20 research outputs found

    Uticaj agrotehničkih mera na prinos i sadržaj etarskog ulja kod bosiljka

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    This paper presents the results of the influence of applied agro-technical measures on yield and content of essential oil in basil (Ocimum basilicum) and reduce energy consumption during plowing, using a combination plow and subsoiler. Of technological operations, in addition to core processing, we applied the inter row cultivation of land to destroy weeds and maintain land in a loose condition which prevents drying and provides moisture retention. To the introduction of nutrients into the soil, which are needed for plant growth, feeding was carried out basil fertilizers. Applied two depth-plowing: 20 to 40 cm. Realized yields and essential oil contents were in the function of the depth of plowing. The results achieved show the highest yield of basil on the depth of plowing 40 cm (from 2900 kg/ha to 3200 kg/ha), while the actual return on the depth of plowing for 750 kg/ha greater than the highest yield of the plowing depth of 20 cm. Realized yields of basil is a measure of deep plowing effects on the development of plants and realized yield and increased economic efficiency of application of deep tillage in the production of basil. Essential oil content expressed as a percentage of the depth of plowing 20 cm ranged from 0.40% to 0.60%, and the plowing depth of 40 cm varied in the range of 0.63% to 0.87%, which is 0.23% and 0.27% over the plowing depth of 40 cm. The results concluded that increasing the depth of plowing increases the yield and content essential oil in basil production.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja primenjenih agrotehničkih mera na prinos i sadržaj etarskog ulja kod bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum), kao i smanjenje utroÅ”ka energije pri oranju uz upotrebu kombinacije pluga i razrivača. Od tehnoloÅ”kih operacija, pored osnovne obrade, primenjena je i međuredna kultivacija zemljiÅ”ta radi uniÅ”tavanja korova i održavanja zemljiÅ”ta u rastresitom stanju čime se sprečava njegovo isuÅ”ivanje i obezbeđuje zadržavanje vlage. Radi unoÅ”enja hranjivih materija u zemljiÅ”te, koje su potrebne za rast biljaka, izvrÅ”eno je prihranjivanje bosiljka mineralnim đubrivima. Primenjene su dve dubine oranja: 20 i 40 cm. Ostvareni prinosi i sadržaj etarskog ulja bili su u funkciji dubine oranja. Rezultati pokazuju najveći ostvareni prinos bosiljka na dubini oranja od 40 cm (od 2900 kg/ha do 3200 kg/ha), pri čemu je ostvareni prinos na ovoj dubini oranja za 750 kg/ha veći od najvećeg prinosa na dubini oranja od 20 cm. Ostvarena visina prinosa bosiljka predstavlja merilo uticaja dubine oranja na razvoj biljke i ostvareni prinos kao i ekonomsku isplativost primene povećane dubine oranja u proizvodnji bosiljka. Sadržaj etarskog ulja izražen u procentima kod dubine oranja od 20 cm kretao se od 0,40% do 0,60%, a pri dubini oranja od 40 cm kretao se u granicama od 0,63% do 0,87%, Å”to je za 0,23%, odnosno 0,27% viÅ”e pri dubini oranja od 40 cm. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključuje se da povećanje dubine oranja utiče na povećanje prinosa i sadržaja etarskog ulja kod proizvodnje bosiljka

    Uticaj biomase na smanjenje emisije ugljen dioksida

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    Biomass can be considered strategic potential, not only because it is a renewable source of energy and it is widespread, but also because its application can provide a sufficient amount of energy to reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, resulting in a minimum negative impact on environment. This paper presents an overview of techniques for biomass burning, as well as technical and technological characteristics of plant for the production of energy from biomass in order to promote the implementation of renewable energy sources. It also presents the option and joint combustion of biomass and fossil fuels. The decisive factor in the increased use of biomass should be its low acquisition and operating costs, but the application of modern low-emission incinerator is economically viable only for large plants, because then gets maximum effect from the problem of fuel (straw and specially planted Culture (Miscanthus Sinesis).Biomasa se može smatrati strategijskim potencijalom, ne samo zbog toga Å”to je obnovljiv izvor energije i Å”to je Å”iroko rasprostranjena, već i zbog toga Å”to se njenom primenom može obezbediti dovoljna količina energije uz redukovanje emisije CO2 i drugih Å”tetnih gasova, čime se postiže minimalan negativan uticaj na životnu sredinu. U radu je dat pregled tehnika za spaljivanje biomase, kao i tehničko-tehnoloÅ”ke karakteristike toplana za proizvodnju energije iz biomase u cilju promovisanja primene ovog obnovljivog izvora energije. Takođe, predstavljena je i opcija zajedničkog sagorevanja biomase i fosilnih goriva. Odlučujući faktor u pojačanom koriŔćenju biomase trebali bi biti njeni niski nabavni i eksploatacioni troÅ”kovi, ali primena modernih spalionica sa niskom emisijom je ekonomski opravdana samo na velikim postrojenjima, jer se tada dobija maksimalan učinak i iz problematičnih goriva (slama i specijalno zasađene kulture (Miscanthus Sinesis)

