Progress towards an RFQ-based front end for LANSCE


The LAN­SCE lin­ear ac­cel­er­a­tor at Los Alam­os Na­tion­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry pro­vides H− and H+ beams to sev­er­al user fa­cil­i­ties that sup­port Iso­tope Pro­duc­tion, NNSA Stock­pile Stew­ard­ship, and Basic En­er­gy Sci­ence pro­grams. These beams are ini­tial­ly ac­cel­er­at­ed to 750 keV using Cock­croft-Wal­ton (CW) based in­jec­tors that have been in op­er­a­tion for over 37 years. They have fail­ure modes which can re­sult in pro­longed op­er­a­tional down­time due to the un­avail­abil­i­ty of re­place­ment parts. To re­duce long-term op­er­a­tional risks and to re­al­ize fu­ture beam per­for­mance goals in sup­port of the Ma­te­ri­als Test Sta­tion (MTS) and the Mat­ter-Ra­di­a­tion In­ter­ac­tions in Ex­tremes (MaRIE) Fa­cil­i­ty, plans are un­der­way to de­vel­op a Ra­dio-Fre­quen­cy Quadrupole (RFQ) based front end as a mod­ern in­jec­tor re­place­ment for the ex­ist­ing CW in­jec­tors. Our progress to date will be dis­cussed

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