12 research outputs found

    Progress towards an RFQ-based front end for LANSCE

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    The LAN­SCE lin­ear ac­cel­er­a­tor at Los Alam­os Na­tion­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry pro­vides H− and H+ beams to sev­er­al user fa­cil­i­ties that sup­port Iso­tope Pro­duc­tion, NNSA Stock­pile Stew­ard­ship, and Basic En­er­gy Sci­ence pro­grams. These beams are ini­tial­ly ac­cel­er­at­ed to 750 keV using Cock­croft-Wal­ton (CW) based in­jec­tors that have been in op­er­a­tion for over 37 years. They have fail­ure modes which can re­sult in pro­longed op­er­a­tional down­time due to the un­avail­abil­i­ty of re­place­ment parts. To re­duce long-term op­er­a­tional risks and to re­al­ize fu­ture beam per­for­mance goals in sup­port of the Ma­te­ri­als Test Sta­tion (MTS) and the Mat­ter-Ra­di­a­tion In­ter­ac­tions in Ex­tremes (MaRIE) Fa­cil­i­ty, plans are un­der­way to de­vel­op a Ra­dio-Fre­quen­cy Quadrupole (RFQ) based front end as a mod­ern in­jec­tor re­place­ment for the ex­ist­ing CW in­jec­tors. Our progress to date will be dis­cussed

    Electron cloud generation and trapping in a quadrupole magnet at the Los Alamos proton storage ring

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    Recent beam physics studies on the two-stream e-p instability at the LANL proton storage ring (PSR) have focused on the role of the electron cloud generated in quadrupole magnets where primary electrons, which seed beam-induced multipacting, are expected to be largest due to grazing angle losses from the beam halo. A new diagnostic to measure electron cloud formation and trapping in a quadrupole magnet has been developed, installed, and successfully tested at PSR. Beam studies using this diagnostic show that the “prompt” electron flux striking the wall in a quadrupole is comparable to the prompt signal in the adjacent drift space. In addition, the “swept” electron signal, obtained using the sweeping feature of the diagnostic after the beam was extracted from the ring, was larger than expected and decayed slowly with an exponential time constant of 50 to 100  μs. Other measurements include the cumulative energy spectra of prompt electrons and the variation of both prompt and swept electron signals with beam intensity. Experimental results were also obtained which suggest that a good fraction of the electrons observed in the adjacent drift space for the typical beam conditions in the 2006 run cycle were seeded by electrons ejected from the quadrupole