155 research outputs found

    A tüdőrák molekuláris diagnosztikája

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    Development of the target therapies of lung cancer was a rapid process which fundamentally changed the pathological diagnosis as well. Furthermore, molecular pathology became essential part of the routine diagnostics of lung cancer. These changes generated several practical problems and in underdeveloped countries or in those with reimbursement problems have been combined with further challenges. The central and eastern region of Europe are characterized by similar problems in this respect which promoted the foundation of NSCLC Working Group to provide up to date protocols or guidelines. This present paper is a summary of the molecular pathology and target therapy guidelines written with the notion that it has to be upgraded continuously according to the development of the field

    PD-L1 immunohistochemistry in non-small-cell lung cancer:unraveling differences in staining concordance and interpretation

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    Programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) immunohistochemistry (IHC) is accepted as a predictive biomarker for the selection of immune checkpoint inhibitors. We evaluated the staining quality and estimation of the tumor proportion score (TPS) in non-small-cell lung cancer during two external quality assessment (EQA) schemes by the European Society of Pathology. Participants received two tissue micro-arrays with three (2017) and four (2018) cases for PD-L1 IHC and a positive tonsil control, for staining by their routine protocol. After the participants returned stained slides to the EQA coordination center, three pathologists assessed each slide and awarded an expert staining score from 1 to 5 points based on the staining concordance. Expert scores significantly (p <0.01) improved between EQA schemes from 3.8 (n = 67) to 4.3 (n = 74) on 5 points. Participants used 32 different protocols: the majority applied the 22C3 (56.7%) (Dako), SP263 (19.1%) (Ventana), and E1L3N (Cell Signaling) (7.1%) clones. Staining artifacts consisted mainly of very weak or weak antigen demonstration (63.0%) or excessive background staining (19.8%). Participants using CE-IVD kits reached a higher score compared with those using laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) (p <0.05), mainly attributed to a better concordance of SP263. The TPS was under- and over-estimated in 20/423 (4.7%) and 24/423 (5.7%) cases, respectively, correlating to a lower expert score. Additional research is needed on the concordance of less common protocols, and on reasons for lower LDT concordance. Laboratories should carefully validate all test methods and regularly verify their performance. EQA participation should focus on both staining concordance and interpretation of PD-L1 IHC

    A simple dummy liver assist device prolongs anhepatic survival in a porcine model of total hepatectomy by slight hypothermia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Advances in intensive care support such as therapeutic hypothermia or new liver assist devices have been the mainstay of treatment attempting to bridge the gap from acute liver failure to liver transplantation, but the efficacy of the available devices in reducing mortality has been questioned. To address this issue, the present animal study was aimed to analyze the pure clinical effects of a simple extracorporeal dummy device in an anhepatic porcine model of acute liver failure.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Total hepatectomy was performed in ten female pigs followed by standardized intensive care support until death. Five animals (dummy group, n = 5) underwent additional cyclic connection to an extracorporeal dummy device which consisted of a plasma separation unit. The separated undetoxified plasma was completely returned to the pigs circulation without any plasma substitution or exchange in contrast to animals receiving intensive care support alone (control group, n = 5). All physiological parameters such as vital and ventilation parameters were monitored electronically; laboratory values and endotoxin levels were measured every 8 hours.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Survival of the dummy device group was 74 ± 6 hours in contrast to 53 ± 5 hours of the control group which was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Body temperature 24 hours after hepatectomy was significantly lower (36.5 ± 0.5°C vs. 38.2 ± 0.7°C) in the dummy device group. Significant lower values were measured for blood lactate (1.9 ± 0.2 vs. 2.5 ± 0.5 mM/L) from 16 hours, creatinine (1.5 ± 0.2 vs. 2.0 ± 0.3 mg/dL) from 40 hours and ammonia (273 ± 122 vs. 1345 ± 700 μg/dL) from 48 hours after hepatectomy until death. A significant rise of endotoxin levels indicated the onset of sepsis at time of death in 60% (3/5) of the dummy device group animals surviving beyond 60 hours from hepatectomy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Episodes of slight hypothermia induced by cyclic connection to the extracorporeal dummy device produced a significant survival benefit of more than 20 hours through organ protection and hemodynamic stabilisation. Animal studies which focus on a survival benefit generated by liver assist devices should especially address the aspect of slight transient hypothermia by extracorporeal cooling.</p


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    The approaches to bioanalytical method development for determination of substances which contain unstable functional groups in the structure are described. The oxidation and the hydrolysis are main causes of the decomposition of substances in biological fluids. Phenolic hydroxyls contain drugs were selected as examples of oxidable compounds, glucuronides of drugs were selected as examples of hydrolysable compounds. Determination of mycophenolic acid, which contains one phenolic hydroxyl and metabolized by formation of glucuronides, in plasma was performed using high performance liquid chromatography with mass-spectrometry and tandem mass-spectrometry detection. Methyldopa, which contains two phenolic hydroxyls, in stabilized plasma was assayed by high performance liquid chromatography – tandem mass-spectrometry in the range of 0.02–3.00 μg/ml. Concentrations of desmethyl mebeverine acid, which contains in the structure one phenolic hydroxyl and metabolized by formation of phenolic glucuronide, was measured simultaneously with mebeverine acid in the range of 10–2000 ng/ml. The influence of the ion source conversion of glucuronides on the quantitative determination of the substances was studied in the initial part of methods development. The next, selection of anticoagulants based on the study of short-term stability and freeze/thaw stability of the analytes and back conversion of their glucuronides was performed. The combination of anticoagulant K3EDTA and the antioxidant solution containing a mixture of ascorbic acid, sodium sulfite and sodium hydrogen carbonate in the concentrations of 5.0 %, 0.2 % and 2.4 %, respectively, was used to prevent degradation of methyldopa

