178 research outputs found

    Elevated reproduction does not affect telomere dynamics and oxidative stress

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    Abstract: Oxidative stress and telomere dynamics are considered to be powerful biomarkers quantifying a potential trade-off between current reproduction and self-maintenance. Recent studies confirmed the negative impact of elevated reproduction on telomeres, but the evidence for the cost of reproduction in terms of oxidative stress remains equivocal. In order to induce reproductive costs, we experimentally manipulated reproductive effort by increasing brood size in captive zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) and additionally challenged all birds by a low ambient temperature to facilitate detection of these costs. We were not able to show any negative effects of elevated reproductive effort on telomere dynamics and oxidative stress among parents, although brood enlargement was effective in terms of total mass and number of fledged young. Interestingly, irrespective of brood size treatment, we found a significant increase in antioxidant capacity at peak breeding while oxidative damage did not change with time. Our results may suggest that reproduction, instead of generating costs, may stimulate physiological functions promoting self-maintenance in terms of higher protection against free radicals. Possibly, opportunistic breeders such as zebra finches may not impede their future performance for the sake of current reproduction. This study interrogates a molecular background behind one of the most intriguing trade-offs that potentially occurs between self-maintenance and reproduction. We manipulated breeding effort in zebra finches to understand if the cost of reproduction can be mediated by telomere dynamics and oxidative stress. In our study system, we did not detect the direct reproductive costs in terms of parental oxidative damage and telomere loss; instead, these costs were paid by the offspring in terms of their inhibited growth rate. Moreover, we found that entering into the reproductive state strongly stimulated self-maintenance by increasing antioxidant capacity in parents. Our results emphasize that current reproductive success is not always prioritized over investment in body maintenance preventing the oxidative cost of reproduction

    Offspring survival is negatively related to maternal response to sheep red blood cells in zebra finches

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    The immune system is an important player in individual trade-offs, but what has rarely been explored is how different strategies of investment in immune response may affect reproductive decisions. We examined the relationship between the strength of maternal immune response and offspring viability and immune response in captive zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata. In three independent experiments, the females and subsequently their adult offspring were challenged with sheep red blood cells, and their responses were measured. There was no relationship between offspring immune response and that of their mothers. However, we found offspring survival until adulthood to be negatively related to maternal antibody titers. That effect was consistent among all experiments and apparent despite the fact that we partially cross-fostered newly hatched nestlings between nests of different females. This suggests that the observed effects of maternal immune response is not mediated by potentially altered female rearing abilities. To our knowledge, this is the first study showing the relationship between the strength of the immune response and between-generational fitness costs in birds

    Temperature influence on ordinary concrete modified with fly ashes from thermally conversed municipal sewage sludge strength parameters

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    Concrete is the most commonly used structural material, without which modern construction could not function. It is a material with a high potential to adapt to specific operating conditions. The use of this potential is made by its material modification. The aim of the performed investigations was the assessment of rational application possibilities of fly ashes from thermally conversed municipal sewage sludge as an alternative concrete admixture. A concrete mix was designed, based on the Portland cement CEM I 42.5R and containing various quantity of ash, amounting to 0–25% of cement mass. The samples were conditioned and heated in a furnace at the temperature of 300 ◦C, 500 ◦C, and 700 ◦C. Physical and chemical properties of the ashes as well as utility properties of the concrete, i.e., density, compressive strength after 28, 56, and 90 days of maturation, frost resistance, and compressive strength in high temperature were determined. The tests were performed at cubic samples with 10 cm edge. The replacement of a determined cement quantity by the fly ashes enables obtaining a concrete composite having good strength parameters. The concrete modified by the fly ashes constituting 20% of the cement mass achieved its average compressive strength after 28 days of maturation equal to 50.12 MPa, after 56 days 50.61 MPa and after 90 days 50.80 MPa. The temperature growth weakens the composite structure. The obtained results confirm the possibility of waste recycling in the form of fly ashes as a cement substitute in concrete manufacturing.This research was co-financed from EU funds, grant number POIR.04.04.00-00-0004/15

    A trade-off between current and future sex allocation revealed by maternal energy budget in a small mammal

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    Sex-allocation theories generally assume differential fitness costs of raising sons and daughters. Yet, experimental confirmation of such costs is scarce and potential mechanisms are rarely addressed. While the most universal measure of physiological costs is energy expenditure, only one study has related the maternal energy budget to experimentally controlled offspring sex. Here, we experimentally test this in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) by simultaneously manipulating the litter's size and sex ratio immediately after birth. Two weeks after manipulation, when mothers were at the peak of lactation and were pregnant with concurrent litters, we assessed their energy budget. We found that maternal food consumption and daily energy expenditure increased with the size of the litters being lactated. Importantly, the effects of offspring sex on energy budget depended on the characteristics of the simultaneously gestating litters. Specifically, the mothers nursing all-male litters and concurrently pregnant with male-biased litters had the highest energy expenditure. These had consequences for the next generation, as size of female offspring from the concurrent pregnancy of these mothers was compromised. Our study attests a higher cost of sons, consequently leading to a lower investment in them, and reveals the significance of offspring sex in moulding the trade-off between current and future maternal investment

    The role of antioxidant response and nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in long-term adaptation to Cu-induced stress in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Copper is an essential micronutrient, but at supraoptimal concentrations it is also highly toxic, inducing oxidative stress and disrupting photosynthesis. The aim of the present study was to analyze selected protective mechanisms in strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii adapted and not adapted for growth in the presence of elevated copper concentrations. Two algal lines (tolerant and non-tolerant to high Cu2+Cu^{2+} concentrations) were used in experiments to study photosynthetic pigment content, peroxidase activity, and non-photochemical quenching. The content of prenyllipids was studied in four different algal lines (two of the same as above and two new ones). The copper-adapted strains contained about 2.6 times more α-tocopherol and plastoquinol and about 1.7 times more total plastoquinone than non-tolerant strains. Exposure to excess copper led to oxidation of the plastoquinone pool in non-tolerant strains, whereas this effect was less pronounced or did not occur in copper-tolerant strains. Peroxidase activity was approximately 1.75 times higher in the tolerant strain than in the non-tolerant one. The increase in peroxidase activity in the tolerant strain was less pronounced when the algae were grown in dim light. In the tolerant line nonphotochemical quenching was induced faster and was usually about 20-30% more efficient than in the non-tolerant line. The improvement of antioxidant defense and photoprotection may be important factors in the evolutionary processes leading to tolerance to heavy metals

    Predicted Studies of Branched and Cross-Linked Polyurethanes Based on Polyhydroxybutyrate with Polycaprolactone Triol in Soft Segments

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    The number of cross-links in the non-linear polyurethane structure is the basic factor affecting its properties. Selected properties of aliphatic polyurethanes with soft segments made of different amounts of polycaprolactonetriol, polycaprolactonediol and synthetic, telechelic poly([R,S]-3-hydroxybutyrate) were determined. On the basis of changes in polyurethane properties, the correlation between these properties and the construction of soft segments was found. The structure of polyurethanes, their morphology, hydrophilicity, thermal and mechanical properties were examined. These properties were changed linearly up to 15% content of polycaprolactonetriol in soft segments. A further increase in the amount of triol causes that these properties are mainly determined by the high number of cross-links.This research was founded by the National Science Center Miniatura 2 project no. 2018/02/X/ST5/02005 and partially by the UMG research project no. WPiT/2020/PZ/01