    Posledice nesreća sa traktorima u poljoprivredi sa učeŔćem starije populacije farmera

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    In agricultural production of the Republic of Macedonia, during the usage of tractors in the field or in public transportation, a large number of accidents occurs. These accidents often have heavy bodily injuries and tragic outcomes as consequences for the participants. Gathered data notes that injuries involving tractors, related to farmers older than 59 years of age, have an increased frequency. Older farmer population also has an increased percentage of injuries with tragic outcomes. During the period of the research, from 1999 to 2003, there has been a total of 101 tragic deaths in the Republic of Macedonia, 57 (or 56.44%) of which in traffic accidents and 44 (or 43.56%) in accidents involving tractor usage under agriculture circumstances. These accidents included the tragic deaths of 13 farmers aged 55 to 65 (or 15.29% of the total number of deaths), and 14 farmers older than 65 (or 16.47%). It should be noted that the most common causes that influence the increased number of tragic accidents involving older farmer population are their reduced perceptive, mental and physical abilities, which greatly effect the safety during work.U poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji u eksploataciji traktora na njivi ili u javnom saobraćaju u R. Makedoniji, javlja se veliki broj nesreća, kada učesnici najčeŔće, kao posledice, imaju teÅ”ke telesne povrede, ili su to tragične posledice. Podaci iz literature pokazuju da povrede na traktorima, koje su vezane za godine starosti farmera iznad 59 godina starosti, imaju povećanu frekvenciju. Starija populacija farmera ima i veći procenat povreda sa tragičnim posledicama. U periodu istraživanja od 1999. do 2003. godine u Republici Makedoniji, ukupno je tragično nastradalo 101 osoba, od kojih 57 (56,44%) u saobraćajnim nesrećama i 44 (43,56%) u nesrećama pri radu sa traktorima u poljoprivrednim uslovima. U ovim nesrećama bilo je ukupno tragično nastradalih farmera u starosnoj grupi od 55 do 65 godina, 13 osoba ili 15,29%, i iznad 65 godina 14 osoba, ili 16,47%. Kao najčeŔći uzrok koji utiče na povećanje broja tragičnih slučajeva kod starije populacije farmera, treba navesti, njihove smanjene senzorne i psihomotorne sposobnosti, koje utiču na bezbednost u toku rada

    Nesreće sa prevrtanjem traktora u Makedoniji

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    In this paper are the results of the rollover tractor accidents in Macedonia. In the period of investigation from 1999 to 2003 in Macedonia occurred total 398 tractor traffic accidents and accidents with tractors on the field. The 212 tractor traffic accidents are the results from collision between tractors and other vehicle on the roads, and 120 accidents are divide in 6 varieties of traffic accidents. As the results of the lost control of the vehicle in tractor traffic accidents happened 34 accidents with lending of vehicle of the road and 34 tractor rollovers. In this period of investigation occurred 66 tractor accidents on the field. According to the variety of accidents 41 accidents are the results of tractor rollover.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja nesreća sa traktorima u poljoprivredi Makedonije. Posebna pažnja posvećena je nesrećama koja su rezultat prevrtanje traktora u saobraćajnim udesima i nesreće pri radu sa traktorom. U periodu ispitivanja od 1999 do 2003 godine dogodilo se ukupno 398 nesreća sa traktorima. Od toga 212 saobraćajnih nesreća su rezultat sudara traktora i ostalih motornih vozila, a 120 nesreća, podeljene su u 6 vrsta saobraćajnih nesreća. Zbog gubljenja kontrole nad vozilom u saobraćajnim nesrećama, najčeŔće dolazi do prevrtanja ili sletanja vozila sa kolovoza gde je pojedinačno evidentirano 34 nesreće ovog tipa nesreća. U periodu istraživanja dogodilo se joÅ” 66 nesreća pri radu sa traktorom. Prema vrsti nesreća pri radu sa traktorom najviÅ”e 41 nesreća je rezultat prevrtanja traktora

