1,742 research outputs found

    Thermodynamically stable noncomposite vortices in mesoscopic two-gap superconductors

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    In mesoscopic two-gap superconductors with sizes of the order of the coherence length noncomposite vortices are found to be thermodynamically stable in a large domain of the THT - H phase diagram. In these phases the vortex cores of one condensate are spatially separated from the other condensate ones, and their respective distributions can adopt distinct symmetries. The appearance of these vortex phases is caused by a non-negligible effect of the boundary of the sample on the superconducting order parameter and represents therefore a genuine mesoscopic effect. For low values of interband Josephson coupling vortex patterns with L1L2L_1 \neq L_2 can arise in addition to the phases with L1=L2L_1 =L_2, where L1L_1 and L2L_2 are total vorticities in the two condensates. The calculations show that noncomposite vortices could be observed in thin mesoscopic samples of MgB2_{2}.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Vortex-Antivortex Lattice in Ultra-Cold Fermi Gases

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    We discuss ultra-cold Fermi gases in two dimensions, which could be realized in a strongly confining one-dimensional optical lattice. We obtain the temperature versus effective interaction phase diagram for an s-wave superfluid and show that, below a certain critical temperature T_c, spontaneous vortex-antivortex pairs appear for all coupling strengths. In addition, we show that the evolution from weak to strong coupling is smooth, and that the system forms a square vortex-antivortex lattice at a lower critical temperature T_M.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Superfluid and Mott Insulating shells of bosons in harmonically confined optical lattices

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    Weakly interacting atomic or molecular bosons in quantum degenerate regime and trapped in harmonically confined optical lattices, exhibit a wedding cake structure consisting of insulating (Mott) shells. It is shown that superfluid regions emerge between Mott shells as a result of fluctuations due to finite hopping. It is found that the order parameter equation in the superfluid regions is not of the Gross-Pitaeviskii type except near the insulator to superfluid boundaries. The excitation spectra in the Mott and superfluid regions are obtained, and it is shown that the superfluid shells posses low energy sound modes with spatially dependent sound velocity described by a local index of refraction directly related to the local superfluid density. Lastly, the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and vortex-antivortex pairs are discussed in thin (wide) superfluid shells (rings) limited by three (two) dimensional Mott regions.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures

    Evolution from BCS to BKT superfluidity in one-dimensional optical lattices

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    We analyze the finite temperature phase diagram of fermion mixtures in one-dimensional optical lattices as a function of interaction strength. At low temperatures, the system evolves from an anisotropic three-dimensional Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superfluid to an effectively two-dimensional Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) superfluid as the interaction strength increases. We calculate the critical temperature as a function of interaction strength, and identify the region where the dimensional crossover occurs for a specified optical lattice potential. Finally, we show that the dominant vortex excitations near the critical temperature evolve from multiplane elliptical vortex loops in the three-dimensional regime to planar vortex-antivortex pairs in the two-dimensional regime, and we propose a detection scheme for these excitations.Comment: 4 pages with 2 figure

    Ocorrência da mosca-da-carambola no estado do Amapá.

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    O presente trabalho reúne informações sobre a mosca-da-carambola e mostra a importância da pesquisa científica na geração de conhecimentos sobre a praga. Resultados preliminares das pesquisas de hospedeiros da praga no estado do Amapá são apresentados

    Praga de importância quarentenária A2 na fruticultura brasileira.

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    1. Introdução: 1.1 Moscas-das-frutas, 1.2 Mosca-da-carambola, 1.3 Introdução no Brasil, 1.4 Hospedeiros, 1.5 Ações de prevenção e controle; Referências bibliográficas

    Ocorrência da mosca-da-carambola no estado do Amapá.

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    O presente trabalho reúne informações sobre a mosca-da-carambola e mostra a importância da pesquisa científica na geração de conhecimentos sobre a praga. Resultados preliminares das pesquisas de hospedeiros da praga no estado do Amapá são apresentados

    Método para classificar bovinos resistentes à infecção por Babesia bovis.

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    Descreve a metodologia de desafio para a identificação de bovinos resistentes ou suscetíveis à primo-infecção por B. bovis para fins experimentais.bitstream/item/55805/1/CO65.pdfDsiponível no formato online

    Phase Fluctuations and Vortex Lattice Melting in Triplet Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductors at High Magnetic Fields

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    Assuming that the order parameter corresponds to an equal spin triplet pairing symmetry state, we calculate the effect of phase fluctuations in quasi-one-dimensional superconductors at high magnetic fields applied along the y (b') axis. We show that phase fluctuations can destroy the theoretically predicted triplet reentrant superconducting state, and that they are responsible for melting the magnetic field induced Josephson vortex lattice above a magnetic field dependent melting temperature Tm.Comment: 4 pages (double column), 1 eps figur