43 research outputs found

    Flocking Behaviour: Agent-Based Simulation and Hierarchical Leadership

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    We have studied how leaders emerge in a group as a consequence of interactions among its members. We propose that leaders can emerge as a consequence of a self-organized process based on local rules of dyadic interactions among individuals. Flocks are an example of self-organized behaviour in a group and properties similar to those observed in flocks might also explain some of the dynamics and organization of human groups. We developed an agent-based model that generated flocks in a virtual world and implemented it in a multi-agent simulation computer program that computed indices at each time step of the simulation to quantify the degree to which a group moved in a coordinated way (index of flocking behaviour) and the degree to which specific individuals led the group (index of hierarchical leadership). We ran several series of simulations in order to test our model and determine how these indices behaved under specific agent and world conditions. We identified the agent, world property, and model parameters that made stable, compact flocks emerge, and explored possible environmental properties that predicted the probability of becoming a leader.Flocking Behaviour; Hierarchical Leadership; Agent-Based Simulation; Social Dynamics

    Dominance hierarchy and spatial distribution in captive red-capped mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus torquatus): Testing Hemelrijk's agent-based model

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    We empirically tested Hemelrijk's agent-based model (Hemelrijk 1998), in which dyadic agonistic interaction between primate-group subjects determines their spatial distribution and whether or not the dominant subject has a central position with respect to the other subjects. We studied a group of captive red-capped mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus torquatus) that met the optimal conditions for testing this model (e.g. a linear dominance hierarchy). We analyzed the spatial distribution of the subjects in relation to their rank in the dominance hierarchy and the results confirmed the validity of this model. In accordance with Hemelrijk's model (Hemelrijk 1998), the group studied showed an ambiguity-reducing strategy that led to non-central spatial positioning on the part of the dominant subject, thus confirming the model indirectly. Nevertheless, for the model to be confirmed directly, the group has to adopt a risk-sensitive strategy so that observers can study whether dominant subjects develop spatial centrality. Our study also demonstrated that agent-based models are a good tool for the study of certain complex behaviors observed in primates because these explanatory models can help formulate suggestive hypotheses for exploring new lines of research in primatology

    Exercicis d'Introducció al Mètode Científic

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    Aquest document conté un recull d'exercicis fonamentats en la lectura d'articles i la visualització de documentals i/o pel·lícules que permeten a l'estudiant treballar els conceptes fonamentals del mètode científic

    Conducta agonista en Betta splendens

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    Pràctiques d’Etologia i Evolució de la ConductaAquest document conté el guió de pràctiques " Conducta agonista en Betta splendens" i la guia del professor

    Comunicació intraespecífica en insectes

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    Pràctiques d’Etologia i Evolució de la ConductaAquest document conté el guió de pràctiques " Comunicació intraespecífica en insectes", un manual d'ús del programari a utilitzar en les pràctiques i guia del professor

    Fitxa tècnica d'un test

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    Aquest document de treball permet a l'alumne familiaritzar-se en l'ús de material psicomètric com instrument de mesura psicològic

    Conducta de ximpanzés (Pan troglodytes)

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    Pràctiques d’Etologia i Evolució de la ConductaAquest document conté el guió de pràctiques " Conducta de ximpanzés" i la guia del professor

    Conducta de la gavineta de tres dits (Rissa tridactyla)

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    Pràctiques d’Etologia i Evolució de la ConductaAquest document conté el guió de pràctiques " Conducta de la gavineta de tres dits (Rissa tridactyla)" i la guia del professor

    Efectos de las actividades estructuradas en el patio sobre la conducta desafiante de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual

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    Organizar las variables contextuales o de antecedente (operaciones motivadoras) puede tener un impacto en la ocurrencia de las conductas desafiantes que presenta el alumnado con discapacidad intelectual. El presente estudio pretende explorar hasta qué punto el patio estructurado tiene un impacto sobre dichas conductas, actuando así como operación motivadora sobre la conducta desafiante. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una intervención con un diseño ABAB. Los resultados indican que la ocurrencia de las conductas desafiantes disminuye cuando el patio presenta distintas actividades. Los resultados obtenidos se discuten de acuerdo con la literatura vigente. Sin duda, enriquecer los contextos educativos y adecuarlos a las necesidades conductuales de los alumnos es fundamental para crear entornos seguros, positivos y preventivos

    Understanding the UV luminescence of zinc germanate: The role of native defects

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    Achieving efficient and stable ultraviolet emission is a challenging goal in optoelectronic devices. Herein, we investigate the UV luminescence of zinc germanate Zn2GeO4 microwires by means of photoluminescence measurements as a function of temperature and excitation conditions. The emitted UV light is composed of two bands (a broad one and a narrow one) associated with the native defects structure. In addition, with the aid of density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the energy positions of the electronic levels related to native defects in Zn2GeO4 have been calculated. In particular, our results support that zinc interstitials are the responsible for the narrow UV band, which is, in turn, split into two components with different temperature dependence behaviour. The origin of the two components is explained on the basis of the particular location of Zn_i in the lattice and agrees with DFT calculations. Furthermore, a kinetic luminescence model is proposed to ascertain the temperature evolution of this UV emission. These results pave the way to exploit defect engineering in achieving functional optoelectronic devices to operate in the UV region