2 research outputs found


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    Abstrak— Ikan lele merupakan salah satu ikan air tawar yang sangat banyak dan diminati oleh masyarakat. Banyaknya minat masyarakat akan ikan lele, tidak jarang masyarakat yang membudidayakan ikan lele, mulai dari kolam kecil rumahan hingga peternak besar. Pembudidayaan ikan lele harus dilakukan dengan perawatan yang maksimal untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang maksimal. Tapi dalam membudidayakan ikan lele pasti ada masalah dalam proses pembudidayaannya, salah satunya adalah faktor penyakit. Munculnya gangguan penyakit pada ikan lele merupakan resiko yang harus selalu diantisipasi oleh pembudidaya. Setiap pembudidaya ikan lele harus memilki pengetahuan akan pencegahan dan pengobatan terhadap penyakit ikan lele. Namun tidak semua pembudidaya memilki pengetahuan yang cukup untuk mengatasi penyakit pada ikan lele. Tidak adanya pakar atau dokter yang selalu siap siaga juga menjadi masalah penyakit ikan lele ini. Diperlukan sebuah sistem yang dapat menyerupai seorang pakar yang dapat mendiagnosa penyakit ikan lele. Sistem pakar merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu dari AI yang membuat penggunaan secara luas mengenai pengetahuan khusus untuk penyelesaian masalah tingkat manusia (seorang pakar). Metode Certainty Factor merupakan suatu metode untuk membuktikan apakah suatu fakta itu pasti ataukah tidak pasti yang biasanya digunakan dalam sistem pakar. Metode ini sangat cocok untuk sistem pakar yang mendiagnosis sesuatu yang belum pasti. Sistem pakar yang dibangun mampu untuk mendiagnosa penyakit ikan lele secara tepat dan cepat, serta dapat mengatasi masalah penyakit ikan lele secara efektif, sehingga para pembudidaya atau peternak dapat menghasilkan hasil panen sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.Kata Kunci: Certainty Factor, Ikan Lele, Sistem Pakar.Abstract— Catfish is one of the freshwater fish that is very much in demand by the public. There is a lot of public interest in catfish, it is not uncommon for people who cultivate catfish, ranging from small home ponds to large breeders. Cultivation of catfish must be done with maximum care to get maximum profit. But in cultivating catfish, there must be problems in the cultivation process, one of which is the disease factor. The emergence of disease disorders in catfish is a risk that must always be anticipated by farmers. Every catfish cultivator must have knowledge of the prevention and treatment of catfish diseases. However, not all farmers have sufficient knowledge to treat catfish disease. The absence of experts or doctors who are always on standby is also a problem for this catfish disease. We need a system that can resemble an expert who can diagnose catfish disease. An expert system is a branch of AI that makes extensive use of specialized knowledge for solving human-level problems (an expert). The Certainty Factor method is a method to prove whether a fact is certain or uncertain which is usually used in expert systems. This method is very suitable for expert systems that diagnose something that is not certain. The expert system built is able to diagnose catfish diseases accurately and quickly, and can effectively deal with catfish disease problems, so that cultivators or breeders can produce harvests as expected.Keywords - Catfish, Certainty Factor, Expert System

    Moderasi Beragama dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMK Harum Sentosa Perbaungan Perbaungan

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    Religious moderation is understanding and being balanced between religious experience (exclusive) and respect for the religious practices of other people with different beliefs (exclusive). Balance in religious practice will keep us from extreme, revolutionary, and even fanatical attitudes in religion. Religious moderation is the key to creating tolerance and harmony. This study discusses religious moderation in Islamic Religious Education at SMK Harum Sentosa Perbaungan with qualitative research methods, namely by describing and describing the results of research using interview and observation techniques. Harum Sentosa Vocational School as a whole is dominated by how the managerial management of a teacher is in the classroom. Inserting religious moderation in PAI subjects at Harum Sentosa Vocational School can be done such as inserting understanding with mutual tolerance and caring for others related to the material being taught. At Harum Sentosa Perbaungan Vocational School, there are various ethnicities, tribes, religions and cultures, especially at Harum Sentosa Vocational School. This heterogeneity does not rule out the possibility of the potential to create friction or conflict that causes social imbalance. This is the need for the concept of religious moderation in Islamic Education to create balance and prosperity in the harmony of national and religious life