21 research outputs found

    MENTAL HEALTH IN COLLEGE COMMUNITY I. Students who left school because of mental disorders

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    This report attempts to investigate; i) the statistics and the mode of dropping out due to mental disorders, in comparison with drop outs due to other reasons, especially the tuberculosis drop-out, and ii) give a somewhat more intensive analysis of the mentally disordered drop-out. 121 students, since April 1949 until March 1960, left school sometime during their four academic years in the medical and dental schools. Of 121 drop-outs, 21 were due to mental disorders and 25 due to tuberculosis. During the period of our survey, i.e. between April 1949 and March 1960, the incidence of drop-outs due to tuberculosis have since 1958 dropped to zero, while the drop-out incidence due to mental disorders have been invariable. Recent chemotherapy prevents effectively the exacerbation of tuberculosis, while it has been not so effective to the relapse of mental illness. The mentally disordered showed frequent recurrences of dropping out. Also, the period between leaving and returning of the mentally disordered group was longer than the group suffering from tuberculosis. Of 21 mentally disordered drop-outs, only 11 had returned and graduated, while of the 25 of tuberculous students, 20 had returned and graduated. In brief the drop-out due to mental disorders is a more serious problem than the drop-out due to tuberculosis. One of the most urgent problems facing the student health service of our university is how to prevent the dropping out due to mental disorders. The psychiatric diagnoses of 21 students were schizophrenia, depression, epilepsy and psychopathic personality with its neurotic reaction. The diagnosis of schizophrenia (9 cases) exists in somewhat equal proportions from class to class, while more students of the first year class were given the diagnosis of psychopathic personality with its neu rotic reaction (10 cases). Between of these two groups, there was not so remarkable difference in the base of outcome. Of 21 students, 14 were referred to the clinic attached to the Department of Neuro-Psychiatry of our university. We followed up these 14 cases until December 1965. From this follow-up study, we may conclude that there is a close relationship between patient’s negative attitudes toward the treatment and the subsequent poor outcome. However, we must bear in mind that the attitude toward the psychiatric treatment is not only dependent upon the subject s motivation, but also influenced by the therapist’s attitude. From the analysis of follow-up observations, we can draw the tentative conclusion that in order to prevent the aggravaion of drop-outs due to mental disorders, the psychiatrist should have positive attitude toward contact with the college community

    Low dose exposure diagnosis with a transXend detector aiming for iodine-marked cancer detection

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    The energy resolved computed tomography (CT), which had advantage over conventional CT (twofold higher CT value for iodine contrast agent and being free from beam hardening effect), was shown practical by employing the transXend detector: it measured X-rays as electric current and gave energy distribution of incident X-rays after analysis. This article shows a new application of the transXend detector for estimating the thicknesses of acrylic, iodine, and aluminum in a phantom. For this purpose, the responses of the segment detectors in the transXend detector are changed intentionally with inserting filters. With previously obtained two-dimensional maps for acrylic–iodine and acrylic–aluminum thicknesses, which are shown by the ratios of electric currents measured by the segment detectors, the thickness of materials on the path of the X-rays are obtained by a transmission measurement


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    In the course of a survey in 1979 of influenza virus in feral birds, including 255 water fowls of 19 species, 719 small migrating birds of 32 species and 126 sea birds of 6 species, an influenza virus was isolated from a cloacal swab of one of the 38 eastern dunlins (Calidris alpina sakhalina) examined. No influenza virus was isolated from the other birds. The isolate possessed Hav6 hemagglutinin and Nav5 neuraminidase and was designated as A/eastern dunlin/Hokkaido/101/79 (Hav6Nav5)

    Apparent diffusion coefficient value for a B-cell central nervous system lymphoma in a cat

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    Case summary This report involves a 10-year-old male mixed-breed cat with a B-cell central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma. The cat presented with ataxia progressing to left hemiparesis. While haematological findings were normal, serum biochemistry showed a high creatine phosphokinase concentration. MRI revealed a homogeneously enhancing well-demarcated extra-axial lesion involving the region of the left lateral aperture with oedema in left flocculus and left medulla oblongata. On diffusion-weighted imaging, the lesion margins showed marked hyperintensity relative to the right cerebellar hemisphere. On an apparent diffusion coefficient map, the lesion appeared hypointense, with an apparent diffusion coefficient value of 0.57 ± 0.01 × 10 −3 mm 2 /s. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and cytology, and genetic analysis of CSF lymphoblasts confirmed a diagnosis of B-cell lymphoma. The owner opted for palliative treatment with prednisolone (1 mg/kg q12h); however, the cat died of dyspnoea 10 days after presentation. Relevance and novel information CNS lymphomas, which are the second most common intracranial tumours in cats, are highly infiltrative lesions and radical surgical excision is not recommended. Therefore, accurate diagnosis is crucial. However, contrast-enhanced MRI cannot always differentiate these lesions from other conditions, including other CNS tumours and strokes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to document the diffusion-weighted imaging features and apparent diffusion coefficient value for a feline CNS lymphoma. These findings are expected to improve the diagnostic accuracy of these lesions in cats