17 research outputs found

    Policy to support digitalisation of industries in various regional settings. A conceptual discussion

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    The purpose of the article is to analyse regions’ varying preconditions for digitalisation of industry and, on that basis, discuss regionally tailored policy strategies to stimulate digitalisation. Building on both regional innovation system and asset modification approaches, the authors suggest a theoretical framework that identifies regions’ potential for digitalisation from their stock of relevant assets at the firm and innovation system level. The analysis identifies four types of regions with different preconditions for supporting digitalisation of industries. This in turn provides the foundation for a discussion of the role of actor-based and system-based policy strategies to support digitalisation in each type of region. From the existing literature, the authors discuss empirical examples of digitalisation within each of the four types of regions but also highlight that individual regions need to tailor the portfolio of policy support within the identified strategy, as each region is structurally and institutionally unique.Policy to support digitalisation of industries in various regional settings. A conceptual discussionpublishedVersio

    New regional industrial path development and innovation networks in times of economic crisis

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    This paper presents novel research on how exogenous shocks and economic crises affect innovation, knowledge networks, and new path development in regions. Conceptually, we take a regional innovation systems perspective which views new path development as the outcome of innovation and knowledge exchange between firms and other actors, facilitated by a common institutional framework. Empirically, we draw on interviews and network data from the oil and gas industry in southern Norway. Following a long period of prosperity, the industry was hit by the oil price shock in 2014 and entered an economic crisis. The findings suggest that the shock triggered the firms to commit even more forcefully to innovation and to expand their knowledge networks geographically. To cope with the crisis, they applied a variety of strategies, which can be associated with different forms of path development. We draw conclusions for innovation policy in the context of exogenous shocks and crises.New Regional Industrial Path Development and Innovation Networks in Times of Economic CrisispublishedVersio

    Banebrytende nyetableringer? En kartlegging av nyetablerte bedrifter med potensiale til å starte nye næringer på Agder

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    Agderforskning har på oppdrag fra VRI- Agder gjennomført en kartlegging av innovative nyetableringers betydning for regional næringsutvikling. Kartleggingen har hovedfokus på innovative nyetableringer med potensiale til å skape nye næringer i regionen.VRI AgderpublishedVersio

    Det regionale innovasjonssystemet i Agder

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    Denne rapporten er utarbeidet på oppdrag fra Sparebanken Sør og søker å svare på tre utfordringer. De tre utfordringene er: 1. Å sammenstille forskningslitteratur og empirisk materiale som kan bidra til å forstå de viktigste trekkene som kjennetegner det regionale innovasjonssystemet (RIS) på Agder. 2. Å presentere en oppdatert versjon av KOV databasen 1 på tre variabler, nemlig driftsresultat pr arbeidstime, sysselsettingsvekst og relativ fordeling av omsetning. 3. med bakgrunn i tilgjengelig empiri og gjeldende relevant forskning å peke på to mulige internasjonale trender som kan tenkes å ha betydning for landsdelens næringsliv fremover.Sparebanken Sø

    Linking content and technology : on the geography of innovation networks in the Bergen media cluster

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    This paper deals with the geography of innovation networks and analyses combinatorial knowledge dynamics from a single cluster perspective. Addressing firms in the media cluster in Bergen, Norway, we examine how and from where companies acquire and combine different types of knowledge for their innovation activities. The empirical analysis, which is based on structured interviews with 22 media companies, identifies two main types of cluster firms: media content providers that rely heavily on symbolic knowledge and media technology providers that draw mostly on synthetic knowledge. Even though they draw on different knowledge bases, the two types of firms are strongly interlinked in their innovation activities and source knowledge from each other. Furthermore, we find that synthetic firms constitute a gateway to the regional R&D system and that the region acts as key arena for the combination of dissimilar knowledge bases

    Policy to support digitalisation of industries in various regional settings. A conceptual discussion

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    The purpose of the article is to analyse regions’ varying preconditions for digitalisation of industry and, on that basis, discuss regionally tailored policy strategies to stimulate digitalisation. Building on both regional innovation system and asset modification approaches, the authors suggest a theoretical framework that identifies regions’ potential for digitalisation from their stock of relevant assets at the firm and innovation system level. The analysis identifies four types of regions with different preconditions for supporting digitalisation of industries. This in turn provides the foundation for a discussion of the role of actor-based and system-based policy strategies to support digitalisation in each type of region. From the existing literature, the authors discuss empirical examples of digitalisation within each of the four types of regions but also highlight that individual regions need to tailor the portfolio of policy support within the identified strategy, as each region is structurally and institutionally unique

