10 research outputs found

    Infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori e perfil imunológico em pacientes com diferentes doenças gastroduodenais

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    The association between infection with Helicobacter pylori and different gastroduodenal diseases is related to bacterial, host and environmental factors. Studies have demonstrated an association between the genetic diversity of H. pylori, especially in the vacA and cagA genes, and the development of digestive diseases such as peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. In addition, the nature of the host inflammatory response may explain these different manifestations of infection caused by this microorganism. In this respect, host factors that regulate the immune and inflammatory responses involving the functional interaction of H. pylori infection with different components of the immune system, particularly T cells, in gastroduodenal diseases still need further investigation. Objective: To characterize the immune response, including immunity induced by infection with H. pylori, especially virulent strains (vacA alleles and cagA gene), by analyzing the cytokine profile and T-cell population present in gastroduodenal diseases in a Brazilian population. Methods: In a prospective study, gastric biopsies were collected from 554 patients with different gastroduodenal diseases for histological analysis and for the determination of bacterial genotype and cytokine production (IL-4, IL-10, IFN-γ and IL-12) by ELISA. Results: The predominant genotype of the H. pylori strains isolated from the patients studied was s1m1cagA+, which was more common among patients with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer. A significant association was observed between the s1m1cagA+ genotype and a higher degree of inflammation, higher neutrophil activity and the development of intestinal metaplasia. The gastric concentrations of IFN-γ and IL-12 were significantly higher in patients infected with H. pylori than in uninfected individuals. Higher levels of these cytokines were detected in patients with gastric ulcer and cancer, while the levels of IL-4 and IL-10 in the gastric mucosa were lower in these patients. In addition, IFN-γ and IL-12 concentrations in gastric biopsies were higher in patients infected with the virulent s1m1cagA+ genotype. In contrast, IL-4 and IL-10 levels were higher in tissue infected with s2m2cagA in gastric biopsies. Conclusion: Our study shows that the interaction between the type of infectious strain and the Th1 immune response can influence and perpetuate gastric inflammation, and thus contributes to the development of the different clinical manifestations of H. pylori infection.A associação da infecção por Helicobacter pylori com diferentes doenças gastroduodenais pode estar associada a fatores bacterianos, do hospedeiro e do ambiente. Nesse contexto, estudos têm demonstrado que a diversidade genética do H. pylori, sobretudo nos genes vacA e cagA, está associada ao desenvolvimento de doenças gastroduodenais como a úlcera péptica e o câncer gástrico. Além disso, a natureza da resposta inflamatória do hospedeiro pode explicar essas diferentes manifestações da infecção por esse microrganismo. Portanto, fatores do hospedeiro que regulam as respostas imunológica e inflamatória, envolvendo a interação funcional da infecção por H. pylori com diferentes membros do compartimento imunológico, especialmente respostas imunes de células T nas doenças gastroduodenais, ainda precisam ser melhor estudados. Objetivo: Caracterizar a resposta imune, incluindo imunidade induzida por infecção pelo H. pylori, especialmente com cepas virulentas de H. pylori (alelos vacA e gene cagA), através da análise do perfil de citocinas e da caracterização da população de células T presentes em doenças gastroduodenais em nossa população. Métodos: Em um estudo prospectivo, foram coletadas biópsias gástricas de 554 pacientes portadores das diferentes doenças gastroduodenais. Nas amostras biológicas destes pacientes foi realizada a determinação do genótipo bacteriano e a detecção das citocinas IL-4, IL-10, INF-γ e IL-12 através do método Elisa. Foram obtidas biópsias gástricas para avaliação histológica. Resultados: Observamos que o genótipo predominante nas cepas de H. pylori isoladas dos pacientes estudados foi s1m1cagA positivo, sendo mais frequentes entre os pacientes com úlcera gástrica, úlcera duodenal e câncer gástrico. Houve associação significativa das cepas com o genótipo s1m1cagA positivo com maior grau de inflamação, atividade neutrofílica e desenvolvimento de metaplasia intestinal. As concentrações gástricas de INF-γ e IL-12 foram significativamente mais elevadas em pacientes infectados pelo H. pylori do que nos não infectados. Foram detectados níveis mais elevados dessas citocinas nos portadores de úlcera e câncer gástrico, sendo que nesses pacientes foram observados níveis mais baixos de IL-4 e IL-10 na mucosa gástrica. Além disso, as concentrações de INF-γ e IL-12 em biópsias gástricas, foram mais elevadas nos pacientes portadores das cepas bacterianas virulentas s1m1cagA+. Contrariamente, os níveis de IL-4 e IL-10 foram maiores em tecido infectado por cepas s2m2cagA. Pacientes com maior grau de inflamação, de atividade neutrofílica e presença de metaplasia intestinal, apresentaram níveis mais elevados de INF-γ e IL-12 e uma concentração mais baixa de IL-4 e IL-10 nas biópsias gástricas. Conclusão: Nosso estudo demonstra que a interação entre o tipo de cepa infectante e resposta imunológica com perfil Th1, podem influenciar e perpetuar a inflamação gástrica contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de diferentes manifestações clínicas na infecção pelo H. pylori.SILVA, A. V.; FECURY, A. A.; MARTINS, L. C. Universidade Federal do Par


