65 research outputs found

    Identification of cDNA Encoding a Serine Protease Homologous to Human Complement C1r Precursor from Grafted Mouse Skin

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    We isolated a cDNA clone from grafted mouse skin that encodes a serine protease homologous to human C1r. The C1r protease is involved in the activation of the first component of the classical pathway in the complement system. In order to identify novel transcripts whose expression is regulated in grafted mouse skin, we first perfomed differential display reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis and obtained 18 partial cDNA clones whose protein products are likely to play an important role in allograft rejection. One of these showed significant sequence homology with human complement C1r precursor. The other clones displayed no homology to any known sequences, however. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the level of this transcript was upregulated in day 8 postgrafted skin. The full-length cDNA 2121 nucleotides in length obtained from screening a mouse skin cDNA library contained a single open reading frame encoding 707 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 80,732 Da. Its deduced amino acid sequence revealed an 81% identity and 89% similarity to the human C1r counterpart. In particular, mouse C1r contained His501, Asp559, and Ser656, which were conserved among this group of serine proteases. This protein was thus designated as mouse C1r. We have expressed a truncated fragment of C1r protein without the N-terminal hydrophobic sequence in Escherichia coli and generated a polyclonal antibody against it. Subsequent immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that mouse C1r was significantly expressed 8 d after the skin graft in both allografted and autografted skins, compared with normal skins. These collective data suggest that a component of the complement system, C1r, might contribute to the graft versus host immune responses in mice

    Transcortical Alterations in Na+-K+ ATPase and Microtubule-Associated Proteins Immunoreactivity in the Rat Cortical Atrophy Model Induced by Hypoxic Ischemia

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    To identify the chronological transcortical change in the contralateral hemisphere following ischemic insults, we investigated the changes in microtubule associated protein (MAP) and Na+-K+ ATPase expressions in the peri-infarct zone and contralateral hemisphere, including the hippocampus. Two days after hypoxic ischemia, Na+-K+ ATPase immunoreactivity was significantly enhanced in the contralateral cortex and was maintained up to 7 days after ischemia, whereas Na+-K+ ATPase immunoreactivity in the peri- and infarct zones was unaffected by hypoxic ischemia. In contrast, 2 to 7 days after ischemia, MAP1A and MAP2 immunoreactivity in the ipsi- and contralateral cortex significantly decreased, whereas in layer V, MAP1 immunoreactivity obviously accumulated in the neurons and their processes. In the hippocampus, 2 days after insults both MAP1A and MAP2 immunoreactivity was significantly reduced within the ipsi- and contralateral hippocampus. In the contralateral hippocampus, however, the distribution of MAP2 immunoreactivity recovered to the sham level 7 days after ischemia, whereas MAP1A immunoreactive axons remained 2 months after ischemia. The results suggest that the unilateral elevation of Na+-K+ ATPase immunoreactivity reflects elevated neuronal activity. In addition, this asymmetric hyperexcitability might play an important role in the recovery or the reorganization of the brain, accompanied by transcortical changes in MAPs expression

    Overexpression of hepatic serum amyloid A1 in mice increases IL-17-producing innate immune cells and decreases bone density

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    Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an acute-phase protein produced primarily in the liver that plays a key role in both the initiation and maintenance of inflammation. Rapidly secreted SAA induces neutrophilia at inflammatory sites, initiating inflammation and inducing the secretion of various cytokines, including TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-17. IL-17 is expressed in several inflammatory cells, including innate immune cells such as γδT cells, ILC3 cells, and neutrophils. Increased IL-17 levels exacerbate various inflammatory diseases. Among other roles, IL-17 induces bone loss by increasing receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) secretion, which stimulates osteoclast differentiation. Several studies have demonstrated that chronic inflammation induces bone loss, suggesting a role for SAA in bone health. To test this possibility, we observed an increase in IL-17-producing innate immune cells, neutrophils, and γδT cells in these mice. In 6-month-old animals, we detected increased osteoclast-related gene expression and IL- 17 expression in bone lysates. We also observed an increase in neutrophils that secreted RANKL in the bone marrow of TG mice. Finally, we demonstrated decreased bone mineral density in these transgenic (TG) mice. Our results revealed that the TG mice have increased populations of IL-17-producing innate immune cells, γδT cells, and neutrophils in TG mice. We additionally detected increased RANKL and IL-17 expression in the bone marrow of 6-month-old TG mice. Furthermore, we confirmed significant increases in RANKL-expressing neutrophils in TG mice and decreased bone mineral density. Our results provide evidence that chronic inflammation induced by SAA1 causes bone loss via IL-17-secreting innate immune cells. © 2021 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc.. All rights reserved.1

