32 research outputs found

    Новое семейство преобразователей напряжения с низким уровнем гармонических искажений с использованием соединенных индуктивностей

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    У даній статті представлений новий підхід до багатоімпульсних перетворювачів напруги, зокрема інверторів напруги і матричних перетворювачів на основі кількох типових ідентичних модулів, з'єднаних паралельно з використанням Inductive Current Splitters/Mergers. Такі механізми призводить до зниження напруги спотворення при низькій частоті перемикання. Пропоновані нові механізми була підтверджені за допомогою моделювання. Лабораторні моделі 18- і 24-імпульсних 3-рівневих перетворювачів напруги були також досліджені експериментально. Результати моделювання і лабораторних випробувань експериментальних моделей представлені в роботі.This paper presented a novel approach to the multipulse voltage converters (VC), especially voltage source inverters (VSI) and matric converters (MC) based on several typical identical modules connected in parallel using Inductive Current Splitters/Mergers. Such arrangements resulting in lower voltage distortions at extremely low switching frequency. Proposed new arrangements was validated by simulation. Laboratory models of 18- and 24-pulse 3-level VSI arrangements was also investigated experimentally. Results of simulation and laboratory tests of experimental models are presented in the paper.В данной статье представлен новый подход к многоимпульсным преобразователям напряжения, в том числе инверторам напряжения и матричным преобразователям на основе нескольких типовых идентичных модулей, соединенных параллельно с использованием Inductive Current Splitters / Mergers. Такие механизмы приводит к снижению напряжения искажения при низкой частоте переключения. Предлагаемые новые механизмы были подтверждены с помощью моделирования. Лабораторные модели 18- и 24-импульсных 3-уровневый преобразователей напряжения были также исследованы экспериментально. Результаты моделирования и лабораторных испытаний экспериментальных моделей представлены в работе

    Assessment of the factors influencing on the formation of energy-oriented modes of electric power consumption by water-drainage installations of the mines

