14 research outputs found

    Patterns of Forming the Urban Surface Deposited Sediments

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    The contemporary sedimentation processes participate in the formation of fluxes of the solid substances in an urban area, forming together a source of pollution, transit and depositing media. The patterns of forming the urban surface deposited sediments were determined on the example of Russian metropolis Nizhny Novgorod. Two schemes of the research were implemented in residential districts of the city in the summer field season 2018. The first research design scheme represented a detailed survey of residential quarters of the city. It included a collection of 25 samples of environmental compartments from five residential quarters with multi-storey buildings. The sampling was conducted in various functional landscape parts at the courtyard and facade areas. Each sample was separated into particle size fractions. Chemical and mineral analysis was performed in each granulometric subsample of the collected samples. The second scheme represented the urban geochemical study based on sampling the sediments from local surface depressed zones of microrelief in the city. The 40 samples were collected at the territory of the city on an irregular grid. The sampling was carried out in residential areas in blocks with multi-storey buildings. One sample represented a combined sample of sediments from local surface zones of microrelief by 3-5 localizations from the area of the block. Chemical analysis of the collected samples was conducted. The maximum content of dust (0.002-0.01 mm) 39% was found in soil, while the lower mean dust content was found in the samples of sediment from local surface depressed zones of microrelief (30 %) and in the road deposited sediments (30 %). The mineral composition of soil and sediment in Nizhny Novgorod is represented by quartz sand (approx. 55 %). In the samples of sediments, the minerals' content is basically characteristic for acid and metasomatic rocks. Building materials' content in the sediments reaches up to 20%. The maximum organic matter content was found in fine dust fraction 2-10 microns 21% in soils and 5% on the roads. Differentiation of the mineral content in the samples is observed for the various particle size fractions and different functional parts of the quarters. The highest content of metals of anthropogenic association (such as Pb, Zn and Cu) was found in the dust fraction. The Pb and Zn concentrations in samples of sediment of depressed areas of microrelief and road dust were significantly lower than in the soil. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-77-10024The study was supported by Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 18-77-10024)


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    87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios are widely used to identify strontium sources and study strontium behaviour in (bio)geochemical cycles. 87Sr/86Sr in surface waters can reflect the average composition of bioavailable (i.e. available for further absorption by plants and animals) strontium in the catchment specific area. Based on those 87Sr/86Sr ratios, the regional maps of the bioavailable strontium distribution (strontium isoscapes) can be compiled. A complex block structure characterizes the Ural mountain system. Individual parts (blocks) are composed of rocks of various ages, genesis and geochemical characteristics, which can radically change at a distance of several tens of kilometres. Such variability would be reflected in strontium isotopic ratios, thus making it possible to determine the local isotopic signatures of bioavailable strontium. This work aimed to study 87Sr/86Sr in the water in the rivers of the Southern Urals. We determined the contents and isotopic ratios of strontium in river water samples collected from the territories of the Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2019-2020. For the first time in the surface water of the rivers in the Southern Urals (Ural, Belaya, Tobol, Karagaily-Ayat, Sim, and others), the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios have been determined, and their variations have been analyzed. 87Sr/86Sr values vary in the range 0.70666-0.71063 (average 0.70908) for the rivers of the Urals basin, 0.70749-0.71058 (average 0.70924) for the Kama-Volga basin, 0.70946-0.71176 (average 0.71071) for the Tobol basin. Such features of the strontium isotopic composition may be due to the influence of underlying rocks of the catchment area drained by river water. The data obtained can be used to identify the sources of strontium input into the water system during hydrological and environmental studies; to confirm the authenticity of food products of plant and animal origin; to carry out comparisons in the studies of the migration of ancient people and animals, as well as to determine the raw material areas for the production of vegetable and woollen textiles and wooden products in antiquity. © 2022 Institute of the Earth's Crust. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ: 20-09-00194; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2021-680The study is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 20-09-00194) and performed within the state task of the IGG UB RAS АААА-А18-118053090045-8 at the "Geoanalitik" shared research facilities of the IGG UB RAS. The re-equipment and comprehensive development of the "Geoanalitik" shared research facilities of the IGG UB RAS is financially supported by the grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement 075-15-2021-680).FUNDING: The study is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 20-09-00194) and performedwithin the state task of the IGG UB RAS АААА-А 猃稁猃猃稃爃眃甃爃? 爃爃瘃省稀 at the 㘀Geoana?itik 㘀 shared research faci?ities of the IGG UB RAS. The re-equipment and comprehensive deve?opment of the 㘀Geoana?itik 㘀 shared research faci?ities of the IGG UB RAS is 퀀inancia??y supported by the grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement 075-15-2021-680)

    Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination of Surface Waters, Soils and Plants in the Orenburg Region

