37 research outputs found

    The therapeutic potential of truffle fungi: a patent survey

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    The purpose of this article is to research and retrieve patent information regarding the therapeutic use of truffles. Truffles have a unique value as a foodstuff and impact positively on human health and well-being. They are applied in such industries as the pharmaceutical industry and the cosmetic industry. Patent documentation available in the Espacenet network and the Patentscope service were analyzed by key word and patent specifications were examined to describe state of the art and to identify scientific research trends in therapeutic applications of truffles. Medicinal properties of truffles such as the anticancer or cardiovascular effect, a reduction in blood lipids, immunological resistance and increased energy were identified. Other therapeutic benefits include sedative action, prevention of hormonal imbalances in women, pre-menopause symptom relief, senile urethritis and prostate disorders, sleep disorders and increased absorption of calcium from milk. Truffles can also be used to alleviate symptoms of milk intolerance such as diarrhoea or bloating, to ease rheumatic pains and to treat and prevent further development or recurrence of senile cataract

    Influence of plasma on the physical properties of the ointments with quercetin

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    Effects of two independent variables – the content of quercetin (0 or 1 or 1.5 or 5 %) and the content of plasma (0 or 2 or 4 or 6 %) – on the organoleptic properties and rheological parameters of model formulations prepared on an amphiphilic base were estimated. The consistency of all ointments was uniform, and the content of quercetin and plasma lay within the predefined range. Tested ointments are non-Newtonian systems. The content of quercetin and plasma was found to have a significant effect on the rheological properties of the ointments. An increase in the content of plasma in ointments was accompanied by a significant increase in their hardness, viscosity and shear stress and a reduction of their spreadability. The best rheological properties were shown by formulation F-3, containing 1.5 % of quercetin and 2 % of plasma

    Influence of Phosvitin and Calcium Gluconate Concentration on Permeation and Intestinal Absorption of Calcium Ions

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    The effect of egg yolk phosvitin on the permeation and absorption of calcium was investigated in vitro in relation to calcium gluconate concentration. Obtained results indicate that phosvitin significantly reduces the intestinal calcium absorption from 1 and 10 mM of calcium gluconate solution. It is associated with the formation of the complex of Ca (II) ions with phosvitin. The process of calcium permeation increases under phosvitin influence when calcium gluconate concentrations rise up to 10 mM. At a higher concentration of calcium gluconate (20 mM), no effect of phosvitin was seen on permeation of calcium ions

    The therapeutic potential of truffle fungi: a patent survey

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    The purpose of this article is to research and retrieve patent information regarding the therapeutic use of truffles. Truffles have a unique value as a foodstuff and impact positively on human health and well-being. They are applied in such industries as the pharmaceutical industry and the cosmetic industry. Patent documentation available in the Espacenet network and the Patentscope service were analyzed by key word and patent specifications were examined to describe state of the art and to identify scientific research trends in therapeutic applications of truffles. Medicinal properties of truffles such as the anticancer or cardiovascular effect, a reduction in blood lipids, immunological resistance and increased energy were identified. Other therapeutic benefits include sedative action, prevention of hormonal imbalances in women, pre-menopause symptom relief, senile urethritis and prostate disorders, sleep disorders and increased absorption of calcium from milk. Truffles can also be used to alleviate symptoms of milk intolerance such as diarrhoea or bloating, to ease rheumatic pains and to treat and prevent further development or recurrence of senile cataract

    Influence of the selected antioxidants on the stability of the ViaSpan solution used for perfusion and organ preservation purposes

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    The paper presents a study on antioxidants' effects on the stability of perfusion and organ preservation liquids, in order to obtain medicinal products characterized by higher stability and efficiency. The subject of this study was a genuine ViaSpan liquid, the composition of which was modified by replacing glutathione with selected antioxidants, e.g. vitamin C, cysteine, and fumaric acid in concentrations of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 mmol/l. Liquid stability was evaluated using an "accelerated stability" test. Results indicate that the suggested antioxidants have a significant effect on extending the stability of the ViaSpan liquid. The best results are achieved when the genuine liquid is supplemented with ascorbic acid at a concentration of 0.45 mmol/l. An extension in the ViaSpan liquid's stability from 117 to 178 days was achieved; corresponding to a 1.5-fold increase.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Obtaining microcapsules with albumin with programmed properties

