3,349 research outputs found

    Subspace estimation and prediction methods for hidden Markov models

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    Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are probabilistic functions of finite Markov chains, or, put in other words, state space models with finite state space. In this paper, we examine subspace estimation methods for HMMs whose output lies a finite set as well. In particular, we study the geometric structure arising from the nonminimality of the linear state space representation of HMMs, and consistency of a subspace algorithm arising from a certain factorization of the singular value decomposition of the estimated linear prediction matrix. For this algorithm, we show that the estimates of the transition and emission probability matrices are consistent up to a similarity transformation, and that the mm-step linear predictor computed from the estimated system matrices is consistent, i.e., converges to the true optimal linear mm-step predictor.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS711 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Nonparametric estimation of mixing densities for discrete distributions

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    By a mixture density is meant a density of the form πΌ(⋅)=∫πΞ(⋅)Ă—ÎŒ(dΞ)\pi_{\mu}(\cdot)=\int\pi_{\theta}(\cdot)\times\mu(d\theta), where (πΞ)Ξ∈Θ(\pi_{\theta})_{\theta\in\Theta} is a family of probability densities and ÎŒ\mu is a probability measure on Θ\Theta. We consider the problem of identifying the unknown part of this model, the mixing distribution ÎŒ\mu, from a finite sample of independent observations from πΌ\pi_{\mu}. Assuming that the mixing distribution has a density function, we wish to estimate this density within appropriate function classes. A general approach is proposed and its scope of application is investigated in the case of discrete distributions. Mixtures of power series distributions are more specifically studied. Standard methods for density estimation, such as kernel estimators, are available in this context, and it has been shown that these methods are rate optimal or almost rate optimal in balls of various smoothness spaces. For instance, these results apply to mixtures of the Poisson distribution parameterized by its mean. Estimators based on orthogonal polynomial sequences have also been proposed and shown to achieve similar rates. The general approach of this paper extends and simplifies such results. For instance, it allows us to prove asymptotic minimax efficiency over certain smoothness classes of the above-mentioned polynomial estimator in the Poisson case. We also study discrete location mixtures, or discrete deconvolution, and mixtures of discrete uniform distributions.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000381 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    MEDVINDENS TID Ekologiska Lantbrukarna och jordbrukspolitiken 1985–2000