    The Evolutionarily Conserved LIM Homeodomain Protein LIM-4/LHX6 Specifies the Terminal Identity of a Cholinergic and Peptidergic C. elegans Sensory/Inter/Motor Neuron-Type

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    The expression of specific transcription factors determines the differentiated features of postmitotic neurons. However, the mechanism by which specific molecules determine neuronal cell fate and the extent to which the functions of transcription factors are conserved in evolution are not fully understood. In C. elegans, the cholinergic and peptidergic SMB sensory/inter/motor neurons innervate muscle quadrants in the head and control the amplitude of sinusoidal movement. Here we show that the LIM homeobox protein LIM-4 determines neuronal characteristics of the SMB neurons. In lim-4 mutant animals, expression of terminal differentiation genes, such as the cholinergic gene battery and the flp-12 neuropeptide gene, is completely abolished and thus the function of the SMB neurons is compromised. LIM-4 activity promotes SMB identity by directly regulating the expression of the SMB marker genes via a distinct cis-regulatory motif. Two human LIM-4 orthologs, LHX6 and LHX8, functionally substitute for LIM-4 in C. elegans. Furthermore, C. elegans LIM-4 or human LHX6 can induce cholinergic and peptidergic characteristics in the human neuronal cell lines. Our results indicate that the evolutionarily conserved LIM-4/LHX6 homeodomain proteins function in generation of precise neuronal subtypes

    Introduction of Transmembrane Inner Ear (tmie) Gene Can Recover the Hearing Impairment and Abnormal Behavior in the Circling Mouse

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    The spontaneous mutant circling mouse (cir/cir) shows a circling behavior and hearing loss. We produced transgenic mice overexpressing the causative gene, transmembrane inner ear (tmie), for the phenotypic rescue of the circling mouse. Through the continuous breeding with circling mice, the cir/cir homozygous mice carrying the transgene (cir/cir-tg) were produced. The rescued cir/cir -tg mice were able to swim in the water with proper orientation and did not show any circling behavior like wild type mice. Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis exhibited that the transgenic tmie was expressed in the inner ear. Inner and outer hair cells were recovered in the cochlea and spiral ganglion neurons were also recovered in the rescued mice. Auditory brainstem response (ABR) test demonstrated that the cir/cir -tg mice are able to respond to sound. This study demonstrates that tmie transgene can recover the hearing impairment and abnormal behavior in the circling mouse

    Physiological Functions of Thiol Peroxidases (Gpx1 and Prdx2) during Xenopus laevis Embryonic Development

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    Glutathione peroxidase 1 (Gpx1) and peroxiredoxin 2 (Prdx2) belong to the thiol peroxidase family of antioxidants, and have been studied for their antioxidant functions and roles in cancers. However, the physiological significance of Gpx1 and Prdx2 during vertebrate embryogenesis are lacking. Currently, we investigated the functional roles of Gpx1 and Prdx2 during vertebrate embryogenesis using Xenopus laevis as a vertebrate model. Our investigations revealed the zygotic nature of gpx1 having its localization in the eye region of developing embryos, whereas prdx2 exhibited a maternal nature and were localized in embryonic ventral blood islands. Furthermore, the gpx1-morphants exhibited malformed eyes with incompletely detached lenses. However, the depletion of prdx2 has not established its involvement with embryogenesis. A molecular analysis of gpx1-depleted embryos revealed the perturbed expression of a cryba1-lens-specific marker and also exhibited reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation in the eye regions of gpx1-morphants. Additionally, transcriptomics analysis of gpx1-knockout embryos demonstrated the involvement of Wnt, cadherin, and integrin signaling pathways in the development of malformed eyes. Conclusively, our findings indicate the association of gpx1 with a complex network of embryonic developmental pathways and ROS responses, but detailed investigation is a prerequisite in order to pinpoint the mechanistic details of these interactions.</p&gt

    Overexpression of cathepsin S exacerbates lupus pathogenesis through upregulation TLR7 and IFN-α in transgenic mice

