29 research outputs found

    Glycocluster Tetrahydroxamic Acids Exhibiting Unprecedented Inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms

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    Opportunistic Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses adhesins (e.g., LecA and LecB lectins, type VI pili and flagella) and iron to invade host cells with the formation of a biofilm, a thick barrier that protects bacteria from drugs and host immune system. Hindering iron uptake and disrupting adhesins’ function could be a relevant antipseudomonal strategy. To test this hypothesis, we designed an iron-chelating glycocluster incorporating a tetrahydroxamic acid and α-l-fucose bearing linker to interfere with both iron uptake and the glycan recognition process involving the LecB lectin. Iron depletion led to increased production of the siderophore pyoverdine by P. aeruginosa to counteract the loss of iron uptake, and strong biofilm inhibition was observed not only with the α-l-fucocluster (72%), but also with its α-d-manno (84%), and α-d-gluco (92%) counterparts used as negative controls. This unprecedented finding suggests that both LecB and biofilm inhibition are closely related to the presence of hydroxamic acid groups

    Utjecaj uvjeta uzgoja i dodatka soli na sastav eteriÄŤnog ulja slatkog maĹľurana (Origanum majorana) iz Tunisa

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    O. majorana shoots were investigated for their essential oil (EO) composition. Two experiments were carried out; the first on hydroponic medium in a culture chamber and the second on inert sand in a greenhouse for 20 days. Plants were cultivated for 17 days in hydroponic medium supplemented with NaCl 100 mmol L1. The results showed that the O. majorana hydroponic medium offered higher essential oil yield than that from the greenhouse. The latter increased significantly in yield (by 50 %) under saline constraint while it did not change in the culture chamber. Under greenhouse conditions and in the absence of salt treatment, the major constituents were terpinene-4-ol and trans-sabinene hydrate. However, in the culture chamber, the major volatile components were cis-sabinene hydrate and terpinene-4-ol. In the presence of NaCl, new compounds appeared, such as eicosane, spathulenol, eugenol, and phenol. In addition, in the greenhouse, with or without salt, a very important change of trans-sabinene hydrate concentration in EO occurred, whereas in the culture chamber change appeared in cis-sabinene hydrate content.U radu je opisano ispitivanje sastava eteričnog ulja izdanaka biljke O. majorana. Provedena su dva eksperimenta: prvi na hidroponom mediju u komorama za uzgoj, a drugi na inertnom pijesku u stakleniku tijekom 20 dana. Biljke su uzgajane 17 dana u hidroponom mediju u koji je dodan NaCl 100 mmol L1. Rezultati ukazuju na to da hidroponi medij O. majorana osigurava veće prinose eteričnog ulja nego staklenik. U stakleniku se prinos ulja značajno povećao dodavanjem 50 % soli dok u uzgoju u uzgojnoj komori nije bilo promjene. U uvjetima u stakleniku i u odsutnosti soli, najvažniji sastojci ulja bili su terpinen-4-ol i trans-sabinen hidrat, dok su u uvjetima uzgojne komore najvažnije hlapljive komponente bile cis-sabinen hidrat i terpinen-4-ol. U prisutnosti NaCl-a, pojavili su se novi sastojci, kao što su eikozan, spatulenol, eugenol i fenol. Dodatno je uz stakleničke uvjete, sa i bez soli, došlo do važne promjene u količini trans-sabinen hidrata u eteričnom ulju, dok se u komorama promijenio sadržaj cis-sabinen hidrata

