15 research outputs found

    The Physical Activity and Fitness in Childhood Cancer Survivors (PACCS) Study: Protocol for an International Mixed Methods Study

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    BACKGROUND Survivors of childhood cancer represent a growing population with a long life expectancy but high risks of treatment-induced morbidity and premature mortality. Regular physical activity (PA) may improve their long-term health; however, high-quality empirical knowledge is sparse. OBJECTIVE The Physical Activity and Fitness in Childhood Cancer Survivors (PACCS) study comprises 4 work packages (WPs) aiming for the objective determination of PA and self-reported health behavior, fatigue, and quality of life (WP 1); physical fitness determination (WP 2); the evaluation of barriers to and facilitators of PA (WP 1 and 3); and the feasibility testing of an intervention to increase PA and physical fitness (WP 4). METHODS The PACCS study will use a mixed methods design, combining patient-reported outcome measures and objective clinical and physiological assessments with qualitative data gathering methods. A total of 500 survivors of childhood cancer aged 9 to 18 years with ≥1 year after treatment completion will be recruited in follow-up care clinics in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany, and Switzerland. All participants will participate in WP 1, of which approximately 150, 40, and 30 will be recruited to WP 2, WP3, and WP 4, respectively. The reference material for WP 1 is available from existing studies, whereas WP 2 will recruit healthy controls. PA levels will be measured using ActiGraph accelerometers and self-reports. Validated questionnaires will be used to assess health behaviors, fatigue, and quality of life. Physical fitness will be measured by a cardiopulmonary exercise test, isometric muscle strength tests, and muscle power and endurance tests. Limiting factors will be identified via neurological, pulmonary, and cardiac evaluations and the assessment of body composition and muscle size. Semistructured, qualitative interviews, analyzed using systematic text condensation, will identify the perceived barriers to and facilitators of PA for survivors of childhood cancer. In WP 4, we will evaluate the feasibility of a 6-month personalized PA intervention with the involvement of local structures. RESULTS Ethical approvals have been secured at all participating sites (Norwegian Regional Committee for Medical Research Ethics [2016/953 and 2018/739]; the Oslo University Hospital Data Protection Officer; equivalent institutions in Finland, Denmark [file H-19032270], Germany, and Switzerland [Ethics Committee of Northwestern and Central Switzerland, project ID: 2019-00410]). Data collection for WP 1 to 3 is complete. This will be completed by July 2022 for WP 4. Several publications are already in preparation, and 2 have been published. CONCLUSIONS The PACCS study will generate high-quality knowledge that will contribute to the development of an evidence-based PA intervention for young survivors of childhood cancer to improve their long-term care and health. We will identify physiological, psychological, and social barriers to PA that can be targeted in interventions with immediate benefits for young survivors of childhood cancer in need of rehabilitation. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID) DERR1-10.2196/35838

    Genome-wide association metaanalysis of human longevity identifies a novel locus conferring survival beyond 90 years of age. Hum Mol Genet.

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    Bruk av trykkstøtte ved bipap behandling

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    NORSK: Bakgrunn og hensikt: I praksis har vi opplevd at pasienter med kols exacerbasjon med bipap behandling får forskjellig behandling. Dette bidrar ikke til et likeverdig tjenestetilbud, og det kan påvirke pasientsikkerheten. Derfor ønsket vi utført en kartleggings studie. Den er knyttet til intensivsykepleierens regulering av trykk ved bipap behandling i det samme helseforetaket. Metode: Vi har brukt empiri som metode, og utførte en kvantitativ spørreundersøkelse. Denne spørreundersøkelsen ble sendt ut til ulike sykehus i det samme helseforetaket. Resultat: Vi fikk en svarprosent på 49,08 %, resultatene viser at det er interne forskjeller blant regulering av trykkstøtte ved bipap behandling. Forskjellen er basert på hvor lenge intensivsykepleieren har arbeidet med denne pasientgruppen. En annen faktor som også spiller inn er hvor oppdatert prosedyren for bipap behandling er. Konklusjon: Vår konklusjon er at erfaring og kunnskapene hos intensivsykepleierne spiller inn på hvor trygge de er, og hvor selvstendige de er på å utføre bipap behandling. En oppdatert og kunnskapsbasert prosedyre er viktig i forhold til å øke pasientsikkerhet. Prosedyren kan også bidra til å gjøre intensivsykepleierne tryggere i utførelsen av regulering av trykk

    Utvikling av drabantbyer

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    Bibliografien gir en oversikt over litteratur omkring utviklingen av drabantbyene med hovedvekt på forskning fra Norge og de nordiske land, men også noen eksempler fra europeisk litteratur. Bibliografien inneholder en tematisk oversikt over litteratur som er omtalt og en oversikt over annen aktuell litteratur. Tilknyttet prosjekt Tiltak i tide: kunnskapsstatus og utfordringer for Groruddale

    Boligpreferanser i distriktene

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    Rapporten setter søkelys på hva bolig og bomiljø betyr for bosetting og tilflytting i distriktene, og hva som er etterspurte kvaliteter ved boligen, bomiljøet og stedet. Undersøkelsen er basert på intervjuer av kommunalt ansatte, boligutviklere og befolkningsgrupper i ulike livsfaser i fire distriktskommuner (Nord-Aurdal, Eid, Alstahaug og Skjervøy). Les omtale av rapporten hos Distriktssenteret.  Tilknyttet prosjekt Bustadspreferansar i distrikt

    Integration of DNA Methylation and Transcriptome Data Improves Complex Trait Prediction in Hordeum vulgare

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    Whole-genome multi-omics profiles contain valuable information for the characterization and prediction of complex traits in plants. In this study, we evaluate multi-omics models to predict four complex traits in barley (Hordeum vulgare); grain yield, thousand kernel weight, protein content, and nitrogen uptake. Genomic, transcriptomic, and DNA methylation data were obtained from 75 spring barley lines tested in the RadiMax semi-field phenomics facility under control and water-scarce treatment. By integrating multi-omics data at genomic, transcriptomic, and DNA methylation regulatory levels, a higher proportion of phenotypic variance was explained (0.72–0.91) than with genomic models alone (0.55–0.86). The correlation between predictions and phenotypes varied from 0.17–0.28 for control plants and 0.23–0.37 for water-scarce plants, and the increase in accuracy was significant for nitrogen uptake and protein content compared to models using genomic information alone. Adding transcriptomic and DNA methylation information to the prediction models explained more of the phenotypic variance attributed to the environment in grain yield and nitrogen uptake. It furthermore explained more of the non-additive genetic effects for thousand kernel weight and protein content. Our results show the feasibility of multi-omics prediction for complex traits in barley