47 research outputs found

    A comprehensive high resolution 3D P- and S-wave velocity model for the Alpine mountain chain using local earthquake data: Constraining crustal structure, lithologies and mountain-building processes

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    Based on the unprecedented amount of densly recorded seismic waveform data and recent advances in machine learning techniques the main objective of this project was the computation of a comprehensive high resolution 3D P- and S-wave velocity model for the Alpine region including station correction terms. Additionally, event locations and associated uncertainties as well as the automatically determined seismic arrival times should be published. The 3D crustal model delivers travel time correction terms for teleseimic tomography studies and thus sharpen the image of subducted slabs in the upper mantle. We used "SeisBench - A toolbox for machine learning in seismology" to assess the performance of several deep-neural-network based seismic picking algorithms and find PhaseNet to be most suitable. In order to consistently remove outliers from the P- and S- phase pick catalog we developed a purely data-driven pre-inversion pick selection method. We relocated a subset of 384 events while simultaneously inverting for the 1D P- & S-wave velocity structure including station corrections using the established VELEST as well as the recently developed McMC algorithms. This model yields the first consistent travel time based 1D S-wave model of the Greater Alpine region facilitating computation of synthetic travel times and the inclusion of S-phases during the localization process. Furthermore, it yields the starting model for the final 3D velocity model which is based on records from more than 3000 events on more than 1100 seismic broadband stations. Comparing our hypocentres with event locations from other studies indicates a horizontal and vertical accuracy of ~2km and ~6km, respectively, when using a 1D velocity model and station correction terms for the Greater Alpine region. Large scale features of the resulting velocity model are in good agreement with previous studies. The Molasse and Po basin in the northern and southern foreland, respectively, are showing up as prominent low velocity zones in the uppermost crust. Generally, the velocity isolines in the lower crust are in rather good agreement with Moho maps from previous studies and ambient noise tomographies

    Combined seismic and borehole investigation of the deep granite weathering structure—Santa Gracia Reserve case in Chile

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    Imaging the critical zone at depth, where intact bedrock transforms into regolith, is critical in understanding the interaction between geological and biological processes. We acquired a 500 m‐long near‐surface seismic profile to investigate the weathering structure in the Santa Gracia National Reserve, Chile, which is located in a granitic environment in an arid climate. Data processing comprised the combination of two seismic approaches: (1) body wave tomography and (2) multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) with Bayesian inversion. This allowed us to derive P‐wave and S‐wave velocity models down to 90 and 70 m depth, respectively. By calibrating the seismic results with those from an 87 m‐deep borehole that is crossed by the profile. We identified the boundaries of saprolite, weathered bedrock, and bedrock. These divisions are indicated in the seismic velocity variations and refer to weathering effects at depth. The thereby determined weathering front in the borehole location can be traced down to 30 m depth. The modelled lateral extent of the weathering front, however, cannot be described by an established weathering front model. The discrepancies suggest a more complex interaction between different aspects such as precipitation and topography in controlling the weathering front depth

    Shear-wave velocity imaging of weathered granite in La Campana (Chile) from Bayesian inversion of micro-tremor H/V spectral ratios

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    Subsurface imaging of the regolith layer is an important tool for weathering zone characterization. For example, the extent of bedrock modification by weathering processes can be modelled by means of differing seismic velocities. We acquired a 360 m-long seismic profile in central Chile to characterise weathering at a semi-arid site. We used 87 3-component geophones, which continuously recorded ambient seismic noise for three days. The seismic line was centered at an 88 m deep borehole, providing core and downhole logging data for calibration. We extract Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) curves along the seismic line to image the subsurface. Temporal analysis of the HVSR curves shows that the ambient noise vibrations recorded during the nighttime provide more stable HVSR curves. The trans-dimensional Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (McMC) approach was used to invert the micro-tremor HVSR curves at each station to reconstruct 1D shear-wave velocity (Vs) models. The resulting individual 1D Vs models were merged to create a 2D Vs model along the linear seismic array in La Campana. The resulting Vs model shows an increase from 0.85 km/s at the surface to ca. 2.5 km/s at 100 m depth. We use the interface probability as a by-product of the Bayesian inversion to apply a more data-driven approach in identifying the different weathering layers. This method identified the boundary between saprolite and fractured bedrock at 42 m depth at the borehole, as evidenced by the interpretation of downhole logging data such as magnetic susceptibility. The resulting 2D Vs model of this site in Mediterranean climate shows a strong correlation between the interpreted weathering front at around 90-m depth and a higher precipitation rate in the study site compared to arid sites. The horizontal alignment of the weathering front indicates a correlation between the weathering front depth with topography and fractures in the bedrock

