27,741 research outputs found

    The New South Wales iVote System: Security Failures and Verification Flaws in a Live Online Election

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    In the world's largest-ever deployment of online voting, the iVote Internet voting system was trusted for the return of 280,000 ballots in the 2015 state election in New South Wales, Australia. During the election, we performed an independent security analysis of parts of the live iVote system and uncovered severe vulnerabilities that could be leveraged to manipulate votes, violate ballot privacy, and subvert the verification mechanism. These vulnerabilities do not seem to have been detected by the election authorities before we disclosed them, despite a pre-election security review and despite the system having run in a live state election for five days. One vulnerability, the result of including analytics software from an insecure external server, exposed some votes to complete compromise of privacy and integrity. At least one parliamentary seat was decided by a margin much smaller than the number of votes taken while the system was vulnerable. We also found protocol flaws, including vote verification that was itself susceptible to manipulation. This incident underscores the difficulty of conducting secure elections online and carries lessons for voters, election officials, and the e-voting research community

    Heavy and Light Quarks with Lattice Chiral Fermions

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    The feasibility of using lattice chiral fermions which are free of O(a)O(a) errors for both the heavy and light quarks is examined. The fact that the effective quark propagators in these fermions have the same form as that in the continuum with the quark mass being only an additive parameter to a chirally symmetric antihermitian Dirac operator is highlighted. This implies that there is no distinction between the heavy and light quarks and no mass dependent tuning of the action or operators as long as the discretization error O(m2a2)O(m^2 a^2) is negligible. Using the overlap fermion, we find that the O(m2a2)O(m^2a^2) (and O(ma2)O(ma^2)) errors in the dispersion relations of the pseudoscalar and vector mesons and the renormalization of the axial-vector current and scalar density are small. This suggests that the applicable range of mama may be extended to ∼0.56\sim 0.56 with only 5% error, which is a factor of ∼2.4\sim 2.4 larger than that of the improved Wilson action. We show that the generalized Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation with unequal masses can be utilized to determine the finite mama errors in the renormalization of the matrix elements for the heavy-light decay constants and semileptonic decay constants of the B/D meson.Comment: final version to appear in Int. Jou. Mod. Phys.

    Gas micro-well track imaging detectors for gamma-ray astronomy

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    We describe our program to develop gas micro-well detectors (MWDs) as three-dimensional charged particle trackers for use in advanced gamma-ray telescope concepts. A micro-well detector consists of an array of individual micro-patterned gas proportional counters opposite a planar drift electrode. The well anodes and cathodes may be connected in X and Y strips, respectively, to provide two-dimensional imaging. When combined with transient digitizer electronics, which record the time signature of the charge collected in the wells of each strip, full three-dimensional reconstruction of charged-particle tracks in large gas volumes is possible. Such detectors hold great promise for advanced Compton telescope (ACT) and advanced pair telescope (APT) concepts due to the very precise measurement of charged particle momenta that is possible (Compton recoil electrons and electron-positron pairs, respectively). We present preliminary lab results, including detector fabrication, prototype electronics, and initial detector testing. We also discuss applications to the ACT and APT mission concepts, based on GEANT3 and GEANT4 simulations

    Templates for stellar mass black holes falling into supermassive black holes

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    The spin modulated gravitational wave signals, which we shall call smirches, emitted by stellar mass black holes tumbling and inspiralling into massive black holes have extremely complicated shapes. Tracking these signals with the aid of pattern matching techniques, such as Wiener filtering, is likely to be computationally an impossible exercise. In this article we propose using a mixture of optimal and non-optimal methods to create a search hierarchy to ease the computational burden. Furthermore, by employing the method of principal components (also known as singular value decomposition) we explicitly demonstrate that the effective dimensionality of the search parameter space of smirches is likely to be just three or four, much smaller than what has hitherto been thought to be about nine or ten. This result, based on a limited study of the parameter space, should be confirmed by a more exhaustive study over the parameter space as well as Monte-Carlo simulations to test the predictions made in this paper.Comment: 12 pages, 4 Tables, 4th LISA symposium, submitted to CQ

    Differential Effects of Buffer pH On Ca\u3csup\u3e2+\u3c/sup\u3e-Induced ROS Emission with Inhibited Mitochondrial Complexes I and III

