7 research outputs found

    カンゎショク ノ ダむガクむン シンガク ニ カンスル カンゎカンリシャ ノ ニンシキ : -シガケンナむ ノ カンゎカンリシャ ヲ タむショり トシテ -

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    背景 近幎, 看護系倧孊院の増加に䌎い瀟䌚人倧孊院生が増加しおいる. しかし, 職堎の理解が埗られず, キャリアを䞭断しお孊業に専念する孊生や進孊そのものを断念する者も倚い. 目的 本孊が倧孊院を開蚭する堎合には, 他倧孊ず同様に瀟䌚人が入孊生の倚くを占めるず掚枬されるため, 看護職の倧孊院進孊に関する看護管理者の認識に぀いお調査を行なった. 方法 滋賀県内の病院及び実習関連斜蚭等の管理者144名を察象に質問玙調査を実斜した. 結果 70名からの回答 (回収率48.61%) が埗られた. 倧孊院修了看護職に期埅する管理者は51.42%, 所属斜蚭に倧孊院卒看護職が必芁ずする管理者は38.57%であったが, 䞡者ずもわからないず回答した管理者は42.85%であった. たた, 進孊制床がある斜蚭は25.71%であった. 結論 本調査察象である看護管理者が倧孊院修了看護職に期埅する内容, 必芁ずする理由は, 研究や教育, 管理的圹割, 看護実践の質的向䞊など先行研究ず同様の結果であったが, 倧孊院修了看護職にどのように掻動しおもらうかむメヌゞをもおおいない管理者も倚いこずが明らかになった.Background Recently, the number of the graduate students of nursing who also work for full time jobs has been increasing as many new graduate schools of nursing have been established. However, many of them have been had to give up pursuing either their career or education, due to the lack of the understanding from their work places.Object When establishing a graduate school of nursing in our university, it is expected that many of the students will be working full time as it is seen in many other schools. Thus, we conducted a survey to the administrators of nursing institutions asking about their opinions for their workers to go on to graduate school education.Method Surveyed on 144 administrators of nursing institutions in Shiga prefecture, including the hospitals and institutions where our students train in, through questionnaires.Result 70 cases were collected (response rate: 48.61%). 51.42% have positive opinions forward the workers who have finished the master\u27s course of the field, 38.57% said they need them at their work places, and 42.85% said they do not know. However, only 25.71% of the institutions provided the system of supporting the workers for their further education and their main concern seems to be how the organizations and the workers can make mutual understanding for their career.Conclusion The survey showed that some of the administrators have positive opinions toward the workers who have finished the master\u27s degree course of nursing and that they feel the need for them at their work places as it was shown in previous studies. However, it has also been found that many of them do not have a clear picture of how those workers can be actively participated at their work places

    サむケツ ヲ りケル 1サむ ノ コドモ ト オダ ヘノ ゚ンゞョ ナむペり

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    背景 小児看護領域においお, 子どもの暩利条玄の批准埌, プレパレヌションの抂念が広たった. しかし, 小児専門病院の看護垫に比べ, 総合病院の看護垫のプレパレヌションの認識は䜎く, プレパレヌションの実践の普及がされおいない実態がある. さらに, 採血を受ける子どもに関する研究は倚いが, 自己の思考により物事をみるこずができない発達段階である2歳未満の幎少の子どもを察象ずした研究は少ない. 目的 採血を受ける1歳の子どもずその芪ぞの揎助内容を明らかにする. 方法 党囜の小児倖来を暙抜する総合病院131斜蚭の倖来に勀務する看護垫のうち, 子どもの採血に関わる786名を察象に質問玙調査を行い, 自由蚘述の内容を分析しカテゎリヌ化した. 結果および考察 282名 (回収率35.8%) から回答が埗られた. 看護垫のプレパレヌションの認知は, 知っおいる51.1%, 知らない45.0%であり先行研究より認識が高たっおいた. しかし, 芪の付き添いがないず回答した看護垫は66.5%であり, さらに子どもの姿勢は寝かされ, 身䜓の抑制を受けながら採血を受けおいたこずが明らかずなった. 自由蚘述の内容分析では, 1歳の子どもず芪ぞの揎助内容から看護垫は, 子どもの発達段階に応じた揎助ができおいたが, 芪が付き添う採血のケアモデル提瀺が少ないこずが明らかずなった. 結論 看護垫が, 1歳の子どもの発達段階に応じた揎助を行うために, 子どもの暩利およびプレパレヌションの抂念を孊習する機䌚の提䟛が必芁である. さらに, 芪が付き添う採血のケアモデルの提瀺をする必芁があるこずが瀺唆された.Background Nurses\u27 awareness of preparation at general hospitals is lower than that of nurses at specialist pediatric clinics, which has impeded the spread of preparation being put into practice throughout Japan. Although many studies have investigated children undergoing blood collection, few have examined young subjects aged less than two years.Objective This study aimed to clarify the state of blood collections conducted on one-year-old patients and support offered to parents.Methods A questionnaire survey targeting 786 outpatient nurses who routinely collected blood from pediatric patients at 131 general hospital facilities nationwide was conducted. Free comments were analyzed and content was categorized.Results/Discussion Answers were received from 282 nurses (recovery rate: 35.8%). It was found that nurses\u27 awareness of preparation had increased from that reported in previous studies to 51.1%. However, 66.5% of nurses reported that parents did not accompany children during blood collection. Analysis of free comments revealed that although nurses were offering parents support in accordance with children\u27s developmental stage, few care models incorporating parental attendance during blood collection had been presented.Conclusions Opportunities to study the concepts of child rights and preparation need to be provided so that nurses can give support in accordance with the developmental stage of one-year-old children undergoing blood collection. Results also suggested that a care model incorporating parental attendance during blood collection needs to be presented

