8 research outputs found


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    Objective: to study the clinical, laboratory and radiological features of the course of nosocomial bronchiolitis respiratory syncytial viral (RSV ) etiology and effectiveness of the therapy in preterm infants in the neonatal hospital conditions. Patients and Methods: We analyzed case histories of 10 hospitalized patients who had RSV etiology bronchiolitis established by RIF / PCR in neonatal Moscow hospitals in  2011-2013. Results: RSV infection in hospitalized preterm infants with and without bronchopulmonary dysplasia runs hardly, requiring treatment in the intensive care unit, oxygen therapy and  lungs mechanical ventilation. The respiratory failure is the symptom of the of RSV bronchiolitis severity. X-ray picture of the disease is characterized by peribronchial changes, emphysematous swelling , segmental infiltration and bronchial obstruction (atelectasis, hypoventilation ). The frequency of bacterial complications of RSV bronchiolitis is low. In clinical practice newborns with severe RSV bronchiolitis are treated with antibiotics, bronchodilators, steroids. The timely isolation of patients can prevent the extention of the infection in the hospital. Conclusions: The preventive measures are needed to prevent the extention of RSV in neonatal hospitals, including specific immune prophylaxisof RSV infection in children at risk .Цель исследования: изучить клинические, лабораторные и рентгенологические особенности течения нозокомиального бронхиолита респираторно-синцитиально-вирусной (РСВ) этиологии и эффективность проводимой терапии у недоношенных детей в условиях неонатологического стационара. Пациенты и методы: произведен анализ историй болезней 10 госпитализированных пациентов, перенесших бронхиолит РСВ-этиологии, установленной методом РИФ/ПЦР в неонатологических стационарах г. Москвы в 2011–2013 гг. Результаты: РСВ-инфекция у госпитализированных недоношенных детей с и без бронхолегочной дисплазии протекает тяжело, требуя лечения в условиях отделения реанимации и интенсивной терапии, назначения оксигенотерапии и проведения искусственной вентиляции легких. Тяжесть течения РСВ-бронхиолита определяется дыхательной недостаточностью. Рентгенологическая картина заболевания характеризуется перибронхиальным изменениями, эмфизематозным вздутием, сегментарной инфильтрацией и нарушением бронхиальной проходимости (ателектаз, гиповентиляция). Частота бактериальных осложнений при РСВ-бронхиолите невелика. В реальной клинической практике новорожденным с тяжелым течением РСВ-бронхиолита назначаются антибиотики, бронхолитики, стероиды. Предотвращению распространения инфекции в стационаре может способствовать своевременная изоляция больных.  Выводы: необходимы профилактические мероприятия для предотвращения распространения РСВ в неонатологических стационарах, в т.ч. специфическая иммунопрофилактика РСВ-инфекции у детей групп риска.

    Natural oils for skincare of newborns and infants

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    V.I.&nbsp;Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russian Federation The skin of a newborn is a delicate structure that is the first barrier protecting from exposures. Skin conditions in newborns are common due to adaptation to novel environment. The choice of an adequate moisturizing and skincare product is still an important issue. This paper discusses the structural and functional specificity of the skin of newborns and the role of lipids in the healthy functioning of skin barrier. Inadequate acid mantle and skin microbiome, gradual maturation of immune defense account for the frequent occurrence of infective inflammatory skin disorders, in particular, in skincare defects. Fatty oils are commonly used as emollients or the basis of care products, while essential oils and aromatic compounds are widely applied in perfume and cosmetic industries (including the production of skincare products for babies and toddlers). The effects of natural oils (e.g., olive, sunflower-seed, mustard-seed oil etc.) on skin hydration and permeability and their abil ity to induce inflammation. A single standard for certifying natural cosmetics including skincare products for babies is highlighted. Keywords: skin, newborn, care product, natural oil, essential oil. For citation: Ryumina I.I. Natural oils for skincare of newborns and infants. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2021;4(2):178–183. DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2021-4-2-178-183. </p


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    Establishment and maintenance of the contact is a major condition of the successful advising of parents on questions of feeding. An author is divided his own experience with parents not only after the birth of child, but also in the period of pregnancy, as it is particularly important in forming of correct relation of mother to the breast-feeding. The aims of consulting physician are not only a revival of culture of breast-feeding but also providing and control of the correct feeding and care of kid on the first year of life.Key words: advising, breast-feeding, extra feed. (Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(3):106-112


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    Establishment and maintenance of the contact is a major condition of the successful advising of parents on questions of feeding. An author is divided his own experience with parents not only after the birth of child, but also in the period of pregnancy, as it is particularly important in forming of correct relation of mother to the breast-feeding. The aims of consulting physician are not only a revival of culture of breast-feeding but also providing and control of the correct feeding and care of kid on the first year of life.Key words: advising, breast-feeding, extra feed. (Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(3):106-112)Одним из важных условий успешного консультирования родителей по вопросам вскармливания является владение навыками установления и поддержания контакта с ними. Автор делится собственным опытом работы с родителями не только после рождения ребенка, но и в период беременности. Последнее особенно важно для формирования правильного отношения матери к грудному вскармливанию. Задачами консультанта являются не только возрождение культуры грудного вскармливания, но и обеспечение и контроль правильного кормления и ухода за малышом на первом году жизни. Ключевые слова: консультирование, грудное вскармливание, прикорм. (Педиатрическая фармакология. – 2010; 7(3):106-112

    Nosocomial respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis in preterm infants: Characteristics of the course, treatment and prevention in clinical practice

