7 research outputs found

    Funkcjonowanie psychologiczne os贸b z syndromem Doros艂ego Dziecka Alkoholika : badania w艂asne

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    Cel: Analiza psychologicznego funkcjonowania os贸b doros艂ych dorastaj膮cych w rodzinie z problemem uzale偶nienia od alkoholu, kt贸re zg艂osi艂y si臋 do psychoterapii. Metoda: Badano grup臋 111 os贸b (艣rednia wieku 27 lat), kt贸re zg艂osi艂y si臋 po pomoc do NZOZ Krakowskie Centrum Terapii Uzale偶nie艅 i zakwalifikowane zosta艂y do programu psychoterapii w zwi膮zku z problemami uzale偶nienia jednego lub obojga rodzic贸w. Dane uzyskano z historii choroby i testu MMPI-2, kt贸ry wykonywano na pocz膮tku terapii. Wyniki: Analiz膮 skupie艅 wyodr臋bniono trzy profile kliniczne, kt贸re nazwano: "niskoobjawowym", "depresyjno-l臋kowym" i "wysokoobjawowym". Wnioski: Osoby z syndromem DDA w艂膮czone w proces leczenia nie s膮 grup膮 jednorodn膮 pod wzgl臋dem obserwowanej psychopatologii i jej nasilenia.Background: The aim was to examine psychological functioning of adult children of alcoholics who were at the beginning of therapy. Method: 111 Adult Children of Alcoholics (average age 27) had been chosen to participate in the study and they were examined with MMPI-2 made at the beginning of therapy and in base of history of disease. Results: Cluster analysis distinguished three clinical profiles called: "low manifestation", "depression and anxiety", "high manifestation". Conclusions: The group of the respondents isn't homogeneous in terms of the intensity of psychopathology

    Jak uchroni膰 dziecko przed biernym i czynnym paleniem tytoniu?

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    Poradnik antynikotynowy. Stanowi 藕r贸d艂o, przyk艂adowych scenariuszy zaj臋膰, kt贸re mog膮 by膰 wykorzystane w ramach prowadzonych spotka艅 po艣wi臋conych problemom zwi膮zanym z paleniem tytoniu

    Psychological functioning of tobacco dependents : the authors' own research

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    Autorzy prezentuj膮 interesuj膮c膮 analiz臋 cech osobowo艣ci os贸b uzale偶nionych od tytoniu. Wskazuj膮 na istnienie dw贸ch grup - o cechach ekstrawertywnych i neurotycznych, w kt贸rych funkcja palenia tytoniu wydaje si臋 r贸偶na.Introduction. Personality and tobacco-dependence researches enlarge the knowledge of smoking behaviours and they are clinically significant in improving prevention methods and treatment of tobacco dependence. Aim. Analysis of psychological functioning of tobacco dependent smokers. Method. In the research 145 patients (96 females and 49 males, average age: 46.2) with tobacco-dependence diagnosis answered the 16 PF Questionnaire measuring 16 personality factors in the Polish adaptation of T. Kucharski. Results. The Anova test showed the differences in psychological functioning between the investigated group outcomes and norms for the Polish population. The studied group is characterized by higher psycho-physiological tension, preference of independence in thinking, action and traditional behaviours, reserve and carefulness in interpersonal relationships. Cluster analysis showed two different profiles of psychological functioning. The first one concerns smokers who are active with extrovert features, the second one deals with smokers who react in a neurotic way. Conclusion. The research showed two different tobacco-smokers groups: one more extrovert, the other one more neurotic. Psychological smoking reasons can differ in each group. For the extroverts it could be a need for stimulation while for the neurotic persons it may be a need for tension and anxiety reduction, particularly in social situations

    A group psychotherapy programme in the complex treatment of patients addicted to nicotine, conducted in the course of cardiovascular disorder prevention : personal experience

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    Autorzy opisuj膮 w艂asny, kompleksowy program przeznaczony dla os贸b uzale偶nionych od nikotyny, maj膮cy na celu porzucenie przez nie na艂ogu. W perspektywie zar贸wno kr贸tko-, jak i d艂ugoterminowej najbardziej efektywne (80% os贸b odzwyczai艂o si臋 od nikotyny) 偶uje si臋 po艂膮czenie zastosowania farmakoterapii (bupropion SR) oraz psychoterapii grupowej.This original programme of psychological therapy within the comprehensive management of tobacco dependence can be used in psychotherapy centres and other institutions for the management of dependence. In the course of psychological therapy, patients build and enhance their internal motivation to quit smoking as well as they learn to identify personal mechanisms of dependence and techniques to prevent recurrences. They also learn how to deal with nicotine urge and daily stress. Generally, they gain more self-awareness and motivation to start a healthy life. The immediate effects of comprehensive management were a discontinuation of smoking by 80.4%, reduction of the number o f smoked cigarettes by at least 50% by 14.3% of the participants. In 5.2% of the participants therapy did not produce the desired results. The findings of the present study indicate that pharmacotherapy combined with psychotherapy is the most effective form of treatment of nicotine abuse in the context of immediate and long-term effects