
ハハオヤ ガ ツキソッタ バアイ ノ ヨウジ ゼンキ ノ コドモ ノ サイケツ ニ タイスル タイショ コウドウ ノ ブンセキ


背景 子どもの権利条約において親からの分離の禁止"が謳われているが,子どもの採血場面では親が付き添う施設は少ない現状である.採血場面に親が付き添い親の助けを受けた子どもは,安心を得ることができ,親の支援を受けながら自分なりの方法で採血に立ち向かうことができる.しかし,これらはほとんどが幼児後期の子どもが対象であり,親の存在の意義が大きい幼児前期の子どもを対象とした研究は少ない.目的 幼児前期の子どもの採血場面に,母親が付き添った場合の子どもの対処行動を明らかにすることを目的とする.方法 幼児前期の子どもに,母親が付き添った場合の行動をビデオ撮影し,採血終了後,母親へ半構成的面接を行った.結果 採血前は【緊張を高める】,【周囲を確認する】,【抵抗する】,【誘導に従う】,【安心を求める】,【覚悟する】の6カテゴリーと10サブカテゴリー,採血中は【緊張の持続】,【苦痛を表現する】,【誘導に従う】,【終了を予測する】,【安心を求める】,【進行を確認する】の6カテゴリーと11サブカテゴリー,採血後は【終了を確認する】,【緊張がとける】,【満足感を得る】の3カテゴリーと7サブカテゴリーが抽出された.結論 母親が付き添った場合の幼児前期の子どもの対処行動は,採血の経過をイメージすることができないため,母親が主体的に身体的接触を持ち,具体的な対処行動を示すことで見通しを得ることができる.また母親からの賞賛は,子どもの採血に対する緊張感を早期に解くことができる.Background In the "Convention on the Rights of the Child," it is prohibited to separate the child from his/her parent,but the reality is that there are few facilities where the parent is in attendance when a child\u27s blood is being sampled.Children whose parents are in attendance and who receive support from their parent are able to feel secure and endure the blood sampling in their own way.However,this usually applies to children in late infancy, and there are few studies regarding early infancy where the parent\u27s presence is of great significance. Objective The objective was to clarify the coping behavior of children in early infancy when the mother was in attendance during blood sampling. Methods We recorded video footage of children in early infancy whose mothers were in attendance during blood sampling and then held semi-structured interviews with the mothers. Results/Discussion Before blood sampling,6 categories including [increase in tension],[checking surroundings],[resisting],[following instructions],[desiring security],[being prepared] in addition to 10 subcategories were extracted.During blood sampling,6 categories including [continued tension],[expressing pain],[following instructions],[anticipating completion],[desiring comfort],[checking progress] in addition to 11 subcategories were extracted.After blood sampling 3 categories including [verifying completion],[relief of tension],[feeling satisfied] in addition to 7 subcategories were extracted. Conclusions In the coping behavior of children in early infancy whose mother is in attendance,the mother can proactively maintain physical contact and offer the child an outlook by demonstrating specific coping behavior because the child cannot picture the blood sample process.Further,praise from the mother can relieve the child\u27s tension at an early stage

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