61 research outputs found

    Impairment of reproductive capabilities in three subsequent generations of asymmetric hybrids between Eisenia andrei and E. fetida from French, Hungarian and Polish laboratory colonies

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    Eisenia andrei (Ea) and E. fetida (Ef) lumbricid earthworms are simultaneous hermaphrodites potentially capable of self-fertilization and hybridization. We have shown previously that reproductive isolation in these species is incomplete in Ea and Ef earthworms of French provenance, as viable offspring appeared in inter-specific pairs. Fertile asymmetric hybrids developed from Ea-derived ova fertilized by Ef-derived spermatozoa, as well as Ea or Ef specimens derived after self-fertilization (resulting from admixture of endogenously produced spermatozoa with sperm from a partner), but never Ef-hybrids from Ef-ova fertilized by Ea-spermatozoa. The latter appeared only in backcrosses of Ea-hybrids with the Ef. Here we show that these phenomena are not unique for French Ea/Ef earthworms, but are shared by earthworms from French, Hungarian, and Polish laboratory cultures. Semi-quantitative studies on fertility of Ea-derived hybrids revealed gradually decreasing numbers of offspring in three successive generations, more rapid in backcrosses with Ef than with Ea, and the absence of progeny in pairs of hybrids, despite the presence of cocoons in almost all pairs. Based on species specific mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, we provide the first examples of two unique sterile hybrids with mitonuclear mismatch and potential mitonuclear incompatibility among offspring of one of the hybrid+Ef pairs. Earthworms from the investigated populations did not reproduce when kept from hatching in isolation or with representatives of Dendrobaena veneta but started reproducing upon recognition of a related partner, such as Ea, Ef or their hybrids. The existence of Ea or Ef specimens among offspring of hybrid+Ea/Ef pairs might be explained either by partner-induced self-fertilization of Ea/Ef or hybrid-derived ova, or by cross-fertilization of Ea/Ef /hybrid ova by partner-derived spermatozoa; the latter might contribute to interspecific gene introgression

    Revealing the stygobiotic and crenobiotic molluscan biodiversity hotspot in Caucasus : part I : the phylogeny of stygobiotic Sadlerianinae Szarowska, 2006 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Hydrobiidae) from Georgia with descriptions of five new genera and twenty-one new species

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    The position of the southwestern Caucasus as a stygobiotic Mollusca hotspot is confirmed. Molecular data of stygobiotic gastropods revealed the diversity of subfamily Sadlerianinae Szarowska, 2006, inhabiting the subterranean environment of Georgia. In addition to the well-known endemic genera Pontohoratia Vinarski, Palatov & Glöer, 2014 and Motsametia Vinarski, Palatov & Glöer, 2014, five more genera were identified in northwestern Georgia as new to the science: Kartvelobia gen. nov., Imeretiopsis gen. nov., Caucasopsis gen. nov., Caucasogeyeria gen. nov., and Hausdorfenia gen. nov. Additionally, 21 new species were found to inhabit the studied area (Samegrelo, Imereti, Racha regions in Georgia)

    Mollusca's Hox genes

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    Tematem niniejszej pracy są geny Hox u mięczaków. Praca ta ma na celu pokazanie wpływu genów homeoboksowych na rozwój osobniczy, rozmieszczenie tych genów oraz różnorodność u poszczególnych gatunków. Pracę swoją rozpocznę od przedstawienia czym zajmuje się malakologia oraz dzięki komu i kiedy mięczaki pojawiły się w systematyce. Następnie przejdę do opisania filogenezy mięczaków, ponieważ zwierzęta te stanowią główną część tej pracy. Rozdział drugi będzie dotyczył podstaw genetyki oraz przedstawienia trzech teorii, które miały ogromne znaczenie dla rozwoju genetyki. Ta część jest wstępem do rozdziału trzeciego i czwartego, w których opiszę geny homeotyczne i homeoboksowe. W tych rozdziałach scharakteryzuję budowę tych genów, ich działanie oraz mutacje spowodowane przez te geny. W piątym rozdziale opiszę różnorodność występowania genów Hox u różnych gatunków mięczaków oraz porównam je do genów przodka mięczaków. W podsumowaniu przedstawię jak z biegiem ewolucji zmieniła się budowa ciała mięczaków, jakie są podobieństwa a jakie różnicę pomiędzy gatunkamiThe main topic of this publication are Hox genes of molluscs. This publication is showing the impact of homeobox genes, the development of the individual , the distribution of these genes and the diversity of each species.The publication will begin with short introduction about malacology and by whom and when molluscs appeared in Systematic. Then I will move on to describe the phylogeny of molluscs, because these animals are a major part of the publication.The second chapter will cover the basics of genetics and the presentation of the three theories that were of great importance for the development of genetics. This part is an introduction to the third and fourth chapter, in which I describe the homeotic and homeobox genes. In these sections I will characterize the construction of these genes, their operation and mutations caused by these genes.In the fifth chapter I will describe the diversity of the occurrence of Hox genes in different species of molluscs, and I compare them to the genes of the ancestor of molluscs.In conclusion will be present course of evolution changed Body molluscs, what are the similarities and the differences between specie

    Taxonomy and phylogeography of Belgrandiella in Bulgaria

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    Podjednostka I oksydazy cytochromu c (COI), częściowe sekwencjonowanie wszystkich gatunków nominalnych Belgrandiella Wagner, 1927 i Pontobelgrandiella Radoman, 1973 z Bułgarii opisanych jak do tej pory, zebranych z 16 stanowisk. Gatunki zbadano oraz odrzucono występowanie jakiegokolwiek przedstawiciela z rodzaju Belgrandiella w Bułgarii. Wszystkie przebadane populacje należą do jednej linii mitochondrialnej- Pontobelgrandiella. Łącznie otrzymano 60 sekwencji wśród nich zidentyfikowano 11 haplotypów COI. Zmienność w obrębie badanych bułgarskich populacji była niska, różnorodność nukleotydów wynosiła 0.0078 i stwierdzono 14 pozycji zmiennych. Haplotypy tworzą cztery klady.Cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) partial sequences of all the nominal species of Belgrandiella Wagner, 1927, and Pontobelgrandiella Radoman, 1973 from Bulgaria described so far, collected from 16 populations, have been studied. The results rejected the occurrence of any representative of the genus Belgrandiella in Bulgaria, all the populations belonged to Pontobelgrandiella. 60 sequences have been studied, among them eleven COI haplotypes have been identified. Divergence level has been small, with nucleotide diversity = 0.0078 and 14 variable sites. The haplotypes formed four clades