28 research outputs found


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    Microsatellite data (12 loci) for Yellow perch larvae 2006, Geneland forma


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    Geographic coordinates (decimal degrees) for Yellow perch larvae 2008, Geneland forma


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    Geographic coordinates (decimal degrees) for Yellow perch larvae 2007, Geneland forma


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    Geographic coordinates (decimal degrees) for Yellow perch larvae 2006, Geneland forma


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    Microsatellite data (12 loci) for Yellow perch larvae 2007, Geneland forma


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    Microsatellite data (12 loci) for Yellow perch larvae 2008, Geneland forma

    Appendix S1. Ct values for qRT-PCR efficiency for Salmo salar.

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    Ct values for Figure 2. 10-fold Salmo salar dilution series with Salmo_Mito-951 (d-loop; Karlsson et al. 2012) primer set

    Appendix S2. Little River 2014 qRT-PCR Ct values.

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    Ct values for Figure 3A. Little River 2014 river samples. Primer set Salmo_Mito-951 (Karlsson et al. 2012)

    Appendix S3. Little River 2015 qRT-PCR Ct values.

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    Ct values for Figure 3B. Little River 2015 samples. Primer set Salmo_Mito-951 (Karlsson et al. 2012)


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    This zip file extracts data used in Roy et al MEC-15-0690. The ".txt" file is the raw microsatellite scores in number of repeats formatted for the Convert.exe program. The different forlders contain the data and results (Lositan and Bayescan) for various tests and analyses performed in the MS cited above. ".in" files are for structurama 2.0 input (Mac format), ".u" files are for IMa2 input (also accompanied by ".priors" files), while structure inputs list only "Project_data" files (and should be renamed as such prior to use)