    3D shear wave velocity imaging of the subsurface structure of granite rocks in the arid climate of Pan de Azúcar, Chile, revealed by Bayesian inversion of HVSR curves

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    Seismic methods are emerging as efficient tools for imaging the subsurface to investigate the weathering zone. The structure of the weathering zone can be identified by differing shear wave velocities as various weathering processes will alter the properties of rocks. Currently, 3D subsurface modelling of the weathering zone is gaining increasing importance as results allow the identification of the weathering imprint in the subsurface not only from top to bottom but also in three dimensions. We investigated the 3D weathering structure of monzogranite bedrock near the Pan de Azúcar National Park (Atacama Desert, northern Chile), where the weathering is weak due to the arid climate conditions. We set up an array measurement that records seismic ambient noise, which we used to extract the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) curves. The curves were then used to invert for 1D shear wave velocity ( Vs) models, which we then used to compile a pseudo-3D model of the subsurface structure in our study area. To invert the 1D Vsmodel, we applied a transdimensional hierarchical Bayesian inversion scheme, allowing us to invert the HVSR curve with minimal prior information. The resulting 3D model allowed us to image the granite gradient from the surface down to ca. 50 m depth and confirmed the presence of dikes of mafic composition intruding the granite. We identified three main zones of fractured granite, altered granite, and the granite bedrock in addition to the mafic dikes with relatively higher Vs. The fractured granite layer was identified with Vsof 1.4 km s -1at 30–40 m depth, while the granite bedrock was delineated with Vsof 2.5 km s -1and a depth range between 10 and 50 m depth. We compared the resulting subsurface structure to other sites in the Chilean coastal cordillera located in various climatic conditions and found that the weathering depth and structure at a given location depend on a complex interaction between surface processes such as precipitation rate, tectonic uplift and fracturing, and erosion. Moreover, these local geological features such as the intrusion of mafic dikes can create significant spatial variations to the weathering structure and therefore emphasize the importance of 3D imaging of the weathering structure. The imaged structure of the subsurface in Pan de Azúcar provides the unique opportunity to image the heterogeneities of a rock preconditioned for weathering but one that has never experienced extensive weathering given the absence of precipitation

    3-D imaging of the Balmuccia peridotite body (Ivrea–Verbano zone, NW-Italy) using controlled source seismic data

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    We provide new results from a controlled-source seismic experiment on the deepest part of the Val Sesia crust–mantle section of the Ivrea–Verbano zone (IVZ) in the Italian Alps. The IVZ is a tilted, almost complete section through the continental crust and exposes gabbros and peridotites in the structurally deepest level, coinciding with high-resolution gravity anomalies imaging the Ivrea geophysical body. The seismic experiment SEIZE (SEismic imaging of the Ivrea ZonE) was conducted along two crossing profiles: an NNE-SSW profile of ∼11 km length and an E-W profile of ∼16 km length. 432 vibration points were recorded with 110 receivers resulting in 24 392 traveltime picks. Inversion methods using Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques have been used to derive an isotropic 3-D P -wave velocity model based on first break traveltimes (refracted phases) from controlled source seismic data. Resulting seismic P -wave velocities ( V p ) range from 4.5 to 7.5 km s −1 , with an expected general trend of increasing velocities with depth. A sharp velocity change from low V p in the West to high V p in the East marks the Insubric Zone (ISZ), the Europe–Adria plate boundary. The most prominent feature of the 3-D tomography model is a high-velocity body ( V p increases from 6 to 7.5 km s −1 ) that broadens downwards. Its pointy shape peaks the surface East of Balmuccia at a location coincident with the exposed Balmuccia peridotite. Considering rock physics, high-resolution gravity and other geophysical data, we interpret this high-velocity body as dominantly composed of peridotite. The dimension of this seismically imaged peridotite material is far bigger than interpreted from geological cross-sections and requires a revision of previous models. The interpretation of ultramafic bodies in the IVZ as fragments of mantle peridotites interfingered in the crust during pre-Permian accretion is not supported by the new data. Instead, we re vi ve a model that the contact between the Balmuccia peridotite and the Permian mafic magmas might represent a fossil continental crust–mantle transition zone

