737 research outputs found

    An investigation into folate deficiency in healthy underprivileged infants with special emphasis on the interpretation of the Figlu test after oral histidine

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    In South Africa, as: in other countries with a large underprivileged population group, the problem of malnutrition and its- associations and complications assumes considerable importance. Until the socioeconomic problems involved are solved, attention must be directed to early diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of malnutrition and its associations. At the Red Cross Children's Hospital, Cape Town, a considerable percentage of admissions are for marasmus and kwashiorkor. Anemia is a frequent association, (Walt, I.959) sometimes contributing to the mortality (Walt, Holman and Naidoo, 1957)

    Municipal Liability for Police Misconduct: Must Victims Now Prove Intent?

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    Limits of Advocacy: Occupational Hazards in Juvenile Court

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    Deliberate Indifference: Judicial Tolerance of Racial Bias in Criminal Justice

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    Age-Related Success with Elective Single versus Double Blastocyst Transfer

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    Background. Although the optimal outcome of assisted reproductive technology (ART) is a healthy singleton pregnancy, the rate of twin gestation from ART in women over the age of 35 is persistently high. Methods/Findings. We compared clinical pregnancy rates (PRs), ongoing pregnancy/live birth rates, and multiple gestation rates (MGRs) in 108 women who chose elective single blastocyst transfer (eSBT) to 415 women who chose elective double blastocyst transfer (eDBT) at a hospital-based IVF center. There was no significant difference in PR between eSBT and eDBT (57.4% versus 50.2%, P = 0.47) nor between eSBT and eDBT within each age group: <35, 35–37, 38–40, and >40. The risk of multiple gestations, however, was greatly increased between eSBT and eDBT (1.6 versus 32.4%, P < 0.00005), and this difference did not vary across age groups. Conclusion(s). Women undergoing eDBT are at uniformly high risk of multiple gestation regardless of age. eSBT appears to significantly lower the risk of multiple gestation without compromising PR

    Neuroinflammatory and cognitive consequences of combined radiation and immunotherapy in a novel preclinical model.

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    BACKGROUND: Cancer patients often report behavioral and cognitive changes following cancer treatment. These effects can be seen in patients who have not yet received treatment or have received only peripheral (non-brain) irradiation. Novel treatments combining radiotherapy (RT) and immunotherapy (IT) demonstrate remarkable efficacy with respect to tumor outcomes by enhancing the proinflammatory environment in the tumor. However, a proinflammatory environment in the brain mediates cognitive impairments in other neurological disorders and may affect brain function in cancer patients receiving these novel treatments. Currently, gaps exist as to whether these treatments impact the brain in individuals with or without tumors and with regard to the underlying mechanisms. RESULTS: Combined treatment with precision RT and checkpoint inhibitor IT achieved control of tumor growth. However, BALB/c mice receiving combined treatment demonstrated changes in measures of anxiety levels, regardless of tumor status. C57BL/6J mice with tumors demonstrated increased anxiety, except following combined treatment. Object recognition memory was impaired in C57BL/6J mice without tumors following combined treatment. All mice with tumors showed impaired object recognition, except those treated with RT alone. Mice with tumors demonstrated impaired amygdala-dependent cued fear memory, while maintaining hippocampus-dependent context fear memory. These behavioral alterations and cognitive impairments were accompanied by increased microglial activation in mice receiving immunotherapy alone or combined with RT. Finally, based on tumor status, there were significant changes in proinflammatory cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-5, IL-2, IL-10) and a growth factor (FGF-basic). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Here we test the hypothesis that IT combined with peripheral RT have detrimental behavioral and cognitive effects as a result of an enhanced proinflammatory environment in the brain. BALB/c mice with or without injected hind flank CT26 colorectal carcinoma or C57BL/6J mice with or without Lewis Lung carcinoma were used for all experiments. Checkpoint inhibitor IT, using an anti-CTLA-4 antibody, and precision CT-guided peripheral RT alone and combined were used to closely model clinical treatment. We assessed behavioral and cognitive performance and investigated the immune environment using immunohistochemistry and multiplex assays to analyze proinflammatory mediators. CONCLUSIONS: Although combined treatment achieved tumor growth control, it affected the brain and induced changes in measures of anxiety, cognitive impairments, and neuroinflammation

    Participation of women in HIV clinical trials: the IPEC-FIOCRUZ experience

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    Jordan E Lake1, Ruth K Friedman2, Cynthia B Cunha2, Sandra W Cardoso2, Valdilea G Veloso2, Judith S Currier1, Beatriz Grinsztejn21Division of Infectious Diseases, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2Funda&amp;ccedil;&amp;atilde;o Oswaldo Cruz &amp;ndash; Instituto de Pesquisa Cl&amp;iacute;nica Evandro Chagas/IPEC, Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, BrazilBackground: Fifty percent of people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) worldwide are female. In Brazil, for example, 240,000 women are infected with HIV, rates of infection in women have increased over the last two decades, and addressing HIV prevention and treatment for women at risk for, or living with, HIV/AIDS remains a challenge. To better address the needs of women living with HIV in Brazil, the Instituto de Pesquisa Cl&amp;iacute;nica Evandro Chagas &amp;ndash; Funda&amp;ccedil;&amp;atilde;o Oswaldo Cruz (IPEC-FIOCRUZ) HIV Women&amp;rsquo;s Cohort was established in 1996 to study the natural history of women seeking HIV care. This analysis describes the characteristics of women in the cohort who participated in HIV clinical trials between 1999 and 2008.Methods: A total of 736 Women&amp;rsquo;s Cohort participants were in active follow-up and 665 participants from the Women&amp;rsquo;s Cohort were included in univariable and multivariable analyses to determine socioeconomic and sociodemographic factors associated with women&amp;rsquo;s participation in HIV clinical trials at our site.Results: Of the complete cohort, 23% participated in a clinical trial between January 1999 and July 2008. Odds of participation decreased for women who were younger than 35 years old, currently employed, had an HIV-positive sexual partner, and/or who reported a lifetime history of illicit drug use. Alternatively, the odds of participation increased for women who had more than 8 years of formal education, were living independently, and/or were married or cohabitating.Conclusion: The rate of participation in HIV clinical trials by women in the IPEC-Fiocruz Cohort was similar to other published cohorts, but identification of local risk factors and barriers to participation remains important. Our analysis offers a novel description of the factors associated with participation in HIV clinical trials among women in care at IPEC-FIOCRUZ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Keywords: AIDS, Brazil, South America, clinical trial participation&amp;nbsp