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    Microelement analysis of surface waters, soils and plants from the Orenburg region was carried out. For V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo, Cd, Sn, Sb, and Pb a comparison was made with the threshold limit values in drinking water, and the enrichment factors were calculated.Работа поддержана РФФИ (проект № 20-09-00194) и выполнена в ЦКП «Геоаналитик» ИГГ УрО РАН в рамках темы № АААА-А18-118053090045-8 государственного задания ИГГ УрО РАН. Дооснащение и комплексное развитие ЦКП «Геоаналитик» ИГГ УрО РАН осуществляется при финансовой поддержке гранта Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Соглашение № 075-15-2021-680


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    87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios are widely used to identify strontium sources and study strontium behaviour in(bio)geochemical cycles. 87Sr/86Sr in surface waters can reflect the average composition of bioavailable (i.e. available forfurther absorption by plants and animals) strontium in the catchment specific area. Based on those 87Sr/86Sr ratios, theregional maps of the bioavailable strontium distribution (strontium isoscapes) can be compiled. A complex block structurecharacterizes the Ural mountain system. Individual parts (blocks) are composed of rocks of various ages, genesis andgeochemical characteristics, which can radically change at a distance of several tens of kilometres. Such variability wouldbe reflected in strontium isotopic ratios, thus making it possible to determine the local isotopic signatures of bioavailablestrontium.This work aimed to study 87Sr/86Sr in the water in the rivers of the Southern Urals. We determined the contents andisotopic ratios of strontium in river water samples collected from the territories of the Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regionsand the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2019–2020.For the first time in the surface water of the rivers in the Southern Urals (Ural, Belaya, Tobol, Karagaily-Ayat, Sim, andothers), the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios have been determined, and their variations have been analyzed. 87Sr/86Sr values varyin the range 0.70666–0.71063 (average 0.70908) for the rivers of the Urals basin, 0.70749–0.71058 (average 0.70924)for the Kama-Volga basin, 0.70946–0.71176 (average 0.71071) for the Tobol basin. Such features of the strontium isotopiccomposition may be due to the influence of underlying rocks of the catchment area drained by river water. The dataobtained can be used to identify the sources of strontium input into the water system during hydrological and environmentalstudies; to confirm the authenticity of food products of plant and animal origin; to carry out comparisons in thestudies of the migration of ancient people and animals, as well as to determine the raw material areas for the productionof vegetable and woollen textiles and wooden products in antiquity.Изотопные отношения стронция 87Sr/86Sr широко используются для выявления источниковстронция и исследования его поведения в (био)геохимических циклах, а в поверхностных водах они могут отражатьусредненный состав биодоступного (доступного для дальнейшего поглощения растениями и животными)стронция на конкретной территории водосбора, на основании чего могут быть составлены региональные картыраспределения биодоступного стронция (Sr изоскейпы). Уральская горная система характеризуется блочнойструктурой, отдельные части (блоки) которой сложены разнообразными по возрасту, генезису и геохимическимособенностям горными породами, которые могут радикально изменяться на расстоянии нескольких десятковкилометров. Такая вариативность будет отражаться и в изотопных отношениях стронция, что позволит с достаточновысокой точностью определить локальные метки биодоступного стронция.Целью работы являлось исследование изотопных отношений стронция 87Sr/86Srв воде ряда рек Южного Урала.В образцах речной воды, отобранных в 2019–2020 гг. с территорий Оренбургской и Челябинской областей и РеспубликиБашкортостан, определены содержания (квадрупольная масс-спектрометрия с индуктивно связаннойплазмой) и изотопные отношения стронция (мультиколлекторная масс-спектрометрия с индуктивно связаннойплазмой и термоионизационная масс-спектрометрия после хроматографического выделения стронция).Впервые в поверхностной воде ряда рек Южного Урала (Урал, Белая, Тобол, Карагайлы-Аят, Сим и др.) определеныизотопные отношения 87Sr/86Sr и проанализированы их вариации. Для рек бассейна р. Урал значения87Sr/86Sr варьируются в диапазоне 0.70666–0.71063 (среднее 0.70908), для бассейна р. Кама – 0.70749–0.71058(среднее 0.70924), для бассейна р. Тобол – 0.70946–0.71176 (среднее 0.71071). Подобные особенности изотопногосостава стронция могут быть обусловлены типом подстилающих горных пород водосбора, дренируемых речнойводой. Полученные данные могут быть использованы для выявления источников поступления стронция в воднуюсистему при гидрологических и экологических исследованиях, для подтверждения аутентичности пищевыхпродуктов растительного и животного происхождения, для проведения сопоставлений при исследованияхмиграций древних людей и животных, а также для определения сырьевых ареалов для производства растительногои шерстяного текстиля, деревянных изделий в древности