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    Under 1980- och 90-talen utmĂ€rktes jordbrukspolitiken i Sverige av tvĂ€ra kast, först till följd av krav pĂ„ avreglering och marknadsanpassning, sedan genom medlemskapet i EU. Det bidrog till att sektorns policynĂ€tverk blev mer öppet Ă€n under föregĂ„ende Ă„rtionden. Under samma period gynnades det ekologiska jordbrukets utveckling av det allmĂ€nna miljömedvetandet och konsumenternas ökande efterfrĂ„gan. De flesta faktorerna i den politiska möjlighetsstrukturen var dĂ€rför positiva för Alternativodlarnas Riksförbund/Ekologiska Lantbrukarna. FrĂ„n starten 1985 arbetade sig organisationen mĂ„lmedvetet och med framgĂ„ng in i nĂ€tverket. Lantbruksmyndigheterna insĂ„g snart att ARF/Ekologiska Lantbrukarna med sin specialistkompetens kunde tillföra nya vĂ€rdefulla resurser. De slĂ€ppte dĂ€rför in organisationens representanter i sina arbetsgrupper, Ă€ven om det inledningsvis mest handlade om mindre betydelsefulla detaljfrĂ„gor. Efter en viss inledande misstĂ€nksamhet accepterades nykomlingen av det dominerande LRF, som började fĂ„ upp ögonen för ekojordbrukets kommersiella potential. I den partipolitiska debatten spelade miljöfrĂ„gorna i slutet av Ă„ttiotalet en avgörande roll, vilket gjorde att det ekologiska jordbruket uppmĂ€rksammades av politiker frĂ„n de flesta partier. OmlĂ€ggningsstödet 1989 kan betraktas som ett genombrott och i fortsĂ€ttningen var sĂ„vĂ€l ekologiskt jordbruk som dess ledande intresseorganisation definitivt en kraft att rĂ€kna med. I mitten av nittiotalet kunde ytterligare framgĂ„ngar skördas. Först stĂ€llde sig riksdagen bakom tioprocentsmĂ„let och tog ett beslut om permanent ekostöd. Efter EU-intrĂ€det infördes nya bidrag i en sĂ„dan omfattning att alltfler bönder av ekonomiska skĂ€l övergick till ekologisk produktion. NĂ€r tioprocentsmĂ„let var uppfyllt stĂ€llde statsmakterna genast in siktet pĂ„ tjugo procent. Utvecklingen stötte helt naturligt pĂ„ motstĂ„nd frĂ„n intressen som kunde förlora pĂ„ en omfördelning av resurser frĂ„n det konventionella jordbruket. Det Ă€r trots allt befogat att beskriva den undersökta femtonĂ„rsperioden som en tid av medvind för ARF/Ekologiska Lantbrukarna. Den snabba tillvĂ€xten medförde emellertid en risk för konflikter mellan ideal och verklighet. Ekobönderna var nu mer beroende av bidrag Ă€n tidigare och ekonomiska övervĂ€ganden spelade en större roll för mĂ„nga medlemmar Ă€n i organisationens barndom. Lönsamhetskalkyler kolliderade med ideologin och ”pionjĂ€randan” försvagades nĂ€r rörelsen började institutionaliseras. En annan konsekvens av organisationens ökande inflytande var att ledningen mĂ„ste ta ansvar för politiska beslut som den medverkat till, Ă€ven om en del medlemmar missgynnades. Disciplinering av medlemsopinionen Ă€r en inte sĂ€rskilt behaglig men oundviklig följd av medverkan i en korporativ beslutsprocess. I takt med det ekologiska jordbrukets tillvĂ€xt har ett inbyggt dilemma gjort sig mer och mer pĂ„mint. Det har blivit allt tydligare att Ekologiska Lantbrukarnas jordbrukspolitiska agerande prĂ€glas av en mĂ„lkonflikt. Dels vill man pĂ„verka hela jordbrukets utveckling i ekologisk riktning, dels fungerar man som intresseorganisation för en avgrĂ€nsad grupp. Det senare syftet gynnas av en klar skiljelinje mellan ekologisk och konventionell produktion och om det konventionella jordbruket blir mer miljövĂ€nligt suddas grĂ€nsen ut. DĂ„ kan det bli svĂ„rare att motivera sĂ„vĂ€l ekostöd som högre priser pĂ„ ekologiska livsmedel. Ekologiska Lantbrukarnas ledning anser dock inte att mĂ„lkonflikten Ă€r nĂ„got större problem. Än sĂ„ lĂ€nge Ă€r det nog en riktig bedömning, men i det lĂ„nga loppet kan en försvagad ekologisk identitet visa sig ödesdiger. Den lĂ„ngsiktiga utvĂ€g som organisationens ledning pekar pĂ„ Ă€r att stegvis skĂ€rpa normerna för vad som fĂ„r rĂ€knas som ekologiskt. Utan tvivel finns det en hel del att göra, eftersom dagens ekojordbruk i ett lĂ€ngre tidsperspektiv inte kan betraktas som uthĂ„lligt. Exempelvis har det minst lika hög energiförbrukning som det konventionella jordbruket. Om man kan finna lösningar pĂ„ sĂ„dana utmaningar kan ekojordbruket fortsĂ€tta att vara en spjutspets och dĂ„ kan det Ă€ven fortsĂ€ttningsvis gĂ„ att motivera sĂ€rskilda bidrag och högre priser. NĂ€r denna undersökning sĂ€tter punkt Ă„r 2000 var huvuddragen i jordbrukspolitiken fastlagda för flera Ă„r framĂ„t, bĂ„de i Sverige och i EU. Det stod emellertid klart att en ökad miljöanpassning av CAP kommer att tvingas fram, om inte annat sĂ„ för att Ă„terstĂ€lla konsumenternas förtroende efter BSE-krisen. NĂ€r den nya CAP-budgeten skall antas 2006 mĂ„ste EU ha kommit fram till nya riktlinjer och diskussionerna kommer att bli intensiva fram till dess. En första etapp Ă€r den halvtidsöversyn av Agenda 2000 som skall göras 2003. Att CAP i framtiden kommer att innehĂ„lla mer miljövillkor och satsningar pĂ„ ekologiskt jordbruk Ă€r ingen ogrundad gissning. Vid en EU-konferens i Köpenhamn i maj 2001 antogs en deklaration om att EU bör utarbeta en handlingsplan för ekologisk produktion, vilket omgĂ„ende fick stöd av jordbruksministrarna. Vid toppmötet i Göteborg i juni samma Ă„r uttalades att jordbrukspolitiken skall inriktas pĂ„ uthĂ„llighet, bland annat genom att frĂ€mja ekologisk produktion. Kommissionens utkast till halvtidsöversyn, som offentliggjordes i juli 2002, visade sig överraskande radikalt. Franz Fischler föreslĂ„r att direktstöden trappas ned med tre procent per Ă„r och att dessa medel gĂ„r till miljöstöd och landsbygdsutveckling. Dessutom vill han lĂ€gga om hela bidragssystemet. IstĂ€llet för stöd Ă„t produktionen skall varje gĂ„rd fĂ„ ett samlat inkomststöd pĂ„ villkor att grundlĂ€ggande miljö- och djurskyddsnormer uppfylls. Med dessa förslag öppnas dörren för Ă€nnu större förĂ€ndringar lĂ€ngre fram. I Sverige hade Ekologiska Lantbrukarna mot slutet av 1990-talet stort inflytande pĂ„ utredningar och beslut i de flesta frĂ„gor med anknytning till den ekologiska produktionen. I den allmĂ€nna jordbrukspolitiken var dĂ€remot organisationens pĂ„verkan pĂ„ den svenska linjen fortfarande begrĂ€nsad. Ett liknande mönster kan iakttas pĂ„ EU-nivĂ„, dĂ€r synpunkter frĂ„n IFOAM:s EU-grupp hittills endast beaktats nĂ€r det gĂ€llt detaljregler för den ekologiska produktionen. NĂ€r stora beslut som Agenda 2000 fattats har det varit mĂ€ktigare intressen som avgjort. Kanske kommer företrĂ€darna för det ekologiska jordbruket att kunna spela en mer framtrĂ€dande roll nĂ€sta gĂ„ng och kanske kommer de dĂ„ att kunna pĂ„verka annat Ă€n detaljfrĂ„gor

