8 research outputs found

    Some applications of the formalization of the pumping lemma for context-free languages

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    Context-free languages are highly important in computer language processing technology as well as in formal language theory. The Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages states a property that is valid for all context-free languages, which makes it a tool for showing the existence of non-context-free languages. This paper presents a formalization, extending the previously formalized Lemma, of the fact that several well-known languages are not context-free. Moreover, we build on those results to construct a formal proof of the well-known property that context-free languages are not closed under intersection. All the formalization has been mechanized in the Coq proof assistant.- (undefined

    8th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC '2001)

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    13th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC '2006)

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    11th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC '2004)

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    Using Labels in a Paraconsistent and Nonmonotonic Sequent Calculus

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    The aim of this paper is to present a labelled sequent calculus to a nonmonotonic and paraconsistent Logic of Evidence able to tolerate contradictions over opposite evidences without proving anything. Evidences are ?-marked and they must be previously ordered. The role of the labels are stressed as a tool to handle meta level features side-by-side to object level ones

    Subordination Algebras as Semantic Environment of Input/Output Logic

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    We establish a novel connection between two research areas in non-classical logics which have been developed independently of each other so far: on the one hand, input/output logic, introduced within a research program developing logical formalizations of normative reasoning in philosophical logic and AI; on the other hand, subordination algebras, investigated in the context of a research program integrating topological, algebraic, and duality-theoretic techniques in the study of the semantics of modal logic. Specifically, we propose that the basic framework of input/output logic, as well as its extensions, can be given formal semantics on (slight generalizations of) subordination algebras. The existence of this interpretation brings benefits to both research areas: on the one hand, this connection allows for a novel conceptual understanding of subordination algebras as mathematical models of the properties and behaviour of norms; on the other hand, thanks to the well developed connection between subordination algebras and modal logic, the output operators in input/output logic can be given a new formal representation as modal operators, whose properties can be explicitly axiomatised in a suitable language, and be systematically studied by means of mathematically established and powerful tools