16 research outputs found

    Associação entre o desenvolvimento gonadal e a frequência de micronúcleos e de núcleos morfologicamente alterados em eritrócitos de pacus (Piaractus mesopotamicus)

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    Com presente trabalho os pesquisadores buscaram avaliar a existência de associação entre o desenvolvimento gonadal e a frequência de micronúcleos e núcleos morfologicamente alterados em eritrócitos de pacus (Piaractus mesopotamicus). As capturas ocorreram mensalmente no rio Aquidauana.  Para cada peixe foi realizada a análise de 3000 eritrócitos para a pesquisa de micronúcleos e núcleos morfologicamente alterados, utilizando-se esfregaço sanguíneo corado com giemsa. Foram analisados 50 machos e 23 fêmeas. Os sexos foram analisados separadamente. O teste de correlação não mostrou associação entre o desenvolvimento gonadal e a frequência de micronúcleos e núcleos morfologicamente alterados. Nas condições do presente experimento, concluiu-se que o desenvolvimento gonadal em pacus não interferiu no incremento de micronúcleos e núcleos morfologicamente alterados

    Prevalence of latent tuberculosis and treatment adherence among patients with chronic kidney disease in Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul

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    Introduction The primary strategy for tuberculosis control involves identifying individuals with latent tuberculosis. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of latent tuberculosis in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients who were undergoing hemodialysis in Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, to characterize the sociodemographic and clinical profiles of patients with latent tuberculosis, to verify the association between sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and the occurrence of latent tuberculosis, and to monitor patient adherence to latent tuberculosis treatment. Methods This epidemiological study involved 418 CKD patients who were undergoing hemodialysis and who underwent a tuberculin skin test. Results The prevalence of latent tuberculosis was 10.3%. The mean patient age was 53.43±14.97 years, and the patients were predominantly men (63.9%). The population was primarily Caucasian (58.6%); half (50%) were married, and 49.8% had incomplete primary educations. Previous contact with tuberculosis patients was reported by 80% of the participants. Treatment adherence was 97.7%. Conclusions We conclude that the prevalence of latent tuberculosis in our study population was low. Previous contact with patients with active tuberculosis increased the occurrence of latent infection. Although treatment adherence was high in this study, it is crucial to monitor tuberculosis treatment administered to patients in health services to maintain this high rate

    Live weight and metabolic hormone profile in steers moved in drives

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    The objective was to determine the effects of driving on the growth of steers during 55 days of moving by drive and 84 days after the arrival. Twenty-five steers were randomly chosen from a herd of 1,000 Nellore cattle, which were evaluated in two periods: the driving period, in which animals were moved a distance of 700 km on foot for 55 d; and the post-driving period, which lasted 84 d. Serum samples were obtained for hormone dosing (T3, T4, cortisol, and IGF-I) by radioimmunoassay using commercial kits. The data was collected at different time points during the experiment. No changes in live weight were observed between days 0 and 55. During the post-driving period, on the 28th, 56th, and 84th d, the average weights were 226.10 kg, 224.28 kg, and 242.6 kg, respectively; differences in weight were observed on the 84th d when compared with the 56th d. There were no changes in insulin and T3 levels in either periods; the lowest T4concentration was observed during the driving period. The serum T4concentration increased after 56 d of post-driving, and it was greater than the concentrations detected on the other days. The highest levels of cortisol were identified after 28 d of post-driving. An increase in IGF-I concentration was observed after 56 and 84 d of post-driving. Moving cattle by driving does not alter the weight of the animals and weight gain occurs during the post-driving period due to an increase in the T4 and IGF-I levels

    BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY AN I N T E R N A T I O N A L J O U R N A L Genetic Variability of Brycon hilarii in a Repopulation Program

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    ABSTRACT . Results show that the wild population and the broodstock had high genetic variability and low genetic divergence; contrastingly, fingerlings showed mild genetic variability and great divergence when compared to other groups, indicating that they were not adequately constituted