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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The association between infection with Helicobacter pylori and different gastroduodenal diseases is related to bacterial, host and environmental factors. Studies have demonstrated an association between the genetic diversity of H. pylori, especially in the vacA and cagA genes, and the development of digestive diseases such as peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. In addition, the nature of the host inflammatory response may explain these different manifestations of infection caused by this microorganism. In this respect, host factors that regulate the immune and inflammatory responses involving the functional interaction of H. pylori infection with different components of the immune system, particularly T cells, in gastroduodenal diseases still need further investigation. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the immune response, including immunity induced by infection with H. pylori, especially virulent strains (vacA alleles and cagA gene), by analyzing the cytokine profile and T-cell population present in gastroduodenal diseases in a Brazilian population. METHODS: In a prospective study, gastric biopsies were collected from 554 patients with different gastroduodenal diseases for histological analysis and for the determination of bacterial genotype and cytokine production (IL-4, IL-10, IFN-γ and IL-12) by ELISA. RESULTS: The predominant genotype of the H. pylori strains isolated from the patients studied was s1m1cagA+, which was more common among patients with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer. A significant association was observed between the s1m1cagA+ genotype and a higher degree of inflammation, higher neutrophil activity and the development of intestinal metaplasia. The gastric concentrations of IFN-γ and IL-12 were significantly higher in patients infected with H. pylori than in uninfected individuals. Higher levels of these cytokines were detected in patients with gastric ulcer and cancer, while the levels of IL-4 and IL-10 in the gastric mucosa were lower in these patients. In addition, IFN-γ and IL-12 concentrations in gastric biopsies were higher in patients infected with the virulent s1m1cagA+ genotype. In contrast, IL-4 and IL-10 levels were higher in tissue infected with s2m2cagA in gastric biopsies. CONCLUSION: Our study shows that the interaction between the type of infectious strain and the Th1 immune response can influence and perpetuate gastric inflammation, and thus contributes to the development of the different clinical manifestations of H. pylori infection

    Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with different gastrointestinal diseases from northern brazil