    Environmental effects of carsharing: Results from the moses project

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    This study shows that car-sharing reduces car mileage by 28-45% among private users, which is quite in line with other studies of car-sharing. Some people increase their driving when joining car- sharing (mainly those who did not own a car before), but the increase is rather small in absolute figures. Some people decrease their driving when joining car-sharing, mainly those who got rid of a car when joining. But all changes put together mean an average decrease with 3000 km per member and year in both Bremen and Belgium. On the other hand the use of public transport is increased by 1100 km per car-sharing member and year. Car-sharing cars are smaller and newer compared to the private cars they replace. Among the total fleet of cars, the share of medium sized cars is reduced by 40%. 65% of abolished cars in Belgium were from 1995 or earlier, which can be compared to the car-sharing fleets average production year of 2002 (these figures are es- timated to be relevant also for Bremen). Due to the above factors, car-sharing is estimated to re- duce CO2 emissions from car transport by 40-50% (among its members), and other pollutants are estimated to decrease even more than 50%. Car-sharing reduces the need for a private car and therefore also reduces the amount of cars in urban areas. In Bremen each car-sharing car replaces 7-10 private cars and in Belgium each car-sharing car replaces 4-6 private cars. This in turn re- duces the need for parking space by 90-135 m2 in Bremen and 45-75 m2 in Belgium for each car- sharing car

    Statistical modeling of warm-spell duration series using hurdle models

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    Regression models for counts could be applied to the earth sciences, for instance when studying trends of extremes of climatological quantities. Hurdle models are modified count models which can be regarded as mixtures of distributions. In this paper, hurdle models are applied to model the sums of lengths of periods of high temperatures. A modification to the common versions presented in the literature is presented, as left truncation as well as a particular treatment of zeros is needed for the problem. The outcome of the model is compared to those of simpler count models