    Posledice učeŔća mladih osoba u nesrećama sa traktorima u Republici Makedoniji

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    This paper presents the results from investigation of fatal consequences among children and young people in tractor accidents in Republic of Macedonia. According from the results of the investigation from 1999 to 2008 in Macedonia was injured 29 children and young people from 1 to 18 years old. From the total number of injured children and young people with fatal consequences 21 or 72,41% are in tractor public traffic accidents and 8 or 27,59% in tractor accidents on the field. Five young people with fatal injuries in tractor accidents died like tractor operators, and four children who drove a tractor had hard injuries.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja tragičnih posledica sa decom i mladim osobama u nesrećama sa traktorima u poljoprivredi Republike Makedonije. Prema rezultatima istraživanja od 1999 do 2008 godine u Republici Makedoniji ukupno je poginulo 29 dece i mladih osoba do 18 godina starosti. Od ukupnog broja 21 ili 72,41% poginuli su u saobraćajnim nesrećama, a 8 ili 27,59% u nesrećama pri radu sa traktorima u poljoprivrednim uslovima. Kao rukovaoci traktora poginulo je 5 mladih osoba, a 4 osobe su maloletni rukovaoci traktora, sa posledicama nesreća koje su kategorisane, kao teÅ”ke telesne povrede

    Istraživanje novog tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kog reÅ”enja u zasnivanju voćnjaka kombinovanim oruđem rigoler ā€“razrivač u obradi zemljiÅ”ta

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    Modern agriculture requires the use of modern technology, with new technical and technological solutions. Basic agro-technical operation in phase of establishing orchards and vineyards that requires large amounts of energy is plowing, for its specificity called rigoling. Trenching phase consumes greatest portion of energy int he processing and preparation of land in general and especially for the establishment of cultural agricultural fruit-grape production. There are more operational technologies, and this paper analyses classical technology, and combined technology using rigoler and plowing tools for soil cultivation. When classic technologies are applied, soil is cut and sectioned, moved and crushed, thus creating loose soil layer. The depth of processed soil is different for different fruitgrape crops, depending on the needs of the root system, as penetration depth and the breadth of development, ranging between 60 and 100 cm. Such technology moves active soil layer to the inactive bottom of the furrow, while inactive soil layer is removed to the surface. This technology has to be defined for different soil types. Combined technical-technological solution using a rigoler with built-in plow enables the achievement of working depth required by the root system, but the inactive soil layer is not moved to the surface of the plowed soil. The lower topsoil layer is only shaken and broken. Work technology combining rigoler and plow in one pass, can significantly increase technological production, while saving significant amounts of energy. This technology should be applied to avoid unnecessary expenditure of energy.U radu su prikazani rezultati ostvarenih vučnih otpora pri rigolovanju zemljiÅ”ta sa plugom rigolerom na dubini od 60 cm, 70 cm, 80 cm i 90 cm, kao i vučni otpori rigolera sa dodatnim radnim organom u obliku dleta. Dodatkom dleta, dubina rigolovanja po varijantama rada, povećana je za 10 cm, 15 cm i 20 cm. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da na povećanim dubinama rigolovanja, specifičan otpor zemljiÅ”ta ima nepromenjenu vrednost kao i pri samom rigolovanju. Ovo se postiže time Å”to je odnos povećane dubine rigolovanja veći od povećanog vučnog otpora sa dodatkom dleta. Ekonomičnost upotrebe dleta je do 70 cm rigolovanja i 20 cm dubine rada dleta. Iznad 70 cm rigolovanja primena dleta se ekonomski smanjuje, jer se na toj dubini ispunjava agrotehnički zahtev

