94 research outputs found

    The world's largest oil and gas hydrocarbon deposits: ROSA database and GIS project development

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    This article proposes the use of Big Data principles to support the future extraction of hydrocarbon resources. It starts out by assessing the possible energy-system transformations in order to shed some light on the future need for hydrocarbon resource extraction and corresponding drilling needs. The core contribution of this work is the development of a new database and the corresponding GIS (geographic information system) visualization project as basis for an analytical study of worldwide hydrocarbon occurrences and development of extraction methods. The historical period for the analytical study is from 1900 to 2000. A number of tasks had to be implemented to develop the database and include information about data collection, processing, and development of geospatial data on hydrocarbon deposits. Collecting relevant information made it possible to compile a list of hydrocarbon fields, which have served as the basis for the attribute database tables and its further filling. To develop an attribute table, the authors took into account that all accumulated data features on hydrocarbon deposits and divided them into two types: static and dynamic. Static data included the deposit parameters that do not change over time. On the other hand, dynamic data are constantly changing. Creation of a web service with advanced functionality based on the Esri Geoportal Server software platform included search by parameter presets, viewing and filtering of selected data layers using online mapping application, sorting of metadata, corresponding bibliographic information for each field and keywords accordingly. The collected and processed information by ROSA database and GIS visualization project includes more than 100 hydrocarbon fields across different countries

    The example of an assessment and selection of the optimal variant of technological process of iron smelting

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    The example of an assessment and selection of the optimal variant of technology smelting from set of existing alternatives on the basis of the method developed by the author is presented

    Creative Heritage of S. N. Semanov as a Historical Source on the Political History USSR of the 1970th – the 1980th

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    In work is considered various works of the prominent Soviet writer and journalist, the convinced Russian national patriot as a historical source. There are revealed the reason of the importance of memoirs and reflections of public figures of the late Soviet era as historical sources. The most significant aspects of a creative heritage of S.N. Semanov for modern historians are defined. The important historical events which found reflections in S. N. Semanov's works are specified

    Hemodynamics State at Different Modes of Systemic Air Cryogenic Exposure

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    The article estimates the hemodynamics state during systemic air cryotherapy sessions in cryosaunas, in the course of which body temperature drops in the range of cryostability (up to 5-10 C), while the core body temperature persists and enables to avoid shift in thermal regulation. Majority of circulatory dimensions at post-cryothermia period showed reactions opposite in sign if compared to hypothermia period, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly lower than before the sessions. Such evident compensatory reaction of blood circulation is apparently the specific extension of stress syndrome, developed at testees directly in the course of cryotherapy

    Hijacking the Fusion Complex of Human Parainfluenza Virus as an Antiviral Strategy

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    The receptor binding protein of parainfluenza virus, hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN), is responsible for actively triggering the viral fusion protein (F) to undergo a conformational change leading to insertion into the target cell and fusion of the virus with the target cell membrane. For proper viral entry to occur, this process must occur when HN is engaged with host cell receptors at the cell surface. It is possible to interfere with this process through premature activation of the F protein, distant from the target cell receptor. Conformational changes in the F protein and adoption of the postfusion form of the protein prior to receptor engagement of HN at the host cell membrane inactivate the virus. We previously identified small molecules that interact with HN and induce it to activate F in an untimely fashion, validating a new antiviral strategy. To obtain highly active pretriggering candidate molecules we carried out a virtual modeling screen for molecules that interact with sialic acid binding site II on HN, which we propose to be the site responsible for activating F. To directly assess the mechanism of action of one such highly effective new premature activating compound, PAC-3066, we use cryo-electron tomography on authentic intact viral particles for the first time to examine the effects of PAC-3066 treatment on the conformation of the viral F protein. We present the first direct observation of the conformational rearrangement induced in the viral F protein.IMPORTANCE Paramyxoviruses, including human parainfluenza virus type 3, are internalized into host cells by fusion between viral and target cell membranes. The receptor binding protein, hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN), upon binding to its cell receptor, triggers conformational changes in the fusion protein (F). This action of HN activates F to reach its fusion-competent state. Using small molecules that interact with HN, we can induce the premature activation of F and inactivate the virus. To obtain highly active pretriggering compounds, we carried out a virtual modeling screen for molecules that interact with a sialic acid binding site on HN that we propose to be the site involved in activating F. We use cryo-electron tomography of authentic intact viral particles for the first time to directly assess the mechanism of action of this treatment on the conformation of the viral F protein and present the first direct observation of the induced conformational rearrangement in the viral F protein.This work was supported by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH, grants R01AI031971 and R01AI114736 to A.M. and by USA-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) grant 2017293 to N.B.-T. E.Y. was partially funded by a fellowship from the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics at Tel Aviv University. N.B.-T.’s research is supported in part by the Abraham E. Kazan Chair in Structural Biology, Tel Aviv University.S