    Asset modification for regional industrial restructuring: digitalization of the culture and experience industry and the healthcare sector

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    This paper researches how firm- and system-level asset modification and alignment underpin and direct new path development from digitalization. It suggests that asset reuse mostly promotes path extension or path upgrading, while asset creation and asset destruction will be more evident in the process of path emergence. The empirics support asset modification as a key mechanism for regional restructuring from digitalization, but suggest that the typology should be more nuanced. Specifically, the empirics demonstrate asset upgrading as a key mechanism.publishedVersio

    Næringsattraktivitet i Arendal kommune

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    I denne undersøkelsen ønsker Arendal kommune å ta temperaturen på næringsklimaet i kommunen. Gjennom en spørreundersøkelse ønsker kommunen å kartlegge kommunens næringsattraktivitet, og Agderforskning har fått kartleggingsoppdraget. Med næringsattraktivitet forstår vi i denne undersøkelsen hvor næringsvennlig kommunen oppfattes av de næringsdrivende. Arendal kommune ønsker at kartleggingen av næringsattraktivitet skal være inspirert av den svenske undersøkelsen «foretagsklimat», og i dialog mellom oppdragstaker og oppdragsgiver har 6 ulike kartleggingsvariabler blitt identifisert som spesielt viktige. Dette er holdninger, dialog, informasjon, konkurranse mellom kommunen og privat sektor, tilgang på kompetanse og opplevd servicevennlighet. Undersøkelsen skal foretas hvert år i planperioden og hovedhensikten med kartleggingen er å søke å avdekke forhold som bør belyses nærmere, samt også å kartlegge utviklingen i næringsklimaet over tid. Kartleggingen av næringsattraktivitet i Arendal kommune bygger på svar fra 325 næringsdrivende i Arendal kommune. Svarbedriftene representerer en konsernomsetning på 23,3 milliarder kroner og inkluderer bedrifter som representerer omkring 50 prosent av alle arbeidsplasser i privat sektor i kommunen. Da dette er den første kartleggingen i Arendal finnes det naturlig nok intet sammenligningsgrunnlag fra tidligere år. Undersøkelsen avdekker likevel flere forhold som det kan være nyttig å se nærmere på. Det generelle inntrykket som fremkommer i undersøkelsen er at kommunens næringsattraktivitet har et utviklingspotensial. Dette utviklingspotensialet inkluderer forhold som kan/bør endres på kort sikt, men også forhold som krever langsiktig systematisk arbeid. Resultatene i undersøkelsen inviterer til nærmere undersøkelse av minst fire underdimensjoner som har betydning for næringsattraktivitet. Dette er holdninger, kommunens konkurranse med lokalt næringsliv, servicevennlighet og veiledning i plan og byggesaker. Av tiltak som kan iverksettes umiddelbart er bedre veiledning i plan og byggesaker, mens forhold som krever langsiktig og målrettet arbeid inkluderer kompetanseheving og holdningsska-pende arbeid. Svarbedriftene fremhever at den viktigste arbeidsoppgaven kommunen bør prioritere for å styrke næringsklimaet i kommunen innebærer å styrke forståelsen av næringsrelaterte utfordringer blant politikkere og kommunalt ansatte.Arendal kommun

    New regional industrial path development and innovation networks in times of economic crisis

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    This paper presents novel research on how exogenous shocks and economic crises affect innovation, knowledge networks, and new path development in regions. Conceptually, we take a regional innovation systems perspective which views new path development as the outcome of innovation and knowledge exchange between firms and other actors, facilitated by a common institutional framework. Empirically, we draw on interviews and network data from the oil and gas industry in southern Norway. Following a long period of prosperity, the industry was hit by the oil price shock in 2014 and entered an economic crisis. The findings suggest that the shock triggered the firms to commit even more forcefully to innovation and to expand their knowledge networks geographically. To cope with the crisis, they applied a variety of strategies, which can be associated with different forms of path development. We draw conclusions for innovation policy in the context of exogenous shocks and crises