    Epithelial-myoepithelial tumour of the lung: a case report referring to its molecular histogenesis

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    Tracheobronchial submucous glands can be considered the pulmonary equivalent of minor salivary glands and therefore they can develop most of the tumours originated in these. Nevertheless, in spite of the wide distribution of this kind of glands along the tracheobronchial tree, pulmonary salivary gland-like neoplasms are not very frequent. Among them, the most frequent are mucoepidermoid and adenoid cystic carcinomas. On the contrary, pulmonary neoplasms showing a mixture of epithelial and myoepithelial elements are extraordinary infrequent, with only 11 cases collected from literature

    Epidemiologie, prevence a léčba kolorektálního karcinomu dle dostupných českých a mezinárodních dat

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    Nádory tlustého střeva a konečníku patří mezi nejčastější onkologické diagnózy. V České republice je každoročně nově diagnostikováno téměř 8 500 pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem a přibližně 3 900 osob tomuto onemocnění každým rokem podlehne. Celková prevalence přesáhne v roce 2012 hranici 55 000 osob. Společenské, etické i ekonomické důsledky vyplývající z takto vysoké zátěže jsou zřejmé. Publikace „Epidemiologie, prevence a léčba kolorektálního karcinomu dle dostupných českých a mezinárodních dat“ přináší ucelený přehled epidemiologické a léčebné zátěže české populace touto chorobou a věnuje se krátkodobým a dlouhodobým predikcím dalšího vývoje. Situace je rovněž hodnocena v mezinárodním srovnání, neboť v hodnotách incidence a mortality kolorektálního karcinomu obsazuje ČR přední příčky evropských i světových statistik. Z mezinárodních studií však také vyplývá pozitivní poznatek, že většině nádorů tlustého střeva a konečníku lze předejít účinnou prevencí. Kromě primární prevence je zde hlavním nástrojem organizovaný populační screening, který je založen na testech krvácení do stolice a na kolonoskopii. Otázkám prevence a výsledkům screeningu kolorektálního karcinomu jsou v publikaci věnovány zvláštní kapitoly. Ačkoli nejnovější data dokládají rostoucí výkonnost českého screeningu, celkově dosažené pokrytí populace bohužel stále není dostatečné. To platí pro včasný záchyt kolorektálního karcinomu obecně, neboť v ČR je setrvale téměř 50 % nových onemocnění diagnostikováno v pokročilých klinických stadiích, a tedy s výrazně sníženou šancí na vyléčení nebo dlouhodobé přežití pacienta. Publikace rovněž hodnotí přežití dosahované u českých pacientů jakožto zásadní ukazatel výsledků léčebné péče, u kterého v posledních 15 letech zaznamenáváme statisticky významné zlepšení. Pravděpodobnost 5letého relativního přežití je u včasně diagnostikovaného kolorektálního karcinomu v klinickém stadiu i vyšší než 88%. Tato čísla opět potvrzují nutnost účinné prevence a posílení screeningu tohoto preventabilního onemocnění. V tomto směru má publikace ambici informovat odbornou i laickou veřejnost, a proto věnuje značný prostor přehledu dostupných informačních zdrojů.The book aims to inform expert and general public about epidemiology of colorectal carcinoma in the Czech Republic and priorities resulting from high population burden for prevention, diagnostics, and treatment of this severe disease. A number of invited experts assess selected information sources that representatively describe performance and quality of preventive programmes and results of CRC treatment in the Czech Republic

    Primary myoepithelial carcinoma of the lung: a rare entity treated with parenchymal sparing resection

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    Primary lung myoepithelial carcinomas are rare neoplasms arising from the salivary glands of the respiratory epithelium. Given the rare occurrences and reports of these tumors, appropriate recommendations for resection are difficult to formulate. Although classified as low-grade neoplasms, these tumors have a significant rate of recurrence and distant metastasis

    Intra-tumour heterogeneity is one of the main sources of inter-observer variation in scoring stromal tumour infiltrating lymphocytes in triple negative breast cancer

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    Stromal tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) are a strong prognostic marker in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). Consistency scoring sTILs is good and was excellent when an internet-based scoring aid developed by the TIL-WG was used to score cases in a reproducibility study. This study aimed to evaluate the reproducibility of sTILs assessment using this scoring aid in cases from routine practice and to explore the potential of the tool to overcome variability in scoring. Twenty-three breast pathologists scored sTILs in digitized slides of 49 TNBC biopsies using the scoring aid. Subsequently, fields of view (FOV) from each case were selected by one pathologist and scored by the group using the tool. Inter-observer agreement was good for absolute sTILs (ICC 0.634, 95% CI 0.539–0.735, p &lt; 0.001) but was poor to fair using binary cutpoints. sTILs heterogeneity was the main contributor to disagreement. When pathologists scored the same FOV from each case, inter-observer agreement was excellent for absolute sTILs (ICC 0.798, 95% CI 0.727–0.864, p &lt; 0.001) and good for the 20% (ICC 0.657, 95% CI 0.561–0.756, p &lt; 0.001) and 40% (ICC 0.644, 95% CI 0.546–0.745, p &lt; 0.001) cutpoints. However, there was a wide range of scores for many cases. Reproducibility scoring sTILs is good when the scoring aid is used. Heterogeneity is the main contributor to variance and will need to be overcome for analytic validity to be achieved