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    Purpose. Performing the analysis to determine energy-efficient modes and assess the characteristics of the main indicators of electric power consumption by mine water-drainage installations based on the developed research mathematical model. Methods. To achieve the purpose set, a methodology is used to develop the multiple multifactor correlation-regression modeling with respect to the modes of electric power consumption by electrical and mechanical complexes of mine waterdrainage installations. The amount of consumed electric power is found as an effective feature. The expediency of using the nonlinear multiple regression analytical ratios has been substantiated during the model development. A comparative analysis of a multiple multifactor regression model, presented in the form of a power and linear function, has been performed. Findings. The research results make it possible to determine that the greatest influence on the electric power consumption is made by water inflow, and the smallest influence – by the depth of water pumping from underground horizons. The expediency of using a multiple multifactor regression model in the form of a power function has been substantiated. The elaborated quantitative values of the factors of electric power consumption by electrical and mechanical complexes of mine waterdrainage installations have become the basis for the introduction of innovative technological solutions at the relevant iron ore enterprises to optimize the cost characteristics of the electric power consumption. Originality. For the first time for the analysis and assessment of the operating modes of the main water-drainage installations of mines, the use of mathematical modeling based on the multiple correlation-regression method is proposed. The developed model takes into account a complex of technological parameters of influence on the water-pumping process. The analysis of the proposed model makes it possible to identify significant factors influencing the modes of electric power consumption by electrical and mechanical complexes of water-drainage installations in the mines and to conduct waterdrainage assessment for constructing an algorithm for optimal control of this process in the cost-target direction. Practical implications. The research tactics are proposed for determining the energy-efficient operating modes of the main water-drainage installations of the mines by the method of mathematical modeling. The analysis of the obtained results of mathematical and statistical modeling makes it possible to take into account the complex of technological parameters of the influence on the water-pumping process, to identify and assess the modes of electric power consumption by the main waterdrainage installations, as well as to obtain the initial data for the development of the structure of the control algorithm for mine stationary installations of this type in the cost-target aspect.Мета. Проведення аналізу з визначення енергоефективних режимів та оцінювання характеристик основних показників споживання електричної енергії водовідливними установками шахт на основі розробленої дослідницької математичної моделі. Методика. Для досягнення поставленої мети застосована методика побудови множинного багатофакторного кореляційно-регресійного моделювання щодо режимів електроспоживання електромеханічними комплексами водовідливних установок шахт. В якості результативної ознаки визначено кількість спожитої електричної енергії. Доведено доцільність застосування в процесі розбудови моделі нелінійних множинних регресійних аналітичних співвідношень. Проведено порівняльний аналіз множиної багато-факторної регресійної моделі представленої у формі степеневої та лінійної функції. Результати. Результати дослідження дозволили установити, що найбільший вплив на споживання електричної енергії становить водоприток, а найменший – глибина відкачування води з підземних горизонтів. Обгрунтовано доцільність застосування множиної багатофакторної регресійної моделі у формі степеневої функції. Опрацьовані кількісні значення чинників електроспоживання електромеханічними комплексами водовідливних установок шахт стали підгрунтям щодо впровадження іноваційних технологічних рішень на відповідних залізорудних підприємствах задля оптимізації вартісних характеристик споживання електричної енергії. Наукова новизна. Вперше, для аналізу та оцінки режимів функціонування головних водовідливних установок шахт, запропоновано застосування математичного моделювання на засадах множинного кореляційно-регресійного методу. Побудована модель враховує комплекс технологічних параметрів впливу на процес водовідкачування. Аналіз запропонованної моделі дозволяє виявити суттєві чинники впливу щодо режимів електроспоживання електромеханічними комплексами водовідливних установок шахт та провести відвовідне оцінювання задля розбудови алгоритму оптимального керування цим процесом у вартісно-цільовому спрямуванні. Практична значимість. Запропонована тактика досліджень з встановлення енергоефективних режимів функціонування головних водовідливних установок шахт методом математичного моделювання. Аналіз отриманих результатів математико-статистичного моделювання дозволяє враховувати комплекс технологічних параметрів впливу на процес водовідкачування, виявити та провести оцінювання режимів споживання елект-роенергії головними водовідливними установками та отримати вихідні дані для розбудови структури алгоритму керування даним видом стаціонарних установок шахт у вартісно-цільовому аспекті.Цель. Проведение анализа по определению энергоэффективных режимов и оценки характеристик основных показателей потребления электрической энергии водоотливными установками шахт на основе разработанной исследовательской математической модели. Методика. Для достижения поставленной цели применена методика построения множественного многофакторного корреляционно-регрессионного моделирования относительно режимов электропотребления электромеханическими комплексами водоотливных установок шахт. В качестве результативного признака определено количество потребленной электрической энергии. Доказана целесообразность применения в процессе развития модели нелинейных множественных регрессионных аналитических соотношений. Проведен сравнительный анализ множественной многофакторной регрессионной модели представленной в форме степенной и линейной функции. Результаты. Результаты исследования позволили установить, что наибольшее влияние на потребление электрической энергии составляет водоприток, а наименьшее – глубина откачки воды из подземных горизонтов. Обоснована целесообразность применения множественной многофакторной регрессионной модели в форме степенной функции. Обработаны количественные значения факторов электропотребления электромеханическими комплексами водоотливных установок шахт стали основой по внедрению инновационных технологических решений на соответствующих железорудных предприятиях для оптимизации стоимостных характеристик потребления электрической энергии. Научная новизна. Впервые для анализа и оценки режимов функционирования главных водоотливных установок шахт, предложено применение математического моделирования на основе множественного корреляционно-регрессионного метода. Построенная модель учитывает комплекс технологических параметров влияния на процесс водооткачки. Анализ предложенной модели позволяет выявить существенные факторы воздействия в отношении режимов электропотребления электромеханическими ком-плексами водоотливных установок шахт и провести соответствующее оценивание для развития алгоритма оптимального управления этим процессом в ценностно-целевом направлении. Практическая значимость. Предложенная тактика исследований по установлению энергоэффективных режимов функционирования главных водоотливных установок шахт методом математического моделирования. Анализ полученных результатов математико-статистического моделирования позволяет учитывать комплекс технологических параметров влияния на процесс водооткачки, вы-явить и провести оценку режимов потребления электроэнергии главными водоотливными установками и получить исходные данные для развития структуры алгоритма управления данным видом стационарных установок шахт в ценностно-целевом аспекте.The authors express their deep gratitude to the administration of NVK Kryvorizhelektromontazh for assistance in selecting materials and sponsorship for the publication of this paper, as well as the staff of electrical supervisor and energy management of Kryvyi Rih Iron Ore Plant (KZHRK) for the opportunity to conduct experimental research

