5 research outputs found

    Post-slaughter carcass evaluation in whiteheaded mutton sheep according to the EUROP classification

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    Analyses were conducted on 120 lambs of the whiteheaded mutton sheep (60 tup lambs and 60 ewe lambs). Lambs were weaned at the age of 60 ± 3 days. Lambs were fattened using pelleted balanced feed. 1 kg of feed contained 860 g dry matter, 147 g crude protein and 6.9 MJ (net energy). On the day of slaughter (100 ± 3 days), tup lambs weighed an average of 33.1 kg and ewe lambs weighed 31.0 kg. After slaughter, a point score conformation and fatness evaluation was performed according to the EUROP classification (E is excellent, U is very good, R is Good, O is fair and P is poor), carcass measurements were taken, and the tissue composition of the half-carcass was determined on the basis of complete dissection. In terms of conformation, the carcasses of tested lambs of both sexes were classified to three grades, that is, E: 14.2%, U: 60.8% and R: 25.0%, respectively. A total of 76.7% carcasses of tup lambs and 73.3% ewe carcasses were classified to two highest grades, that is E and U. In terms of fatness, carcasses were classified to 4 grades, denoting small and medium fatness, that is, 2: 15.0%, 3L: 56.7%, 3H: 20.0% and 4L: 8.3%. A higher number of carcasses with the most desirable degree of fatness (grades 2 and 3L), came from tup lambs (78.3%) than ewe lambs (65.0%). A comparison of the subjective EUROP classification with the results of evaluation based on measurements and complete dissection shows that when evaluating conformation, it was not possible to determine precisely the tissue composition of the carcass. In turn, fatness evaluation may be informative on tissue contents in the carcass.Keywords: Lamb, carcass composition, EUROP classificatio

    Use of entropy in the analysis of nominal traits in sheep

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    In the analysis of dependencies between nominal traits entropy and its function, mutual information seems to be a proper descriptive statistic. This is shown by characterizing the relationships between the prolificacy of dams and selected genetic attributes: the genotype of transferrin, the genotype of hemoglobin, and the type of birth, as well as the environmental attribute, i.e., year of birth. The entropy method may improve the exactitude of investigations concerning the influence of different factors on production trait. The index of relative uniformity, introduced in this study, proved to be an adequate tool for the determination of similarity in the examined flocks. The application of mutual information in the determination of values of the dependence measures in the analyzed experiment was justified

    Inter and Intra Subpopulation Genetic Variability of Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) Assessed by I and II Class Genetic Markers

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    This article is published as Kamieniarz, Robert, Anna Wolc, Mirosław Lisowski, Mirosława Dabert, Bartosz Grajewski, Ryszard Steppa, and Tomasz Szwaczkowski. "Inter and intra subpopulation genetic variability of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) assessed by I and II class genetic markers." Folia biologica 59, no. 3-4 (2011): 127-133. doi: 10.3409/fb59_3-4.127-133.</p

    Przyrodnicza różnorodność elementem uatrakcyjniajacym ofertę agroturystyczną

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    Obecnie w Polsce i na świecie zauważa się coraz większe zainteresowanie usługami agroturystycznymi. Powstające liczne gospodarstwa agroturystyczne są odpowiedzią na rosnące zainteresowanie tą formą wypoczynku wśród mieszkańców miast. Ta forma turystyki zaspokaja liczne potrzeby agroturystów, a w szczególności zapewnia ciszę i spokój, kontakt z przyrodą, lokalną kulturą, folklorem oraz tradycją wsi. Nierozerwalnym elementem oferty agroturystycznej jest produkt agroturystyczny, który obejmuje materialne i niematerialne składniki. Elementy produktu agroturystycznego związane są z czynnym gospodarstwem rolnym oraz jego otoczeniem. Podstawowymi komponentami oferty agroturystycznej są nocleg i wyżywienie, natomiast poszerzonymi wszelkie atrakcje. Niewątpliwą atrakcją przyciągającą agroturystów jest różnorodność przyrodnicza istniejąca w gospodarstwie agroturystycznym i w jego otoczeniu. Przedmiotem pracy jest wskazanie różnorodności przyrodniczej jako istotnego elementu atrakcyjności oferty agroturystycznej

    Inter and Intra Subpopulation Genetic Variability of Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) Assessed by I and II Class Genetic Markers

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    This article is published as Kamieniarz, Robert, Anna Wolc, Mirosław Lisowski, Mirosława Dabert, Bartosz Grajewski, Ryszard Steppa, and Tomasz Szwaczkowski. "Inter and intra subpopulation genetic variability of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) assessed by I and II class genetic markers." Folia biologica 59, no. 3-4 (2011): 127-133. doi: 10.3409/fb59_3-4.127-133.</p