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    Background - The mechanisms whereby Helicobacter pylori produces different pathological manifestations in the stomach and duodenum are not fully understood. Considering the geographic diversity in the prevalence of virulence factors of this microorganism and their association with the development of different diseases, the search for pathogenicity markers such as CagA and VacA alleles by molecular techniques has intensified. Objectives - To investigate the presence of H. pylori infection and the frequency of different genotypes of this bacterium in patients with gastrointestinal diseases from Northern Brazil, and to establish their association with the histopathological findings. Methods - In a prospective study, samples were collected from 554 patients with different gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, and gastric cancer) seen at a referral hospital attending the entire State of Pará, located in the metropolitan region of Belém. Data such as gender and age obtained with an epidemiological questionnaire were analyzed. The presence of H. pylori and the bacterial genotype were investigated by PCR. Gastric biopsies were assessed histologically. Results - The prevalence of H. pylori infection was 91%. Infection was more frequent among patients with gastric ulcer and gastric cancer. In these groups, there was a predominance of men and older patients when compared to the other two groups studied. The predominant bacterial genotype was s1m1cagA+, which was more frequent among patients with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer. A significant association was observed between s1m1cagA+ strains and a higher degree of inflammation, neutrophil activity and development of intestinal metaplasia. Conclusion - The present study demonstrates a high incidence of H. pylori infection in the patients analyzed, especially among those with gastric ulcer and gastric cancer. Virulent s1m- 1cagA+ strains predominated and were associated with more severe lesions.Contexto - Os mecanismos pelos quais o H. pylori produz diferentes quadros patológicos no estômago e no duodeno não são totalmente conhecidos. Considerando a diversidade geográfica relacionada à prevalência dos fatores de virulência desse microrganismo e sua associação com o desenvolvimento de diferentes doenças, vem se intensificando a pesquisa de marcadores de patogenicidade, como o CagA e os alelos do VacA por técnicas moleculares. Objetivos - O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a presença da infecção por H. pylori, e a frequência dos diferentes genótipos dessa bactéria em pacientes com doenças gastrointestinais da nossa região, procurando estabelecer sua associação com os achados histopatológicos. Métodos - Em estudo prospectivo, foram coletadas amostras de 554 pacientes com diferentes doenças gastrointestinais (gastrite, úlcera duodenal, úlcera gástrica e câncer gástrico), atendidos em hospital de referência para todo o Estado do Pará, localizado na região metropolitana de Belém. Foram analisados dados obtidos através de questionário epidemiológico, relacionados ao sexo e faixa etária desses pacientes. A presença do H. pylori e do genótipo bacteriano foi detectada utilizando a PCR. As biopsias gástricas foram avaliadas histologicamente. Resultados - Observou-se uma prevalência de 91% da infecção pelo H. pylori, sendo mais frequente nos portadores de úlcera gástrica e câncer gástrico, nos quais houve predomínio do sexo masculino e a idade foi maior que a dos outros dois grupos estudados. O genótipo bacteriano predominante foi o s1m1cagA positivo, sendo mais frequentes entre os pacientes com úlcera gástrica, úlcera duodenal e câncer gástrico. Houve associação significante das cepas com o genótipo s1m1cagA positivo com maior grau de inflamação, atividade neutrofílica e desenvolvimento de metaplasia intestinal. Conclusão - Nosso estudo demonstra a alta incidência da infecção pelo H. pylori nos pacientes analisados em nosso meio, especialmente em portadores de úlcera e câncer gástricos. As cepas virulentas s1m1cagA+ foram predominantes e estavam associadas a lesões mais graves.VINAGRE, I. D. F.; MARTINS, L. C. Universidade Federal do Par

    Case study of stomach adenocarcinoma conducted at a cancer referral hospital in northern Brazil