    Uticaj elektronskih sistema na stabilnost vanputnih vozila

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    Application of electronic systems in al fields of design and exploitation significantly improved development of motor vehicles and their systems. Electronics especially affected particular fields of motor vehicles development, such as: power aggregates function, transmission, operatorā€™s safety and vehicle stability. Electronic systems for improvement of the off road vehicles stability: - ABS-Anti-lock Braking Sistem, - EBD-Electronic Brake Force Distribution, - HAC-Hill Start Assist Control, - A-TRAC-Active Traction Control, - TPM-Tire Presure Monitor These electronic systems significantly improve stability in difficult exploitation conditions and are consisting part of large number of new self propelled agricultural machines and tractors. Application of electronic systems also increases exploitation safety of machinery and vehicles, which multiplies their value.Upotrebom elektronskih sistema u svim oblastima projektovanja i eksploatacije znatno se napredovalo na usavrÅ”avanju motornih vozila i njihovih sistema. Elektronika je pogotovo uticala na pojedina polja razvoja motornih vozila, kao Å”to su: upravljanje radom pogonskih agregata, upravljanje transmisijom, bezbednost rukovaoca, stabilnost i prohodnost vozila. Elektronski sistemi za poboljÅ”anje stabilnosti vanputnih vozila su [3], [4], [5]: - ABS-Anti-lock Braking Sistem, - EBD-Electronic Brake Force Distribution, - HAC-Hill Start Assist Control, - A-TRAC-Active Traction Control, - TPM-Tire Presure Monitor. Navedenim elektronskim sistemima se znatno utiče na poboljÅ”anje stabilnosti i povećanje prohodnosti u otežanim uslovima eksploatacije i oni su sastavni deo velikog broja samohodnih poljoprivrednih maÅ”ina i traktora novije generacije. Upotrebom elektronskih sistema znatno se povećava i bezbednost eksploatacije maÅ”ina i vozila, tako da je njihova upotrebna vrednost viÅ”estruka

    Preventivne mere u sprečavanju udesa sa traktorima u poljoprivredi Republike Makedonije

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    In this paper are presented prevention measures for decreasing the number of tractor accidents in agriculture in Republic of Macedonia. According from the results of the investigation from 1999 to 2003 in agriculture production was reported 398 tractor accidents. As the results of disrespect of traffic signs and regulations happened 203 (51, 00%) accidents, psycho-physical condition and poorly experience was cause of 87 (21,86%) accidents and 42 (10,55%) accidents are results of mistakes of pedestrians, riders and technical malfunction of vehicles. In agricultural condition on the field happened 66 (16,58%) tractor accidents. For decreasing the number of tractor related accidents and injuries in the agriculture production in Republic of Macedonia, we have to implement recommendations which are described in: Regulations for tractor safety, Technical solution for increasing of tractor safety, and The organization measures for safety tractor exploitation.U radu su prikazane preventivne mere u cilju sprečavanja udesa sa traktorima u poljoprivredi Republike Makedonije. Prema rezultatima istraživanja u vremenskom periodu od 1999 do 2003 godine, dogodilo se ukupno 398 nesreća u kojima su učestvovali traktori. Kao rezultat nepoÅ”tovanja saobraćajnih znakova i propisa dogodilo se 203 (51,00 %) nesreća, psiho-fizičko stanje i nedovoljno iskustva rukovaoca traktora uzrok je 87 (21,86%) nesreća, a greÅ”ke peÅ”aka, putnika i tehnička neispravnost vozila 42 (10,55%) nesreća. Pri radu sa traktorima u poljoprivrednim uslovima dogodilo se ukupno 66 ( ili 16,58%) nesreća. Kao posledice u ovim nesrećama nastradalo je ukupno 610 osoba. Sa ciljem sprečavanja udesa i smanjenja broja povređenih osoba u poljoprivredi Republike Makedonije treba dosledno se pridržavati prema predloženim preventivnim merama koje su navedene u: ā€¢ zakonskim regulativama sigurnosti rada TMA, ā€¢ tehnička reÅ”enja za povećanje bezbednosti i sigurnosti rada TMA, i ā€¢ organizaciona reÅ”enja rada TM

    Uticaj različitih tipova kombajna za ubiranje kamilice na kvalitet ubiranja i visinu dobiti u proizvodnji kamilice

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    This paper presents the results of three conceptually different types of chamomile harvester and their impact on the quality of the harvested chamomile and profit during the production process. Three working modes of each harvester are considered and values of realized losses and the quality of harvested chamomile are determined. It was found that choosing the type of engaged harvester and its working mode can affect the quality of harvested chamomile, as well as the profit achieved in the entire production process.U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja tri koncepcijski različita tipa kombajna za ubiranje kamilice i njihov uticaj na kvalitet ubrane sirovine i ostvarenu dobit tokom procesa proizvodnje. Posmatrana su tri režima rada svakog od kombajna i utvrđeni su vrednosti ostvarenih gubitaka i kvaliteta ubrane kamilice. Utvrđeno je da se izborom tipa angažovanog kombajna i režima rada može uticati na kvalitet ubrane kamilice, kao i na ostvarenu dobit u celokupnom proizvodnom ciklusu