    Synthèse et propriétés complexantes de multi-calixarènes

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    Dans une première partie, nous avons synthétisé des multi-calixarènes contenant de une à six unités calixaréniques reliées entre elles par des espaceurs de différentes natures. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons choisi certains des dérivés précédemment synthétisés pour construire des fluoroionophores à fluorophore unique (pyrène) ou fluorophores mixtes (pyrène et rhodamine) à base de calixarènes. Tous les dérivés ainsi synthétisés ont été caractérisés par 1H-RMN, 13C-RMN, spectrométrie de masse maldi-tof, microanalyse et dans certains cas, diffraction des rayons X. Dans une dernière partie, nous avons étudiés les propriétés complexantes et extractantes de six des ligands synthétisés auparavant, vis-à-vis de sept cations de lanthanides trivalents (La, Pr, Nd, Eu, Gd, Er et Yb) et certains métaux de transition (Co, Cu, Zn, Cd) et Al. En fin de thèse nous présentons l étude de la complexation par fluorescence. La présence d un transfert de type FRET est montrée.In a first part, we have synthesized multi-calixarenes containing one to six calixarenic units connected by various spacers. In a second part, we have chosen some derivatives previously synthesized to build based-calixarenes fluoroionophores with one type of fluorophore (pyrene) or mixed fluorophores (pyrene and rhodamine). All the derivatives thus synthesized were characterized by 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, mass spectrometry MALDI-TOF, microanalysis and in certain cases, X-rays diffraction. In a last part, we have studied the chelating and extracting properties of six of the ligands synthesized before, with respect to seven cations of trivalent lanthanides (La, Pr, Nd, Eu, Gd, Er and Yb and some transition metals (Co, Cu, Zn, Cd) and Al. At the end of the thesis we have presented a study of the complexation by fluorescence. The presence of a transfer of the FRET type is shown.STRASBOURG-Sc. et Techniques (674822102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Polyphénols des oranges de Tunisie (Structures, propriétés chélatrices et antioxydantes)

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    Les travaux de recherche, présentés dans ce mémoire de thèse, s'inscrivent dans un projet de revalorisation des déchets de la production de jus d'oranges en Tunisie et se sont déroulés sous une co-direction Franco-Tunisienne. La première partie de ce travail concerne une analyse des sols des orangeraies par diffraction des rayons X et par infrarouge, suivie de la détection par spectroscopie d'émission atomique des métaux lourds les plus significatifs d'une éventuelle pollution. Aucune contamination des sols n'a été observée ; aucun phénomène d'accumulation de métaux lourds par les oranges n'a été noté. La valorisation de molécules bioactives présentes dans les peaux d'oranges peut donc être envisagée.Nous avons choisi d'étudier deux polyphénols majeurs dans les oranges, l'hespérétine et l'ériodyctiole et, plus particulièrement, leurs propriétés chélatrices pour deux cations délétères dans les processus de vieillissement et dans les maladies neurodégénératives, le fer(III) et le cuivre(II). Nous avons aussi examiné la chélation du zinc(II) ainsi que celle de deux métaux toxiques, le nickel(II) et l'aluminium(III). Grâce à la combinaison des développements les plus récents de nombreuses méthodes analytiques (spectrométrie de masse, spectrophotométrie d'absorption et potentiométrie), nous avons établi la stœchiométrie des complexes formés, identifié les sites de coordination et déterminé la stabilité des divers complexes métalliques formés avec les deux polyphénols considérés dans nos recherches.La dernière partie de nos travaux concerne les mécanismes de capture et de libération du fer(III) et du nickel(II) par l'hespérétine et l'ériodyctiole. L'utilisation d'un spectrophotomètre à flux stoppé a permis de suivre des processus de complexation des métaux rapides et efficaces, limités par la désolvatation pas à pas des métaux ainsi que des mécanismes de dissociation catalysés par les protons.The research presented in this PhD dissertation was carried out under a French-Tunisian scientific supervision, in the framework of a valorisation project of the orange skins with the aim of producing bioactive molecules for pharmaceutical or cosmetic applications.In the first part of this work, we studied, using X-rays diffraction and infrared spectrophotometry, the structure of some samples of soils where citrus fruits are grown in Tunisia. The concentration of heavy metals in the soils, in the citrus fruits and in the orange juices was determined by atomic emission spectroscopy. It is noteworthy that neither significant pollution of the soils, nor accumulation of toxic cations are observed.In the second part of this manuscript, we selected two major polyphenols of citrus fruits, hesperetin and eriodyctiol, and carried out an extensive characterization of the corresponding metallic complexes. Combining mass spectrometry, absorption spectrophotometry and potentiometry, we established the stoechiometry of the complexes, attributed the coordination sites and calculated the thermodynamic stability of the various complexes.We examined two prooxidant cations, Fe(III) and Cu(II), which have been proven to be deleterious in ageing processes and neurodegenerative diseases and for which the chelation will be beneficial, if moderate. Zn(II) and two toxic metals, Ni(II) and Al(III), were also studied.In the last part of our research work, we have elucidated the uptake and release mechanisms of iron(III) and nickel(II) by hesperetin and eriodyctiol. Our results showed that the uptake rate was limited by a step-by-step desolvation of the metals and that the release processes were catalysed by protons.STRASBOURG-Sc. et Techniques (674822102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Synthèse et coordination de dérivés calixarène et de thiacalixarène en conformation 1,3-alternée

