21 research outputs found


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    Macrobrachium americanum has a high commercial value with good fishing and cultivation possibilities in Mexico. Currently there is little information on reproductive aspects so the present work analyzed the sex ratio, fecundity and morphometry of the eggs of M. americanum in the Petatlán River, Sinaloa, Mexico. A total of 31 ovigerous females were captured. The sex ratio was 0.39 F: 1 M. The partial fecundity (Pf) varied from 34, 554 to 342, 372 eggs (128, 246 ± 12, 306 eggs, average Pf). The relationships between body and length-fecundity (R2= 0.5546), cephalothorax and length-fecundity (R2= 0.4995) were adjusted to a linear model, and the total weight-fecundity to a potential model (R2= 0.5013). The average relative fecundity was 37, 132 ± 5, 162 eggs/g. A total of 7 stages of embryonic development were observed. In the first stages, the egg presents a spherical form and in the latter an ovoid shape. Maximum egg diameter values are presented in stages VII, VI and VIII. Stage II provided the largest number of eggs (1, 013, 073 eggs). It is essential to optimize the exploitation of the population of M. americanum present in the Petatlán River through the creation of scientific bases for the sustainability of the fishery.Macrobrachium americanum ima visoku komercijalnu vrijednost s dobrim mogućnostima ribolova i uzgoja u Meksiku. Trenutno postoji malo podataka o reproduktivnim aspektima navedene kozice pa se stoga u ovom radu analizirao omjer spolova, plodnost te morfometrija jajašaca M. americanum u rijeci Petatlán, Sinaloa, Meksiko. Omjer spolova je iznosio 0,39 F:1 M a uzorkovana je ukupno 31 jajonosna ženka. Djelomična plodnost je varirala od 34 554 – 342 372 jajašca (Pfx̅ = 128 246 ± 12 306 jajašaca). Odnosi između duljine tijela i plodnosti (R2 = 0,5546), duljine cefalotoraksa i plodnosti (R2 = 0,4995) prilagođeni su linearnom modelu, a odnos ukupne mase i plodnosti potencijalnom modelu (R2 = 0,5013). Prosječna relativna plodnost iznosila je 37 132 ± 5 162 jaja/g. Ukupno je uočeno 7 faza embrionalnog razvoja. U prvim fazama jaje je imalo sferni, a u drugom jajasti oblik. Maksimalne vrijednosti promjera jaja prikazane su u fazama VII, VI i VIII. U fazi II utvrdio se najveći broj jaja (1 013 073). Ključno je optimizirati eksploataciju populacije M. americanum prisutne u rijeci Petatlán stvaranjem znanstvenih osnova za održivost ribolova


