506 research outputs found

    Методологічні підходи до організації викладання курсу «Перший на місці події» в Національному фармацевтичному університеті

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    It is of particular relevance in Ukraine to train the police to provide the first aid before an ambulance crew arrives. The police are the first to arrive at the scene of the incident, and according to statistics, the first premedical aid provided within the first 4 minutes increases the chances of survivors by 30 %.Aim. To share the experience of organizing the course “The First Responder” for officers of the National Police at the premises of the National University of Pharmacy (NUPh) and discuss the prospects for teaching this course to other categories of people who are obliged to provide the first premedical aid.Materials and methods. To execute the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 346 dated 03.29.2017, training of 40 officers of the National Police of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv Region according to the program of the course “The First Responder” was organized in the NUPh. Five groups of 8 people each were formed. The course is designed for 48 hours for 1 week.Results. 92.5 % of police officers successfully completed the course with an average test control result of 90.3 % and 78-91 % when passing practical skills.Conclusions. The high-quality organization of training on the course “The First Responder” and material and technical support allow the personnel of the National Police of Ukraine to master one of the professional competencies – the skill of providing the first premedical aid in extreme situations. It is extremely important and relevant for reducing the pre-hospital mortality rate before the ambulance crew arrives.В Украине особую актуальность приобретает обучение полицейских навыкам оказания довра­чебной помощи до приезда скорой медицинской помощи тому, что именно они первыми прибыва­ют на место происшествия, а по статистике, помощь, оказанная в течение первых 4 минут, увеличи­вает шансы пострадавших на спасение на 30%.Цель: обобщение опыта организации преподавания курса «Первый на месте происшествия» для сотрудников Национальной полиции на базе НФаУ и обсуждение перспектив преподавания курса для других категорий лиц, которые обязаны оказывать доврачебную помощь.Материалы и методы. Для выполнения приказа МЗ Украины от 29.03.2017 г. № 346 в НФаУ было организовано обучение 40 сотрудников Национальной полиции г. Харькова и Харьковской области по программе курса доврачебной помощи «Первый на месте происшествия». Было сфор­мировано 5 групп по 8 человек в каждой. Курс рассчитан на 48 часов в течение 1 недели.Результаты. 92,5 % полицейских успешно закончили курс со средним результатом тестового контроля 90,3 % и 78-91% при сдаче практических навыков.Выводы. Высококачественная организация обучения на курсе и материально-техническое обе­спечение позволяют личному составу Национальной полиции Украины овладеть одной из профес­сиональных компетенций – умением оказывать домедицинскую помощь в экстремальных ситуа­циях, что является чрезвычайно важным и актуальным для уменьшения смертности пострадавших на догоспитальном этапе до приезда бригады скорой (экстренной) медицинской помощи.В України особливої актуальності набуває навчання поліцейських навичкам надання домедичної допомоги до приїзду швидкої (екстреної) медичної допомоги, оскільки саме вони першими прибувають на місце події, а за статистикою, допомога, надана протягом перших 4 хвилин, збільшує шанси потерпілих на порятунок на 30 %.Мета: узагальнення досвіду організації викладання курсу «Перший на місці події» для співробітників Національної поліції на базі НФаУ та обговорення перспектив викладання курсу для інших категорій осіб, які зобов’язані надавати домедичну допомогу.Матеріали та методи. На виконання наказу МОЗ України від 29.03.2017 р. № 346 в НФаУ було організовано навчання за програмою курсу домедичної допомоги «Перший на місці події» для працівників Національної поліції. Для проходження курсу було направлено 40 співробітників Національної поліції м. Харкова та Харківської області, з яких сформовано 5 груп по 8 осіб у кожній. Курс розрахований на 48 годин протягом 1 тижня.Результати. 92,5 % поліцейських успішно закінчили курс із середнім результатом 90,3 % під час тестового контролю та 78-91 % під час складання практичних навичок.Висновки. Високоякісна організація навчання на курсі та матеріально-технічне забезпечення дозволяють особовому складу Національної поліції України оволодіти однією з фахових компетенцій – здатністю надавати домедичну допомогу в екстремальних ситуаціях, що надзвичайно важливо й актуально для зменшення смертності постраждалих на догоспітальному етапі до приїзду бригади швидкої (екстреної) медичної допомоги


