de Lima

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    História e mito em Calunga, de Jorge de Lima

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    Questiona-se, neste trabalho, a presença de elementos míticos na narrativa de Calunga, de Jorge de Lima. Levando em conta as categorias TEMPO e ESPAÇO, procura-se mostrar que, através da utilização de motivos literários, impõe-se um sistema simbólico com a finalidade de mascarar a insuficiência da realidade histórico-social e, dessa forma, denunciá-la. Verifica-se a validade da utilização de um tempo e de um espaço míticos, enquanto aspectos que verdadeiramente concorrem na construção interna da obra