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    Les récepteurs moléculaires sont des architectures maintenues par des liaisons covalentes et capables de fixer sélectivement des substances (ioniques et/ou moléculaires) au moyen d interactions intermoléculaires diverses, aboutissant ainsi à la formation d un assemblage d au moins de deux espèces nommé complexe moléculaire. Au cours de ce travail, des stratégies de synthèse de dérivés de calix[4]arène et de son analogue thiacalix[4]arène en conformation 1,3-alternée ont été mises au point. Ces composés ont été fonctionnalisés par des groupements pyridine, catéchol, imidazole, pyrazole et pour la première fois oxamate. Les composés obtenus ont été caractérisés à la fois en solution par RMN et à l état cristallin. Les propriétés complexantes vis-à-vis des métaux de transition en solution sont présentées. Pour certains dérivés, le pouvoir extractant envers les métaux de transition a été étudié et discuté. Enfin, la formation de réseaux de coordination à l état cristallin par auto-assemblage de dérivés de calixarène ou de thiacalixarène et le cation argent est présentée et commentée.Molecular receptors are preorganised architectures held by covalent bonds and capable of binding selectively ionic and / or molecular substrates via various intermolecular interactions, leading to the formation of molecular complexes composed of at least two species.In this work, the synthesis of a library of calix[4]arene and its analogue thiacalix[4]arene in 1,3-alternate conformation based ligands and tectons has been investigated. These two types of platforms have been equipped with pyridine, catechol, imidazole, pyrazole and, for the first time, oxamate units as coordinating sites. All compounds prepared were characterized in solution and in some cases in the crystalline state. Their binding propensity in solution towards transition metals has been determined and discussed. For some derivatives, their metal extracting properties have been investigated and presented. Finally, the formation of extended periodic architectures of the coordination network type in the crystalline state by self-assembly of calixarene based tectons and silver cation was achieved and presented.STRASBOURG-Bib.electronique 063 (674829902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Bentonite-decorated calix [4] arene: A new, promising hybrid material for heavy-metal removal

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    There is global concern about the contamination of ground, river, and tap waters as well as soil contamination with heavy metal ions; these chemical species are known to not degrade and to cause severe health problems if ingested by humans and animals. Such environmental and health concerns necessitate the development of ultrasensitive sensors and high-capacity adsorbents. This study demonstrates for the first time the potential of organophilic bentonite combined with tetra(2-pyridylmethyl)amide calix [4] arene as a high-performance hybrid material for the removal of toxic heavy metals. After consecutive synthesis steps, the modified bentonites were thoroughly characterized by FT-IR, XRD, UV spectroscopy, and TEM. In particular, the XRD analysis showed strong supporting evidence for intercalation in the clay following each modification step. The salient feature of the newly prepared hybrid material is its high extraction capacity for Cd(II) and Zn(II) metals, as determined by atomic absorption spectrometry and UV spectrometry. Different preparation methods, with respect to the quantity of the added cationic surfactant, were investigated to determine the optimal conditions for synthesis. The extraction percentage for the as-prepared hybrid material was measured to be as high as 97.4% and 94.2% for Cd(II) and Zn(II), respectively.This paper was made possible by the NPRP award [8-878-1-172] from Qatar National Research Fund (a member of the Qatar foundation)