    XRD study of the Permian fossil bone tissue

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    Copyright © International Centre for Diffraction Data 2019. This paper is devoted to the X-ray diffraction study of bone fragments of Permian parareptile Deltavjatia vjatkensis obtained from the Kotelnich vertebrate fossil site, one of the richest of the Permian period, which is characterized by the excellent preservation of fossil remains because of their burial in a silty anaerobic environment similar to modern bogs. The bone is well-preserved and consists of fluorapatite, calcite, quartz, and dolomite. The refined apatite unit-cell parameters of a and b-axis (9.3526 ± 0.0001 and 9.3587 ± 0.0001) Å and c-axis (6.8930 ± 0.0001 and 6.8968 ± 0.0001) Å correspond to F-apatite. Crystallinity index determined as the full width at half maximum of the 002 reflection in degrees 2θ is 0.266-0.250, which is typical for Mesozoic vertebrate bones. Apatite crystallite size (length 70.3-74.9 nm, width 30.7-30.3 nm) in fossil pareiasaur bone is larger than in subfossil and recent mammal bone and is in a good agreement with the values for seismosaurus bone. Both crystallite size and aspect ratio (2.3-2.5) are independent of the fossil pareiasaur bone length

    XRD study of the Permian fossil bone tissue

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    Copyright © International Centre for Diffraction Data 2019. This paper is devoted to the X-ray diffraction study of bone fragments of Permian parareptile Deltavjatia vjatkensis obtained from the Kotelnich vertebrate fossil site, one of the richest of the Permian period, which is characterized by the excellent preservation of fossil remains because of their burial in a silty anaerobic environment similar to modern bogs. The bone is well-preserved and consists of fluorapatite, calcite, quartz, and dolomite. The refined apatite unit-cell parameters of a and b-axis (9.3526 ± 0.0001 and 9.3587 ± 0.0001) Å and c-axis (6.8930 ± 0.0001 and 6.8968 ± 0.0001) Å correspond to F-apatite. Crystallinity index determined as the full width at half maximum of the 002 reflection in degrees 2θ is 0.266-0.250, which is typical for Mesozoic vertebrate bones. Apatite crystallite size (length 70.3-74.9 nm, width 30.7-30.3 nm) in fossil pareiasaur bone is larger than in subfossil and recent mammal bone and is in a good agreement with the values for seismosaurus bone. Both crystallite size and aspect ratio (2.3-2.5) are independent of the fossil pareiasaur bone length


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    Link for citation: Seleznev A.A., Toropov A.S., Okuneva T.G., Kiseleva D.V., Yarmoshenko I.V., Ryanskaya A.D. Migration of natural radionuclides in the system «hydrocryogenic components – water – pore water of bottom sediments» in urban water bodies. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Аssets Engineering, 2023, vol. 334, no. 5, рр.185-204. In Rus. The relevance of the research is caused by the necessity of obtaining information on the behavior of natural radionuclides under urban landscape conditions during contemporary sedimentation. In particular, there are no complete data on the following issues: influence of physical and chemical properties of urban environmental components on the transfer of radionuclides in the system «cutoff basin – undrained reservoir», accumulation of natural radionuclides during sediment runoff from the catchment of urbanized environment into the bottom sediments during the long-term period, patterns and geochemical features of natural radionuclides behavior in the system «hydrocryogenic components – water of water bodies – pore solutions of bottom sediments». The main aim of the research is to identify the migration patterns of natural radionuclides in the system «cutoff basin – undrained reservoir» in the urban area during the formation of sediment runoff. Objects: waterbody, catchment, natural waters, snow, ice, snow-dirt sludge, chemical composition of environmental objects, uranium and thorium content. Methods: water chemistry analyzed by means of a set of methods: potentiometric titration, spectrophotometry, flame photometry and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The mineral composition of the rocks was determined using a powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). Results. Data on the hydrochemical characteristics of selected water bodies of the urban environment and their catchments were obtained. The waters of water bodies are enriched with U and Th in orders of magnitudes in comparison with water fraction surface runoff and precipitations. Dominant forms of migration of natural radionuclides in the studied components of the urban landscape were determined. Uranium forms are represented in the form of uranyl carbonate complexes of different composition, thorium – by carbonate-hydroxyl complexes. Relationships between physico-chemical and hydrochemical indicators of environmental components in the system «cutoff basin – undrained reservoir» were revealed. Trends and mechanisms that may affect the formation of the geochemical situation of water bodies, pollution of water and bottom sediments were identified. Pore solutions of bottom sediments contain uranium and thorium in higher concentrations than in water bodies. Such minerals of bottom sediments as pyrite, montmorillonite and calcite along with organic matter determine the behavior of natural radionuclides and their mobilization in the bottom sediments of urban water reservoirs in the Ekaterinburg city

    Exigence de proportionnalité et prise en compte des biens communs

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    International audience(Com. 15 nov. 2017, n° 16-10.504, D. 2018. 392, note M.-P. Dumont-Lefrand ; AJ Contrat 2018. 93, et les obs. ; RTD civ. 2018. 179, obs. P. Crocq ; RTD civ. 2018. 199, obs. M. Nicod