    Chronic bone marrow failure and transfusion patterns : epidemiological studies of blood transfusions and outcomes in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) encompass a diverse group of clonal hematological malignancies characterized by dysplasia and ineffective hematopoiesis with an increased risk of leukemic evolution. It is a disease of the elderly with a median age of nearly 75 years. Anemia is the most common cytopenia and a majority of the patients have a temporary or chronic need for red blood cell (RBC) transfusions, either during treatment or at loss of response to treatment. Recognizing the importance of RBC transfusions, the transfusion burden is likewise associated with a reduced overall and progression-free survival and with other unwanted effects, such as alloimmunization and impaired quality of life. This thesis aimed to expand the knowledge on transfusion patterns primarily in patients with MDS, but also to investigate transfusion patterns in hematological malignancies overall. Specific goals were to characterize transfusion patterns, identify clinical and patient-specific parameters associated with transfusion intensity and to investigate variables that might affect the efficacy of the RBC transfusion, such as RBC storage time and alloimmunization. In study I, we presented a nation-wide overview of transfusion patterns in patients diagnosed with a hematological malignancy of myeloid, lymphoid or plasma cell origin, during the first two years following diagnosis. Great variations in the transfusion patterns were observed between hematological diagnoses with regard to transfusion incidence, median number of transfused units and direct costs. Patients with acute leukemia and MDS received the highest cumulative number of transfusions and thereby accounted for the highest costs. Conversely, patients with chronic lymphoid leukemia, Hodgkin’s lymphoma or follicular lymphoma received the lowest cumulative number of transfusions. The transfusion incidence was highest immediately after diagnosis in patients with acute leukemia and in patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation. In study II, we aimed to identify clinical and patient-specific parameters associated with transfusion intensity of RBC and platelet transfusions, in patients with MDS. Independent predictors of RBC and platelet transfusion intensity were male sex and mutations in genes encoding histone modulation, signaling and transcriptional regulation. We observed that transfusion intensity was significantly associated with poor survival. In study III, we investigated if duration of RBC storage affected the hemoglobin increment following RBC transfusions in a cohort of MDS patients. A longer duration of RBC storage was associated with a smaller increment of the hemoglobin level after transfusion, per RBC unit, compared to units stored less than five days. The estimates proved stable when adjusting for age and sex and in five different sensitivity analyses. In study IV, we analyzed risk factors of alloimmunization and potential clinical changes following alloimmunization, such as transfusion requirements and the post-transfusion hemoglobin increment, in an MDS cohort. Female sex and a positive direct antiglobulin test were significantly associated with alloimmunization. Following alloimmunization, we observed an increase of the average transfusion intensity and estimated lower post-transfusion hemoglobin increments per RBC unit. In conclusion, characterization of transfusion patterns and identification of variables associated with transfusion intensity are of great importance and could guide therapeutic options and optimize transfusion therapy to patients with a chronic bone marrow failure due to MDS

    Surface Wave Testing of Pavements

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    A novel approach for surface wave testing of pavements is presented. It is a non-destructive testing (NDT) technique that can be used to obtain the thickness and stiffness properties of the different layers in a pavement. With this method structural properties of the pavement can be mapped as a function of time and space, providing a valuable tool in pavement design and management. The technical development is based on a theoretical study of wave propagation in pavement structures and on the reported difficulties experienced with existing methods. A computer based data acquisition system and program for evaluation of layer properties have been developed. From the theoretical study on wave propagation in pavement structures, it is concluded that the nature of wave propagation has been oversimplified in previous studies. Results show that the measurable wave field at the surface of a pavement structure is dominated by leaky quasi-Lamb waves in the first and second layer. The fundamental anti-symmetric mode of vibration is the dominating mode generated in the stiff top layer. This mode drives the complete system and continuity across the boundaries generates higher order modes in the embedded second layer. The interaction of leaky Lamb waves in the first two layers results in large variations in the excitability and the attenuation, so that only the waves corresponding to certain portions of the dispersion curves are measurable at the pavement surface. These portions of dispersion curves (mode branches) are critical for a refined NDT technique for pavements. To resolve the different mode branches it is necessary to record the complete wave field on the pavement surface. In this study the multichannel data acquisition method is replaced by multichannel simulation with one receiver (MSOR). This method uses only one accelerometer-receiver and a light hammer-source, to generate a synthetic receiver array. The recorded data is automatically and objectively transformed to a phase velocity spectrum through the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) processing scheme. The top layer thickness, and stiffness properties are obtained automatically in the field by a Lamb wave analysis of the measured phase velocity spectrum. The inversion of deeper embedded layers is based on the full phase velocity spectrum. The main benefit from the developed inversion procedure is that the raw field data can be automatically processed and inverted without any subjective user input to identify discrete dispersion curves. The viscoelastic properties of the asphalt layer are included to produce the asphalt stiffness as a function of frequency, a mastercurve. In this study the presented NDT technique is applied to pavements and concrete structures. However, generic findings here may also be useful in other fields. Possible applications are; ultrasonic testing of coated materials and sandwich structures, surface wave soil site characterization, and medical applications