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    Istraživanja hobotnice Paroctopus digueti u Meksiku su rijetka te je stoga cilj ovog istraživanja procijeniti neke od bioloških karakteristika navedene vrste u zaljevu Ohuira, Ahome, Sinaloa, u Meksiku. Tijekom jeseni 2016. do jeseni 2017. g. uzorkovano je 217 hobotnica P. digueti od kojih su 166 bile ženke, 31 ovigerne ženke i 20 mužjaka. Svakoj hobotnici je zabilježena dužina plašta (ML) i krakova (AL), ukupna dužina (TL) i ukupna masa (TW), a korišten je FiSAT II program za dobivanje parametara rasta posredstvom frekvencija sezonskih veličina. S obzirom na oba spola, prosječna dužina plašta bila je 40,31 ± 2,5 mm. Za analizu odnosa ML-TL i ML-AL, podaci su prilagođeni modelu linearnog tipa. Za odnos između ML-TL, najmanji je koeficijent determinacije zabilježen tijekom proljeća R2 = 0,34, a najviši je zabilježen zimi R2 = 0,65. Što se tiče koeficijenta alometrije (b), bio je različit u četiri klimatske sezone. Teorijska krivulja rasta ML pokazala je oba spola ML∞ = 73,50 mm, K = 1,30 godina-1 i t0 = 0,10. Procijenjene vrijednosti iz jednadžbe rasta pokazale su brži rast (ML∞ = 63 mm) unutar 1,2 godine njihova života, dostižući maksimalnu duljinu u dobi od 2,5 godine. Krivulja rasta ukupne mase hobotnice P. digueti formirana je eksponencijalnim rastom u prvom stadiju do šest mjeseci, te u drugom, logaritamskom stadiju od sedam mjeseci do približno 1,8 godina. Ljeti su zabilježeni nešto niži koeficijenti i postoci trenutačnog koeficijenata rasta (IGC) za duljine i ukupnu masu hobotnice. Najviši Fultonov indeks kondicije (K) zabilježen je zimi. Omjer spola bio je značajno na strani ženki 9,85 F: 1 M.In Mexico, studies of octopus Paroctopus digueti are scarce, thus the objective of this research is to evaluate some of its biological aspects in Ohuira Bay, Ahome, Sinaloa, Mexico. From autumn 2016 to autumn 2017, a total of 217 organisms of P. digueti were collected, from which 166 were females, 31 ovigerous females and 20 males. The lengths of the mantle (ML), tentacles or arms (AL) and total length (TL) were recorded as well as the total weight (TW) of each organism. The software FiSAT II was used to obtain the growth parameters by mediating seasonal size frequencies. Considering both sexes, the average registered mantle length was 40.31±2.5 mm. For the analysis of ML-TL y ML-AL, the data were adjusted to a linear-type model. For the relationship between ML-TL, the minimum determination coefficient was observed during spring R2 = 0.335, and the highest was registered in winter R2 = 0.6452. With regards to the allometry coefficient (b), it was different among the 4 climatic seasons. The theoretical ML growth curve showed both sexes of ML∞= 73.50 mm, K = 1.30 year-1 and t0= 0.10. The estimated values from the growth equation revealed faster growth (ML∞= 63 mm) within the 1.2 years of their lives, reaching a maximum length at 2.5 years of age. The total weight growth curve of P. digueti octopus was formed by an exponential first stage up to six months and the second logarithmic stage from seven months to approximately 1.8 years. In the summer there were slightly lower coefficients and percentages of instantaneous growth coefficients (IGC) for the lengths and total weight of octopus P. digueti. The highest Fulton’s condition index (k) was recorded in winter. The sex ratio was significant in a proportion of 9.85 F:1 M

    Ablación en jaibas (Callinectes), una posible técnica para reproducción

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    En la acuacultura desde hace varias décadas se han utilizado técnicas para inducir la maduración ovárica en crustáceos en el que destaca la ablación, sin embargo, son pocos los estudios que hay del efecto de dicha técnica en el manejo de los reproductores de Callinectes arcuatus. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar, el impacto de la ablación ocular unilateral sobre el comportamiento de reproductores de C. arcuatus a nivel de laboratorio. Las jaibas capturadas se aclimataron durante 24 h y se alimentaron diariamente con trozos de tilapia. Se utilizaron 180 organismos en intermuda e inmaduros para los bioensayos. Los tratamientos fueron control (C), squash (TS) y ligación (TL) por triplicado, con una duración de 96 h. Previo a la ablación fueron anestesiados (Xilocaina 5 %). La observación mayormente presentada tanto en machos como hembras fue el reposo, seguido de la alimentación. En las hembras se observó la menor agresividad (<5 %). En los TS y TL, se mitigaron los indicadores de dolor y se observó mayor consumo de alimento

    Ecology, Fishery and Aquaculture in Gulf of California, Mexico: Pen Shell Atrina maura (Sowerby, 1835)

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    The pen shell Atrina maura bears economic importance in northwest Mexico. This chapter considers a review on diverse ecology, fishery, and aquaculture topics of this species, carried out in northwest Mexico. In ecology, biology, abundance, spatial prospecting, sex ratio, size structure, reproductive cycle, first maturity sizes, variation of gonadosomatic indexes and growth are discussed. In fishery, the information analysed corresponds to the structure of the organisms in the banks susceptible to capture, institutional and ecological interaction for fishing regulation, evaluation of fishing effort, improvement in fishing performance using the knowledge and attitudes of the fishermen on fisheries policies in the Gulf of California, resilience and collapse of artisanal fisheries and public politics. In aquaculture, they are long-line culture, bottom culture, reproductive cycle, growth, production of larvae and seeds, biochemistry of oocytes, nutritional quality of the muscle, evaluation of diets based on microalgae, immunology in larval and juvenile and probiotic use. The present work shows a status based on information published in theses and articles indexed 15 years ago to the date on the ecology, fishery and aquaculture in the pen shell Atrina maura carried out in the lagoon systems of northwest Mexico

