4,724 research outputs found

    Process of Compassion: Pastoral Care During School Closings

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    Catholic education in the United States continues to face mounting economic challenges. Dioceses are being challenged with the painful reality of closing Catholic schools that have long served communities. These school closings leave behind wounded and disillusioned professionals. The Process of Compassion Workshop was developed to provide personal and professional help for healing so that teachers could move forward in their careers. This article provides a theoretical framework with action research to care for the dedicated people school closings leave behind

    Report on ISS O2 Production, Gas Supply and Partial Pressure Management

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    Oxygen is used on International Space Station (ISS) for metabolic support and denitrogenation procedures prior to Extra-Vehicular Activities. Nitrogen is used to maintain total pressure and account for losses associated with leakage and operational losses. Oxygen and nitrogen have been supplied by various visiting vehicles such as the Progress and Shuttle in addition to the on-orbit oxygen production capability. Starting in 2014, new high pressure oxygen/nitrogen tanks are available to launch on commercial cargo vehicles and will replace the high pressure gas source that Shuttle used to provide. To maintain a habitable atmosphere the oxygen and nitrogen partial pressures are controlled between upper and lower bounds. The full range of the allowable partial pressures along with the increased ISS cabin volume are utilized as a buffer allowing days to pass between oxygen production or direct addition of oxygen and nitrogen to the atmosphere from reserves. This paper summarizes the amount of gas supplied and produced from all of the sources and describes past experience of managing partial pressures along with the range of management options available to the ISS

    Ideology, Qualifications, and Covert Senate Obstruction of Federal Court Nominations

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    Scholars, policymakers, and journalists have bemoaned the emphasis on ideology over qualifications and party over performance in the judicial appointment process. Though, for years, the acrimony between the two parties and between the Senate and President remained limited to appointments to the United States Supreme Court, the modern era of judicial appointments has seen the so-called “appointments rigor mortis” spread throughout all levels of judicial appointments. A host of studies have examined the causes and consequences of the growing acrimony and obstruction of lower federal court appointments, but few rely on archival data and empirical evidence to examine the underlying friction between the parties and the two branches. In a unique study, the authors examine archival data to determine the conditions under which Senators obstruct judicial nominations to lower federal courts. More specifically, the authors examine one form of Senate obstruction — the blue slip — and find that Senators use their blue slips to block ideologically distant nominees as well as unqualified nominees. More importantly, however, the authors find that among nominations to federal circuit courts, Senators block highly qualified nominees who are ideologically distant from them just as often as they block unqualified nominees who are ideologically distant from them. That is, stellar qualifications do not appear to mitigate the negative effects of ideological distance. The fact that blue slips occur in private, away from public view, allows Senators to block nominees entirely on ideological grounds, without fear of individualized public retribution. Senators, in short, have taken an aggressive role in blocking highly qualified nominees who would otherwise make significant — but opposing — policy and who might one day become credible nominees to the Supreme Court were their nominations to move forward. By killing these nominations in the cradle, and outside the public view, Senators can block or delay the confirmation of judges with whom they disagree ideologically. The authors point out that policymakers and scholars who seek to reform the judicial appointment process must therefore be very clear about their goals. If a reform’s goal is to minimize the role of Senate ideology in the appointment process, then proposals that insulate the process from the public eye are likely to backfire. For, as the data show, Senators take advantage of insulation to achieve ideological goals. On the other hand, if a reform’s goal is to maximize the role of Senate ideology — perhaps to offset the President’s first mover advantage or to recognize and directly address the fact that courts are policymaking bodies — then proposals that insulate the process from the public eye are likely to accomplish that goal

    Modeling of a Building Scale Liquid Air Energy Storage and Expansion System with ASPEN HYSYS

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    Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) is a potential solution to mitigate renewable energy intermittency on islanded microgrids. Renewable microgrid generation in excess of the immediate load runs a cryogenic cycle to create and store liquid air. LAES systems can be combined with an expansion turbine to recover the stored energy. Using analytic methods to design a LAES and expansion system is complex and time consuming, suggesting modeling and simulation as a more efficient approach. Aspen HYSYS, an industrial process modeling software package, was used to model a combined Linde- Hampson cryogenic cycle (for liquefaction of air) and an expansion cycle (to convert the energy from liquid air vaporization to mechanical energy). The model was validated against previous analytic work. The validated model will be used to implement a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach to design an LAES and expansion system to reduce intermittency on an experimental microgrid at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, USA. Data from this facility will be used to further modify and validate the HYSYS model

