340 research outputs found

    What’s in a name: conceptions of personalized medicine and their ethical implications

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    Medicine is said to be moving rapidly down the road towards personalization, but it is not entirely clear how we are to understand this term, or its implications for ethics. In understanding the concept of personalized medicine there are multiple possible interpretations of ‘personalization’ at stake. These may in turn presuppose different concepts of ‘person’, with resulting variations in the ethical implications

    Genomica, saude pública e identidade

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    This paper questions the utility of the ethical principles that are usually invoked to deal with genomic issues, particularly genetic databases. Concepts such as solidarity, benefit sharing, equity, public participation, and collective identity are discussed. The author argues that genetic banks are precipitating new concern over group interest, as opposed to concern over issues arising from individualistic medical ethics. Genomics era needs new paradigms in ethics. Anindividualistic approach based on choice and autonomy is not useful, because we make choices not only as individuals but also as members of different groups. The doctrine of informed consent evolved in different historical conditions from the ones we face in the era of genomics. This is complicated by the global context of genetic research, in addition to powerful commercial interests. This suggests that it is not sufficient to move from an individual-centred ethic approach to a more community-centred one; an approach of renegotiating the relationship between individual and community. We need also to be clear about what the interests at stake are, which may mean reconceiving the terms ‘individual' and ‘community' in this context and the ways in which their interests are affected, identifying the sources of collective identity that are at stakeEste artículo cuestiona la utilidad de los principios éticos que son generalmente aludidos para abordar problemas de genómica, particularmente los de bancos de datos genéticos. Conceptos como solidaridad, compartir los beneficios, equidad, participación pública e identidad colectiva son discutidos. La autora sugiere que los bancos de datos genéticos están generando nuevas preocupaciones sobre los intereses del grupo, preocupaciones opuestas a lostemas de una ética médica ind ividualista. La era de la genómica necesita nuevos paradigmas éticos. Un enfoque individualista basado en la elección y la autonomía no es útil, puesto que tomamos decisiones no sólo como individuossino también como miembros de diferentes grupos. La doctrina del consentimiento informado surgió en condiciones históricas diferentes de las que enfrentamos en la era de la genómica. Esto se complica por el contexto global de la investigación genómica y la presencia de poderosos intereses comerciales. Ello sugiere que no es suficiente moverse desde un enfoque centrado en el individuo a un enfoque más centrado en la comunidad; uno de renegociación de la relación entre individuo y comunidad. Necesitamos también tener claro cuáles son los intereses en riesgo, lo que puede significar redefinir los términos "individuo" y "comunidad" en este contexto y los modos en que sus intereses pueden ser afectados, identificando las fuentes de identidad colectiva que están en riesgo.Esse artigo questíona a utilidade dos princípios éticos que se aludem geralmente para abordar problemas do genoma, em particular os de bases de dados genéticas. Conceitos tão a solidariedade, a dividir os benefícios, a equidade, a participação pública, e a identidade coletiva pública tratam. O autora sugire que as bases de dados genéticas estão gerando novas inquietudes pelos juros do grupo, inquietudes opostas aos temas de uma ética médica individualista. A era da genômica necessita de novos paradigmas éticos. Um enfoque individualista baseado na a eleição e a autonomia não é útil, porque nós tomamos decisões não apenas como indivíduos como também como membros de diferentes grupos. A doutrina do consentimento fundamentado surgiu em diferentes condições históricas das quais nós olhamos na era da genômica. Isto se complica mais pelo contexto global da pesquisa genômica e da presença de juros comerciais potentes. Isto indica que não é suficiente de mover de um enfoque estado centrado no indivíduo a um enfoque mais centrado na comunidade; um de renegociação da relação entre individuo e a comunidade. Nós necessitamos estar também seguros o qual são os juros em risco, que pode significar redefinindo os terminos do "indivíduo" e a "comunidade" nesse contexto e as modalidades nestes seus juros podem ser afetados, identificando as fontes de identidade coletiva que estão em risco

    What mental pictures do seventh and eighth grade students have concerning certain groups of people

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    Thesis (Ed. M.)--Boston University, 195

    Cybersmart: Learning Online Safety

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    U članku se - polazeći od shvaćanja bioetike kao discipline koja se bavi proučavanjem etičkih, socijalnih, pravnih, filozofskih i drugih pitanja što se pojavljuju u zdravstvenoj skrbi i u biološkim znanostima - raspravlja o etičkoj teoriji u bioteci i njezinoj uglavnom deduktivističkoj uporabi u praksi te o ograničenostima medicine koje su određene i moralnim čimbenicima. Težište je autorove rasprave na problemu neplodnosti i njegovoj socijalnoj i etičkoj analizi.In the article, the author, comrneneinq with a view of bioethics as a discipline engaged in studies of ethical, social, legal, philosophical and other issues occurring in health care and biological sciences, discusses the ethical theory in bioethics and its mostly deductive use in practice, as well as the limits of medicine determined by moral factors. The author\u27s debate focusses on the problem of infertility and its social and ethical analysis.DieVerfasserin geht von der Auffassung aus, wonach die Bioethik eine Disziplin ist, die sich der Untersuchung ethischer, sozialer, rechtlicher, philosophischer und anderer Fragen, die in der GesundheitsfQrsorge sowie in den biologischen Wissenschaften auftreten, widmet. ErOrtert werden die Ethische Theorie in der Bioethik und ihre vorwiegend deduktivistische Anwendung in der Praxis sowie die Grenzen der Medizin, die auch durch moralische Faktoren bestimmt werden. Der Schwerpunkt des Artikels liegt im Problem der Unfruchtbarkeit und in dessen sozialer und ethischer Analyse

    Development and assessment of scientific literacy for secondary level science education

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    Scientific literacy is widely regarded as an important goal of science education. Scientific literacy is a range of scientific skills and knowledge that an individual has developed, which allow them to contribute to, and receive enrichment from society (OECD, 2013). However, the best way to achieve this goal remains contentious. This thesis explores the development and assessment of scientific literacy in summative, written exams and through approaches using inquiry in the context of socioscientific issues (SSI), in secondary school contexts. Case studies explored the teacher and student experience of inquiry in the context of SSI and findings indicated that a range of skills were developed and assessed, and scientific knowledge was demonstrated which considered implications for society. The teachers’ pedagogical approach related to the level of inquiry and authenticity of the SSI contexts used, and these pedagogical approaches had a large influence on the skills and knowledge developed and assessed. Findings relating to the teacher and student experience in secondary school contexts informed the design of a module for pre-service science teachers. This module aimed to develop and assess the skills and knowledge of scientific literacy in PSTs as learners and develop the PSTs’ pedagogical approach to inquiry in the context of SSI as teachers. Findings indicated that the PSTs successfully combined experimental inquiry with authentic SSI contexts and in doing so developed a range of skills and knowledge as learners. The PSTs also developed as teachers, and there was evidence of changes in the pedagogical approaches, from structured inquiry approaches to guided approaches. This research culminates in the presentation of a Framework for Scientific Literacy, informed by literature research and the studies described in the thesis. This framework describes scientific literacy on an individual and societal level, and discusses the pedagogical approaches that best develop scientific literacy in both secondary school and tertiary level learners

    Response to Ruud ter Meulen

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    The Communitarian Turn: Myth or Reality?

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    From ELSA to responsible research and Promisomics

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