    Comparative analysis of switched reluctance motor control algorithms

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    Nowadays it has become possible to develop inexpensive modern control systems for nonlinear complexity electromechanical objects due to the development of microprocessor technology and power electronics. Switched reluctance electric machines are among these devices. It makes it possible to widely use such electric machines in various practical implementations, in particular, in traction drives, electric drives of oil and gas drilling rigs, and in other applications. The switched reluctance electric machine is a non-linear object, and its control methods require formalization and grouping. The manuscript considers the design and functional features of switched reluctance electrical machines. The main methods of controlling these electrical machine types are given. Comparative analysis of the most known methods is carried out. The main classical methods of switched reluctance electric machine control are considered, such as a relay current controller with a limitation, the method of controlling the turn on/off angles and controlling the DC link voltage. Transient responses in the electric drive system are demonstrated using the considered methods. It is shown that by adjusting the on/off angles, it is possible to reduce the torque oscillation coefficient. The identified features of the presented methods will make it possible to simplify and reduce the development time for an effective control system for switched reluctance electrical machines as well as to reduce the torque ripple

    Women in the Works of Karol Wojtyła / John Paul II

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    Artykuł składa się z dwóch części. Część pierwsza dotyczy myślowego dorobku Papieża. Stanowi on kontekst autorski, niezbędny do analiz papieskich medytacji poetyckich, które są zamieszczone w części drugiej. Kontekst tworzą wypowiedzi z początkowego okresu pontyfikatu, które dla papieskiego nauczania o kobiecie są z pewnością najważniejsze. Mowa o edycji Jan Paweł II naucza – t. 1: Mężczyzna i niewiastą stworzył ich. Chrystus odwołuje się do „początku”. O Jana Pawła II teologii ciała, t. 4 tejże edycji: Sakrament oraz t. 8: Familiaris consortio, ponadto list apostolski Mulieris dignitatem. Te właśnie teksty stanowią właściwe zaplecze do badania papieskiego dorobku poetyckiego, gdyż podobnie jak poezja Jana Pawła II, ujmują kobietę w kategoriach metafizycznych, duchowych, Boskich. Takiej bazy interpretacyjnej nie zapewnia natomiast feminizm, ani nawet projekt nowego feminizmu Jana Pawła II, którego główną i chwalebną troską było przywracanie osobowej godności kobiety w wymiarze społecznym. Najistotniejsze ujęcia kobiety w papieskim nauczaniu nawiązują do Księgi Rodzaju, do opisów stworzenia człowieka – kobiety i mężczyzny, którzy stają się, mówiąc słowami Ojca Świętego, jednym ciałem, jednym sercem i jednym duchem. Tylko w tym paradygmacie, w „sakramencie stworzenia” (w jedności z mężczyzną) kobieta osiąga najwyższy status w wymiarze metafizycznym i personalistycznym. Znajduje to potwierdzenie w medytacji części drugiej Tryptyku rzymskiego. Jednak uniwersalność tego antropologicznego paradygmatu sprawia, że stosuje się on także do innych tekstów, których bohaterkami są same kobiety. Mowa o Magdalenie, Samarytance, Weronice czy dziewczynie zawiedzionej w miłości. Opracowanie obecne ogranicza się do poezji. Niewątpliwie bardzo istotna dla podejmowanej tu problematyki kobiety, interpretacja dramatu Przed sklepem jubilera stanie się przedmiotem odrębnego opracowania.This article consists of two parts. The first part focuses on the thoughts of the Pope, which we can treat as the author’s context and which is necessary for analysing the papal poetic meditations. The analyses are included in the second part. The context is made up of statements from the early period of the pontificate, which should be considered the most important in the teachings of the Holy Father about women. I am referring here to the following editions of John Paul II’s teachings: Vol. 1: He created man and woman. Christ refers to the “origin”: John Paul II’s theology of the body, Vol. 4: The Sacrament and Vol. 8: Familiaris Consortio: On the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World, as well as the apostolic letter Mulieris Dignitatem: On the Dignity and Vocation of Women on the Occasion of the Marian Year. The aforementioned texts are the relevant basis for studying the papal poetic output, because, like the poetry of John Paul II, they capture woman in the metaphysical, spiritual and divine categories. Such an interpretational basis is not provided by feminism or even John Paul II’s project of new feminism, whose main and laudable concern was to restore woman’s personal dignity in the social dimension. The most important views on women in the papal teaching refer to the Book of Genesis, to the descriptions of the creation of the human being – a woman and a man who become, in the words of the Holy Father, one body, one heart and one spirit. It is in this paradigm, in the “sacrament of creation” (in union with a man) that a woman attains the highest status in the metaphysical and personalistic dimensions. This is confirmed by the meditation in Part 2 of the Roman Triptych. However, the universality of this anthropological paradigm means that it also applies to other texts whose protagonists are women themselves: Mary Magdalene, the Samaritan woman, Veronica, or the girl disappointed in love. The current study is limited to poetry. Undoubtedly, of great importance from the point of view of women’s issues is the interpretation of the drama In front of the Jeweller’s Shop: A Meditation on the Sacrament of Matrimony, Passing on Occasion into a Drama. This play will become the subject of a separate study