    カゟク ガ ツキ゜ッタ バアむ ノ ペりゞ ノ サむケツ ニ タむスル タむショ コりドり ノ カンサツ ブンセキ

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    背景 1994幎に児童の暩利に関する条玄をわが囜が批准しおから, 小児看護領域では子どもの暩利の保障ずしおプレパレヌションの抂念が広たった. 特に認知胜力や蚀語的衚珟力が未熟な幌児に察しお, 身䜓的苊痛が䌎う怜査や凊眮では子どもの理解力に応じたプレパレヌションの実斜が重芁であるこずが明らかにされおいる. しかし怜査や凊眮の堎面構成は医療者が䞻䜓であるため, 採血堎面に芪の付き添いを陀倖する斜蚭が倚い. そのため芪から分離された幌児は, 䞍安の増倧により凊眮宀ぞの入宀も困難な状態を匕き起こす. 芪が採血に付き添う堎合に, 子どもがどのような反応や行動をずるかは明らかにされおいない. 目的 家族が付き添う幌児埌期の子どもの採血堎面をビデオに録画し, 子どもず家族の盞互の関係性から察凊行動を明らかにする. 方法 小児倖来で家族が付き添っお採血を受ける幌児埌期の子どもが, 採血を受けお退宀するたでの行動をビデオに録画し, 採血終了埌に家族ぞ半構成的面接を行った. 結果 採血前は【緊匵の高たり】【誘導を受け入れる】【抵抗する】【自分なりの方法で心の準備をする】の4カテゎリヌず8サブカテゎリヌ, 採血䞭は【誘導を受け入れる】【自分なりの方法で取り組む】【苊痛を衚珟する】【緊匵をずく】の4カテゎリヌず8サブカテゎリヌ, 採血埌は【終了を行動する】【緊匵がずける】【満足感を埗る】の3カテゎリヌず5サブカテゎリヌが抜出された. 結論 採血堎面に家族が付き添った幌児埌期の子どもは, 家族が寄り添うこずで安心を埗るこずができ, 調敎胜力を発揮し, 子どもは自分なりの方法で立ち向かうこずができる. たた採血䞭は痛みや苊痛をその堎で受け止めおもらえる家族の存圚により, 子どもは少しず぀緊匵をずくこずができる. さらに家族からの称賛により子どもは満足を埗るこずができ, 早期に日垞の姿に戻るこずができた.Background Japan ratified a treaty about the Child Rights in 1994, a general idea of preparation spread out as security of the rights of children in the child care region. For the infants that cognitive ability and verbal power of expression are immature, it is revealed that enforcement of preparation which accepted the understanding of children is important by testing and the treatment that physical pain is associated with. However, as for the scene constitution of testing and the treatment, there are many institutions excluding the attendant of the parent in the drawing blood scene because a medical person is the main constituent. Therefore the infants isolated from a parent cause a state having difficulty in admission to the dressing room by an increase of the anxiety. When a parent goes with drawing blood, it is uncertain what kind of response and behavior children take. Also, it is uncertain what kind of response and behavior children take when a parent goes with drawing blood.Purpose We determine coping behavior from the mutual relations of children and the family by shooting the drawing blood scene of the infants whom a family attends with a video camera.Methods We recorded behavior before undergoing drawing blood, and being discharged from the infants who underwent drawing blood with a family in pediatric outpatient department on a video .And had an interview to a family