    Genetic Variability of Brycon hilarii in a Repopulation Program

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    ABSTRACT Brycon hilarii, popularly called piraputanga in Brazil, is a species distributed throughout the whole basin of the river Paraguay. In recent years, the species has been on a repopulation program due to its remarkable decline as a wild species in the region. Assessment of the genetic diversity of broodstock and fingerling stocks in repopulation programs is basic to avoid genetic impacts on wild populations. The genetic variability of the wild population and of the broodstock and fingerling stocks of B. hilarii in a repopulation program in the river Itiquira MT Brazil will be determined. Seven microsatellite loci produced 52 polymorphic alleles and heterozygosity revealed rates between 0.5794 and 0.7204. FIS did not register any endogamy in the broodstock but it was present in fingerlings and wild populations. Intra- and inter-specific genetic variability rates were higher within each combination but not between groups. Grouping in fingerling groups had a lower density when compared to the others. There is a higher genetic proximity between the natural population and broodstock (0.0237) when the distance between populations was analyzed, even though the two were greatly distant from the fingerling group (0.2622 - 0.2617). Results show that the wild population and the broodstock had high genetic variability and low genetic divergence; contrastingly, fingerlings showed mild genetic variability and great divergence when compared to other groups, indicating that they were not adequately constituted

    Processing yield and meat quality of cachara Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum and hybrid cachapinta P. reticulatum × P. corruscans

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    Hybrid cachapinta (Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum × Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) has been a very popular fish and is well accepted by consumers internationally, however, there is a lack of information showing its advantages relative to its parental cachara (P. reticulatum) species. This study was undertaken to compare the processing yield and meat quality characteristics of cachara and the cachapinta hybrid raised in net cages. Cachara’s weight was 1.51 ± 0.27 kg and total length was 49.85 ± 6.22 cm at harvest and was not significantly different from hybrid cachapinta that weighed 1.50 ± 0.11 kg and measured 50.83 ± 3.91 cm. Additionally, the two groups were not statistically different on gutted fish dress out (cachara: 89.97 ± 1.28%; cachapinta: 90.23 ± 0.30%) and other processing yield parameters. Skinless shank fillets with an average weight of 503.77 ± 0.10 g (cachara) and 514.41 ± 0.04 g, (hybrid cachapinta) were evaluated for pH, water holding capacity, colour (L*, a*, b*), shear force and lipid oxidation (TBARS). There were no differences in the fillet meat quality between cachara and hybrid cachapinta tested in this study. In conclusion, both genetic groups had similar processing yield and fillet meat quality characteristics when produced in net cages. HIGHLIGHTS The perceived improvements in growth and disease-resistance generated by hybrid vigour are the main reasons for interest and use of hybrid fishes. It is difficult to systematically predict processing yield and meat quality obtained from hybrids. Processing yields and meat quality are similar for cachara and hybrid cachapinta produced in net cages

    Prevalence and epidemiology aspects of bovine leptospirosis in dairy herd from goiânia microregion, Goiás state, Brazil

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    Foram colhidas 426 amostras de hemossoro bovino, provenientes de vacas em lactação na microrregião de Goiânia-GO, e testadas pelo método de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) para detecção de aglutininas antileptospiras, para efetuar um estudo de prevalência. Paralelamente, foi realizado um questionário epidemiológico, contendo informações que pudessem fornecer dados sobre a epidemiologia da leptospirose nessa região. Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma prevalência de 81,90% de animais reagentes. Os principais sorovares envolvidos foram: wolffi (36,10%), icterohaemorrhagiae (20,50%), hardjo (5,20%) e tarassovi (4,90%). A presença de ratos e suínos, a utilização de inseminação artificial e o tipo de fonte de água não interferiram no número de animais reagentes no teste de SAM. A leptospirose tem um comportamento enzoótico nessa região.With the aim of search the prevalence of anti-leptospiral antibodies, 426 sera samples were collected from dairy cattle in the microregion of Goiânia-GO, Brazil. Some questions were made about epidemiological and sanitary conditions characteristics of the farms to help us to understand the behavior of leptospirosis in this region. The prevalence was 81.90% and the serovars more involved were: wolffi (36.10%), icterohaemorrhagiae (20.50%), hardjo (5.20%) and tarassovi (4.90%). There were pigs and rats in the farms, but they did'nt interfer on positive animals number. This afirmative is also correct to artificial insemination and water supplying. The bovine leptospirosis had enzootic characteristics in this region