    Play, theater and performance in the postmodern world

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    Categories such as play, theater and performance, have been included and thoroughly discussed in the article. They were also contextualized in „turns”– cultural, performative, ludological to determine some differences between them. „Small realism” of the performance is the result of man’s recognition in the perspective of his activities and their presentation excluding the content of the reference and the reality of the object’s reference. On the contrary, theater takes on the sense and recognizes „deep”, elusive in action human dimensions unattainable in the performance. The only way that leads to them is a reference armed with fiction. Reaching the ultimate truth of a man through fiction and delusion is the paradox of the theater, and to some extent also the play. This study has identified some of the concepts of fiction and „its true role” in juxtaposition with the role of necessary truths, authentically present values which gain recognition of the identity of the fictional objects in possible worlds and the real world (with regard to the concept of „in between worlds identity” created by S. Kripke). and by discovering the reality through the reference possibility of the text „footprint” (the concept formed by C. Ginsburg). Nevertheless, in the culture of postmodernism loss of reference not only refers to the performance that explicitly renounces it, but also relates to plays and theater. Thus, the consequence of changes in the surrounding art and play in cultural reality are inevitable. The subject of the artistic practice and ludic reference is analog to them, weakened in its reality, the world that has succumbed to „inflation” and „transfiguration of play”. This makes the true relation replaced by the fictional one (so called ludic relation or virtual relation). As a consequence, play, theater, and performance tend to aim at the same „asymptote” – the lack of reference. For the diagnosis of the process of „transfiguration of the world” differentiators of appropriately modified play were identified by J. Huizinga. Two of them: free unselfishness (keen entertainment, lack of commitments) and virtual reality (fictitiousness, pretending the world, so called „fake world”) can be related to two vectors of change. The first vector – prime sphere of play extends to the whole reality by expansion of the leisure time, pleasure, unproductivity and freedom of activity and anthropology of what is temporary and casual. The second vector launched inside the world seriously leads to virtualization and expansion of the Second Life, simulacra and consequently also to the reduction of the essential dimensions of the human being. Undisputedly, the issue of two vectors will broaden the perspective of analysis of artistic and ludic forms in the postmodern culture

    The Christian hope in the post-modern world (essence – loss –restoration). The cultural studies reflection

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    The considerations of the article circulate around the Christian hope, its loss and conditions of restoration. The foundation of these reflections as its source for understanding of hope contained in the Benedict XVII Encyclical Spe salvi. Hope concerns what is given in faith, which is proof of things that will finally come, and therefore hope requires the recognition of two objectivities – now given and eschatological. The next elements of hope are the subject („homo viator”), directed towards Transcendence, tension and effort of the will and participation in the community. Factors of deconstruction may concern one or all elements of the structure of hope. The article discusses the phenomenon of deconstruction of hope in various dimensions of contemporary culture. The final reflection focuses on the restoration of hope. This can be done contrary to the deconstruction way, mainly by regaining the faith. The footing of this turn is the indication of St. Augustine - to believe in God one must first believe in God, that is, among others, to realize the common good, recognize the personal dignity of the man and the transcendent value of human life