    カンゎ ガクブ ガクセむ ニ オケル ドりニュり キョりむク ノヒョりカ : A ダむガク ニ オケル チョりサ ケッカ ノ ケントり

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    背景 近幎, 少子化の圱響を受け倧孊ぞの進孊垌望者ず入孊定員数がほが同数ずなる時代が到来した. このような状況の䞭, 倧孊生の孊習意欲や孊力の䜎䞋が指摘されおおり, 孊習意欲の向䞊および適切な孊習スキルを身に぀けるために導入教育を取り入れおいる倧孊が倚い. 倧孊生に察する導入教育の必芁性が認識され実斜されおいるが, 具䜓的な導入教育プログラムの基準や評䟡方匏が未だ定たっおいない珟状があり, 共通教材の必芁性も指摘されおいる. 目的 本皿は看護孊郚孊生を察象に, コミュニケヌション胜力の向䞊や日垞生掻スキルの習埗を目指した導入教育の効果を調査によっお怜蚎するこずを目的ずした. 方法 察象は看護孊郚1幎生党員 (71名) である. 導入教育の効果は, 「芪和性」 「リヌダヌシップ」 「蚈画性」 「感受性」 「情報芁玄力」 「自尊心」 「前向きな思考」 「察人マナヌ」 の8因子からなる日垞生掻スキル尺床 (倧孊生版) ず自由蚘茉匏の感想甚玙を䜿甚し評䟡した. 倫理的配慮ずしお, 察象には研究ぞの参加を拒吊しおも䞍利益を被るこずは䞀切ないこず, 研究ぞの参加は自由意思によっお決定しおよいこずを䌝えた. 結果 日垞生掻スキル尺床 (倧孊生版) は, 導入教育の開始前ず終了埌で党おの因子においお有意差が認められなかった. しかし, 導入教育の終了埌に調査した孊生の感想を共通内容ごずに分類し研究者間で怜蚎した結果, 『コミュニケヌションの成立床』 『孊習スキル向䞊』 『カリキュラム䞊の課題』 の3぀の倧きな項目にわけられた. たた, 「リヌダヌシップ」 の埗点が䜎い傟向にあるこずが明らかずなり, 今埌の導入教育に加え授業や臚地実習の䞭でリヌダヌシップ胜力の向䞊を目指した教育や指導を取り入れるこずが必芁ずされた. 結論 今回の導入教育では有意差が認められなかった. しかし, 孊生の感想にはコミュニケヌションの充実や孊習ぞの積極的な姿勢に぀いおの蚘茉がみられた. たた, リヌダヌシップ胜力の向䞊を目指す教育が必芁ずされた.Objective The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of the introductory education on improvement in communications skills, and acquisition of life skills for the nursing students. Methods Subjects were 71 first-year nursing students. The introductory education was evaluated by using an eight-point life skills scale (compatibility, leadership, planning ability, sensitivity, ability to grasp information, self-esteem, proactive thinking, and manners (and a written comment of their candid impressions.Results/Discussion The differences in life skills categories between before and after introductory educational program are not significant. However, nursing students pointed out the improvement in communications skills, and tackling study positively after introductory education.Conclusions In addition to introductory education, it is necessary to take in the education and instruction which aimed at improvement in leadership capability in a lesson or training based on this research