    CODATA and global challenges in data-driven science

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    This synthesis report presents the scientific results of the international conference "Global Challenges and Data-Driven Science" which took place in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation from 8 October to 13 October 2017. This event facilitated multidisciplinary scientific dialogue between leading scientists, data managers and experts, as well as Big Data researchers of various fields of knowledge. The St. Petersburg conference covered a wide range of topics related to data science. It featured discussions covering the collection and processing of large amounts of data, the implementation of system analysis methods into data science, machine learning, data mining, pattern recognition, decision-making robotics and algorithms of artificial intelligence. The conference was an outstanding event in the field of scientific diplomacy and brought together more than 150 participants from 35 countries. It's success ensured the effective data science dialog between nations and continents and established a new platform for future collaboration

    Induced spin orbit splitting in graphene the role of atomic number of the intercalated metal and pi d hybridization

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    This paper reports spin dependent valence band dispersions of graphene synthesized on Ni 111 and subsequently intercalated with monolayers of Au, Cu and Bi. We have previously shown that after intercalation of graphene with Au the dispersion of the band remains linear in the region of the K point of the surface Brillouin zone even though the system exhibits a noticeable hybridization between states of graphene and d states of Au. We have also demonstrated a giant spin orbit splitting of states in Au intercalated graphene which can reach up to 100 meV. In this paper we probe in detail dispersions of graphene Au d hybridized bands. We show that intercalation of Cu does not produce a noticeable spin orbit splitting in graphene although this system, similarly to Au intercalated graphene, also reveals hybridization between graphene states and d states of Cu. To clarify the role of intercalated Au, the electronic and spin structures of Au monolayers on Ni 111 are comparatively studied with and without graphene on top and the importance of the spin splitting of the d states of the intercalated material is established.These Au d states in graphene Au Ni 111 are further studied in detail by spinand angle resolved photoemission, and spin dependent hybridization between graphene and Au bands is revealed. In contrast, intercalation of the sp metal Bi, despite its high atomic number, does not lead to any measurable spin orbit splitting of the states of graphene. This means that for the creation of large spin orbit splitting in graphene, neither hybridization with d states as with Cu nor the high atomic number of the intercalated material alone as with Bi is sufficient, and a combination of them is required as with A

    Фотодинамическая терапия больных раком нижней губы

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    Results of diagnosis and treatment in 32 patients with lower lip cancer using photodynamic therapy (PDT) with photosensitizer Photosense are represented. 15 patients had stage I of disease, in 12 – stage II and in 5 – stage III. Photosensitizer Photosense was administered at dose of 0.5 mg/kg body weight in 20 patients and at dose of 0.8 mg/kg – in 12 patients as single intravenous infusion. During the treatment the fluorescent diagnosis (FD) was performed. The average power of diagnostic laser irradiation was 2 mW, light dose on tissue surface was < 1 J/cm2. Power density of therapeutic laser irradiation accounted for 150–300 mW/cm2, light dose of one session was 200-300 J/cm2. First session of PDT was performed 24 h after drug injection, the interval between following sessions accounted for 24 h. The number of session varied from 3 to 5. The results of FD showed the increase of fluorescent intensity in the center of tumor from 14.9 up to 150.8 r.u. 24 h after drug injection, this parameter in the normal mucosa increased from 13,4 to 88,3 r.u. The side-effects of PDT with Photosense included pain syndrome, which was managed by non-opioid analgesics in all 10 patients. The signs of phototoxycity were observed in 9 patients. Two months after PDT 22 (68.7%) patients had complete regression of tumor lesion, the response in 8 (25%) patients was defined as partial, 2 (6.3%) patients had stabilization of tumor growth. Приведены результаты диагностики и лечения 32 больных раком нижней губы методом фотодинамической терапии (ФДТ) с использо- ванием фотосенсибилизатора фотосенс. У 15 пациентов была диагностирована I ст. заболевания, у 12 – II ст. и у 5 – III ст. Фотосенси- билизатор фотосенс вводили в дозе 0,5 мг/кг массы тела 20 пациентам и в дозе 0,8 мг/кг – 12 пациентам в виде однократной внутри- венной инфузии. В процессе лечения проводилась флюоресцентная диагностика (ФД). Средняя мощность диагностического лазерного излучения 2 мВт, плотность энергии на поверхности тканей < 1 Дж/см2. Плотность мощности терапевтического лазерного излучения 150–300 мВт/см2, световая доза одного сеанса 200–300 Дж/см2. Первый сеанс ФДТ проводили через 24 ч после введения препарата, интервал между последующими сеансами составлял 24 ч. Число сеансов варьировалось от 3 до 5. Результаты ФД показали высокую интенсивность флюоресценции фотосенса в центре опухоли – 14,9–150,8 отн. ед. через 24 ч после введения препарата, в здоровой слизистой этот показатель был ниже в 1,71 раза. Из побочных эффектов ФДТ с фотосенсом отмечен болевой синдром, который у всех 10 пациентов купировался с помощью ненаркотических анальгетиков. Признаки фототоксичности наблюдались у 9 больных. Через 2 мес. после проведения ФДТ у 22 (68,7%) пациентов отмечена полная регрессия опухолевого очага, у 8 (25%) больных эффект от лечения оценен как частичный, у 2 (6,3%) больных зафиксирована стабилизация опухолевого процесса.