12 research outputs found

    A study of cell membranes in nasal epithelial cells from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps by means of a fluorescent probe

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    Aim. To assess the state of membranes in nasal epithelial cells obtained from the patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) with the help of the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole. Methods. The state of membrane phospholipid bilayer in suspensions of nasal epithelial cells isolated from ten patients with CRSwNP was evaluated using the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole that reacts on the physico-chemical properties of its microenvironment. Changes in fluorescence spectra were determined using a Thermo Scientific Lumina fluorescence spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) 1 hour after the addition of the probe to nasal epithelial cell suspensions. Results. CRSwNP was found to be associated with a higher rate of nasal epithelial cell membrane hydration in the region of phospholipid glycerol moiety, carbonyl groups and aliphatic chains of fatty acids attached to the carbonyl groups. Conclusion. Our findings suggest that CRSwNP is accompanied by the elevated hydration rate of the most polar region, namely polar heads of phospholipids of nasal epithelial cell membranes

    A study of cell membranes in nasal epithelial cells from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps by means of a fluorescent probe

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    Aim. To assess the state of membranes in nasal epithelial cells obtained from the patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) with the help of the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole. Methods. The state of membrane phospholipid bilayer in suspensions of nasal epithelial cells isolated from ten patients with CRSwNP was evaluated using the fluorescent probe 2-(2ʹ-ОН-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazole that reacts on the physico-chemical properties of its microenvironment. Changes in fluorescence spectra were determined using a Thermo Scientific Lumina fluorescence spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) 1 hour after the addition of the probe to nasal epithelial cell suspensions. Results. CRSwNP was found to be associated with a higher rate of nasal epithelial cell membrane hydration in the region of phospholipid glycerol moiety, carbonyl groups and aliphatic chains of fatty acids attached to the carbonyl groups. Conclusion. Our findings suggest that CRSwNP is accompanied by the elevated hydration rate of the most polar region, namely polar heads of phospholipids of nasal epithelial cell membranes

    Formation of material prescribed phase composition from refractory filler silica powder modified with alkoxide and sol-gel composite

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    Creation of ceramics and refractories with improved physicomechanical properties is possible with use of nanomaterials in their technology. Introduction of SiC nanoparticles into a ceramic material charge by using modified filler powders is proposed. Fillers modified with tetraethoxysilane during grinding leads to powder crystal structure breakdown and SiC mechanochemical synthesis. The amount of -SiC synthesized in this way depends on the amount of modifying additive. Results are provided for modified filler phase composition before and after heat treatment at 1000°C, and mechanochemically synthesized SiC thermal stability is established. It is shown that sintering of modified electro-corundum worsens with an increase in amount of synthesized silicon carbide nanoparticles. The difference is demonstrated in phase composition formation with heat treatment of a mixture of modified and normal finely ground electrocorundum with a sol-gel binder and firing up to 1600°C. Silicon carbide nanoparticle synthesis does not exceed 3 – 7 % in both cases. Recommendations are given for use of corundum filler with a different amount of modifying additive

    Synthesis of β-SiC in the intermediate layer of corundum coatings based on a sol-gel binder for protecting graphite objects from oxidation

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    A coating is developed for protecting graphite from oxidation at 2023 – 2223 K. The efficiency of the protective action of a corundum coating based on a sol-gel binder increases due to creating a dense intermediate layer between the graphite substrate and the coating as a result of its self-reinforcement with fibers of mullite crystals and -SiC nanoparticles. Components of a modifier and sol-gel binder, but not carbon of the graphite substrate, provide synthesis of β-SiC

    Четверта міжнародна наукова-практична конференція «Комп’ютерне моделювання в хімії і технологіях та системах сталого розвитку»

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    Запропоновано при аналізі переробки низькосортних руд і концентратів вітчизняних родовищ і реакцій, що протікають в таких багатокомпонентних системах, враховувати іонну рівновагу в нейтралізованих розчинах. Приведені теоретичні та експериментальні дослідження, які дозволяють обґрунтувати фізико – хімічні основи технології і отримувати добрива заданого складу.Proposed at analalize processing of low-grade ores and concentrates of domestic deposits and reactions in such multicomponent systems, consider the ionic balance in the neutralized solution. Theoretical and experimental studies that can justify the physico-chemical fundamentals of fertilizer and receive a given composition.Предложено при анализе переработки низкосортных руд и концентратов и анализе реакций, протекающих в таких многокомпонентных системах, учитывать ионное равновесие в нейтрализованных растворах. Проведены теоретические и экспериментальные исследования, которые позволяют обосновать физико-химические основы технологии получения удобрений заданного состава

    Experience with the production of dense basic refractories

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    Formation of nanostructures on the basis of porous anodic niobium oxide

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    Self-organization of nanoscale structures under an electrochemical treatment is most pronounced during the formation of porous anodic metal (aluminum, titanium, niobium, and tantalum) oxides. A theoretical approach is proposed to describe the processes of the self-organization that allows one to determine the conditions for the formation of porous niobium oxides with amorphous or crystalline structure. The studies have shown the influence of the electrolyte nature on the formation of oxide layers. The use of an activator (fluoride) provides the conditions for the formation of oxides with different surface morphology at the initial stage of anodizing. By varying the mode of niobium anodizing, one can investigate the nature of pore nucleation at the initial stage of their growth, as well as track the in-time evolution of their geometrical dimensions, depending on the formation conditions, and synthesize porous AOFs on niobium with an amorphous or crystalline structure.Самоорганізація нанорозмірних структур при електрохімічній обробці найбільш яскраво проявляється у ході формування пористих анодних оксидів металів (алюмінію, титану, ніобію, танталу). Запропоновано теоретичний підхід до списку процесів самоорганізації, що дозволяє визначати умови утворення пористих оксидів ніобію аморфної або кристалічної структури. Проведені дослідження показали вплив природи електроліту на формування оксидних шарів. Використання активатора (фториду) дозволяє на початковій стадії анодування забезпечувати умови для формування оксиду з різною морфологією поверхні. Варіюючи режимом анодування на ніобії можна досліджувати характер зародження пор на початковій стадії їх зростання, а також простежити еволюцію за часом їх геометричних розмірів в залежності від умов їх формування і синтезувати пористі АОП на ніобії аморфної або кристалічної структур