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    Objective: to study the clinical, laboratory and radiological features of the course of nosocomial bronchiolitis respiratory syncytial viral (RSV) etiology and effectiveness of the therapy in preterm infants in the neonatal hospital conditions. Patients and Methods: We analyzed case histories of 10 hospitalized patients who had RSV etiology bronchiolitis established by RIF/PCR in neonatal Moscow hospitals in 2011-2013. Results: RSV infection in hospitalized preterm infants with and without bronchopulmonary dysplasia runs hardly, requiring treatment in the intensive care unit, oxygen therapy and lungs mechanical ventilation. The respiratory failure is the symptom of the of RSV bronchiolitis severity. X-ray picture of the disease is characterized by peribronchial changes, emphysematous swelling, segmental infdtration and bronchial obstruction (atelectasis, hypoventilation). The frequency of bacterial complications of RSV bronchiolitis is low. In clinical practice newborns with severe RSV bronchiolitis are treated with antibiotics, bronchodilators, steroids. The timely isolation of patients can prevent the extention of the infection in the hospital. Conclusions: The preventive measures are needed to prevent the extention of RSV in neonatal hospitals, including specific immune prophylaxis of RSV infection in children at risk

    Nosocomial respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis in preterm infants: Characteristics of the course, treatment and prevention in clinical practice

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    Objective: to study the clinical, laboratory and radiological features of the course of nosocomial bronchiolitis respiratory syncytial viral (RSV) etiology and effectiveness of the therapy in preterm infants in the neonatal hospital conditions. Patients and Methods: We analyzed case histories of 10 hospitalized patients who had RSV etiology bronchiolitis established by RIF/PCR in neonatal Moscow hospitals in 2011-2013. Results: RSV infection in hospitalized preterm infants with and without bronchopulmonary dysplasia runs hardly, requiring treatment in the intensive care unit, oxygen therapy and lungs mechanical ventilation. The respiratory failure is the symptom of the of RSV bronchiolitis severity. X-ray picture of the disease is characterized by peribronchial changes, emphysematous swelling, segmental infdtration and bronchial obstruction (atelectasis, hypoventilation). The frequency of bacterial complications of RSV bronchiolitis is low. In clinical practice newborns with severe RSV bronchiolitis are treated with antibiotics, bronchodilators, steroids. The timely isolation of patients can prevent the extention of the infection in the hospital. Conclusions: The preventive measures are needed to prevent the extention of RSV in neonatal hospitals, including specific immune prophylaxis of RSV infection in children at risk

    Clinical outcomes of hospitalization of premature infants (Gestational age 33–35 weeks) with lower respiratory tract infections, associated and not associated with the respiratory syncytial virus, in the poni international study

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    Study rationale: premature infants have a higher risk of developing severe lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), compared with full-term children. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of LRTI in preschool children, including children aged up to 1 year. Objective of the research – to determine the incidence, severity, course and outcome of hospitalizations caused by LRTI associated and not associated with RSV in preterm infants who had no immunoprophylaxis. Study materials and methods: a surveillance epidemiological study was conducted in 23 countries (Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia, Middle East, Mexico, Korea) from September 2013 to July 2014. The study included premature infants born from 33 weeks +0 days to 35 weeks +6 days of gestation, within 6 months before the start of RSV season. Data were obtained from medical records during a conversation/telephone contact with the parents. Results: of 2390 children included, 64 were hospitalized due to LRTI and had at least one positive RSV test result (RSV+ group), 100 – at least one negative RSV test result (RSV–). Results for RSV+ and RSV– groups were, respectively: the incidence of coughing was in 31,3 and 8%of children; hospitalization duration (median) 7 and 5,5 days; use of additional oxygen: 73,4 and 40% of children; hospitalization in the intensive care unit: 29,7 and 24%; artificial lung ventilation: 10,9 and 8% of children; its duration (median) 4 and 3 days. Conclusion: premature infants with RSV, in contrast to preterm infants without RSV, have more severe symptoms and signs of LRTI, more frequent use of supplemental oxygen and a tendency to more severe hospitalization course. © 2017, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved

    Clinical outcomes of hospitalization of premature infants (Gestational age 33–35 weeks) with lower respiratory tract infections, associated and not associated with the respiratory syncytial virus, in the poni international study

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    Study rationale: premature infants have a higher risk of developing severe lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), compared with full-term children. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of LRTI in preschool children, including children aged up to 1 year. Objective of the research – to determine the incidence, severity, course and outcome of hospitalizations caused by LRTI associated and not associated with RSV in preterm infants who had no immunoprophylaxis. Study materials and methods: a surveillance epidemiological study was conducted in 23 countries (Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia, Middle East, Mexico, Korea) from September 2013 to July 2014. The study included premature infants born from 33 weeks +0 days to 35 weeks +6 days of gestation, within 6 months before the start of RSV season. Data were obtained from medical records during a conversation/telephone contact with the parents. Results: of 2390 children included, 64 were hospitalized due to LRTI and had at least one positive RSV test result (RSV+ group), 100 – at least one negative RSV test result (RSV–). Results for RSV+ and RSV– groups were, respectively: the incidence of coughing was in 31,3 and 8%of children; hospitalization duration (median) 7 and 5,5 days; use of additional oxygen: 73,4 and 40% of children; hospitalization in the intensive care unit: 29,7 and 24%; artificial lung ventilation: 10,9 and 8% of children; its duration (median) 4 and 3 days. Conclusion: premature infants with RSV, in contrast to preterm infants without RSV, have more severe symptoms and signs of LRTI, more frequent use of supplemental oxygen and a tendency to more severe hospitalization course. © 2017, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved