18 research outputs found

    The utility of Prostar XL percutaneous vascular closure device after stent-graft implantation for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    Introduction. Over time, endovascular techniques of abdominal aortic aneurysm repair became the principal methods of treatment of this potentially fatal disease. Currently, endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) constitutes an effective alternative to open surgery, also in cases of aneurysm rupture. Low degree of invasiveness is the main advantage of this method. Introduction of a system enabling percutaneous stent-graft implantation appears to be the next step in the development of endovascular AAA surgery. Aim of the study is to evaluate the Prostar XL® closure device with regard to clinical effectiveness, safety, cost-effectiveness. Material and methods. The study included 100 patients (from January 2013 to December 2015) subject to endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in the infrarenal region of the aorta with the application of the Prostar Xl® closure device. Most patients were operated under epidural anaesthesia. Local anaesthesia (1% Lidocaine) was used in 36 patients due to comorbidities. A possible application of the closure system depended on a preoperative assessment of common femoral arteries using ultrasonography. Presence of atherosclerotic plaque on the anterior wall of the vessel disqualified the patient from percutaneous endovascular aneurysm repair (PEVAR). The main part of the procedure consisted of stent-graft implantation into the abdominal aortic aneurysm. In the final stage, puncture site on the anterior wall of common femoral arteries was closed using previously placed sutures of the Prostar XL system. The wound in the inguinal region was closed with a skin suture. Results. The analysis of obtained results demonstrated significantly shorter mean hospitalization times in patients treated with PEVAR compared to EVAR. Low rates and types of observed complications in the study group (PEVAR) compared to the control group (EVAR) are strongly in favour the percutaneous technique (PEVAR) of endovascular aortic abdominal aneurysm repair in the infrarenal region of the aorta, confirming its minimally invasive character

    Tendencies of real estate market development in the current context (in terms of Poland and Ukraine)

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    The article discusses the category “real estate market” and author’s treatment is suggested. Based on own approach, the authors approach to national real estate market in Poland and Ukraine, and the key tendencies of their development in the current context are shown

    User experience w aspekcie zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa cyfrowego

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    Cel Celem badań przedstawionych w artykule jest scharakteryzowanie user experience jako czynnika zagrażającego cyberbezpieczeństwu i określenie poziomu świadomości użytkowników portali społecznościowych w aspekcie udostępniania przez nich swoich danych w sieci. Metody W celu zbadania określonego problemu zastosowano jedną z jakościowych metod badań, tj. indywidualny wywiad pogłębiony oparty na autorskim scenariuszu. Motywacją do wykorzystania wskazanej metody jest potrzeba otrzymania jak najbardziej szczegółowych informacji od użytkowników. Do grupy badawczej należy 12 osób w wieku od 19 do 25 lat, które na co dzień korzystają z portali społecznościowych. Wyniki Z przeprowadzonych wywiadów uzyskano informacje dotyczące wiedzy respondentów o danych, jakie udostępniają, i ustalono, jakie dane są faktycznie przez nich udostępniane w sieci. Na tej podstawie określono poziom świadomości użytkowników w badanym aspekcie. Ponadto pozyskano informacje na temat motywacji osób badanych do udostępniania danych na portalach tej klasy, to pozwoliło na scharakteryzowanie user experience jako czynnika zagrażającego bezpieczeństwu w sieci. Podsumowanie Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań dowiodły, że osoby na co dzień korzystające z portali społecznościowych wykazują niepełną świadomość na temat udostępnianych przez nich danych w serwisach tej klasy. Bezpośrednią przyczyną tego zjawiska jest wysoki poziom użyteczności tych systemów i wywierane przez nie pozytywne wrażenia użytkownika. Te czynniki sprawiają, że użytkownicy chętnie korzystają z serwisów społecznościowych, jednocześnie udostępniając dane na swój temat, w następstwie tego faktu stają się oni celem osób wykorzystujących socjotechniki, np. w procesie agitacji, a to stanowi zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa cyfrowego

    Increasing the information superiority on the modern battlefield through the use of virtual reality systems

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    In the article, the authors describe the potential of using virtual reality systems in the aspect of increasing information superiority on the modern battlefield. The purpose of the article is to identify virtual reality systems as a tool to support this process. At the beginning, the authors present the genesis of virtual environments and they make a critical analysis of several virtual reality simulators, which have been the subject of scientific research in the last few years. In this way, the authors emphasise the dynamic development of the ICT sector and the possibility of using its technical innovations to support military operations. Next, the authors discuss data processing, which was correlated with the cycle of strategic thinking. Presentation of the hierarchy of information in information systems was the result of these analyses. In addition, the authors refer to the implementation of the communication process in the context of maximising the information superiority. They point to the relationship between the process of designing interactive virtual reality systems and communication theory. Finally, they highlight the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality simulators in the context of increasing information superiority on the modern battlefield


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    The article discusses the category “real estate market” and author’s treatment is suggested. Based on own approach, the authors approach to national real estate market in Poland and Ukraine, and the key tendencies of their development in the current context are shown.Real estate market, crisis, effect, outcomes.

    Information processing as a determinant of effective management

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    Purpose: The aim of this article is to present the process of information processing as an element correlated with effective management. The authors have already quoted the information hierarchy in their own published papers a few times. This paper is a kind of systematization of knowledge concerning the process of information processing in terms of making strategic decisions and resources management. Design/methodology/approach: In the paper the critical analysis of literature was carried out and the theoretical basis concerning the information hierarchy and the OODA loop was presented. The field of this paper concerns information processing in the context of management and decision supporting. Findings: In each of the discussed literature references, the authors identified information hierarchy along with OODA loop. It allowed us to achieve the aim which was defined earlier, namely, to show information processing as an element correlated with effective management. Research limitations/implications: In the paper a few examples were analysed. Therefore, the next step in the future research should be to focus at the review of a bigger amount of them. Originality/value: The paper shows that the information hierarchy could be used unconsciously in decision process. The authors showed how to detect the information hierarchy in a management process. The paper should be read by persons whose research interests are focused on the decision support by the information and communication technologies

    Ignition Studies on High-Vitrinite and High-Inertinite Coals Using TGA/DSC, DTIF, EFR, and 20 L Dust Explosive Chamber

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    The aim of this work was to study the ignition behaviour of eight coals of different coal ranks, petrographic compositions, and places of origin. The research allows us to gain deeper insight into the ignition mechanism and the relationship between certain properties of coals and their behaviour during ignition. The methodology utilised standard fuel ASTM data, petrographic analysis, pyrolysis and oxidation reactivity, and ignition characteristics generated through lab-scale tests using various ignition measurement methods. The results show that, in the dust explosion, a homogeneous ignition of coal dust took place. The ignition potential was the highest for coals with a high content of liptinites and a low content of inertinites. The ranking of coals in terms of ignition potential under these conditions can be determined on the basis of the measurements of the devolatilization rate. During the combustion of coal dust in TGA/DSC, a dust cloud, and a pulverised fuel stream, the ignition of particles was performed according to a heterogeneous mechanism. The study showed that the reflectance index may be the most reliable method of predicting and comparing ignition temperatures of both vitrinite-rich and inertinite-rich coals. Due to the lack of regularity in the ignition temperatures of some coals, depending on the proportion of inertinites, the petrographic composition of coal cannot be used to predict ignition temperatures during the combustion of coal dust. The ranking of the coals according to their ignition potential can be determined using TGA/DSC