    Crecimiento y supervivencia del mejillón Mytella strigata (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) en cultivo suspendido en la Laguna Macapule, Sinaloa, México

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    Growth and survival of the mussel Mytella strigata in a hanging culture method were evaluated during seven months in La Piedra estuary at the Macapule Lagoon System, Sinaloa, Mexico. Relative growth instant rate and growth were determined from six thousand seedlings (6 mm average). Relationship among total length-total weight was analyzed using a potential regression. Survival rate was biweekly evaluated by counting all those organisms alive as long with the accumulated rate throughout the culture period. In addition physical-chemical parameters were measured every 15 days. The temperature of the estuary fluctuated between 18.4 ºC to 30.2 ºC, salinity was among 28 to 40 ups and the average chlorophyll a concentration was 3.11mg · m?3. Average length of the shelf was 46.99 ± 0.26 mm and the average growth of 0.12 mm · day?1 (i.e. allometric growth). There were significative differences between total-weight throughout the culture (p &lt; 0.05). Growth parameters evaluated were L? = 162 mm, K = 0.585 and to = ?0.123 years. Final survival rate was 81.25%. The mussell reach the commercial length at 7 months.Se evaluó el crecimiento y la supervivencia de juveniles del mejillón de barba de hacha (Mytella strigata) en un cultivo suspendido durante 7 meses en el Estero La Piedra en el Sistema Lagunar Macapule, Sinaloa, México. Se sembraron 6,000 juveniles de M. strigata de 6 mm de longitud promedio. Se determinó el crecimiento y la tasa de crecimiento instantáneo relativo, mediante la fórmula TCIR = ((Ln L2 Ln L1)/t) × 100. Se analizó la relación longitud de las valvaspeso total, con una regresión de tipo potencial de la forma Y = aXb. Se evaluó la supervivencia haciendo un recuento poblacional quincenal de todos los organismos vivos, obteniéndose los porcentajes de supervivencia quincenal y el porcentaje acumulado durante todo el periodo de cultivo. Se registraron los parámetros fisicoquímicos cada 15 días. La temperatura que se presentó en el estero fue de 18.4 ºC a 30.2 ºC, la salinidad de 28 a 40 ups y la concentración promedio de clorofila a de 3.11mg.m?3. La talla promedio de la concha fue de 46.99 ± 0.26 mm de largo y la tasa de crecimiento promedio de 0.12 mm · día?1, y de tipo alométrico. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en el peso total durante la duración del cultivo (p &lt; 0.05). Los parámetros de crecimiento estimados fueron: L? = 162 mm, K = 0.585 y to = 0.123 años. La supervivencia de los organismos al final del cultivo fue de 81.25%. En el estero, M. strigata alcanzó la talla comercial a partir de los siete meses

    Biodiversity of Gastropod in the Southeastern Gulf of California, Mexico

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    Currently, studying the environment is important because of the phenomena that take place on the earth every day. That is why it is a priority to carry out studies that relate environmental changes to the biology of organisms. This allows us to know the interactions with the environment, and in this way solve, reduce or prevent ecological and economic problems, if they are organisms with a commercial value. The objective of this investigation is to determine ecological parameters of the gastropod community from the intertidal zone on five islands from the Gulf of California, México, to model the diversity, distribution and abundance of malacological fauna. We considered to evaluate the Shannon-Wiener diversity (H′), Pielou’s of evenness (J) and the Margalef species richness indexes, in order to evaluate through an analysis from biotic and abiotic factors, the species status that was collected from the exposed and non-exposed zone tidal. The generated data were contemplated from a year-based biodiversity project (2016–2017) on the following islands: Patos, Bledos, Bleditos, Tunosa, and Mazocahui which belong to the Ohuira lagoon in Ahome, Sinaloa, southeast of the Gulf of California, México. Likewise a status about the importance of gastropods is mentioned for the study area

