94 research outputs found

    Psychological Distress during Ovarian Cancer Treatment: Improving Quality by Examining Patient Problems and Advanced Practice Nursing Interventions

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    Background/Significance. Ovarian cancer patients are prone to psychological distress. The clinical significance and best practices for distress among this population are poorly understood. Method. Secondary analysis of research records from a six month randomized control trial included 32 women with primary ovarian cancer. All received 18 advanced practice nurse (APN) visits over six months. Three sub-samples were determined by distress level (high/low) and mental health service consent for high distress. Demographic, clinical factors, patient problems and APN interventions obtained through content analysis and categorized via the Omaha System were compared. Results. Clinically-significant psychiatric conditions were identified in 8/18 (44%) high distress subjects consenting to mental health intervention. High distress subjects who refused mental health intervention had more income and housing problems than the other subjects, received the fewest interventions at baseline, and progressively more throughout the study, exceeding the other sub-samples by study completion. Conclusions. Highly-distressed women not psychologically ready to work through emotional consequences of cancer at treatment onset may obtain support from APNs to manage cancer problems as they arise. Additional studies may identify best practices for all highly-distressed women with cancer, particularly those who do not accept mental health services for distress, but suffer from its effects

    Testing the Differential Effects of Symptom Management Interventions in Cancer

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to test for moderating effects of patient characteristics on self-management interventions developed to address symptoms during cancer treatment. Patient’s age, education and depressive symptomatology were considered as potential moderators. Methods: A secondary analysis of data of 782 patients from two randomized clinical trials was performed. Both trials enrolled patients with solid tumors undergoing chemotherapy. After completing baseline interviews, patients were randomized to a nurse-delivered intervention versus intervention delivered by a “coach” in trial I, and to a nurse-delivered intervention versus an intervention delivered by an automated voice response system in trial II. In each of the two trials, following a 6-contact 8-week intervention, patients were interviewed at week 10 to assess the primary outcome of symptom severity. Results: While nurse-delivered intervention proved no better than the “coach” or automated system in lowering symptom severity, important differences in the intervention by age were found in both trials. Patients“coach” or automated system; while those \u3e75 years favored the nurse. Education and depressive symptomatology did not modify the intervention effects in either of the two trials. Depressive symptomatology had a significant main effect on symptom severity at week 10 in both trials (p=.03 and p Conclusions: Clinicians need to carefully consider the age of the population when using or testing interventions to manage symptoms among cancer patients

    An ethical dilemma: Information control in cancer care

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    A Program of Research on Patient and Family Caregiver Outcomes: Three Phases of Evolution

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    Symptom distress, current concerns and mood disturbance after diagnosis of life-threatening disease

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    This study describes the level of symptom distress, current concerns and mood disturbance in persons with a diagnosis of one of two life-threatening diseases at two occasions. The sample included 56 lung cancer patients and 65 heart attack patients who completed interviews at 1 and 2 months post diagnosis. Data were obtained using a modified version of the McCorkle and Young Symptom Distress Scale, the Weisman and Worden Inventory of Current Concerns and the Profile of Mood States. One conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that the plight of newly diagnosed lung cancer patients appears to be bleaker than that of heart attack patients. Cancer patients experienced more symptom distress of all kinds than heart attack patients. They also reported more health and existential concerns and they suffered more mood disturbances, on the average, than heart attack patients did. The most striking finding of the mean differences analysis was that, although symptom distress remained the same between occasions for both groups, both kinds of patients reported fewer concerns and better mood at the second interview. Although the plight of neither type of patient improved, patients reported being in better spirits and less worried at the second measurement occasion. This reduction in concerns and mood disturbance between interviews suggests that patients assimilate that their situation is not as immediately life-threatening as they had feared.