    Near-shore permafrost degradation in Siberia

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    Ice-rich permafrost coasts in the Arctic are susceptible to a variety of changing environmental factors, all of which currently point to increasing coastal erosion rates and mass fluxes of sediment and carbon to the shallow arctic shelf seas. Coastal erosion and flooding inundate terrestrial permafrost with seawater and create submarine permafrost. Permafrost begins to warm under marine conditions, which can destabilize the sea floor and may release greenhouse gases. The rate and spatial distribution of subsea permafrost degradation in the Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi seas, which together comprise more than half of the Arctic Ocean continental shelf, remain poorly explored. We report on the transition of terrestrial to subsea permafrost at four coastal sites in the Laptev Sea: Cape Mamontov Klyk in the western Laptev Sea, and Buor Khaya Peninsula, Muostakh Island and the Bykovsky Peninsula in the central Laptev Sea. We use coastal erosion rates from about the last 70 years to estimate the period of inundation at these sites. Combined with direct (drilling and temperature) and indirect (geophysical) observations of thaw depths of ice-bonded permafrost, we estimate recent degradation rates of permafrost over the past centuries. Based on these observations, the unfrozen sediment layer overlying ice-bonded permafrost increased from less than a meter at the shoreline to over 30 m below seabed with increasing distance from the shoreline at our study sites, with high spatial variability between and within sites. Observed temperatures of the sediment ranged from -5 °C to positive temperatures. In coastal sediments, it is difficult to establish an age-depth model, making corroboration of estimated degradation rates a challenge. Nonetheless, as the thickness of the unfrozen sediment layer increases over time, the vertical thermal and salt concentration gradients decrease, slowing the downward heat and mass fluxes responsible for degradation. High sedimentation rates and ice contents probably stabilize subsea permafrost. We suggest that permafrost degradation relevant to gas flow is likely to have occurred where permafrost warmed prior to inundation

    Subsurface Geometry of the San Andreas Fault in Southern California: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP) and Strong Ground Motion Expectations

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    The San Andreas fault (SAF) is one of the most studied strike‐slip faults in the world; yet its subsurface geometry is still uncertain in most locations. The Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP) was undertaken to image the structure surrounding the SAF and also its subsurface geometry. We present SSIP studies at two locations in the Coachella Valley of the northern Salton trough. On our line 4, a fault‐crossing profile just north of the Salton Sea, sedimentary basin depth reaches 4 km southwest of the SAF. On our line 6, a fault‐crossing profile at the north end of the Coachella Valley, sedimentary basin depth is ∼2–3  km and centered on the central, most active trace of the SAF. Subsurface geometry of the SAF and nearby faults along these two lines is determined using a new method of seismic‐reflection imaging, combined with potential‐field studies and earthquakes. Below a 6–9 km depth range, the SAF dips ∼50°–60° NE, and above this depth range it dips more steeply. Nearby faults are also imaged in the upper 10 km, many of which dip steeply and project to mapped surface fault traces. These secondary faults may join the SAF at depths below about 10 km to form a flower‐like structure. In Appendix D, we show that rupture on a northeast‐dipping SAF, using a single plane that approximates the two dips seen in our study, produces shaking that differs from shaking calculated for the Great California ShakeOut, for which the southern SAF was modeled as vertical in most places: shorter‐period (T<1  s) shaking is increased locally by up to a factor of 2 on the hanging wall and is decreased locally by up to a factor of 2 on the footwall, compared to shaking calculated for a vertical fault

    Images of Crust Beneath Southern California Will Aid Study of Earthquakes and Their Effects

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    The Whittier Narrows earthquake of 1987 and the Northridge earthquake of 1991 highlighted the earthquake hazards associated with buried faults in the Los Angeles region. A more thorough knowledge of the subsurface structure of southern California is needed to reveal these and other buried faults and to aid us in understanding how the earthquake-producing machinery works in this region