13,937 research outputs found

    Encoding of low-quality DNA profiles as genotype probability matrices for improved profile comparisons, relatedness evaluation and database searches

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    Many DNA profiles recovered from crime scene samples are of a quality that does not allow them to be searched against, nor entered into, databases. We propose a method for the comparison of profiles arising from two DNA samples, one or both of which can have multiple donors and be affected by low DNA template or degraded DNA. We compute likelihood ratios to evaluate the hypothesis that the two samples have a common DNA donor, and hypotheses specifying the relatedness of two donors. Our method uses a probability distribution for the genotype of the donor of interest in each sample. This distribution can be obtained from a statistical model, or we can exploit the ability of trained human experts to assess genotype probabilities, thus extracting much information that would be discarded by standard interpretation rules. Our method is compatible with established methods in simple settings, but is more widely applicable and can make better use of information than many current methods for the analysis of mixed-source, low-template DNA profiles. It can accommodate uncertainty arising from relatedness instead of or in addition to uncertainty arising from noisy genotyping. We describe a computer program GPMDNA, available under an open source license, to calculate LRs using the method presented in this paper.Comment: 28 pages. Accepted for publication 2-Sep-2016 - Forensic Science International: Genetic

    Organizational Conflict Resolution and Strategic Choice: Evidence from a Survey of Fortune 1000 Companies

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    In this paper we develop the argument that a firm’s ADR strategies are likely to be associated with a firm’s use of one conflict resolution option or the other. More specifically, we examine whether a firm’s use of either arbitration or mediation is a function of (1) the extent to which the use of either of these dispute resolution processes aligns with the goals and objectives management is seeking to advance, and (2) the extent of the firm’s commitment to the use of these practices. We expect to find that an organization’s use of either mediation or arbitration may be governed by different underlying strategic objectives as well as the firm’s broader commitment to ADR. In what follows, we further develop this strategic choice argument

    Elliptical slice sampling

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    Many probabilistic models introduce strong dependencies between variables using a latent multivariate Gaussian distribution or a Gaussian process. We present a new Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for performing inference in models with multivariate Gaussian priors. Its key properties are: 1) it has simple, generic code applicable to many models, 2) it has no free parameters, 3) it works well for a variety of Gaussian process based models. These properties make our method ideal for use while model building, removing the need to spend time deriving and tuning updates for more complex algorithms.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, appearing in AISTATS 2010 (JMLR: W&CP volume 6). Differences from first submission: some minor edits in response to feedback

    Multi-Period Asset Allocation: An Application of Discrete Stochastic Programming

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    The issue of modeling farm financial decisions in a dynamic framework is addressed in this paper. Discrete stochastic programming is used to model the farm portfolio over the planning period. One of the main issues of discrete stochastic programming is representing the uncertainty of the data. The development of financial scenario generation routines provides a method to model the stochastic nature of the model. In this paper, two approaches are presented for generating scenarios for a farm portfolio problem. The approaches are based on copulas and optimization. The copula method provides an alternative to the multivariate normal assumption. The optimization method generates a number of discrete outcomes which satisfy specified statistical properties by solving a non-linear optimization model. The application of these different scenario generation methods is then applied to the topic of geographical diversification. The scenarios model the stochastic nature of crop returns and land prices in three separate geographic regions. The results indicate that the optimal diversification strategy is sensitive to both scenario generation method and initial acreage assumptions. The optimal diversification results are presented using both scenario generation methods.Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Farm Management,

    Enterprise-level risk assessment of geographically diversified commercial farms: a copula approach

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    As agriculture becomes more industrialized, the role of risk measures such as value-at-risk (VaR) will become more utilized. In this case it was applied to geographical diversification and also modifying the traditional VaR estimation by incorporating a copula dependence parameter into the VaR estimation. In addition, an alternative risk measure was also calculated, CVaR. The CVaR, unlike VaR, is a coherent risk measure. Thus it does not suffer from many of the shortcomings of the VaR. The land portfolio consisted of Dryland wheat production acres in Texas, Colorado, and Montana. Three series of net returns were calculated for each region. Based on the VaR and the CVaR, the portfolio was optimized based on minimizing the expected loss based on historical net revenues. The results showed that diversification could be reduced by producing in all three areas.Copula, CVaR, Risk-Management, Geographical Diversification, Agribusiness, Farm Management, Risk and Uncertainty,
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