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    Excessive mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) emission is a critical component in the etiology of ischemic injury. Complex I and complex III of the electron transport chain are considered the primary sources of ROS emission during cardiac ischemia and reperfusion (IR) injury. Several factors modulate ischemic ROS emission, such as an increase in extra-matrix Ca2+, a decrease in extra-matrix pH, and a change in substrate utilization. Here we examined the combined effects of these factors on ROS emission from respiratory complexes I and III under conditions of simulated IR injury. Guinea pig heart mitochondria were suspended in experimental buffer at a given pH and incubated with or without CaCl2. Mitochondria were then treated with either pyruvate, a complex I substrate, followed by rotenone, a complex I inhibitor, or succinate, a complex II substrate, followed by antimycin A, a complex III inhibitor. H2O2 release rate and matrix volume were compared with and without adding CaCl2 and at pH 7.15, 6.9, or 6.5 with pyruvate + rotenone or succinate + antimycin A to simulate conditions that may occur during in vivo cardiac IR injury. We found a large increase in H2O2 release with high [CaCl2] and pyruvate + rotenone at pH 6.9, but not at pHs 7.15 or 6.5. Large increases in H2O2 release rate also occurred at each pH with high [CaCl2] and succinate + antimycin A, with the highest levels observed at pH 7.15. The increases in H2O2 release were associated with significant mitochondrial swelling, and both H2O2 release and swelling were abolished by cyclosporine A, a desensitizer of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). These results indicate that ROS production by complex I and by complex III is differently affected by buffer pH and Ca2+ loading with mPTP opening. The study suggests that changes in the levels of cytosolic Ca2+ and pH during IR alter the relative amounts of ROS produced at mitochondrial respiratory complex I and complex III

    Lipid-modulated assembly of magnetized iron-filled carbon nanotubes in millimeter-scale structures

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    Biomolecule-functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) combine the molecular recognition properties of biomaterials with the electrical properties of nanoscale solid state transducers. Application of this hybrid material in bioelectronic devices requires the development of methods for the reproducible self-assembly of CNTs into higher-order structures in an aqueous environment. To this end, we have studied pattern formation of lipid-coated Fe-filled CNTs, with lengths in the 1–5 µm range, by controlled evaporation of aqueous CNT-lipid suspensions. Novel diffusion limited aggregation structures composed of end-to-end oriented nanotubes were observed by optical and atomic force microscopy. Significantly, the lateral dimension of assemblies of magnetized Fe-filled CNTs was in the millimeter range. Control experiments in the absence of lipids and without magnetization indicated that the formation of these long linear nanotube patterns is driven by a subtle interplay between radial flow forces in the evaporating droplet, lipid-modulated van der Waals forces, and magnetic dipole–dipole interactions. Keywords

    Nearly horizon skimming orbits of Kerr black holes

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    An unusual set of orbits about extreme Kerr black holes resides at the Boyer-Lindquist radius r=Mr = M, the coordinate of the hole's event horizon. These ``horizon skimming'' orbits have the property that their angular momentum LzL_z {\it increases} with inclination angle, opposite to the familiar behavior one encounters at larger radius. In this paper, I show that this behavior is characteristic of a larger family of orbits, the ``nearly horizon skimming'' (NHS) orbits. NHS orbits exist in the very strong field of any black hole with spin a\agt 0.952412M. Their unusual behavior is due to the locking of particle motion near the event horizon to the hole's spin, and is therefore a signature of the Kerr metric's extreme strong field. An observational hallmark of NHS orbits is that a small body spiraling into a Kerr black hole due to gravitational-wave emission will be driven into orbits of progressively smaller inclination angle, toward the equator. This is in contrast to the ``normal'' behavior. For circular orbits, the change in inclination is very small, and unlikely to be of observational importance. I argue that the change in inclination may be considerably larger when one considers the evolution of inclined eccentric orbits. If this proves correct, then the gravitational waves produced by evolution through the NHS regime may constitute a very interesting and important probe of the strong-field nature of rotating black holes.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Plans for the first balloon flight of the gamma-ray polarimeter experiment (GRAPE)

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    We have developed a design for a hard X-ray polarimeter operating in the energy range from 50 to 500 keV. This modular design, known as GRAPE (Gamma-Ray Polarimeter Experiment), has been successfully demonstrated in the lab using partially polarized gamma-ray sources and using fully polarized photon beams at Argonne National Laboratory. In June of 2007, a GRAPE engineering model, consisting of a single detector module, was flown on a high altitude balloon flight to further demonstrate the design and to collect background data. We are currently preparing a much larger balloon payload for a flight in the fall of 2011. Using a large (16-element) array of detector modules, this payload is being designed to search for polarization from known point sources of radiation, namely the Crab and Cygnus X-1. This first flight will not only provide a scientific demonstration of the GRAPE design (by measuring polarization from the Crab nebula), it will also lay the foundation for subsequent long duration balloon flights that will be designed for studying polarization from gamma-ray bursts and solar flares. Here we shall present data from calibration of the first flight module detectors, review the latest payload design and update the predicted polarization sensitivity for both the initial continental US balloon flight and the subsequent long-duration balloon flights
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