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    Purpose: The development of municipal service professional staff units is one of the most significant factors for Russian territory's sustainable development. Methodology: The information base of the research includes the results of sociological studies conducted by the All-Russia Council of Local Self-Government (ARCLSG) through the sending of questionnaires via the Internet: "Human Resources of Municipalities" (June-July 2013, N = 915); "Human Resources of Local Self-Government" (March-April 2016, N = 582). Result: The results of the expert survey showed that the leaders of local authorities are not fully satisfied with the level of municipal employee professional training. Evaluating the effectiveness of training programs implemented in recent years, most experts chose the following answer: "not all of the required issues have been covered, only a few things can be useful in practical activities". In modern conditions, it is necessary to specify the content of education, taking into account the specifics of the territory, its social and economic problems, the overcoming of a narrow theoretical orientation of the courses. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers and education students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of formation of municipal service human resource potential as a strategic factor for Russian territory sustainable development is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    Purpose: The present study was aimed at investigating the characteristics of tourist media content in cyberspace. The characteristics regarding the reflection and survey of tourist attractions in the Russian regions were also analyzed. Methodology: Data on the empirical research field was collected through tourist feedback on the Internet, as well as other social studies studied the wide-ranging relationship of users with media space. Visual media and contemporary time were identified among the most well-known sources of information about services and tourist facilities. Available sentiments with a variety of information available in cyberspace included: inclusive communication, comprehensiveness, pragmatism and using literal communication and providing easy access. In this paper, the outcomes of the outlook for tourism advancement by the help of the media were also discussed. Result: Tourism media, as well as the expansion flow and evolution regarding receiving and construction and increasing the information to respond to the key questions of the development of the tourism industry, were studied such as infrastructure equipment and services and the potential of the tourist industry. The content of cyber media was found to be helpful in consolidating the issues and modes and practical cases of various tourist groups, as well as representing the expectations and interests of tourism industry consumers. The popularity of media content has created vast opportunities for creators and users of information including personalization of demands, flexible communication, and the feasibility of introducing characters by presenting in virtual online space about the time spent on holidays. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers and education students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the tourist attraction in Russian regions in cyberspace: new tendencies of tourism media marketing is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    Purpose of Study: The present study was aimed at investigating the characteristics of tourist media content in cyberspace. The characteristics regarding the reflection and survey of tourist attractions in the Russian regions were also analyzed. Methodology: Data on the empirical research field was collected through tourist feedback on the Internet, as well as other social studies studied the wide-ranging relationship of users with media space. Visual media and contemporary time were identified among the most well-known sources of information about services and tourist facilities. Available sentiments with a variety of information available in cyberspace included: inclusive communication, comprehensiveness, pragmatism and using literal communication and providing easy access. Result: In this paper, the outcomes of the outlook for tourism advancement by the help of the media were also discussed. Tourism media, as well as the expansion flow and evolution regarding receiving and construction and increasing the information to respond to the key questions of the development of the tourism industry, were studied such as infrastructure equipment and services and the potential of the tourist industry. The content of cyber media was found to be helpful in consolidating the issues and modes and practical cases of various tourist groups, as well as representing the expectations and interests of tourism industry consumers. The popularity of media content has created vast opportunities for creators and users of information including personalization of demands, flexible communication, and the feasibility of introducing characters by presenting in virtual online space about the time spent on holidays

    Determination of ambiguity ellipse parameters at two dimensions using generalized method of uncertainty centre

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    Definition of empirical dependence parameters at two dimensions using ambiguity ellipse algorithm in a generalized method of uncertainty centre has been considered. The algorithm of optimal parameters definition is offere

    Historical and statistical data on the development of the domestic alcoholic beverages industry

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    The method of historical and statistical data analysis makes it possible to identify development and characteristic patterns, both temporary and permanent, production criteria for various branches of the food industry. The application of this method made it possible to trace formation of the alcohol industry inRussiaand identify critical historical events that influenced its development. The article presents and analyzes statistical data on the production of the main types of alcoholic beverages industry since 1913