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects multiple organs. Recent studies suggest relevance between cysteine protease cathepsin S (CTSS) expression and SLE. To investigate the mechanism of CTSS in SLE, CTSS-overexpressing transgenic (TG) mice were generated, and induced lupus-like symptoms. Eight months later, the TG mice spontaneously developed typical SLE symptoms regardless of the inducement. Furthermore, we observed increased toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) expression with increased monocyte and neutrophil populations in the TG mice. In conclusion, overexpression of CTSS in mice influences TLR7 expression, autoantibodies and IFN-α, which leads to an autoimmune reaction and exacerbates lupus-like symptoms. © 2021, The Author(s).1

    JAZF1 heterozygous knockout mice show altered adipose development and metabolism

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    Background: Juxtaposed with another zinc finger protein 1 (JAZF1) is associated with metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Several studies showed that JAZF1 and body fat mass are closely related. We attempted to elucidate the JAZF1 functions on adipose development and related metabolism using in vitro and in vivo models. Results: The JAZF1 expression was precisely regulated during adipocyte differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocyte and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). Homozygous JAZF1 deletion (JAZF1-KO) resulted in impaired adipocyte differentiation in MEF. The JAZF1 role in adipocyte differentiation was demonstrated by the regulation of PPARγ—a key regulator of adipocyte differentiation. Heterozygous JAZF1 deletion (JAZF1-Het) mice fed a normal diet (ND) or a high-fat diet (HFD) had less adipose tissue mass and impaired glucose homeostasis than the control (JAZF1-Cont) mice. However, other metabolic organs, such as brown adipose tissue and liver, were negligible effect on JAZF1 deficiency. Conclusion: Our findings emphasized the JAZF1 role in adipocyte differentiation and related metabolism through the heterozygous knockout mice. This study provides new insights into the JAZF1 function in adipose development and metabolism, informing strategies for treating obesity and related metabolic disorders. © 2021, The Author(s).1

    ZNF507 affects TGF-β signaling via TGFBR1 and MAP3K8 activation in the progression of prostate cancer to an aggressive state

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    Background: The progression of prostate cancer (PC) to the highly aggressive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) or neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPC) is a fatal condition and the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we identified the novel transcriptional factor ZNF507 as a key mediator in the progression of PC to an aggressive state. Methods: We analyzed ZNF507 expression in the data from various human PC database and high-grade PC patient samples. By establishment of ZNF507 knockdown and overexpression human PC cell lines, we assessed in vitro PC phenotype changes including cell proliferation, survival, migration and invasion. By performing microarray with ZNF507 knockdown PC cells, we profiled the gene clusters affected by ZNF507 knockdown. Moreover, ZNF507 regulated key signal was evaluated by dual-luciferase reporter and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays. Finally, we performed xenograft and in vivo metastasis assay to confirm the effect of ZNF507 knockdown in PC cells. Results: We found that ZNF507 expression was increased, particularly in the highly graded PC. ZNF507 was also found to be associated with metastatic PC of a high grade. Loss- or gain-of-function–based analysis revealed that ZNF507 promotes the growth, survival, proliferation, and metastatic properties of PC (e.g., epithelial-mesenchymal transition) by upregulating TGF-β signaling. Profiling of gene clusters affected by ZNF507 knockdown revealed that ZNF507 positively regulated the transcription of TGFBR1, MAP3K8, and FURIN, which in turn promoted the progression of PC to highly metastatic and aggressive state. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that ZNF507 is a novel key regulator of TGF-β signaling in the progression of malignant PC and could be a promising target for studying the development of advanced metastatic PCs. © 2021, The Author(s).1

    Attempted rescue of circling mice by hair cell-specific expression (Myo7a promoter) of tmie transgene

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    The spontaneous mutant circling mouse (cir/cir) is deaf and displays abnormal behavior, particularly circling and head tossing. To rescue the circling mouse phenotype, we produced transgenic mice with hair cell-specific expression of the transmembrane inner ear (tmie) gene, using the Myo7a promoter, and generated cir/cir homozygous mice carrying the transgene (cir/cir-tgMyo7a) by breeding with circling mice. The cir/cir-tgMyo7a mice still exhibited circling behavior and were unable to swim in water unlike cir/cir-tgCMV mice and wild-type mice. An auditory brainstem response (ABR) test demonstrated that the cir/cir-tgMyo7a mice could not respond to sound. Immunohistochemical analysis showed enhanced green fluorescent protein, a marker of tmie expression, in the inner and outer hair cells of the cir/cir-tgMyo7a mice. Hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons in the cir/cir-tgMyo7a mice were recovered, but not completely. This study demonstrates that tmie transgene expression in hair cells alone could not restore wild-type hearing and behavior in circling mice