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    CONTEXT: Stomach cancer is the second leading cause of death due to cancer in the world and the incidence of this disease continues to be high in Brazil. In the Northern region, gastric cancer is the second most frequent cancer among men and the third among women. In the State of Pará, stomach adenocarcinoma is a public health problem since mortality rates are above the Brazilian average. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical and anatomopathological profile of stomach adenocarcinoma in patients seen at Ofir Loiola Hospital. METHODS: In a retrospective study, records from 302 patients with gastric cancer undergoing surgery between 2006 and 2008 were analyzed. Data regarding patient profile, early symptoms, alterations upon physical examination, type of surgery, and macroscopic and histological findings were obtained from the records. RESULTS: Most patients (63.9%) were men, 48% were older than 60 years, 50.9% were from the metropolitan region of Belém, 68.2% presented epigastric pain as an early symptom, and abdominal tenderness upon palpation was observed in 63.7%. The antrum was the most affected anatomical site (62.1%), followed by the gastric body (26.9%). Borrmann III (ulcerated-infiltrative) was the predominant endoscopic type. Adenocarcinoma accounted for 95.4% of all cases, including the intestinal type in 56.6% and the diffuse type in 41.3%. Most patients had stage IIIB and IV tumors and total gastrectomy was the most frequent type of surgery (37.4%). CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated that gastric adenocarcinoma mainly affected men over the age of 60 who were from the metropolitan region of Belém. Most adenocarcinomas were in an advanced stage at the time of diagnosis, a fact requiring more aggressive surgical resection in these cases. These data highlight the urgent need for the implementation of preventive measures and early detection programs of gastric cancer


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    Context Although more than half of the world's population is colonized with Helicobacter pylori, it remains unknown why this organism is able to produce severe disease in some hosts and be innocuous in others. The clinical outcome of infection is determined by several factors, including differences in the host response to bacterial stimulation, specific virulence factors of the organism and environmental influences, or a combination of these factors. Objectives This study compared the prevalence of H. pylori infection and risk factors (infection with CagA+ strains, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and inadequate eating habits) between patients with different gastrointestinal disorders and associated these risk factors with the histopathological findings. Methods In a prospective study, samples were collected from 442 patients and a standardized questionnaire regarding lifestyle habits (excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and eating habits) was applied. The presence of H. pylori and of the cagA gene was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Gastric biopsies were obtained for histological assessment. Results The frequency of alcohol consumption, smoking, inadequate diet and infection with CagA+ H. pylori was higher among patients with peptic ulcer and adenocarcinoma when compared to those with gastritis. Gastric inflammation was more pronounced in patients infected with CagA+ strains. Conclusion We conclude that infection with CagA+ H. pylori strains, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and inadequate eating habits increase the risk of developing peptic ulcer and gastric carcinoma

    Determinação das cepas do Helicobacter pylori e do polimorfismo do gene da interleucina-8 em pacientes com câncer gástrico