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    The aim of this study was: a) the determination of the relation between composition of mixture for microencapsulation (gelatin concentration 5, 10, and 15 %; sodium alginate 2, 4, and 6 %; acetic acid 15, 20, and 30 %) and the efficiency of the obtained microcapsules, b) the degree of human serum albumin (HSA) incorporation, and c) the release time of HSA from microcapsules. Existing relations was described by multiple regression equations on the basis of which it can be obtained HSA gelatin-alginate micocapsules with specified release time and with specified efficiency and degree of protein incorporation. The aim was realized by modeling the composition of mixture for microencapsulation. HSA microcapsules were prepared using complex coacervation method. Based on presented multiple regression equations it was possible to obtain HSA microcapsules with specified efficiency, degree of incorporation and release time.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Influence of Incubation Conditions on Hydrolysis Efficiency and Iodine Enrichment in Baker’s Yeast

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    The influence of incubation conditions, enzyme type, hydrolysis time, and potassium iodide concentration on hydrolysis and iodine enrichment were studied in supernatant and pellets of Saccharomyces cervisiae hydrolysates. The type of enzyme used and incubation time significantly influence hydrolysis efficiency and protein concentration in supernatant and pellet. The highest protein hydrolysis efficiency was obtained by 24-h incubation with papain. Significantly lower values were observed for pepsin and autolysis. The potassium iodide concentration influences the iodine content of supernatant and pellet, but not hydrolysis. Iodide enrichment of supernatant and pellet depends on the concentration of iodide using during incubation. High concentration of iodide and long incubation times were the conditions for optimal iodide enrichment and high-protein hydrolysates. The optimal hydrolysis efficiency and iodine enrichment were obtained during 24-h incubation with papain in a 4.5-mM potassium iodide medium. The efficiency reached 98.22% with iodine concentrations of 2,664.91 and 9,200.67 μg/g iodine in pellet and supernatant, respectively

    Factors enhancing calcium's absorption

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    The inappropriate supply of calcium influences bone loss and the risk of the osteoporosis. Health benefits expected from calcium depend on the amount of consumed calcium and also are strongly dependent on the possibility of organism to absorb calcium. Many studies devoted to this topic do not consider the absorbed calcium amount indeed which on average gives 10-75% of total calcium consumed. In order to make calcium absorption higher and more effective, researchers still conduct an investigation concerned with the factors enhancing calcium absorption and not having any negative influence on excretion of this element. The following can be rated among such substances: vitamin D, magnesium, inulin and other indigestible oligosaccharides, some amino acids, short-chain fatty acids, lactose, casein, phosvitin.Nieodpowiednia podaż wapnia wpływa na utratę masy kostnej oraz ryzyko wystąpienia osteoporozy. Zdrowotne korzyści oczekiwane od wapnia zależą nie tylko od ilości spożywanego wapnia, ale również są bardzo silnie zależne od możliwości organizmu do wchłaniania przyjętego wapnia. Wiele badań poświęconych temu tematowi nie rozważa ilości wapnia rzeczywiście wchłanianego, która nigdy nie wynosi 100%, a waha się w granicach 10-75% w zależności od wieku i stanu zdrowia. Aby wchłanianie wapnia było jak najefektywniejsze poszukuje się substancji zwiększających absorpcję wapnia w przewodzie pokarmowym, a ponadto nie wpływających negatywnie na jego wydalanie. Do takich substancji można obecnie zaliczyć: witaminę D, magnez, inulinę i inne niestrawne sacharydy, niektóre aminokwasy, krótkołańcuchowe kwasy tłuszczowe, laktozę, fosfopeptydy kazeiny i foswityny

    Prolactin and other regulators of calcium absorption

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    Absorption of calcium is regulated by many endogenous and exogenous factors. Prolactin is important regulator. Numerous studies indicate that prolactin can stimulate calcium transport in the small intestine in vitro and in vivo. This is especially important during the growing demand for calcium in pregnancy and in lactation. There is report the role of prolactin in maintaining calcium homeostasis.Wchłanianie wapnia regulują liczne czynniki endogenne i egzogenne, m.in. prolaktyna. Jak wynika z wielu badań, może ona stymulować transport wapnia w jelicie cienkim w warunkach in vitro oraz in vivo. Jest to szczególnie ważne w okresie wzrostu zapotrzebowania na wapń w okresie ciąży i laktacji. W licznych doniesieniach wskazano na rolę prolaktyny w zachowaniu homeostazy wapniowej