    ペりゞ れンキ ノ コドモ ガ りケル サむケツ ニ ドりセキ スル ハハオダ ノ ストレス

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    背景 近幎,小児看護領域においお急速にプレパレヌションずいう抂念が普及しおきた.医療凊眮を受ける子どもにプレパレヌションを提䟛し,その効果を最倧に匕き出すためには,子どもが最も信頌しおいる母芪の存圚が重芁である.しかし,我が囜では,母芪が同垭し泣き叫ぶ子どもをみるこずで䞍安が増倧する,たた子どもは母芪が助けおくれないこずによっお䞍審感をも぀などを理由に,同垭を掚奚する斜蚭は少ない.目的 幌児前期の子どもの採血に同垭した母芪27名を察象に,唟液䞭アミラヌれ(AMY倀),STAI(状態䞍安埗点)の枬定及び母芪ぞのむンタビュヌを行い,子どもが受ける採血に同垭する母芪のストレスを明らかにするこずを本研究の目的ずした.結果及び考察 AMY倀ず状態䞍安埗点は採血前から10分埌に有意に䜎䞋したが,採血前の状態䞍安埗点は暙準レベルであった.たた,母芪は採血に同垭するこずに぀いお【䞀緒が安心】ず感じおいた.子どもが䞍安や恐怖で泣くこずがあっおも,子どもの幎霢や過去の経隓から予枬可胜な子どもの反応であり,心の準備ができおいたこずから【泣くこずの受容】に繋がったず考えられる.結論 子どもが受ける採血に同垭した母芪のAMY倀ず状態埗点からは,これたで医療者の間で信じられおきた同垭による母芪の䞍安の増倧は吊定された.しかしながら,母芪は採血時の姿勢に぀いお【抱っこの難しさ】も感じおいるため,単に同垭を勧めるだけでなく,安党性の高い固定法や幌児期前期に有効なディストラクションを具䜓的に瀺し,母芪が自信をもっお採血に臚めるよう支揎するこずが重芁である.Background Mothers are the persons who are often the most trusted individual by their children and their presence is important when preparing children for medical treatment that can be invasive,painful or generally frightening.This concept is often referred to as "preparation" and is at the heart of caring for the parent and child; as both go through the procedure,one as the patient the other as comforter and safe trusted presence for the child.In Japan,however,few hospitals agree with the concept of preparation that believing mothers may become increasingly anxious as they see their children crying and children may mistrust their mothers for failing to help.This paper seeks to examine stress levels of mothers who are participating in a preparation procedure of drawing blood. Method 27 mothers of children aged 1-3 years who were present when blood samples were taken from their children,agreed to participate in the research project.Informed consent was given for this research by the participants A sample of saliva was taken pre and post procedure and examined for salivary amylase(AMY) levels which are stress indicators.An increase would indicate higher stress and a decrease would indicate lower stress.A State-Trait Anxiety Interview (STAI)was also performed per and post procedure a high score would indicate high anxiety.A low score would indicate low score. Findings Salivary AMY levels and STAI scores decreased significantly 10 min after the blood sampling compared with before,STAI scores before blood sampling were normal,and mothers also felt reassured if they were present while the blood was being drawn. Discussion Mothers felt reassured when they were present while the blood was being drawn.Even if children cried due to anxiety or fear,mothers considered this reaction predictable because of the child\u27s age and their own experience; because the mothers were prepared for it as a result,they were able to tolerate the crying remaining calm and giving reassurance to the child.These findings go against the widespread belief among medical professionals that mothers become more anxious if they are present during treatment.However,mothers also found it difficult to hold their children during the blood drawing,so in addition to recommending that they be present,physicians must assist mothers in facing blood sampling with confidence,by teaching them how to hold the child still in a safe manner and showing them effective ways of distracting infants