    Patrones de crecimiento y proporción de sexos de la jaiba Callinectes bellicosus (Decapoda: Portunidae)

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    Background: Knowledge of growth is relevant because it provides information on the local dynamics of the population. Goals: This study evaluated the growth, size structure, morphometry, and sex ratio of C. belliosus crab caught in the El Colorado lagoon, Ahome, Sinaloa, Mexico. Methods: Through size distributions and by the modal-progression method using the FISAT II program. Similarly, the growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy stationalized equation and the growth performance or Munro index (Ø) were determined from March 2012 to March 2013. Results: 3,242 organisms of C. bellicosus were captured of which 1,770 were males and 1,472 were females. The population of C. bellicosus in the lagoon ranged in size from 40 mm to 190 mm (CW), showing two similar modes for males and females (100 mm and 110 mm, respecti­vely). The relationships between CL-CW for both sexes were adjusted to a linear type model (males, CL = 0.5265CW-0.0539, R2 = 0.8058, p &lt;0.05, females, CL = 0.581CW-0.6335, R2 = 0.7643, p &lt;0.05). The CW-TW relationship was of potential type (males, TW = 0.561AC3.0751, R2 = 0.7968, p &lt;0.05; females, TW = 0.0834C2.9077, R2 = 0.7589, p &lt;0.05). In females, K = 0.90 years-1 and L∞ = 169 mm, K = 1.20 years-1 and L∞ = 178.5 mm. Conclusions: The growth curves suggest that C. bellicosus reaches its maximum length at 2.5 to 3 years. The sex ratio of 0.81 F : 1 M was significant (X2 (0.05, 11) = 19.675, X2 observada = 58.481, p &lt; 0.05). &nbsp;&nbsp;Antecedentes: El conocimiento del crecimiento en cualquier especie es relevante debido a que proporciona información de la dinámica local de la población. Objetivos: Evaluar el crecimiento, la estructura de tallas, la morfometría y la proporción de sexos de las jaibas C. bellicosus capturadas en la laguna El Colorado, Ahome, Sinaloa, México. Métodos: Durante el periodo de marzo de 2012 a marzo de 2013 se evaluaron las distribuciones de frecuencias de tallas y se aplicó el método de progresión modal mediante el programa FiSAT II. Asimismo, se determinaron los parámetros de crecimiento de la ecuación de von Bertalanffy y el desempeño del crecimiento o índice de Munro (Ø). Resultados: Se capturaron 3,242 organismos de C. bellicosus, de los cuales 1,770 fueron machos y 1,472, hembras. La población de C. bellicosus en la laguna presentó un intervalo de tallas de 40 mm a 190 mm (AC), mostrando dos modas similares para machos y hembras (100 mm y 110 mm, respectivamente). Las relaciones entre el LC-AC para ambos sexos se ajustaron a un modelo de tipo lineal (machos, LC = 0.5265AC-0.0539, R2 = 0.8058, p &lt;0.05; hembras, LC = 0.581AC-0.6335, R2 = 0.7643, p &lt;0.05). La relación AC-PT fue de tipo potencial (machos, PT = 0.561AC3.0751, R2 = 0.7968, p &lt;0.05; hembras, PT = 0.0834AC2.9077, R2 = 0.7589, p &lt;0.05). En hembras se estimó una K= 0.90 años-1 y L∞ = 169 mm, en los machos fue K = 1.20 años-1 y L∞ = 178.5 mm. Conclusiones: Las curvas de crecimiento sugirieron que C. bellicosus alcanzó su longitud máxima de 2.5 a 3 años. La proporción de sexos de 0.81 H : 1 M fue significativa (X2 (0.05, 11) = 19.675, X2 observada = 58.481, p &lt; 0.05

    Aspectos de la biología de las jaibas del género callinectes en el Estero El Conchalito, Ensenada de La Paz, B.C.S.

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