    Prawda człowieka we współczesnej myśli literaturoznawczej

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    The article focuses on the truth of a man attested and expressed by a work. It appeals to the theory which announces this objectivist reference of the work to human reality. At the same time, it makes reservations about these theories, which depend on the sense of the work solely on the intentions and interpretative perspective of the researcher. The truth of man in objective theories acquires the fullest interpretation in personalism of contemporary or classical provenance. The first of these – relational and liberalistic – brings the essence of a person to its communion with others, with „you” and with the community. The second – sees this essence in a permanent and irremovable substitutional foundation. It turns out that only the second personalism, based on the metaphysical truth, can stop today’s „inflation” of man. This inflation manifests itself in its supra-personal (in non-human) approach or in the sub-human (sub-human) approach. The first finds support in the negative (apophatic) and non-personal vision of God, which justifies the metaphysical indefiniteness of man. The second one brings the essence of man to his biological background in philosophy and performative theory, and thus questions his personal condition. The opposition between metaphysical personalism and postmodernism defined here confronts man’s truth and its adulteration. The dilemma of humanities depicted here is a manifestation of a wider and fundamental anthropological conflict that permeates contemporary thought and cultural practice. The stake of this conflict is the survival of man – the preservation of his spiritual status and personal dignity

    Ego-documents of the Polish mystics in the light of the theory of the text

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    The article defines the methods of analyzing ego-documents of contemporary Polish ”femalemystics”, based on the tools developed in the theory of the text. This type of research approach helps to establish ”how” the text is structured as opposed to ”what” is its semantic content and obscures it. Well, both the personality of the „female-mystics” and the course of their relations with transcendent persons are imprinted more in the structure of the text than in its content. The accounts deserve attention, as we only reflect on documents that are ”mystical” dialogues. These forms can pose the most difficulties for researchers (the diaries of Maria Faustyna Kowalska and Alicja Lenczewska were used for exemplification).Their coherence is problematic – the key distinguishing feature of the text – and its conditions:the existence of a frame, metatextual and isotopic factors, relations: mind-body, personal criteria in the phrases: ”to someone” and ”for someone” and performative properties; the linguistic view of the world (LVW) of both the author and the recipient of the text plays a special role in research strategies. In investigating the structure of the text, it is also important to capture the limit of expressing the spiritual reality. Writing ”mystical” texts is based on constant struggles, an inevitable and risky compromise between the temporal meaning and the ultimate truth, which is still unavailable for the ”mystic” or turns out to be impossible to articulate. There is a third situation where articulation is not only impossible but pointless, and it concerns people who have reached the end and experience themselves in God

    Human truth in the contemporary literary studies

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    The article focuses on the truth of a man attested and expressed by a work. It appeals to the theory which announces this objectivist reference of the work to human reality. At the same time, it makes reservations about these theories, which depend on the sense of the work solely on the intentions and interpretative perspective of the researcher. The truth of man in objective theories acquires the fullest interpretation in personalism of contemporary or classical provenance. The first of these – relational and liberalistic – brings the essence of a person to its communion with others, with „you” and with the community. The second – sees this essence in a permanent and irremovable substitutional foundation. It turns out that only the second personalism, based on the metaphysical truth, can stop today’s „inflation” of man. This inflation manifests itself in its supra-personal (in non-human) approach or in the sub-human (sub-human) approach. The first finds support in the negative (apophatic) and non-personal vision of God, which justifies the metaphysical indefiniteness of man. The second one brings the essence of man to his biological background in philosophy and performative theory, and thus questions his personal condition. The opposition between metaphysical personalism and postmodernism defined here confronts man’s truth and its adulteration. The dilemma of humanities depicted here is a manifestation of a wider and fundamental anthropological conflict that permeates contemporary thought and cultural practice. The stake of this conflict is the survival of man – the preservation of his spiritual status and personal dignity