    ハハオダ ガ ツキ゜ッタ バアむ ノ ペりゞ れンキ ノ コドモ ノ サむケツ ニ タむスル タむショ コりドり ノ ブンセキ

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    背景 子どもの暩利条玄においお芪からの分離の犁止"が謳われおいるが,子どもの採血堎面では芪が付き添う斜蚭は少ない珟状である.採血堎面に芪が付き添い芪の助けを受けた子どもは,安心を埗るこずができ,芪の支揎を受けながら自分なりの方法で採血に立ち向かうこずができる.しかし,これらはほずんどが幌児埌期の子どもが察象であり,芪の存圚の意矩が倧きい幌児前期の子どもを察象ずした研究は少ない.目的 幌児前期の子どもの採血堎面に,母芪が付き添った堎合の子どもの察凊行動を明らかにするこずを目的ずする.方法 幌児前期の子どもに,母芪が付き添った堎合の行動をビデオ撮圱し,採血終了埌,母芪ぞ半構成的面接を行った.結果 採血前は【緊匵を高める】,【呚囲を確認する】,【抵抗する】,【誘導に埓う】,【安心を求める】,【芚悟する】の6カテゎリヌず10サブカテゎリヌ,採血䞭は【緊匵の持続】,【苊痛を衚珟する】,【誘導に埓う】,【終了を予枬する】,【安心を求める】,【進行を確認する】の6カテゎリヌず11サブカテゎリヌ,採血埌は【終了を確認する】,【緊匵がずける】,【満足感を埗る】の3カテゎリヌず7サブカテゎリヌが抜出された.結論 母芪が付き添った堎合の幌児前期の子どもの察凊行動は,採血の経過をむメヌゞするこずができないため,母芪が䞻䜓的に身䜓的接觊を持ち,具䜓的な察凊行動を瀺すこずで芋通しを埗るこずができる.たた母芪からの賞賛は,子どもの採血に察する緊匵感を早期に解くこずができる.Background In the "Convention on the Rights of the Child," it is prohibited to separate the child from his/her parent,but the reality is that there are few facilities where the parent is in attendance when a child\u27s blood is being sampled.Children whose parents are in attendance and who receive support from their parent are able to feel secure and endure the blood sampling in their own way.However,this usually applies to children in late infancy, and there are few studies regarding early infancy where the parent\u27s presence is of great significance. Objective The objective was to clarify the coping behavior of children in early infancy when the mother was in attendance during blood sampling. Methods We recorded video footage of children in early infancy whose mothers were in attendance during blood sampling and then held semi-structured interviews with the mothers. Results/Discussion Before blood sampling,6 categories including [increase in tension],[checking surroundings],[resisting],[following instructions],[desiring security],[being prepared] in addition to 10 subcategories were extracted.During blood sampling,6 categories including [continued tension],[expressing pain],[following instructions],[anticipating completion],[desiring comfort],[checking progress] in addition to 11 subcategories were extracted.After blood sampling 3 categories including [verifying completion],[relief of tension],[feeling satisfied] in addition to 7 subcategories were extracted. Conclusions In the coping behavior of children in early infancy whose mother is in attendance,the mother can proactively maintain physical contact and offer the child an outlook by demonstrating specific coping behavior because the child cannot picture the blood sample process.Further,praise from the mother can relieve the child\u27s tension at an early stage

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    背景 高霢化瀟䌚や医療の高床化の到来から, 看護孊生の看護実践胜力の匷化の必芁性が重芁課題ずなっおいる. 目的 新蚭看護孊郚においお看護実践胜力が高い孊生を育成するために必芁ず考えられる看護技術項目を明らかにするこずを目的ずした. 方法 各看護孊領域代衚者で技術項目怜蚎委員䌚をもち, 本孊郚の教育理念に埓っお, 既存文献を参考にしながら, 項目を远加修正し, 各看護孊領域が講矩・挔習・実習のどこで孊習するかを確認した. 結果 孊生の看護実践胜力を育成する為の看護技術項目は19項目の倧項目, 131の䞭項目, 160の小項目ず敎理し, 看護技術項目のシヌトを䜜成した. 結論 䜜成したシヌトは, 各看護孊領域で孊習する内容を講矩の教材ずしお掻甚し, 孊生・教員・実習の指導者の3者間で, 個々の孊生の看護技術の習埗に有効であるず考える. たたそれは, 孊生の看護実践胜力の匷化ぞず期埅できる.Background With the aging of society and the advances in medical care technologies, it is increasingly important and necessary for nursing students to be able to use their nursing knowledge and skills in a practical setting. Educational institutions are therefore urged to provide the students with such training.Purpose The purpose of this paper is to clarify what skills are actually necessary and useful for students to become effective in their practice as nurses, and what training should be given at the new nursing department in order to enhance the practical nursing skills of students.Methods First, scholars and representatives of nursing-related fields formed a committee where skills required for achieving the purpose stated above were redefined in accordance with the university\u27s educational objectives. In revising the existing skills items, published information was also used as a reference. How each of the skills is learned, either in lectures, classroom training, or practical training, was confirmed by the committee.Results The nursing skills identified by the committee were classified into 19 skills of major importance, 131 skills of medium importance and 160 skills of less importance. The committee summarized them as a list of nursing skills.Conclusion The list can be used as teaching materials in the class, and can be used not only by teachers and advisors in the training but also by students. Students would refer to the list when learning nursing skills. Such use of the list may reinforce students\u27 ability to apply the obtained skills in their nursing performance