6 research outputs found

    Lead activity in Ni-Pb-Sn and Ni-Pb-Ag liquid diluted solutions. Dependence of interaction parameters on relative difference of ionic volumes

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    The lead activity in Ni-Pb-Sn and Ni-Pb-Ag liquid diluted solutions has been determined by the equilibrium saturation of the condensed phase with metal vapour at 1 753 K. The interaction parameter values 蔚Pb determined experimentally have been interpreted by the developed idea of relative difference of ionic volumes. This idea and several 蔚Pb experimental values make possible to propose the equation describing the lead activity in any Ni-Pb-j system

    A report on physical performance in female patients diseased for idiopathic scoliosis

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    The purpose of this study was to examine physical performance and exercise tolerance in patients with scoliosis in comparison with healthy girls of the similar age. Results of the study show the similar aerobic performance in both groups. However, exercise tolerance was significantly lower in patients with scoliosis than in the control group. Similarly, resting values af cardiac output and stroke volume were significantly lower in girls with scoliosis as comared with healthy girls

    The Concentration of Uridine in Blood Plasma and Hyperuricemia in Primary Hypertension

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    Wst臋p: Problem zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy st臋偶eniem urydyny (UR) i kwasu moczowego (UA) w osoczu krwi jest bardzo interesuj膮cy, bior膮c pod uwag臋 wyniki pracy T. Yamamoto (1997), w kt贸rej sugeruje si臋 traktowanie poziomu urydyny w osoczu krwi jako wzka藕nika zwi臋kszonej produkcji UA (overproduction), przydatnego w diagnostyce hiperurykemii zale偶nej od wydalania tego zwi膮zku. Mi臋艣nie g艂adkie naczy艅 krwiono艣nych charakteryzuj膮 si臋 stosunkowo wysokim poziomem UTP w por贸wnaniu z ATP. Je偶eli hipoksantyna (Hx) jest traktowana jako wska藕nik degradacji ATP w czasie skurczu mi臋艣ni szkieletowych, podobnie UR mo偶e by膰 wska藕nikiem degradacji UTP w warunkach zwi臋kszonego napi臋cia naczy艅 krwiono艣nych. Wiadomo r贸wnie偶, 偶e nukleotydy pochodne urydyny wywieraj膮 efekt hipertensyjny, kt贸ry jest eliminowany przez infuzj臋 adenozyny. Cel: Celem tej pracy by艂o poszukiwanie zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy st臋偶eniem UR w osoczu krwi a poziomem kwasu moczowego i jego prekursor贸w, czyli Hx i X (ksantyny), a tak偶e insuliny (INS). Materia艂: Badaniu poddano pacjent贸w z nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym pierwotnym (GNP) - 36 os贸b (24 M i 12 F) w wieku 41,8 ± 16,2. Grup臋 kontroln膮 (GK) stanowi艂y osoby zdrowe (21 M i 14 F) w wieku 39,4 ± 12,5 lat. Metody: St臋偶enie UA, Hx, X i UR w osoczu krwi oznaczano metod膮 HPLC. Poziom immunoreaktywnej INS w surowicy oznaczano przy u偶yciu zestaw贸w RIA-INS (Centralny O艣rodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotop贸w w 艢wierku k. Otwocka). Wyniki: 1. Stwierdzono statystycznie wy偶sze st臋偶enie UA i Hx w osoczu grupy GNP. 2. St臋偶enie UR w grupie GNP by艂o ni偶sze w por贸wnaniu z GK. 3. Uzyskano statystycznie wysoko istotne korelacje pomi臋dzy Hx i UR oraz X i UR w obu badanych grupach. Nie stwierdzono natomiast istotnych zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy UA a UR w badanych grupach. 4. Statystycznie istotn膮 zale偶no艣膰 pomi臋dzy UR a INS obserwowano tylko w grupie GNP, gdzie st臋偶enie INS by艂o wy偶sze w por贸wnaniu z grup膮 kontroln膮. Wnioski: 1. Poziom urydyny w osoczu krwi nie jest wska藕nikiem hiperurykemii towarzysz膮cej nadci艣nieniu. 2. Istniej膮 zwi膮zki mi臋dzy hiperinsulinemi膮 a zmienionym metabolizmem nukleotyd贸w purynowych i pirymidynowych obserwowanym w nadci艣nieniu.Background The problem of the dependence between concentration of uridine (UR) and uric acid (UA) in blood plasma is very interesting taking into considerations the results ofT. Yammamoto's (1997) work, which suggested the treatment ofUR in plasma as a marker ofincreased production of UA ("overproduction") - usefull in diagnosis of hyperuricemia which is dependent on excretion of this compound. Smooth muscles ofblood vessels are characterised by proportionally high level of UTP compared with ATP If hypoxanthine (Hx) is considered as a marker ofdegradation ofATP for skeletal muscles, similarly UR may be a marker of degradation ofUTP in conditions ofhigh vasoconstriction. Moreover, it is known, that uridine nucleotides act as vasoconstrictors, and this effect is eliminated by infusion of adenosine. Aim To find out whether and which correlations are there between concentration ofUR in plasma and concentration ofUA and its precursors eg. Hx and X (xanthine) as well as insulin. Material Patients with essential hypertension (HT) - 36 persons (24 M and 12 F), aged 41,8 ± 16,2. The control group (GK) -37 healthypeople-volunteeries (21 M,14 F), aged 39,4 ± 12,5. Methods The concentration ofUA, Hx, X and UR in plasma was determined using the HPLC method. The level of immunoreactive insulin (INS) in serum was determined by RIA - INS kits (Centralny O艣rodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Izotop贸w, 艢wierk/Otwock, Poland). Results 1. Statistically significant differences in concentrations ofUA and Hx in plasma in HT as compared with CG in which these concentrations were lower. 2. The concentration of UR in HT was lower than in GK. 3. A high significant correlations between Hx and UR and X and UR were obtained in both group. Such correlation was not observed between the UA and UR concentrations in plasma. 4. The dependence between UR and INS was found only in the HT group, where the concentration of INS was higher than in GK. Conclusions 1. The plasma level of uridine is not a marker of hyperuricemia in essential hypertension. 2. Hyperinsulincmia in hypertension is associated with disturbances in metabolism of purines and pyrimidines

    Short-term endurance training after coronary artery bypass grafting improves insulin resistance parameters in patients with hypertension

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    Background: It has been shown that short-term exercise training improves insulin resistance parameters in patients with ischaemic heart disease. The effects of such a rehabilitation programme in patients with hypertension have not been well established.Aim: To assess whether short-term endurance training after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) may improve metabolic parameters and reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension.Methods: The study group consisted of 30 male patients (15 with hypertension and 15 normotensive) aged 55±2.1 years who underwent CABG 1 to 6 months before the initiation of a 3-week endurance training. Glucose, insulin and C-peptide blood levels as well as binding and degradation of 125I-insulin by erythrocyte receptors were assessed before and after the training programme. The effects of training on blood pressure values were also evaluated.Results: A significant improvement (