126 research outputs found

    Fault Tolerant Free Gait and Footstep Planning for Hexapod Robot Based on Monte-Carlo Tree

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    Legged robots can pass through complex field environments by selecting gaits and discrete footholds carefully. Traditional methods plan gait and foothold separately and treat them as the single-step optimal process. However, such processing causes its poor passability in a sparse foothold environment. This paper novelly proposes a coordinative planning method for hexapod robots that regards the planning of gait and foothold as a sequence optimization problem with the consideration of dealing with the harshness of the environment as leg fault. The Monte Carlo tree search algorithm(MCTS) is used to optimize the entire sequence. Two methods, FastMCTS, and SlidingMCTS are proposed to solve some defeats of the standard MCTS applicating in the field of legged robot planning. The proposed planning algorithm combines the fault-tolerant gait method to improve the passability of the algorithm. Finally, compared with other planning methods, experiments on terrains with different densities of footholds and artificially-designed challenging terrain are carried out to verify our methods. All results show that the proposed method dramatically improves the hexapod robot's ability to pass through sparse footholds environment

    TCBERT: A Technical Report for Chinese Topic Classification BERT

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    Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers or BERT~\cite{devlin-etal-2019-bert} has been one of the base models for various NLP tasks due to its remarkable performance. Variants customized for different languages and tasks are proposed to further improve the performance. In this work, we investigate supervised continued pre-training~\cite{gururangan-etal-2020-dont} on BERT for Chinese topic classification task. Specifically, we incorporate prompt-based learning and contrastive learning into the pre-training. To adapt to the task of Chinese topic classification, we collect around 2.1M Chinese data spanning various topics. The pre-trained Chinese Topic Classification BERTs (TCBERTs) with different parameter sizes are open-sourced at \url{https://huggingface.co/IDEA-CCNL}

    Ziya-Visual: Bilingual Large Vision-Language Model via Multi-Task Instruction Tuning

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    Recent advancements enlarge the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) in zero-shot image-to-text generation and understanding by integrating multi-modal inputs. However, such success is typically limited to English scenarios due to the lack of large-scale and high-quality non-English multi-modal resources, making it extremely difficult to establish competitive counterparts in other languages. In this paper, we introduce the Ziya-Visual series, a set of bilingual large-scale vision-language models (LVLMs) designed to incorporate visual semantics into LLM for multi-modal dialogue. Composed of Ziya-Visual-Base and Ziya-Visual-Chat, our models adopt the Querying Transformer from BLIP-2, further exploring the assistance of optimization schemes such as instruction tuning, multi-stage training and low-rank adaptation module for visual-language alignment. In addition, we stimulate the understanding ability of GPT-4 in multi-modal scenarios, translating our gathered English image-text datasets into Chinese and generating instruction-response through the in-context learning method. The experiment results demonstrate that compared to the existing LVLMs, Ziya-Visual achieves competitive performance across a wide range of English-only tasks including zero-shot image-text retrieval, image captioning, and visual question answering. The evaluation leaderboard accessed by GPT-4 also indicates that our models possess satisfactory image-text understanding and generation capabilities in Chinese multi-modal scenario dialogues. Code, demo and models are available at ~\url{https://huggingface.co/IDEA-CCNL/Ziya-BLIP2-14B-Visual-v1}

    Construction of a camelid VHH yeast two-hybrid library and the selection of VHH against haemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein of the Newcastle disease virus

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    Humoral immune response after immunization. Sera from IIama was collected, two-fold diluted and tested by HI using LaSota as antigen. Figure S1 Amplification of VHH through a nested PCR. (A) First round PCR to separate VH from VHH. The upper 900 bp bands represent the VH-CH1-Hinge-CH2 of conventional Abs (lane 1–8). The lower 600 bp bands represent the VHH-Hinge-CH2 of HCAbs (lane 1–8). (B) VHH amplified through nested PCR using 600 bp fragment recovered from first round PCR as template (lane 1–4). M in A and B was the DL2000 DNA marker. C in A and B represent the negative control. Figure S2 PCR identification of inserted VHH. 47 clones were randomly picked to determine the library functional diversity by PCR using universal primers T7 and 3’AD (Table 1). Meanwhile, Sterile water was used as negative controls. 45 clones have amplified the 500 bp VHH fragments (lane 1–47), while negative templates control haven’t amplified any bands (lane C). M indicated the DL2000 DNA marker. Figure S3 Detection of library capacity and library titer. (A) 10-3 dilution plating of the transformed cells calculated a library capacity of 1.25 × 107 independent clones. (B) 10-5 dilution plating of the cultured library indicated a library titer of 3.45 × 108 cfu/mL. Figure S4 Deduced amino acid aligment of 10 random picked VHH. Deduced amino acid sequences were analyzed according to the Kabat numbering. Differences in the sequences are pinked, and the dash represent the missing sequences. Two hallmark Cys residues are labeled by the thick-line boxes. The four conservative hallmark residues of VHH in FR2 are labeled by the dotted line boxes. Figure S5 pGBKT7-HN bait plasmid construction. (A) PCR was carried out to amplify a truncate HN gene (without transmembrane region) from La Sota strain. M, 5000 DNA marker. 1, Truncate HN. C, Negative control. (B) A truncate HN was cloned into pGBKT7 through BamH I and Sal I. M, 5000 DNA marker. 1, Double restriction enzyme digestion of pGBKT7-HN. Figure S6 pHSIE-VHH plasmid construction. (A) 7 positive VHH fragment were amplified from recovered positive clones containing pGADT7-VHH by PCR. M, 5000 DNA marker. 1–7, VHH 1–7. C, Negative control. (B) Double restriction enzyme digestion of pHSIE-VHHs. M, 5000 DNA marker. 1–7, pHSIE-VHH 1–7. Figure S7 Western blot analysis of bait protein expression. 2 mL of Y2HGold(pGBKT7-HN) culture liquid was extracted using yeast protein extraction reagent (Takara). c-Myc tag monoclonal antibody (1:4000 dilution) was used as first antibody and HRP-labeled goat anti-mouse antibody (1:5000) was used as second antibody. The immunoreactive was visualized with cECL Plus Western blotting detection reagent (CWBIO). (DOC 1129 kb

