557 research outputs found

    Higher-order Program Verification as Satisfiability Modulo Theories with Algebraic Data-types

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    We report on work in progress on automatic procedures for proving properties of programs written in higher-order functional languages. Our approach encodes higher-order programs directly as first-order SMT problems over Horn clauses. It is straight-forward to reduce Hoare-style verification of first-order programs into satisfiability of Horn clauses. The presence of closures offers several challenges: relatively complete proof systems have to account for closures; and in practice, the effectiveness of search procedures depend on encoding strategies and capabilities of underlying solvers. We here use algebraic data-types to encode closures and rely on solvers that support algebraic data-types. The viability of the approach is examined using examples from the literature on higher-order program verification

    CTL+FO Verification as Constraint Solving

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    Expressing program correctness often requires relating program data throughout (different branches of) an execution. Such properties can be represented using CTL+FO, a logic that allows mixing temporal and first-order quantification. Verifying that a program satisfies a CTL+FO property is a challenging problem that requires both temporal and data reasoning. Temporal quantifiers require discovery of invariants and ranking functions, while first-order quantifiers demand instantiation techniques. In this paper, we present a constraint-based method for proving CTL+FO properties automatically. Our method makes the interplay between the temporal and first-order quantification explicit in a constraint encoding that combines recursion and existential quantification. By integrating this constraint encoding with an off-the-shelf solver we obtain an automatic verifier for CTL+FO

    Efficient CTL Verification via Horn Constraints Solving

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    The use of temporal logics has long been recognised as a fundamental approach to the formal specification and verification of reactive systems. In this paper, we take on the problem of automatically verifying a temporal property, given by a CTL formula, for a given (possibly infinite-state) program. We propose a method based on encoding the problem as a set of Horn constraints. The method takes a program, modeled as a transition system, and a property given by a CTL formula as input. It first generates a set of forall-exists quantified Horn constraints and well-foundedness constraints by exploiting the syntactic structure of the CTL formula. Then, the generated set of constraints are solved by applying an off-the-shelf Horn constraints solving engine. The program is said to satisfy the property if and only if the generated set of constraints has a solution. We demonstrate the practical promises of the method by applying it on a set of challenging examples. Although our method is based on a generic Horn constraint solving engine, it is able to outperform state-of-art methods specialised for CTL verification.Comment: In Proceedings HCVS2016, arXiv:1607.0403

    Streaming data processing with FairMQ

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    Generalised Interpolation by Solving Recursion-Free Horn Clauses

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    In this paper we present InterHorn, a solver for recursion-free Horn clauses. The main application domain of InterHorn lies in solving interpolation problems arising in software verification. We show how a range of interpolation problems, including path, transition, nested, state/transition and well-founded interpolation can be handled directly by InterHorn. By detailing these interpolation problems and their Horn clause representations, we hope to encourage the emergence of a common back-end interpolation interface useful for diverse verification tools.Comment: In Proceedings HCVS 2014, arXiv:1412.082

    Evolution and use cases of FairMQ

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    HMC: Verifying Functional Programs Using Abstract Interpreters

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    We present Hindley-Milner-Cousots (HMC), an algorithm that allows any interprocedural analysis for first-order imperative programs to be used to verify safety properties of typed higher-order functional programs. HMC works as follows. First, it uses the type structure of the functional program to generate a set of logical refinement constraints whose satisfaction implies the safety of the source program. Next, it transforms the logical refinement constraints into a simple first-order imperative program that is safe iff the constraints are satisfiable. Thus, in one swoop, HMC makes tools for invariant generation, e.g., based on abstract domains, predicate abstraction, counterexample-guided refinement, and Craig interpolation be directly applicable to verify safety properties of modern functional languages in a fully automatic manner. We have implemented HMC and describe preliminary experimental results using two imperative checkers -- ARMC and InterProc -- to verify OCaml programs. Thus, by composing type-based reasoning grounded in program syntax and state-based reasoning grounded in abstract interpretation, HMC opens the door to automatic verification of programs written in modern programming languages.Comment: 12 page