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    CONTEXT: Gastric neoplasia is the second most common cause of death by cancer in the world and H. pylori is classified as a type I human carcinogen by the World Health Organization. However, despite the high prevalence of infection by H. pylori around the world, less than 3% of individuals carrying the bacteria develop gastric neoplasias. Such a fact indicates that evolution towards malignancy may be associated with bacterial factors in the host and the environment. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the association between polymorphism in the region promoting the IL-8 (-251) gene and the H. pylori genotype, based on the vacA alleles and the presence of the cagA gene, using clinical and histopathological data. METHODS: In a prospective study, a total of 102 patients with stomach cancer and 103 healthy volunteers were analysed. Polymorphism in interleukin 8 (-251) was determined by the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism reaction and sequencing. PCR was used for genotyping the vacA alleles and the cagA in the bacterial strains PCR. Gastric biopsies were histologically assessed. RESULTS: The H. pylori serology was positive for 101 (99%) of all patients analysed, and 98 (97%) of them were colonized by only one strain. In patients with monoinfection, 82 (84%) of the bacterial strains observed had the s1b/m1 genotype. The cagA gene was detected in 74 (73%) of patients infected by H. pylori. The presence of the cagA gene was demonstrated as associated with the presence of the s1b/m1 genotype of the vacA gene (P = 0.002). As for polymorphism in the interleukin 8 (-251) gene we observed that the AA (P = 0.026) and AT (P = 0.005) genotypes were most frequent in the group of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. By comparing the different types of isolated bacterial strains with the interleukin -8 (-251) and the histopathological data we observed that carriers of the A allele (AT and AA) infected by virulent strains (m1s1 cagA+) demonstrated a greater risk of presenting a degree of inflammation (OR = 24.75 CI 95% 2.29-267.20 P = 0.004) and increased neutrophilic activity (OR = 28.71 CI 95% 2.62-314 P = 0.002) in the gastric mucosa. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that the interaction between polymorphism in the interleukin -8 (-251) gene, particularly with carriers of the A allele and the infecting type of H. pylori strain (s1m1 cagA positive) performs an important function in development of gastric adenocarcinoma.CONTEXTO: A neoplasia gástrica é a segunda causa mais comum de morte por câncer no mundo e o H. pylori é classificado como carcinógeno humano tipo I pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Entretanto, apesar da elevada prevalência da infecção pelo H. pylori em todo mundo, menos de 3% de indivíduos portadores dessa bactéria desenvolvem neoplasias gástricas. Tal fato indica que a evolução para malignização possa estar associada a fatores bacterianos, do hospedeiro e do ambiente. OBJETIVOS: Investigou-se a associação do polimorfismo da região promotora do gene IL-8 (-251) e do genótipo do H. pylori, baseado nos alelos vacA e na presença do gene cagA, com a clínica e os dados histopatológicos. MÉTODOS: Em estudo prospectivo, 102 pacientes com câncer gástrico e 103 voluntários saudáveis foram analisados. O polimorfismo da IL-8 (-251) foi determinado pela reação de PCR-RFLP e sequenciamento. Para genotipagem dos alelos vacA e do gene cagA das cepas bacterianas foi utilizada a PCR. As biopsias gástricas foram avaliadas histologicamente. RESULTADOS: A sorologia para o H. pylori foi positiva em 101 (99%) de todos os pacientes analisados, e 98 (97%) deles foram colonizados por apenas uma cepa bacteriana. Em pacientes com monoinfecção, 82 (84%) das cepas bacterianas observadas apresentavam o genótipo s1b/m1. O gene cagA foi detectado em 74 (73%) dos pacientes infectados pelo H. pylori. A presença do gene cagA demonstrou estar associada com a presença do genótipo s1b/m1 do gene vacA (P = 0,002). Quanto ao polimorfismo do gene da IL-8 (-251), observou-se que os genótipos AA (P = 0,026) e AT (P = 0,005) foram mais frequentes no grupo de pacientes com adenocarcinoma gástrico. Comparando os diferentes tipos de cepas bacterianas isoladas, com o polimorfismo do gene da IL-8-251 e dados histopatológicos, observou-se que, portadores do alelo A (AT e AA) infectados por cepas virulentas (m1s1 cagA+), demonstraram risco aumentado de apresentar maior grau de inflamação (OR = 24,75 IC 95% 2,29-267,20 P = 0,004) e aumento da atividade neutrofílica (OR = 28,71 IC 95% 2.62-314 P = 0,002) na mucosa gástrica. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados demonstram que a interação entre o polimorfismo do gene da IL-8, particularmente em portadores do alelo A, e o tipo de cepa infectante do H. pylori (s1m1 cagA positiva) desempenha importante função no desenvolvimento do câncer gástrico

    Differences in virulence markers between Helicobacter pylori strains from the Brazilian Amazon region

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    Introduction This study compares virulence markers of Helicobacter pylori isolated from patients in 2 cities in the Brazilian Amazon. Methods The study analyzed 168 patients with chronic gastritis from Belém and 151 from Bragança, State of Pará, Brazil. Levels of bacterial DNA associated with cagA and vacA alleles were checked by PCR, and hematoxylin-eosin staining was used for histologic diagnosis. Results In Bragança 87% of patients were genotype s1m1 cagA-positive (s1m1 cagA+), compared with 76% in Belém. In samples from patients in both cities, there was an association between s1m1 cagA+ strains and gastric mucosal damage. Conclusions Both cities have a high frequency of s1m1 cagA+ strains of H. pylori