    Concordance of copy number abnormality detection using SNP arrays and Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

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    In acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, MLPA has been used in research studies to identify clinically relevant copy number abnormality (CNA) profiles. However, in diagnostic settings other techniques are often employed. We assess whether equivalent CNA profiles are called using SNP arrays, ensuring platform independence. We demonstrate concordance between SNP6.0 and MLPA CNA calling on 143 leukaemia samples from two UK trials; comparing 1,287 calls within eight genes and a region. The techniques are 99% concordant using manually augmented calling, and 98% concordant using an automated pipeline. We classify these discordant calls and examine reasons for discordance. In nine cases the circular binary segmentation (CBS) algorithm failed to detect focal abnormalities or those flanking gaps in IKZF1 probe coverage. Eight cases were discordant due to probe design differences, with focal abnormalities detectable using one technique not observable by the other. Risk classification using manually augmented array calling resulted in four out of 143 patients being assigned to a different CNA risk group and eight patients using the automated pipeline. We conclude that MLPA defined CNA profiles can be accurately mirrored by SNP6.0 or similar array platforms. Automated calling using the CBS algorithm proved successful, except for IKZF1 which should be manually inspected

    Detection of Multi-drug Resistant \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e in the Urban Waterways of Milwaukee, WI

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    Urban waterways represent a natural reservoir of antibiotic resistance which may provide a source of transferable genetic elements to human commensal bacteria and pathogens. The objective of this study was to evaluate antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from the urban waterways of Milwaukee, WI compared to those from Milwaukee sewage and a clinical setting in Milwaukee. Antibiotics covering 10 different families were utilized to determine the phenotypic antibiotic resistance for all 259 E. coli isolates. All obtained isolates were determined to be multi-drug resistant. The E. coli isolates were also screened for the presence of the genetic determinants of resistance including ermB (macrolide resistance), tet(M) (tetracycline resistance), and β-lactamases (blaOXA, blaSHV, and blaPSE). E. coli from urban waterways showed a greater incidence of antibiotic resistance to 8 of 17 antibiotics tested compared to human derived sources. These E. coli isolates also demonstrated a greater incidence of resistance to higher numbers of antibiotics compared to the human derived isolates. The urban waterways demonstrated a greater abundance of isolates with co-occurrence of antibiotic resistance than human derived sources. When screened for five different antibiotic resistance genes conferring macrolide, tetracycline, and β-lactam resistance, clinical E. coli isolates were more likely to harbor ermB and blaOXA than isolates from urban waterway. These results indicate that Milwaukee’s urban waterways may select or allow for a greater incidence of multiple antibiotic resistance organisms and likely harbor a different antibiotic resistance gene pool than clinical sources. The implications of this study are significant to understanding the presence of resistance in urban freshwater environments by supporting the idea that sediment from urban waterways serves as a reservoir of antibiotic resistance

    We need a NICE for global development spending

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    With aid budgets shrinking in richer countries and more money for healthcare becoming available from domestic sources in poorer ones, the rhetoric of value for money or improved efficiency of aid spending is increasing. Taking healthcare as one example, we discuss the need for and potential benefits of (and obstacles to) the establishment of a national institute for aid effectiveness. In the case of the UK, such an institute would help improve development spending decisions made by DFID, the country's aid agency, as well as by the various multilaterals, such as the Global Fund, through which British aid monies is channelled. It could and should also help countries becoming increasingly independent from aid build their own capacity to make sure their own resources go further in terms of health outcomes and more equitable distribution. Such an undertaking will not be easy given deep suspicion amongst development experts towards economists and arguments for improving efficiency. We argue that it is exactly because needs matter that those who make spending decisions must consider the needs not being met when a priority requires that finite resources are diverted elsewhere. These chosen unmet needs are the true costs; they are lost health. They must be considered, and should be minimised and must therefore be measured. Such exposition of the trade-offs of competing investment options can help inform an array of old and newer development tools, from strategic purchasing and pricing negotiations for healthcare products to performance based contracts and innovative financing tools for programmatic interventions

    Trending of Overboard Leakage of ISS Cabin Atmosphere

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    The International Space Station (ISS) overboard leakage of cabin atmosphere is continually tracked to identify new or aggravated leaks and to provide information for planning of nitrogen supply to the ISS. The overboard leakage is difficult to trend with various atmosphere constituents being added and removed. Changes to nitrogen partial pressure is the nominal means of trending the overboard leakage. This paper summarizes the method of the overboard leakage trending and presents findings from the trending
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