    Flexible but Refractory Single-Crystalline Hyperbolic Metamaterials

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    The fabrication of flexible single-crystalline plasmonic or photonic components in a scalable way is fundamentally important to flexible electronic and photonic devices with high speed, high energy efficiency, and high reliability. However, it remains to be a big challenge so far. Here, we have successfully synthesized flexible single-crystalline optical hyperbolic metamaterials by directly depositing refractory nitride superlattices on flexible fluoro phlogopite-mica substrates with magnetron sputtering. Interestingly, these flexible hyperbolic metamaterials show dual-band hyperbolic dispersion of dielectric constants with low dielectric losses and high figure-of-merit in the visible to near-infrared ranges. More importantly, the optical properties of these nitride-based flexible hyperbolic metamaterials show remarkable stability under either heating or bending. Therefore, the strategy developed in this work offers an easy and scalable route to fabricate flexible, high-performance, and refractory plasmonic or photonic components, which can significantly expand the applications of current electronic and photonic devices.Comment: 15 page

    The adenosine A2A receptor antagonist KW6002 distinctly regulates retinal ganglion cell morphology during postnatal development and neonatal inflammation

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    Adenosine A2A receptors (A2ARs) appear early in the retina during postnatal development, but the roles of the A2ARs in the morphogenesis of distinct types of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) during postnatal development and neonatal inflammatory response remain undetermined. As the RGCs are rather heterogeneous in morphology and functions in the retina, here we resorted to the Thy1-YFPH transgenic mice and three-dimensional (3D) neuron reconstruction to investigate how A2ARs regulate the morphogenesis of three morphologically distinct types of RGCs (namely Type I, II, III) during postnatal development and neonatal inflammation. We found that the A2AR antagonist KW6002 did not change the proportion of the three RGC types during retinal development, but exerted a bidirectional effect on dendritic complexity of Type I and III RGCs and cell type-specifically altered their morphologies with decreased dendrite density of Type I, decreased the dendritic field area of Type II and III, increased dendrite density of Type III RGCs. Moreover, under neonatal inflammation condition, KW6002 specifically increased the proportion of Type I RGCs with enhanced the dendrite surface area and volume and the proportion of Type II RGCs with enlarged the soma area and perimeter. Thus, A2ARs exert distinct control of RGC morphologies to cell type-specifically fine-tune the RGC dendrites during normal development but to mainly suppress RGC soma and dendrite volume under neonatal inflammation

    Genomic Analyses Reveal Mutational Signatures and Frequently Altered Genes in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide and the fourth most lethal cancer in China. However, although genomic studies have identified some mutations associated with ESCC, we know little of the mutational processes responsible. To identify genome-wide mutational signatures, we performed either whole-genome sequencing (WGS) or whole-exome sequencing (WES) on 104 ESCC individuals and combined our data with those of 88 previously reported samples. An APOBEC-mediated mutational signature in 47% of 192 tumors suggests that APOBEC-catalyzed deamination provides a source of DNA damage in ESCC. Moreover, PIK3CA hotspot mutations (c.1624G>A [p.Glu542Lys] and c.1633G>A [p.Glu545Lys]) were enriched in APOBEC-signature tumors, and no smoking-associated signature was observed in ESCC. In the samples analyzed by WGS, we identified focal (<100 kb) amplifications of CBX4 and CBX8. In our combined cohort, we identified frequent inactivating mutations in AJUBA, ZNF750, and PTCH1 and the chromatin-remodeling genes CREBBP and BAP1, in addition to known mutations. Functional analyses suggest roles for several genes (CBX4, CBX8, AJUBA, and ZNF750) in ESCC. Notably, high activity of hedgehog signaling and the PI3K pathway in approximately 60% of 104 ESCC tumors indicates that therapies targeting these pathways might be particularly promising strategies for ESCC. Collectively, our data provide comprehensive insights into the mutational signatures of ESCC and identify markers for early diagnosis and potential therapeutic targets

    Potential of Core-Collapse Supernova Neutrino Detection at JUNO

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    JUNO is an underground neutrino observatory under construction in Jiangmen, China. It uses 20kton liquid scintillator as target, which enables it to detect supernova burst neutrinos of a large statistics for the next galactic core-collapse supernova (CCSN) and also pre-supernova neutrinos from the nearby CCSN progenitors. All flavors of supernova burst neutrinos can be detected by JUNO via several interaction channels, including inverse beta decay, elastic scattering on electron and proton, interactions on C12 nuclei, etc. This retains the possibility for JUNO to reconstruct the energy spectra of supernova burst neutrinos of all flavors. The real time monitoring systems based on FPGA and DAQ are under development in JUNO, which allow prompt alert and trigger-less data acquisition of CCSN events. The alert performances of both monitoring systems have been thoroughly studied using simulations. Moreover, once a CCSN is tagged, the system can give fast characterizations, such as directionality and light curve
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